
Chapter 192

Chapter 7 – My Humanity

“One love, one heart, one destiny.”-Robert Marley


I couldn’t get over what happened at the beach. A brand-new day was ahead, but my mind was stuck on last night.

A g**d could be after me. A full-bodied, breathing, angry deity.

What the hell did I do this time?

Artemis’ paws pounded against the forest floor as her snow-white coat raced through the trees. The early morning sun spilled through the gaps between the redwood jungle and the birds’ morning song filled our ears. My wolf and I took advantage of the privacy of the silent land until the soldiers woke up for their training. Artemis ducked under branches, jumped over logs, and s**d protruding roots. Her panting filled my ears while I sat with my thoughts.

I wasn’t sure if I could become the avatar my species needed again. Osiris’ sinister touch made a lasting impact on me and my family. His evil vanished with his life, but it didn’t repair the damage he had done to me. Through intensive therapy with Mayra, I’ve learned to pick up the pieces of my life and glue them back together. And I was satisfied with the life I have without worrying about an imminent threat targeting me.

But, because I pi**d off a g*d, that peace threatened to shatter again. I couldn’t catch a da**n break if it hit me in my face.

“An avatar’s job is never done,” Artemis said as she gradually tame to a stop, lifting her head to the canopy. She trotted to an adjacent pond and drunk out of it. “I can’t say that I was suspecting a g**d out of all things, but everyone can’t feel the change in the air.”

“Is it wrong to wish for some normalcy?” I asked. “We’ve worked way too hard to rebuild our life for a deity with a chip on their shoulder to ruin it. I just wish fate did not call us to be avatars again so soon.”

“You and I both know our lives won’t ever be normal, no matter how much we beg for it.” Artemis huffed, resting her body on the ground with her head on her paws. “I, too, wish for our peace to last a little longer. We did good for ourselves, but most importantly, you, K**i. Selene wouldn’t have made you her avatar if she didn’t believe in your strength.”

“I know I’m special,” I replied sarcastically. “You know, sometimes I get jealous of our friends and family. They don’t have to carry the responsibility of being a mini goddess amongst all the wolves. Ever since we’ve reached goddesshood, it feels like the world is slowly slipping from my fingers. I don’t feel as connected to the world as I once did. This higher power flows through the both of us, and it is a part of us, but I don’t want to become it.”

“You aren’t losing your humanity, Kiya.”

“What if I am, Artemis?” Fear rested, heavily above my heart. “If we fight this g**d, what then? The only g*d who had eyes on us was Selene, and now, who knows who else? I don’t want to appear whiny or b**h*y, but I don’t know if I want to be an avatar anymore. I want peace over the power to fight g**d*s and s**t.”

“You aren’t being whiny. You’re scared of losing everything you’ve fought tooth and nail to get. I understand t


Chapter 7 – My Humanity

he enormous pressure and burden both of us have to carry. We’re always aware that we have a leg up over all werewolves, in power and strength. However, there is good that came out of all of this, and you know what they are. Being an avatar isn’t all that bad. We just… have a lot of side quests besides our main one.”

I laughed, feeling the fear diminish bit by bit. Goddess, I’m so thankful to have Artemis. She always knew what to say and when to say it. “Yeah, I can see that. I wonder what happens when we complete the main quest, you know? What do we

get at the end?”

“Well.” Artemis let out a big yawn, stretching her body and paws out like a cat, wiggling her butt and tail in the air. “All that we’ve ever wanted. You and I wished for so many things, and I’m confident we’ll get them. It’ll take time.”

“And a lot of risk. I hope we don’t have to risk our livelihoods again.”

“Be prepared if we might have to, again. There is no telling what could come out of this. Whatever comes our way, Kiya, we’ll be okay. We’re a powerhouse-no one can take us down. Many have tried.”

“And that’s why they’re dead.”


Ebony and Ivory were curled up in their cat beds when I came back from the morning run. Their little ears twitched, and heads perked shortly after I shut the dooralvory’s tail wagged idly while Ebony hopped out of her bed and stretched.

“Hi, baby.” I cooed, scratching her head. She pawed at my hands and bit my fingers, making me laugh. Ivory, envious of her sister’s attention, trotted over and demanded with a sharp meow. “So spoiled.” 1 pet the ragdoll too, watching as she stretched to butt my palm. Both cats pounced on top of my bed, snuggling under the tussled covers with their gold and blue eyes trained on my every move.

“I’ll feed you two after I shower, I promise,” I said, rummaging through my drawers for a clean towel. Both cats meowed at me as if they were saying you better or else. Chatter echoed from my window, signaling that the warriors had awoken and begun their daily bout of training. When I pulled out my towel, it pulled something heavy along with it, the corner of the object landing on my unfortunate toes.

I muttered every curse word known to man. Gritting my teeth, I glared at the culprit at my feet and my mood lightened up. It was the Legend of the White Wolf book. I haven’t cracked this thing open in a while. Picking up the book, I set my towel over the bathroom doorknob and sat on my bed, examining the leather spine.

“I wish you can tell me more…” The book was an enigma beyond my understanding. The pages sprung open after 1 nicked my finger with a needle and unlocked the magical lock. Nothing has changed since I last opened it, which was almost a year after Osiris’ death. During that time, I noticed new pages were written, speaking about the ascension to goddesshood. But it didn’t tell me anything new. I ran my fingers over the new content I read back then, the words emitting a low, silver glow. This was all the book was willing to reveal to me.

I’ll never understand this thing. Why show me what I already know? Why couldn’t the blank pages be filled with content I needed to know? Must everything be a mystery waiting to be solved?

“Fate wants you to make your own discoveries,” Artemis said.

Chapter 7 – My Humanity

“Well, I’m tired of it. Fate needs to give me directions because I’m winging everything at this point.”

“Where’s the fun in that? Don’t you want to go on new adventures and explore what humans can never reach

in their lifetime?”


I rolled my eyes, setting the book back in my drawer again. Ivory and Ebony followed me as if they had nothing else to do except bother me for food. It’ll reveal more when the time was right, whenever the hell that would be. The cryptic b**i*t was picking away at my nerves.

Suddenly, my cats stood erect on their paws, arched their backs, and hissed. A shadow loomed through my window, blocking the sunlight. I was ready, on high alert, to combat whatever my cats were on edge about, but I jumped and shrieked at the d**n intruder grinning, hanging upside down from a branch like a circus monkey.

I threw my window open, scowling at the perpetrator with hands planted on my windowsill. “Can’t you be a normal person and use the f**g door next time?”

“I don’t like to announce my arrival unless I have to.” Nuria shot me a wink. “And this is more fun!”

“You should be more careful, Nuri. What if I was naked?”

afterNôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

“I don’t mind a show.” She waggled her eyebrows suggestively, making me laugh. I shimmied out of the way opening the window wider, allowing my friend to slip through with ease. She was still more Diana than a wolf, but at least she had some courtesy as an owl. Ivory and Ebony calmed down, sitting on their butts as their tails wagged behind them. “What’s up, p**t*s?”


“What are you doing here?” I asked, walking toward my closet. “You’re a long way from home. Does Neron know you’re here?”

“Eh, what he doesn’t know can’t hurt him, right?”

“Nuria… you know how protective he is of you.”

“Yeah, yeah.” She waved it off. “He’ll know once he figures out that I took his car. Mom knows, though! Besides, he doesn’t know that I’m here to see you.”

“Interesting.” I pulled out a blue sleeveless tank and tossed it on the bed. “Is he okay? He texted me last night and said he had a bad dream, but told me not to worry about it. Should I not worry?”

Nuria pivoted on her heels, averting her eyes to avoid my gaze. Now, I was curious. She knows something but doesn’t want to tell me. Ebony walked over and pawed at the hem of her jeans, curling her tail around her ankle. I watched Nuria exhale weight off her shoulders and mustered up the fakest smile I’ve ever seen. “He’s right. He’s fine. We had a family talk with Mom last night, so there’s no need to worry.”

I arched an eyebrow. “Oh? How did that go?”

“It went well. Just… figuring stuff out that we’ve never known before.” Her smile lessened to a small one, scratching

Chapter 7 My Humanity

the back of her neck. “We’re fine, I promise.”

Liar. “Alright.”

“So, I know you’re coming to the party! Just like that, the gloomy atmosphere melted into a sunny one. “And… I was wondering if you could stay over after it?”

“Stay over? For how long?”

“A week and a half? Maybe two?” Nuria scampered over me with wide blue eyes, pursing out her quivering bottom lip as she grabbed my hands. F**g fantastic, the dreaded puppy dog stare. “Please! I promise to make it fun! Plus, it’ll be like old times again!”

“Old times….” I whispered. “Could’ve you have told me this over text? It would’ve saved you the trip.”

“Well, I… I wanted to see you.” She squeezed my hands, caressing the backs with her thumb. Her blue eyes clouded over in emotion I couldn’t decipher well. Worry? Concern? Fear? I wasn’t sure what to say, so I remained still. “You know, just to make sure you’re okay.”

“I’m always okay.” Most of the time, anyway. “Really, this could’ve been done over text, but I’m not holding it against you. This is teetering on the edge of sudden last-minute changes, but you’re not the one to plan ahead.”

“I live on the edge.” She shot me a wink and a grin. “So, will you stay over?”

“Does Neron know about this?”

“Oh, I’ll handle him. Don’t fret.”

I thought about it for a second. That meant being around Neron again after so long. I wanted to see him and his pack, yet I wasn’t sure how I fit into his picture after the separation. Would he be delighted to see me? Was he ready to see me? There was also Raina I had to think about, and Orchid, the niece I’ve never met. Is this a sign from the universe to

take this chance?

Artemis and Onyx can reunite, too. I know she misses him a lot.

“No, I don’t. I don’t miss that puppy.” Artemis scoffed.

Yes, you do. More than you think.”


“I’ll stay over.” I finally said. “Only because I have nothing to do for the next month.”

Nuria squealed and drew me into a tight hug, swinging me from side to side. I would’ve enjoyed the hug if my face wasn’t filled with two round breasts, Heat burned my cheeks when she squeezed me tighter, pressing my face further into her pillowy bosom.

This must be what heaven felt like.

“Kiya! Are you awake? I wanted to talk to- My door swung open, the wildberry scent filling the air in an instant.

Chapter 7 – My Humanity

Nuria forced me away from her, snapping her neck at Phoebe. Rumbling echoed from her chest and I saw her flexing her fingers as if she was resisting the urge to pounce. The two women engaged in a staring contest in the middle of my room, but I didn’t miss the growing pink on Phoebe’s checks. My eyes darted back to Nuria, her eyes flickering from black to blue like a faulty lightbulb.


“N-Nuria…” Phoebe whispered, taking a step closer toward us. “H-hi… I…”

“I have to go,” Nuria muttered, her voice dropping to a deep alto that I’ve heard before. It was the voice of Angelika, her wolf. She darted toward the window and dived out. Phoebe and I screamed, running to it in hopes we don’t see the worst, but we watched my best friend climb down from the tree bark and disappear into the woods without looking


What the hell was that about?

I turned to look at Phoebe; her face fell and shoulders slumped forward. Sunlight bounced off her purple eyes filling with her tears. I tried to touch her shoulder, to offer some comfort, but she instead turned her back and bolted out of my room, slamming the door behind her. Ivory meowed and pawed at the door, wanting to go after her.

This was not how I wanted to spend my morning.

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