Twenty six

Stay Away from Witches



Finding out Katherine lives isn’t hard.

A couple of people in Klaus’s coven have been on errands to drop documents off at her house and it doesn’t take much persuading to get them to give up the location, not after I tell them my purpose.

She doesn’t look surprised when she opens her door to find me standing in front of her.

I suppose she recognizes me by scent by now.


Can I come in?”

Katherine’s mouth twists into an expression of annoyance, but she nods.

Apparently, working together to save Klaus hasn’t made her like me any more than she previously did.

I sit down on a couch in the living room uninvited. I don’t bother with small talk and get straight to the point.

“I need your help. I have to figure out how to undo Klaus and Elena’s mating bond.”

“And why would I help you?”

Here it comes. The gamble. If I’m wrong, I’ll probably have no chance of fixing things with Klaus.

Because I think that despite everything, you care about Klaus. I think you want him to be happy, even if he can’t be happy with you.

Katherine stares at me for so long that I begin to wonder if she’ll ever answer. I’m considering giving up and just walking out when she finally speaks.

“What help could I possibly offer you? The mating bond is unbreakable.”

So everyone keeps telling me, that there has to be away. I get that you don’t know of anyway, but there must be someone else I can go to, someone who might know more.

Katherine’s expression flickers for a moment before she pulls a carefully blank look back onto her face.

“What is it? You’ve thought of something.”

“It’s not a good option.”

“I’m not looking for a good option. I’m looking for an option. Whether it’s good or not is for me to decide.”

When Katherine doesn’t answer, I continue to press her.

I walked into a coven of murderous vampires to save Klaus’s life. Do you really think I’ll shy away from any potential way to fix this just because it’s difficult, or dangerous?”

Actually, I don’t, and that’s exactly the problem. You’re right. I do care about Klaus’s happiness. It’s impossible to work with him for years and not end up admiring him.

” As much as I don’t like it, I know you make him happy.”

Even if you can’t be with him, you are at least alive and have the potential to find happiness with someone else.

“If you die now, it will destroy him.”

Not being together is destroying him! You haven’t seen him, Katherine. He’s… he’s trying to be strong, but he’s hurting just as much as I am. At least tell me what you’ve thought of. I can decide if it’s worth the risk or not.”

I’m already going through the list of other options in my head. If Katherine won’t help me, I’ll find someone else who will.

The world is full of vampires. One of them will tell me what I want to know, for the right price.

‘Don’t even think about it,” Katherine youarled.

Do you think all vampires are like Klaus? The vast majority of them are like Elena. They view humans as nothing more than a food

“Source. They would tear you apart.”

I’m not going to give up. You should know better than that by now. If you’re worried about my safety should I go to other vampires, I suggest you tell me what you know so that I don’t have to.”

You’re impossible. I don’t understand what

“Klaus sees in you.”

I don’t respond, fixing Katherine with a steady gaze.

“Fine, but I tell you, it’s not a good idea. I still don’t think it’s possible to undo a mating ritual, but if there’s anyone who away has a way, it would be witches.”

I remember Klaus mentioning how some of the magic of the ritual comes from witches, but we never really discussed the subject in detail.

“Great, so where can I find some witches?”

“Bad idea, Ruby. ‘Stay away from witches’ is the first thing all new vampires are taught.”

“Dealing with them is difficult at best, deadly at worst. That’s why we try to preserve the ritual items we get from them as well as we can, to avoid having to contact a witch coven for as long as possible.”

Except you have to contact them eventually, so it’s obviously possible to do so without being killed.”

“For a vampire! Humans don’t even know about witches. Trust me, a coven would not react turned you turning up on their doorstep asking for magical help. They’re likely to kill you just for knowing about them.”

“Then come with me.”

Katherine looks like she can’t decide between bodily dragging me from her house and ripping my head off. “You are insane.”

‘So are you coming or not?”

I’m kind of glad I can’t read her thoughts; watching Katherine’s expression is scary enough.

Fine! If it will get you and your death wish out of my life, fine. Let’s go.”

I hurry after her to the car.

Katherine doesn’t talk as she drives us through the city. I can tell she’s silently fuming. I don’t say anything to her.

No need to poke a sleeping dragon in the eye.

We finally ordinary-looking-looking block of apartments.

“This is your last chance to turn back. There’s an entire coven of witches in that block. If they decide to kill us, I don’t have the power to stop them.”

I’m doing it. I have to. But you’re welcome to stay here.”

Katherine just rolls her eyes as she gets out of the car. I follow a step behind her.

When she rings the bell, the gate opens without anyone asking who she is or what her business is.

Maybe witches are psychic?

“No, but they are able to recognize people with magic in much the same way vampires do with our senses.”

“Useful skill to have.”

Katherine doesn’t reply.

We take the elevator up to the top floor and go to apartment seventeen.

The door is already open.

Katherine pauses at the doorway. Sara? May we come in?”

“What is this you’ve brought me, Katherine?”

A petitioner. She’s here to ask for your help.” Bring her, then.”

Sara is tall and thin, with bright red hair that makes a shocking contrast with her pale skin.

She gestures for us to sit down. I sit closer to Katherine than I would normally have. Sara is already giving me the creeps.

“What is your business here?

I’m Ruby. I need your help breaking a vampire mating bond.”

Sara exchanges a look with Katherine. “You are accompanied here by a vampire. Surely she has already told you that mating bonds are unbreakable.

She has, but I’m not willing to accept that.”

Let me guess. You are in love with a mated vampire?”


And he doesn’t want to be with a human, because it means he’ll have to watch her age and die?”

That’s right.”

Does this mean she’s dealt with these kinds of problems before? Maybe she already has a solution.

“There is no way to break a vampire mating bond… but there is still a way you could be with your love.”

My heart leaps.

I take anything, even if it’s not breaking the bond. As long as I can be with a Klaus.

“What do I need to do?”

It is for your ears alone. Katherine, please leave us. Unless you need something from me?”

“No, our supplies are still good. Just… don’t hurt her. You’ll bring the wrath of two covens down on yourself if you do.”

I won’t do anything to her that she doesn’t Consent to.”

Katherine doesn’t seem to find this particularly comforting, but she nods… Good luck.”

My nerves mount as Katherine leaves, but I. force myself to meet Sara’s gaze. “Well? What do I need to do?”

Did you know that witches are immortal too, just like vampires?”

“I didn’t know that.”Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

We are still human, though, and thus can be. fed off by vampires. There is only one solution to your problem, as far as I know. If you want to be with your love, you need to become a witch.”

I stare at her.

Become a witch? I had not been expecting it. that.

“How would I do that?

“Then how will come later. First, you must decide if this is a path you want to take.

There will be costs – high ones. It’s not something anyone undertakes lightly.”

I know I should be asking what the costs are, but does it really matter?

I’m willing to do anything to be with Klaus.

I don’t need to think about it. Whatever Sara asks of me, I will accept as a fair price to be with him.

I’ll do it. Tell me what I have to do.”

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