Victoria The Billionaires Maid


Kenzie’s [POV]

“Is everything okay?” Reece asked me as we hurried back inside the building.

“Yes,” I lied, even though I appreciated my best friend’s concern. When Reece wasn’t convinced, I touched her arm softly. “I just needed some air.”

It wasn’t a lie, and public gatherings like this did tend to make me nervous. Reece knew I suffered from high anxiety, the panic attacks I’d had over the years worrying her more than once. It was clear Reece thought I was having another one. While my heart was still racing and I wished the floor would open up beneath me, I knew I would be fine.

“What did the hottie say to you?” came her next question.

“Nothing much,” I lied again. Hoping to convince my friend to drop this conversation, I looked to the doorway at the exact moment Jonas Courtland stepped back through it. He didn’t look at me which was for the best because I wasn’t quite sure how I would react.

“You’re full of shit, Kenzie,” Reece stated.

Turning back to her, I glared. “What’s wrong with you? And while you’re answering that, go ahead and tell me something else.”

Reece grinned. “Tell you what?”

“What the hell is up with all of these questions.”

“You saw Jonas and dropped your glass of champagne.” Reece paused for a minute, then giggled. “Hell, he’s hot enough to make me drop more than my glass, and you know how much I treasure my bubbly.”

“You’re incorrigible, Reece. Do you know that?”

I got a smirk in response. “Of course, but that’s never been debatable. And I’m asking you these questions because I’m wor-” Reece cut herself off when she covered her mouth with her palm. “You and Jonas. I saw the sparks between you both from the doorway.”

“You saw nothing of the sort,” I said, trying to sound convincing, to both myself and her.

“Uh-huh! I was about to drop my panties for him, but if you want him for yourself, then-”

“I don’t want anything to do with him anymore.”

“Any more?” Reece caught my slip up, then stepped back and smirked. “When did you knock boots with him?”

I heaved out a deep breath before I pulled Reece away from where everyone was gathered. Jonas’s deep baritone voice echoed around us, and I had to force myself not to shiver when memories came rushing back of him whispering all sorts of naughty suggestions into my ear while he pushed inside of me. He’d been my first, and whether good or bad, most never forgotten theirs, and I was no exception. I had, however, forced those memories out of my mind for as long as I could. I’d been successful for the most part, until now. I grabbed my friend’s arm and pulled her into the lobby where I finally stopped.

“Fine, you win,” I told her, throwing my hands up in surrender. “You remember when I told you about my first time? Back during my senior year of high school?”

“Ahh, yes. The douchebag who tricked you into sleeping with him for clout?” she replied, obviously having forgotten none of that sordid tale.

“Yes! Jonas is-”

“Very excited to get to know you both,” came the voice from behind us. I nearly jumped out of my skin, not expecting Jonas to be quite finished with his speech already. I slowly turned around a guilty expression on my face at having been caught talking about him.

Reece extended her hand out immediately. “My name’s Reece Bessemer, and I take it you two have met before.”

There was a certain question in her words, and unwilling to show Jonas how much his mere presence still affected me, I rolled my eyes at the man. “Unfortunately, Reece. This is the douche.”

My friend gasped, and Jonas growled. I found a bit of satisfaction in the sound, and I kept my head held high and smiled. “And, now you see why I’m bowing out of this competition. I’m done.”

Reece grabbed me before I could turn fully. While holding my arm in a death grip, she smiled sweetly at Jonas. “My friend and I just need a moment of privacy.”

My skin heated up as Jonas gave me another quick once-over. My nipples tightened, and my core clenched especially when he smirked knowingly at me. He likely remembered bedding me, which only infuriated me more. What should’ve been wonderful memories of my first time ended up being destroyed the second I saw the video of the two of us in bed together. Even now, I had no idea when he’d had the time to set up the camera or whatever recording device he used. He’d been so good at deceiving me the entire time that in the end, I wasn’t surprised, so it didn’t matter.

Jonas reluctantly walked away, leaving us in peace. I barely had time to get out a sigh of relief when Reece shook me. “You’re not dropping out.”

I frowned. “I have to. There’s no way I can suck up to him all week.”

While the very idea of staying terrified me, my traitorous body reacted differently. I was disgustingly aroused by the sight of him. If being shipped off to the psych ward after my last encounter with him wasn’t enough to convince me to stay away, knowing he still had an equally devastating effect on my equilibrium should’ve been. Jonas Courtland was a fuck boy-plain and simple.

“Of course, he’s a fuck boy,” Reece agreed, and I realized that I’d spoken out loud a few seconds before. “And, that’s why you have to be here.”

“I don’t see the correlation between the two.”

“I’m sure you remember the first guy I dated once we moved to New York City. He was the one who tried keeping me as a sidepiece. I was devastated. What did you tell me about men who play games?” Reece asked.

I shook my head. “I don’t remember-”

“What did you say?” Reece asked once more, interrupting me.

“I don’t know,” I responded. Knowing me, it could’ve been anything.

“You’d said not to play games with a girl who can play them better. That girl is you.”

“Oh, no,” I quickly responded.

“Yes. There are multiple reasons you should.”

“Name them,” I replied, placing my hands on my hips.

“One, we need this exclusive contract. Just imagine the life we could live with actual job security.” Reece had a good point there.

“You could easily win us this contract,” I countered, even though I would likely still have to see Jonas even if she did.

“Oh, puh-leeze,” Reece responded. “He still has the hots for you. I saw the hard-on he was sporting, and I must say, your description did it no justice. But I digress. The second reason is that you need to do exactly what you once told me to do. Fuck with the fuck boy.”

“No,” I told her, waving my hands around like I often did when I was nervous. “I couldn’t.”

Reece stared at me for a few long seconds before sighing in frustration. “You’re drop-dead gorgeous. You could have any man you wanted. What you’re going to do is march your sexy ass back inside and let him know it.”

My eyes widened at that. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“He’s a player, Kenzie. After what he did to you before, it’s time for some payback. Wouldn’t you like the satisfaction of toying with him the same way he did you back in high school?”

I would love to give him the payback he deserved, but I never believed two wrongs made a right. I was a lot more confident now than I’d ever been back then, but I still didn’t think this was the right thing to do. I knew Reece wanted me to get some retribution while also helping to try landing the gig. Focusing on that point, I shook my head before responding, “I don’t think fucking Jonas will make him grant us the contract.”

“Then you haven’t learned anything over the years. Even if you don’t fuck him, you can string him along long enough for him to think you will. Once he awards us the contract, the last laugh will be yours because you would’ve finally played him the way he played you.”

Applause from the other room had me turning in that direction. I refused to give him the satisfaction of making me a repeat notch on his bedpost, but maybe I could do what Reece just suggested. The entire time I’d been at my grandparents, I’d thought of little else but vengeance. This would probably be my only shot to get that. Nervously, I chewed on my bottom lip as I inwardly debated whether or not I could do this.

“I’ll make niceties and tease him, but that’s where I draw the line,” I cautioned, needing to let Reece know not to get her hopes too high. At my friend’s delighted squeal, I cringed. “Oh my God. What did I just agree to do?”

“You’re going to make him regret the day he ever took on that stupid bet and hurt you. I’ve faith in you, Kenzie.”All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Well, that makes one of us. What if he isn’t attracted to me anymore in that way?” I thought about that fateful day on the rooftop of Spencer Academy. He’d seen me at the lowest point in my life and he had to have known what happened to me afterward. “He probably thinks I’m crazy.”

Reece giggled. “Of course, he does, which will make him want to fuck you even more. Despite what you believe, men like having sex with crazy women.”

“They do not,” I replied, but giggled afterward. “Jonas is a manwhore and would do it with anyone as long as they had a pulse, so I guess I do have that going for me.”

I’d heard about his reputation well before we’d gotten together. In my naivety, I’d fallen for his lies before; hook, line, and sinker. This time, I knew who and what he was. That was my advantage. If he thought I was the same girl I’d been back then, he’d be in for a rude awakening. I was a confident, independent woman, and no longer had my head in the clouds. I’d made something of myself and he’d see the woman I’d become, and it wouldn’t be the same stupid one I’d once been.

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