Why did she " Divorce Me "

Chapter - 20

Chapter - 20

Amoli's Pov.:-

He carried me towards his bedroom... He placed me on the bed .... gently... After entering his room.

My whole body is shivering like a leaf in fear .... Fear what he is upto ?... Is he again going to do same

? Is this last day of my life ? Will I be alive if he again forced hisself on me ?.....

All the questions are running around me head ... And I feeling puking on his head while seeing him

around me.

He set beside me and cleared his throat .. making me gasped in fear .

God please ... Save me ... I swallowed hard the fear which is choking my throat hard.

My neck muscles are itching by fast contraction and relaxation of it's muscles as my heartbeat is

increasing with the passing minutes.

".. listen you bitch sign these divorce papers ...

If you signed them , than you will get whatever you want from me... Money , villa , car , luxury ..

anything . (I frowned while listening his words and getting what he mean to say.. huh.. money is not

everything , I am not some gold digger...)


But if you won't signed them , than you will get only pain and see the hell every day .. like you had saw

yesterday and on our wedding night ...

( A soul freaking out terrified shivered ran down my spines as my brain soaked his words)


So , tell me are you going to sign them or not

Make a wise decision ." he said giving me divorce papers and pen in my hand to sign them.

I hold the papers in my trembling hands ... And took a deep breath to calmed my racing heart which

was ready to came out by breaking my ribs.

I saw the papers .. his signature on them .... This man ... Pufff

I am still seating on the bed while he is standing beside me , a step away from me ....

I took deep breath and gathered all the courage to speak out boldly infront of him.

" I .. I am not going to sign them , why are you so obsessed for Divorce , can't you give a try to this

marriage o"... I got cut by his slap...


I hold my aching cheek with my trembling hand while half laying on the bed...

"Listen you bitch ... If you don't wanna give me divorce than okay ... Accept your all wife responsibility ..

Stop crying like a child , stop behaving like this ... (He chide on me when he saw me weeping hard )


You will do all house cores ,will help me to get ready for my office , always obey me , and last not the

least will please me .... your husband..." He said holding my hairs in his fist and pulled my and his face

close to eachother , to merge our eyes in eachother's.

My eyes are shining in tears and asking for mercy while his are dark in rage ... Rage to kill me today.

" And what about you... Are you not going to accept your husband responsibilities .. a husband never

rapes his wife , he never disrespect her , he love her , treat her equal , make her feel special - safe ,

make her feel safe ... Are you.. are you doing a husband's responsibilities " I said pushing him away

from my body ... And hit him on his chest with my little fist.

Enough is enough I can't handle this much .. I am a human being not a thing which doesn't felt pain or

hurt .

I can't handle this mantel and physical abuse and to save myself from it I have to raise my voice.

" I don't want this marriage to continue .. I just want divorce .. you should do your wife's duty because

you're the one who is not ready to give me divorce....its you who want this marriage to continue

If it was in my hand than I would have gave you divorce the same night when we got married ..


I don't want to give a shit to this marriage .. so, why I should do a husband duty ...

I saying it clear to you ... That I am not a husband material .. I am a bad man , a devil ..

Who is born to fuck not to make love and plan family " he standing infront of me .

"You still have time bitch ... To back off from this and sign these divorce papers and free yourself from

this hell.." he said

" No .. I won't " I said

It's really hard for me to say no ... Yes was running in my mouth , and over my tongue to spell out but I

swallowed it and said no...

I also don't wanna to stay in this hell showing marriage but I have to for the promise which I have given

to my father.... Only for that promise I married him and enduring his this behaviour silently.

" You call for it yourself .. and I would love to fuck your this amazing pussy everyday.. and don't to dare

to cry or scream when I am fucking you .. If you do than you will get punishment for disobeying me "

he said while licking his lower lips .. while moving his tongue over his lips... Like a evil man.

" You can't do this to me ... You rapist ! , .. you don't have right to touch me without my permission ..

You stay away from me , another wise I will tell your parents about you , that you're mistreating me !" I

shout on him in rage ..

'run Amoli... Hide somewhere' my terrified self shout over my head.

" Hahahahaha .... First thing is that bitch , I am not raping you .. I am your husband so , I have my right

over your this body (he said while eyeing me lustly and showing his index finger towards my body)


and about complaining to my parents about me

Go ahead do it .. I don't give a fuck to anyone ..

But remember after complaining about me to my parents don't step in this house " I said in threating

tone... And me became mute .

He clearly knows how to shut me .

" Why are you doing all this .. can't you give this marriage a try ..(Varun came towards her )

Please don't do this ... I am your wife atleast .." he won't let me complete my words and attacked on my

lips ...

He is biting my lips angrily .. he is releasing his whole anger in this kiss .



" You're my wife that why I am fucking you ..

That's why people get married to get physical pleasure from eachother " he said in hushed voice ..while

resting his forehead over mine and rubbing his nose over mine.

After listening his words ... I forgot to speak ..

His thinking is disgusting .. I felt nauseous after clearly understanding that he is a devil ... Disgusting


I pushed his away from me and hit him on his face ... Which got clenched after getting hit from me .

"I think you got your wild energy back.." I cut him...

" Shut up .. just shut up " I shout on him with hand moving up and down vigorously and hold my head in

my hands atlast.

" What... Are you listening yourself ! ... People do marriage not for getting physical pleasure from

eachother ... But for giving name or new identity to their love .

So that , their love get respect in this society .

Or to spent their life with eachother till death do them apart

, they made love not because for only getting pleasure but to show their love to eachother by showing

their rights on eachother's body .. not by forcefully like.. like you . (I said showing my index finger

towards him )


And their this beautiful love making .. gives them a baby , an angel .. which is a indication of their love

for eachother.

But how you will understand this ..

. You're a monster a beast ...

The man who even don't know how to speak properly without cursing" I said and wiped my tears away

with my both hands.

" Ohhhh please ... For fuck sake , shut up .. whatever" he said , ignoring whatever I just said ..

" So , it's final you're not ready for divorce ... (I didn't said anything because I am scared he is standing

infront of me and shouting over my trembling terrified self) ... YES or NO ... Answer me you dimwit " he

roared on me in his dominating high voice , when he saw I am not answering him.

I took back step ..with head hinging low ... So I won't get more scared while looking at him ..

After reaching a save distance from him .. I said " yes .. I am not going to divorce you " .

" Ahhh (he roared while throwing water jug in my direction and I moved opposite to save myself and

look at the shattered glass tiny pieces with water soaked floor )


you know what ... Why I hate you ... Because of this power you have in this marriage ...

You're the only one who have the right to brake this marriage .... Fuck ... 'I am feeling small and

powerless infront of her and it's irk my man ego ' (he mumbled the last line to himself but I heard it


... *Sigh*

So , there are some rules ... Which you have to follow .. obviously you have to because you're living in

my house " he said in cool calmed voice .

I nod my head not knowing what to do other than this .

" Rule no. 1 - you're not allow to say no me to ... Whatever I asked for you to do , you will do it without

any questions.

Rule no. 2 - you won't wear this shitty saree .. in my this house , you only wear those clothes which I

have selected for you .

Rule no. 3 - you're not allowed to step out from this house without my permission , in simple words

you're grounded .

Rule no. 4 - you're not allowed to cry infront of me , whether you're in extreme pain you won't weep if I

am around you or I am the reason for your pain.

Rule no. 5 - you always obey me ... Means .. you will be my puppet .

That's it these are the rules which you have to follow till you're married to me , and if you brake any rule

than you will be dead .

And I would like to have my breakfast at exact 7:45 am at morning so , made it tomorrow. " He said

with a smirk on his face ..Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

His smirk is mocking me , or saying me , like - look how helpless you're !.

He came towards me and I ran backward...

" How is your body ... Is it still paining " he asked in butter filled voice .

I nod my head ... To which he snapped his fingers infront my my hanging head ..to make me look

confusingly to him.

" No nodding bitch .. answers in words not by physical signs " he said with evil smirk.

Something evil is running in his mind ... What is he going to do ? Why he is asking me this ? ... O no , I

think he is again going to do this to me .

" Yes " I said and he again took step towards me and pulled me towards himself by pulling my saree

plates and I breathe out shockingly.

He placed his head in my neck and shoulder junction to started to rub his nose and Bearded chin ,

which is tickling me ..

A surprise laughed escaped from my mouth by his this behaviour ... And then I regret it .

" Can you tell me where you're feeling pain " he asked still running in face over my neck while his

hands are pinching my waist.

I think he is asking me this so that , he can give me meds ...

And I am feeling pain on my feminine part more ..

How to say this to him , I am feeling embarassing and humiliating , to say out my suffering.

My my thoughts broke down when he vigorously left me and stood infront of me and...

" Is it paining

here. " "Ahhhh" (he said while slapping over my aching back and I cried out loud in pain)

"or here" he said slapping on my bosoms "ahhhhh" I again cried and covered my chest with my

hands in defence.

"or here " he said holding slapping me on my stomach "ahhhh*sob*" I cried hard this time when I

felt pain building up high in my lower part.

"Or here " he said holding my feminine part in his one hand ... And in shock my cry died and in defence

i grab his that sinful hand in my both one to free my self from him.

God he is so shameless ... And his this doing making me to hide away from him or let this earth burst

and swallow me ..

I am feeling very humiliated.. again tears of shame and humiliation run down my cheeks.

" Please leave me ... *Sob* my ... My body is aching " I said while pushing his iron hold away from my

feminine part.

Reather then to leave , he gave me hard killing squeeze ... And it's took away my breath ... My eyes

became big like boiled eggs.

I am panting hard while still holding his hand tightly... Thanks god he left me and I fall down on the floor

with thud .

It's was so painful .. ahhh .

He came towards to and said while kicking my legs " I think you will remember rules properly "

And he carried me on his bed ... And I still shocked with sweat on my face , neck and terrifically

shaking body.

He teared my saree apart and discard my all clothes with his in a blink , taking advantage of mine

shocked situation and .. do what he always love to do ... FUCK.

He is kissing me while moving inside me and his hand as always on my breasts ... Pinching sqeezing

them .

My tears are running down but I didn't voice out any cry or weeping sound as my lips are hostaged in

his ...

He replaced my lips by my bosoms and started to suck them like an infant.

I want to shout so that , I can release the pain which is building in my soul .. but as he said I can't do

this so , I have to obey him .. so that , I won't get more torture then this.

I sheild tight my lips by my teeth's ... I grabbed bed sheet in my left hand as it's was resting on the bed

freely and in other hand I grabbed pillow which is resting under my head...

When he suddenly started to move fast and because of this my head started to hit on the bed








It's been three hours now ... I am still awake because he is not letting me to sleep... And he again

cummed inside me .



After sucking all my energy ..he stopped and layed beside me while panting .

He moved his hand in his messy hairs and rub his hand over it while combing his hairs with his fingers.

I closed my eyes as I am so tired ... He pulled me towards himself and hugged me , like a 'Lovely

caring husband' note the sarcasm.

And I slept in the arms of devil .. who have truly ruined my life and is ruining my soul .




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