Werewolf Committee

Chapter 42: Ch 41

Chapter 42: Ch 41

Tate and most of the other male wolves were gone. Why? Because they were out resetting the positions the warrior wolves were to be put in.

With them all gone I was in complete and utter boredom. However I went on my search to find Colin as he was the only one who decided to stay back.

Just as I was about to pass the kitchen, I heard more than just Colin's voice. I went to walk in and only took one step in when I froze.

There stood the hunter. But this time he held a gun. Again that was pointed at Colin.

Colin stood there with his hands up in mock surrender. One hand up in the air, and the other holding his glass of alcohol.

"Oh, common Herald," Colin sighed in an impatient tone. He then tilt his head and furrowed his eyebrows, "-Herald was is? Or was it Howard?...Harry?"

"Henry," the hunter gritted and I tried my best to not make a sound.

What do I do? Walk in? Scream? Laugh?

"Right. Henry. You came here to kill me?" Colin asked in amusement and the Elemental hunter stayed silent. However Colin sighed and kept speaking.

"But seriously? A gun? I don't want to die such a cliche death," Colin muttered to himself.

"I see we have company." Was all the hunter said.

I stopped breathing. My eyes adverted to Colin who clenched his jaw. He knew I was there from the beginning and hoped the hunter hadn't noticed.

Why isn't he using his powers?

"Looks like I can kill all you Elementals at once," the hunter said with a grin and I narrowed my eyes at him as I fully walked into the room.

I quickly lifted my hand up to release water towards the hunter but nothing happened. I frowned and tried again.

"What the..." I trailed off in question as I looked at Colin in alarm.

"Herald over here released a toxic in the air. It paralyzes our abilities," Colin said calmly.

I took in a sharp intake of breath. I read about this toxic. It doesn't wear off for a couple of hours. Closing my eyes I willed myself to shift.

That didn't work either.

"All our abilities," Colin said with a tight smile as his eyes didn't leave the hunters.

The hunter must've grew restless to our talking because with a grunt he pulled the guns safety trigger and I froze holding my breath yet again.

I sent Colin a look. We both knew this wasn't going to end well and I gave him a look that I wasn't sure he understood.

However he sent me a nod of understanding.

I looked back at the man who raised his gun and slowly aimed it at me.

My eyes flickered back to Colin. I was unsure of what to do. Any sudden movement could make the man pulled the trigger.

Colin must've seen the terror in my eyes because his face hardened and his gaze drifted off to the man and he sent him a glare as a low growl rumbled in his throat. Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

The man seemed more alert and without waiting another second he clutched onto the gun tighter and pressed the trigger.

It was like in the movies.

Everything happened in slow motion.

The bullet flew towards me and my heart skipped a beat. However in just half a second Colin was in front of me and clutching my arm, he pulled me behind him.

Past his shoulder I saw him smack the gun out of the mans hand.

However the damage had already been done.

My hands clasped over my mouth as I gasped in horror. Colin's weight slowly weighed down onto mine and my hands automatically went under his armpits to hold him up.

I slowly stepped back as I placed his weight onto the floor.

I looked down in shock. My heart broke at the sight.


Colin was bleeding. A bullet wound in his chest.

"Colin?" I whispered in horror.

He simply wheezed in a breath and with panic in his eyes, adverted his gaze to the man.

My head snapped towards the hunter and I saw him frantically searching for the gun.

Immediately I saw red. With a loud, earth shaking growl, I spotted the gun with no trouble and picked it up. My hands shook viciously as I pointed it to the man.

Tears clouded my vision and I was breathing heavily.

"Son of a bitch!" I roared in rage.

The man stood up straight and looked at Colin with a grin. I growled even more.

"Don't look at him!" I screamed with the gun unsteadily in my hands. The mans eyes drifted up to mine and he rolled his eyes.

"Too bad I was aiming at you, huh?" The hunter mumbled and looked at me.

I felt a hand gently clasp around my ankle. I glanced down and Colin looked up at me with heavy lids trying to speak.

However I ignored him.

Turning back around I faced the man with a murderous look. Shaking Colin's hand off I stomped forward.

"You can't do it," the man cooed as he eyed the gun with a smile.

"Really?" I said in a low voice.

"Are you sure about that?" I whispered.

And without a second thought I pulled the trigger. Not once. Not twice.

I sent bullet after bullet.

I screamed as the gunshot sound went off and off. I squeezed my eyes shut and dropped the gun. It clattered onto the floor and everything stayed quiet.

Except Colin's struggled breaths.

I slowly opened my eyes with a sob as I saw the hunters dead body. Blood pooling on the floor. Eyes wide open in shock.

Bile rose up my throat.

Swallowing it down I spun around and let out a loud sob.

I sped over to Colin and knelt down next to his body. My hands shakily covered the wound and I pressed down hard, blood coating my hands.

"Colin," I sobbed.

He got shot in the chest. Our abilities are disabled. That means no fast healing. The toxic hadn't wore off yet.

And that's when panic settled in.

My eyes frantically searched the room.

"Help!" I screamed.

"Someone help!" I screamed in a hoarse voice.

I felt a hand grab my wrist and take it off the wound.

"Elina. Its too late," Colin said breathlessly. His eyes were closed and he had a peaceful look.

"What? No!" I yelled and my hands shakily covered his wound again, tears falling down my cheek.

I hurriedly took off my jacket and bunched it up into a ball. I pressed it onto his chest.

"Colin, I- Just- I'm going to go get help, I-" I blabbered nervously and Colin shook his head.

Before I could do anything a voice made me freeze. I stopped breathing.

"Uncle?" Tate said slowly in the doorway as his eyes scanned the area his body frozen as his eyes zoomed in on his uncles chest.

In inhuman speed he rushed inside and knelt onto the other side of Colin. Lifting up his head he cradled it in his lap.

"Uncle..." Tate trailed off as he looked over at the hunters dead body.

"Someone get down here now!" Tate roared.

"No," Colin croaked.

"You have a death wish uncle?" Tate growled as he moved my hands and pressed down onto the wound trying to stop the blood as I hopelessly watched with tears.

"I-" Colin grimaced, "-want to see my mate. Leave me," Colin said with heavy lids.

"We can't! You said you didn't want to die a cliche death! Remember!" I hurriedly said and frantically nodded my head.

"See! you-you cant die!"

Tate grabbed my hand from over Colin's body and gently squeezed it.

"Elina," Colin breathed out, "-don't cry. I'm happy. I can see my soul-mate. I," He stopped and clenched his jaw trying to breath properly.

"I-I miss her."

I stayed silent.

"Tate son," Colin whispered hoarsely out of breath, "-please don't kill me for making your mate cry."

"Even though, I'm-I'm already dying," He chuckled but it came out him struggling to breath and I sat up straight, alarmed.

"Colin?" I said in panic and Tate clenched his jaw and blinked furiously as his eyes got glossy with tears.

"You guys take care of yourselves," Colin said his breaths shortening.

"No, no, no," I said shaking my head with a sob refusing to believe it.

"Thank you. For everything," Colin said with a peaceful smile his eyes slowly closing.

"No uncle. Thank you," Tate whispered.

"Thank you so much," I sobbed and Colin's smile widened as his eyes remained closed.

However slowly his smile began to disappear. His balanced head slowly fell to the side and just like that...

...his breathing shallowed and suddenly... stopped.

I let out a cry.

Tate softly placed his uncles head onto the floor and stood up and ran a hand through his hair with a shaky breath.

Tate looked down at me and he gave me a broken look. I slowly stood up with silent tears and Tate balled his fist and bit down onto it.

"Elina.." he trailed off then let out a sigh.

"Come here."

And I did exactly that. I ran over and threw myself into Tate's arms and cried. Tate stood there in silence and held onto me tightly and he rested his chin onto my head and whispered sweet nothings.

Only an hour ago Colin was up and alive. Breathing.

And now he was gone. Up in heaven. Near his mate.

Life on earth doesn't last long. Happiness and laughter also doesn't.

But love,

Love lasts an eternity

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