
Chapter 119

Chapter 30 – A Fate Decided 

“Revenge, the sweetest morsel to the mouth that ever was cooked in hell.” -Walter Scott 

(Content Warning: Mentions of S*xual Assault and Violence. Reader discretion is advised.) 


After a while, Kiya told me to leave. 




I didn’t want to, but I respected her wishes and left the kitchen after I cleaned up the shattered glass. Her soft sobbing started up again as I walked up the stairs. 

Kiya’s right. No amount of apologies can erase the brutal past. It’s a failed Band–Aid trying to hold broken pieces together. Have we damaged Kiya beyond redemption? She’s destined to be a fantastic Luna. However, it doesn’t seem fair for her to rule over a pack that frayed her spirit. 

Inha Neron 

I need to speak to Alpha Neron, regardless of how late it is. 

Wiping my tears, I worked up the courage to walk to his room. It’s on the farther end of the fourth floor. Brisk walking toward the thick mahogany door, I lightly knocked. Wolves hate being awoken from their sleep, but I’m taking my chances

“Alpha Neron?” I whisper. “I’m sorry for disturbing you, but I need to talk to you.” 


I knocked harder. No response. 

Giving up wasn’t an option. We need to discuss Tristan’s fate and Kiya’s well–being for the rest of her stay. Killing Tristan with my bare claws is an exciting thought–to make him feel all the agony he put my sister through. I’d sacrifice myself if it meant Kiya can genuinely smile again

She doesn’t deserve any of this. 

Frustrated, I resorted to the mind–link. “Alpha Neron? Are you awake?” 

“Yes, Raina.” voice was hard and emotionless. Cyra whimpered in fear. “What is it?” 


“I apologize, but I’m wondering if we can talk?” 

“I’m busy.” 

“Where are you?” 

“In the dungeons.” 

“…Can I come?” 

“Suit yourself.” 

The dungeons. The horrific underground cells where we’d imprison criminals. Once upon a time, Kiya was forced to call it home. After her suicide, I couldn’t bear to 

be anywhere near the place because I couldn’t face 

+10 Bonu 

the shame. Guilt consumed me then, and it still has a ferocious appetite. Now, I found a reason to go. 

Entering the basement, I spot a heavy steel door. Behind it lay the aforementioned dungeons. My fingers trembled on the knob, but my comfort didn’t matter. 

I need to do this. 

A foul stench assaulted my nose when I forced the entranceway open. Blood, feces, and other bodily fluids. intermingled into the dense atmosphere. F*cking hell, how could we force Kiya to live like this for nearly a decade? 

We’re horrible people! 


Thank Goddess for slippers because afterward, I’ll burn this pair. The stairs creaked with my descending steps, making my presence known to the other miscellaneous prisoners we kept here. Neron’s earthly scent is sharp and distinct under the offensive miasma. I followed it to the end of the prisons where various grunts and yells 

ricocheted off the cement walls. 

I walked in on a horror scene. Tristan, broken beyond humanly possible, was shackled to the wall by his wrists: and ankles with his body angled forward. Judging by the faint smell of burnt flesh, the chains are silver. His face is bruised and unrecognizable, and black and blue decorated his pale flesh. Above him stood my Alpha, shirtless with blood splattered over his chest and fists. 

“Alpha Neron…” I whispered, almost terrified to take another step into the cell. He turned to me with blue eyes, cold and void of emotion. “What’s happening here?” This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

“Catching up with an old friend.” He smirked amusingly, sending my heart racing with fear. “And I couldn’t sleep, so I thought I’d come here and work up a sweat.” 

Tristan moaned and spat red next to a pool of blood and broken teeth. “My Alpha, stop this. You aren’t in your right mind!” 

“Stop?” Neron asked, his voice taking on a mocking tone. “Kiya told you to stop. Many times. But, you didn’t. 

So why should I?” 

I winced at the sound of fists to flesh. He landed a solid punch to Tristan’s face, bruising the bruises. It’s painful to watch, but I forced myself to look; I remind myself that Tristan deserves to feel the Alpha’s wrath. He doesn’t deserve mercy. 

“Goddamnit!” Tristan screamed. “Let me heal!” 

“Healing is a luxury that you can’t afford.” Rolling his eyes, Neron walked to a corner and grabbed a wooden chair. Sitting with the back to his chest, he rested his thick arms on the top rail, regarding Tristan with a deadly look. “Come in, Raina.” 

Unable to resist an Alpha’s command, I entered the cell and took my place next to him. The closer I was to Tristan, the more jubilant my heart became. Cyra is excited as she growled at the rapist. He used to be a handsome older man, but now, he’s a shell of his former self. 

“You can’t do this to me.” Tristan hissed painfully. “Your father won’t allow this.” 

“My father can’t and won’t do shit. I’m the Alpha and you’ll listen to me.” Neron is breathing heavily like he’s holding back. His wolf, Onyx, is a beast in his right. Holding Cyra back from attacking was difficult, but 

Chapter 30: & Fate Decided 



nowhere near how Neron had to hold Onyx back. “There is one way you can escape this, Tristan.” 


His good eye looked up curiously. The other is swollen shut. “Is this some sort of trick? Are you f*cking with me? You spent the last half hour beating the shit out of me!” 

“Shut up. What I did to you was nothing compared to what Kiya did. And might I add, she did quite a number on you. 

simpressive.” Neron chuckled. “But, enough with that. The only way for you to get out is if you 



“To what you did to my mate and I’ll set you free.” 

He couldn’t be serious. Is he negotiating freedom with a rapist?! Tristan can and will go after Kiya again! His assaults only stopped because she died, but Tristan will rape her again if free! 

“Say nothing,” Neron warned me through mind–link. “I can sense your anger, Raina. I know what I’m doing.” 

“Could’ve fooled me.” 

Tristan stared at Neron, and then at me, and scoffed. He shook his head, albeit painfully, in utter disbelief. “I’ve done nothing to that girl. Must you believe baseless accusations from an unstable girl?” 

“She’s a woman,” Neron corrected. “And you’re calling my mate a liar?” 

Tristan sighed, aware of the edge of anger in Neron’s voice. Insulting an Alpha’s beloved is equal to asking for a death wish. He gulped, rethinking his words. “I’m saying is that you can’t believe wild allegations without gathering circumstantial evidence. I’ve raped no one, my Alpha. Why would I bring dishonor to the Zircon name? Your father treated me kindly. I’ve expected the same courtesy from you. Doesn’t everyone have a right to a trial?” 

Goddess, I wanted to claw his face off! 

“They do. But, sometimes, a trial isn’t needed. A simple confession from the alleged perpetrator is worth more in weight. And rape is a very serious crime, no matter how long ago it took place. However, the age of the victim does matter. Kiya was seventeen when she passed away. She said the assaults took place for three years, which means she was fifteen when it began. She was under mating age, thus, still a child.” 

The first time I saw Kiya shift was when Orion challenged her a couple months back. Before that, I don’t know. how or when. The thought of her shifting alone in a cell when it should’ve been a celebratory event brought tears to my eyes again

We took everything from her. 

“I’m aware of that.” 

“And you’re aware of the consequences?” 


“Good.” Neron stretched his arms behind his head. “Raina is a witness to your acknowledgments. If you decide to claim that you weren’t aware of the rules and laws that govern us, my Beta Female can and will prove you wrong. But, given that you were a guard, remembering our laws wouldn’t be difficult. Now…” 

Chapter 10 A. Late Decided. 



Neron slowly emerged from his seat with dominance and fear radiating off him. Tristan’s next words will determine his late. I’ve watched my Alpha grow incredibly protective over Kiya these last few months–lik02:41 she’s his most precious treasure. As her fury rocked the pack, he endured it all to prove that he’s a changed man who won’t let harm come to her. 

He loves her. 

I watched as he kneeled in front of Tristan, grabbing his chin to still his face. From the corner of his eyes, hist blue irises flashed to sharp gold. The beat–up guard whimpered under his gaze, bowing his head into submission. I know the bastard was lying to save his ass–typical of cowards to pin the blame on someone else to make themselves look good. 

But no wolf can resist the command of an Alpha, especially if they’re bonded to the same pack. He’s done for. 

“Let’s cut to the chase.” Neron’s nails dug into his chin, forcing his head up again. “I’ll ask you a simple question and if you lie to me, you’ll be begging for death. Did you rape my mate?” 

Silence permeated between the smelly, enclosed space of the prison. Tension thickened and anticipation skyrocketed. I wait in bated breath for Tristan’s confession because Kiya wouldn’t lie about this. I believe Tristan hurt her, yet I know my belief came too late. 

We waited. 

Until Tristan lost his mind and began struggling. The Alpha’s command worked its magic. 

“Fine! You want the truth? Yes, I had s*x with the little bitch. She wanted it! That whore was so desperate for affection that she latched onto me! You know how horny teenage werewolves are!” 

Tristan laughed like a maniac, boisterous. “You should be proud, Alpha Neron. She’s quite the screamer. Just because I made her bleed a few times, she can run around and call it rape? The bitch is a troublemaker! Ever 

but trouble! Our pack was peaceful before her sorry ass came back from the dead! Is it worth the trouble to keep someone like that around?” 

since she arrived, she brought nothin 

He shrugs nonchalantly. “But hey, the troublesome girls are also good f*cks. She should be grateful someone wanted her body before you did.” 

“I’ll kill you!” I lost it. F*ck Neron’s command; I wanted this son–of–a–bitch’s blood! Cyra is partially in 

control, boiling in a rage with the desire to take Tristan’s life. Without hesitation, I slashed at his flesh with my claws, welcoming his blood on my pajamas. Each slash echoed Kiya’s painful cries. Each tear that fell from my eyes pulsated with my failure. All the rage I felt for my sister I clawed into the bastard, aiming for his 


I know I’m going to hell, but I’m sending Tristan there in a f*cking handbasket! He holds no regrets about what he’s done! He’ll wish he hadn’t messed with my family! 

“Evil monster! You’ll never hurt her again!” 

“That’s enough, Raina.” Effortlessly, my Alpha grabbed me by the waist and pulled me away as I thrashed, screamed, and cried for Kiya. For my incompetence and my part in allowing this monster to live. For ruining my sister’s life. 

I wish it was me with the agony, not her. 

Chapter 30 A Fat Decided 



Neron continued to hold me until I calmed down. Sniffling and huffing, I relaxed my thrashing arms and legs) as I’m partially suspended in the air. “Finished?” 


“Yes,” I replied weakly. He released me gently and turned his attention back to the sorry excuse of a werewolf. 

“Your execution will take place the day after tomorrow,” Neron says emotionlessly. “You’ll be killed in front of the entire pack for your crimes, your body will burn to ash, and your they’ll be scattered far away from my lands. I’ll be praying to the Moon Goddess for your punishment in the afterlife.” 

“You’re going to kill me?!” 

“No.” He shook his head. “Kiya will be your executioner.” 

Neron turned around and walked out of the cell until Tristan said something that shook him to the core. 

“Your father said we could do anything we wanted with the slave. You all were already beating the living shit out of her, so why couldn’t I have a little fun? No real man wants sloppy seconds.” 

After my Alpha beat the shit out of Tristan more, we walked up the stairs in silence. We emerged in the basement. Once the prison door closed, I broke down again. 

“He doesn’t regret a f*cking thing!” I hiccupped. “Why didn’t you let me kill him?!” 

“Raina, listen to me.” Gold is back to mellow blue, shining with emotion. “Take a shower and find solstice in your husband’s arms. Take care of yourself. Tristan will be dealt with later.” 

“What about your dad?” 

His jaw worked tight with anger. “I’ll deal with him.” 

“Why set his execution for the day after tomorrow? Why not in the morning?” 

“Because I want to tear him apart, stitch him together, and tear him apart again.” He answered calmly, rubbing his knuckles. “And I need to ask Kiya if she wants to be the one to kill him. If she doesn’t, then I will. Rapists are scum. We’ll be doing the world a favor.” 

I retreated to my room. My body is heavy with aches and pains, and I needed my husband’s gentle scent. Peeking inside, Valerian is still asleep. Taking a quick shower and stuffing my bloodied pajamas in the clothes hamper, I change into a green nightgown and snuggled into my beloved’s chest. 

“Where did you go?” Valerian asked, half–asleep. “Hmm…you smell nice…” 

“I had to take care of something.” I k*ssed him softly. “Go back to sleep, my love.” 

My sleepy husband fell back to sleep but it took me some time before I could. 

Because all my thoughts were on Kiya. 


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