
Chapter 155


Oh Kiya, I hope you’re alright. We all miss you so much

As we drew closer, screaming perforated my eardrums, steadily growing in volume and intensity. Innocent men and women grabbed their loved ones and retreated to safety when I arrived on the mainland. My hands clasped around my throat as the air thickened with disorder. Omar and Amani guided children and our pack’s most vulnerable to the underground bunkers; a frequented place that they all are very familiar with, mellowing the panic. 

A horrid scent assaulted my nose, and my heart dropped in a sea of despair. Blood mingling with death, coming in at all directions. Whoever or whatever is attacking has gotten their hands on my people! 

“Alpha!” Omar yelled, leaving his wife’s side. His dark, aged face contorted in dread. His eyes met with Lorelai’s, panic increasing. “Lori-” 

“I know.” She and Kwame shared a brief kiss before she and her pregnant belly were guided to safety. Worry perspired out of my Gamma, his heart at ease knowing his wife and unborn child are safe. 

“The attack happened no less than fifteen minutes ago.” Omar explained. “Our enemy blends seamlessly in the shadows, slaughtering anyone in their way. We’ve lost patrols and warriors. Some older men and women, sadly, fell victim as well. There is no definitive number on our casualties.” 

I grit my teeth, feeling the anger bubble at my core. Already, the bonds between those members and their life snapped like weak twigs. “Thank you, Omar.” 

“I apologize for not sounding the alarm earlier.” 

“You’ve done all you can, Dad.” Kwame spoke, patting his old man’s arm. “Now, you and Mom need to get to 

safety.” The couple retreated without hesitation. 

“We can’t see the enemy, eh?” Sapphire asked, arching a knowing eyebrow. “Not for long.” 

Knowing well what she meant, I allowed Onyx to take over. With a keen eye and superior night vision, he homes in on the enemies blending in the dark. Multiple enemies. Growls erupted from most of the Garnet Moon team, including my wolves as their eyes shined like diamonds. Their wolves are out. 

We’re used to rogues attacking, but rarely full–bodied enemies. 

And it made the hairs on the back of my neck rise. 

Running isn’t an option. I don’t know what they want, but their lives are on the chopping block and I have the hatchet. My warriors who helped guide the pack members to safety bristled and spreading about, prepared to face the onslaught head on. Shuffling echoed widely in the forest, the enemy getting in formation. No longer will they harm the innocent because they’re facing the big, bad wolves aching to drench their claws in maroon–coated revenge. 

Before anyone could react, a deep, loud, rumbling cackle knifed through the blackened air, gripping at our spines. Dripping with venom and malice. The laughter belonged to a madman high on illicit drugs, yet a simple sound revealed the owner’s true intention. It mocked us. 

Mocked me. 

I was a comedy act, and it was the spectator. Onyx was ready to pounce, but I peeled back his control and took the driver’s seat. The monster in charge was here while his army waited for his signal, hidden behind obscurity and oak barks. 

“Show yourself!” I roared, hands balling up into fists at my sides

“My, my, aren’t you eager to meet me, Alpha?” The familiar voice chuckled. “How does it feel to watch one miracle happen only to land yourself in hell?” 

Darkness shifted before my eyes like graphics on a computer game, bending and twisting to a silent tune. The Garnet Moon team took a couple steps back, vigilant of what is about to appear in front of us. Valerian pushed Raina behind him, and Kwame watched the scene with profound scrutiny. Is this magic at play? Or some other sickly force I know nothing about? 

I wanted to believe a monster would walk out of the dancing shadows, but what emerged was worse. The humans say that the worst of the world’s beast takes on human form. A man walked out of the mystifying shadows like he owned the world, dressed more like a regal dark prince than a wild beast. Hair as white as snow and mouth lined with pearls glowed in the darkness while his flesh melted into it. But what captured my attention the most were his eyes

Eyes as red as blood. 

Onyx stood on all fours in my mind, growling loud as the menace before me. With a smile that would make the devil weep, his eyes scoped the area before huffing through his nose. “Oh, you could have done much better with your army, Alpha Neron. I thought you had better taste.” 


My breath hitched in my throat, and my posture stiffened. I’ve never seen this man before in my life, but he knew of me? I fought every instinct firing in my body to attack, but I needed answers. Answers that alluded me for weeks after my mind was obliterated with Kiya’s status. 

“Do not attack unless I give a signal.” I tell my members through mind–link, smelling the anticipation and anger rolling off their flesh in waves. “Who the hell are you?” 

“The barbarism of a true Alpha alludes you. So damn demanding.” The man sighed mockingly, flipping his colorless tresses behind his ear. Allow me to introduce myself, properly. My name is Osiris–the avatar of Apophis; and I’ve been dying to meet you.” 

I lost all rationale. Onyx demanded his head on a silver platter for him to feast on. That demented name that haunted the air of my land and tormented the mind of my mate. The beast in human skin. A devil in his own right. The bastard who stole Kiya from all of i 

us! Exclusive © content by N(ô)ve/l/Drama.Org.

YOU!” Onyx’s and I’s voices sandwiched together in our righteous fury. I would’ve pounced on the bastard if Valerian and Kwame hadn’t held me back by the arms. My men know me and my instincts too well. Even Raina bristled, her delicate face contorting in her own anger. “Where the f*ck is Kiya?! What have you done to her?! Give her back to us!” 

The Garnet Moon members beside me restrained themselves as their wolves threatened to leap out of their skins. Beta Jacqueline is lucky to have Beta Female Abigail at her side, but even she is having trouble resisting. Osiris is aware of our struggle and released a hearty laugh, holding his stomach. 

“What’s wrong, little mutts?” He taunted us. “Are you afraid to attack me?” His rubies found me again. “My Little Moon isdoing well. Very well. But the weakling you knew no longer exists. And you have no chance in hell in getting her back.” 

A door hinge squeaked. Then two, three, many. When I turned my head, my jaw dropped to the ground. All pack members, minus children, young teenagers, and pregnant women marched out of hiding like organized zombies, row after row. My soldiers fell into the same state, slackening their stances and dropping weapons. They formed rows and columns behind my team and Garnet, eyes hollow and bodies stiff as if they’re waiting for an order from a higher power. 

“What are you doing, Osiris?!” I demanded, feeling Onyx claw at my defenses. 

“Me?” He feigned innocence, a dark hand over his heart. “Why, I have done nothing, Alpha. But it appears my lady has come out and play.” 

High–pitched feminine giggles resounded in the air, surrounding me at all sides. It is consuming, bone- chilling, and fear–inducing. A frigid chill swam down my spine, and Onyx broke his stance as my fear touched his soul. The laughter was familiar, and it froze every nerve and synapse in my body. Everyone grew frightful, trembling as if they knew who the laughter belonged to. 

Then it happened. 

A colossal weight landed in front of us in a mighty crash, picking up dust and debris from the darkened ground. The force propelled us back on our asses, blowing us away. Dirt rained on our faces. My members still stood in their places as frozen statues. I couldn’t hear a single exhale. 

“Thank you, Cerberus! You’re such a sweetheart!” 

My heart dropped like a bomb. Obliterating in a fiery explosion with no hopes of recovery. 

That voice. It couldn’t be! It can’t be! 

“No…” I heard Raina whimper behind me. 

When the dust cleared, I saw her. Cerberus held her up with one arm as she sat with her arms around his thick neck. Osiris walked over and took her hand into his, helping her as she landed on her black heels that raised her stature a few inches. Stained with splatters of blood, her black dress blended into the night, exposing almost every scar that ever marred her bronzed flesh. Her ebony hair lost all its coils and curls, flowing down to the middle of her back with a lone braid sitting on her left shoulder. A snake emblem slithered from the back of her hand toward her right shoulder, menacing. 

Her eyes. The rich, dark browns I love so much are gone; replaced by menacing red full of sinister intentions 

and hatred.. 

Kiya. My Kiya! 

Piercing red rubies scanned the crowd until she said the one word that broke my focus. Kneel.” 

All the Zircon Moon members dropped to one knee and bowed their heads at her single command. Some shook while some cried silent tears. I couldn’t believe what I’m seeing! My heart constricted in my chest and it became tough to breathe. The amount of power vibrating through the air, coming from my beloved, is astronomical

And it scared the living shit out of me. Especially since that mischievous smile on her face shows she 

than enthusiastic over the outcome. 

is more 

“What did he do to her?!” Onyx bellowed, his voice taking on an unnatural soprano braided with shock. When Osiris raised Kiya’s hand to his lips and planted a kiss on her pliant flesh, eyeing me with victory, Onyx lost it. “I’ll f*cking kill him!” 

Literally thrown into the back seat, Onyx took complete control and launched himself at Osiris with claws out and jaw frothing. He wanted his head. I wanted his head! His grimy hands ruined our mate and turned her…. 

into this! 

However, Onyx’s conquest ended abruptly when we were thrown back on our back after Kiya drop–kicked us in 

the chest. 

“Control your f*cking dog, Alpha.” My mate hissed as I winced from the pain. “Better yet, the rest of you should kneel as well. It’s only fair.” 

Cold and pulsating energy suddenly flooded my body, clouding all my senses under an impenetrable haze. Onyx whimpered, bowing and tilting his head to the side to show his surrender. He never surrenders–not even to me or my father! Unable to control my body, I followed suit with one knee bent and head lowered. From my peripherals, everybody else, including the Garnet Moon team, followed with signs of considerable 


It didn’t hurt, but no wolf likes to be controlled. 

“K–Kiya…” Beta Jacqueline croaked out, unable to balance her voice. “What are you doing? This isn’t you!” 

“It is, Jackie.” She answered with a slight pep in her voice. “And I’m not Kiya anymore; at least, the one that you knew. Call me…Lady Sanguine.” 

“The air is ripe and rich of cowardice tonight!” She proclaimed, delighted. “It is never a dull moment to see a pack boasting about their strength and honor bow before their superiors. It must feel humiliating–to have your bodily autonomy controlled and dictated by someone else, hmm?” 

Struggling to raise my head, I only held it for half a second before being compelled to bow again. I watched Kiya’s heels click against the grass, walking around as if she’s examining the crowd. A deep hum sang from her throat. Like she’s deep in thought. 

“The kings and queens become peasants. The soldiers become weaklings, and the hunters become the hunted.” A delightful giggle escaped her lips. On either side, my Beta and Gamma shook violently, trying to fight the control my mate placed over us. She is hellbent on making us submit. Even Onyx shook. From anger or fear, I don’t know. 

Nothing seemed real anymore! 

“I’m in the mood for a game.” She declared. “We’re going to play an old favorite. I’m certain my lovely sister can recall such an activity. “The Hunt‘?” Raina whimpered in absolute shame; it broke my already shattered heart. “Once the game starts, all of you will run for your miserable lives while I, or our loyal subjects, chase you down like the pathetic mutts you are. I can’t guarantee that you’ll live to tell the tale of your capture. Get caught, and you’re finished. Permanently.” 

“N–no!” Darien strained. “Kiya, this is wrong! You can’t kill everyone!” 

“Watch me.” She growled. “Actually, you all will do just that.” Tossing my head up, I witnessed the Garnet Moon members plus my Gamma being compelled to walk and stand against the trees as the shadows in the forest bound them with what I believe is rope. Kiya reinforced the bindings with her powers. 

Now, I realized who was left behind to play the game. 

Everybody who has ever hurt her in the past. 

Kiya is exacting her years–long revenge. And Osiris simply watches like a bemused child. 

“Elder Sage, stand up.” 

Turning my head to my left, I watched as the damned Elder rose to his feet; lips glued together, failing to keep his struggles and whimpers at bay. My mate reached for something latched around her thigh and pulled out a bloodstained blade. The metallic stench wafted up my nose. 

Including who it belonged to. 

“In case you all didn’t get the memo…” She flung her dagger with an expert toss that lodged the blade deep in Elder Sage’s neck. My heart stopped as he choked on his own blood, gurgles echoing. Sage’s body slumped to 


the ground like a sack of potatoes, dead and bleeding. Walking over, she pulled the blade out and flicked the blood away as if it disgusted her. 

“You all should start running.” 

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