Chapter 19 World owners

In the bathroom she had a discomfort. She cried over Azuaka Jnr. being the pain in the ass. Two things ran through her mind; Monkeys software and Ferguson.

Evil ahead. Fireworks sparked outside. Everywhere was possessed with Christmas.

“Way back on campus we had the desire to make it as decent graduates after school. We looked forward to becoming civil servants that will transform the world around us. But our society made life easy for a very class of elite, so we decided to hold onto this vision of rendering the world broke,” Agu said, poured himself a flute of beer and sipped.

Nku sighed. “And that vision is in our hands now. The nose shouldn’t envy the eyes of its tears. Very soon its own will drop.”

“I can’t fathom what you put into this project but as for me I have put in my portion in heaven.” He was making Nku understand in any possible way the reason he existed; the software was the reason he existed. But they were falling apart now. “What’s up with the Chinese billionaire, Nku?” he had a sip of the beer and felt the pain with which it went down his throat.

Nku housed a hot countenance. What might have prompted that question was close to no good. It better not be what I’m thinking, he said in his head.

“I know he offered hundred million dollars for the software.”

Nku swallowed hard. Bang! Agu was in the know of the cash now. He was thinking, who told him? How did he know about it? Ferguson, asshole? He just realized they had been standing. He grinned. Shame crept through his face. Disgrace stiffened his body for a moment so endless. “Have a seat.” He waved him to a chair.

Agu sat, and Nku sat thereafter, breathing hard, blinking effortlessly. “I wasn’t of the opinion of selling the software to any Chinese billionaire. One morning Ferguson showed me the contact of the Chinese billionaire and his offer so I bought the idea. I intended to break words with you guys after meeting the Chinese but Azuaka misunderstood my plan.” He breathed hard, rubbed his nose and felt like hiding under the covers of smoke from a cigar. He searched his pocket for some but found none.

Agu kept silent but for his deep stare.

“You are correct.” The words were heavy in his mouth. He was a thief in thief. The shadows of cheating his close friends clouded over him. How do I survive this moment?

Agu murmured inwardly. “So if I had not made my discoveries I would probably be missing the chunk of dollars.”

“Everything is Ferguson’s idea because of some little fraction of debt we need to settle, of course debt the software attracted.”

“Oh shut the hell you call a mouth, Nku. You never told us of any debt. If they is any then it is not much as to give each of us ten million dollars out of hundred million. Common on, son of man, what could be more robbery than a brother cheating a brother?”

Nku felt pity for himself. He would own up to his inability to decide their fate; why Ferguson would decide everything for him; because of what? Oh God help me with this software. “Forgive me, son of man, I have flopped but you got to understand that the lion is never satisfied.” He sighed, looked around and said, “You are in now. You will partake of the fifteen million dollars.”

Agu scratched his head, “Ok, what about Azuaka?”

“Forget him, man. He is rude as hell.” He hissed. “See, the eye that sees food must eat. He is the only strong head that is keeping us from our destiny. He is frustrating us man. Can’t you see?”

Agu squeezed his mouth and rubbed his face in one thoughtful moment. “Leave Azu to me. I will give you positive feedback.”Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Anything you do know that we are running out of time. Walls have got ears we are not safe anymore. By my calculation our project has leaked and the police could be hunting us now.”

“How do you mean, son of man?” Agu breathed hard. He got the pain of a thousand bullets in his skull. He had no saliva to swallow down his throat. Whatever it was that brought him into the Monkeys’ software had changed into a dead zone. He perceived battle which would be fought on the grounds of their souls. What did he just say? He thought.

“The Chinese billionaire. One man is a nation. I don’t know him than the much I know already. Ferguson says he is a nice guy but I don’t trust nice guys.”

“True. I know Chinese are bad asses but we have no reason to fear.”

“I am giving you one week to convince Azuaka otherwise I call it a quit, crash the software and wait for punches from anyone.”

“You would do no such thing, Nku.” Agu looked straight into his eyes and shook his head. “One week then.”

Before they parted Agu said. “It will surprise you to know that Azuaka murdered his father before doing away with his gratuity.”

“Holy bitches!” Nku frowned, mouth agap.

“Serious as hell,” he replied. “He never told me about anything for weeks until I met him crying and he told me his father hung from a noose. Who would believe the asshole?” He rubbed his face.

Even believe won’t believe the asshole. We all know what he’s capable of now so watch your back.”

Agu left.

I wish I could convince Ferguson to buy Azuaka’s idea. We could earn enough if we explore, he thought. The winter wind blew heavily across Nku’s face and he realized how much sweat had been on his face; the story about Azuaka had scared him as vampires’ dinner. He wiped the remaining with his hand. Bang! Danger ahead.

Mr. Ziu had a sip of his beer before a young man led by his aide walked in, handed him a large envelope and stood waiting for him. Mr. Ziu opened the envelope and glared into it before handing him a wand of naira notes. “Thank you for job well done.”

His aide led the man outside.

He had a sip of his beer, hit the envelope into his palm and murmured, “Plan B. it is time to apply plan B.” he smiled and smiled, rolling in his chair and staring at the large print pictures of Nku, Ferguson, Azuaka, and Agu. “Bastards,” he cursed in Chinese.

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