Worthless to Priceless The Alpha’s Rejected Mate




It felt like hours had passed since I had started to feel weak. My fever was worsening a little and I could feel it. It felt like my head was on fire and I felt so weak, almost like someone had run me over with a tractor and left me for dead on the side of the road. I couldn’t move a single limb and I knew the moment I opened my eyes that I was dreaming because I was back in my old pack. I was in my closet sized bedroom and I was sitting on my old and worn sheets.

I wasn’t in the same clothes that I fell asleep in. I was in one of my more common outfits from home. It was a faded grey dress with brown leather slippers. My hair was in a braid over my shoulder and I knew I didn’t have the energy to do it myself.

Even in my dream, I was completely weak and it felt like a chore to get up from the bed but I managed to do it. I had to brace my hands on the wall and the dresser so I wouldn’t fall over and my legs felt so shaky, almost like they hadn’t been used in a very long time. I tried to take a step and my knees buckled so hard that I thought they would break. I fell on the bed and I let out a groan as my side hit the edge of the bed. I honestly thought I had bruised a rib.

“You should be resting,” I heard a voice and I turned sharply to see who had said it but there was no one else in the room with me.

I honestly thought I had started to hallucinate or that it was my sub conscious. I waited to see if the person would speak again but when they didn’t I tried to rise to my feet. I managed to get to my feet but I couldn’t move, so I settled back in bed and I felt my body groan in protest at how much I had strained it in just a few seconds.

“You are so stubborn,” I heard the voice say again and this time I turned so fast that I felt a crick in my neck. I grasped the spot as the pain threatened to blind me and it wasn’t until I had calmed down that I spoke.

“Who are you?” I asked. “Why can’t I see you?” Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’m in your head,” the voice said in exasperation. “I appeared to you before you slept earlier. I knew you needed to rest so I decided to speak to you through your dreams. My name is Tara and I am your wolf, Amelia.”

I suddenly remembered the voice in my head just before I managed to fall asleep and just like that, all the memories barreled back to me and the predominant feeling was glee that I was finally going to shift. I had so many questions but they all blurred through my head and only one could come out.

“What am I doing here?”

“I needed to take you somewhere that you were used to so I could talk to you. I would have used your new room but you don’t have as much emotional attachments to it as you do to this room. This is where you grew up and it was easier to bring you here.”

“Can I talk to you all the time?”

She laughed softly and somehow I knew she was nodding. I didn’t know how I knew; it was just a feeling, almost like I could see her doing it without actually seeing her do it.

“Yes you can,” she said. “I am always with you even when you can’t feel me. This is our primary way of talking. Think of me like a companion at the back of your mind. I only take control when you’re in wolf form or when you get a rush of emotion and cannot control it.”

“What do you look like?”

“You’ll find out once you are better and you manage to shift for the first time.” She assured me. “We can’t talk for long because the longer I engage you, the weaker your body gets because you aren’t having enough rest. I can answer your major questions then I have to send you back to sleep.”

I was excited to find out and I could feel myself itching to stand up and try shifting but I knew I would fall on my face. I was still weak and I still felt sick.

“Why didn’t you come out earlier?”

Before falling asleep, I remembered her saying something about how she couldn’t earlier but I didn’t quite understand her and I wanted her to expand. I wanted to know what made me a late bloomer and why I spent so long being ridiculed for being wolf less and why she didn’t come out to help me all those times and prove them wrong.

She sighed softly. “I would have appeared on your thirteenth birthday but someone was feeding you drugs that kept me dormant. Those drugs are very dangerous to wolves when ingested but I know you were being fed a small amount so you wouldn’t die. The repercussions were that I was kept dormant for so long.”

“Do you know who did it?”

“I don’t.”

She wasn’t sure but I could have bet my life on the fact that it was my father. He was the only one who had constant access to me to be able to poison me daily. The main question was why because I couldn’t think of a reason why he would not want me to shift. Was it because he didn’t want me to be competition for Brittany? Was it because he wanted her to be heir? I wouldn’t have minded leaving her to be heir. I just wanted to shift so I could be with Blake.

“I think it’s my father.” I told Tara and I felt her attention snap to me. “I don’t know why but I’m convinced he was the one. Do you know any way that I can confirm if it was him?”

“If you get close enough to him then we can hack into his mind link and read his thoughts.”

I was confused by her statement and I was sure she could feel it through our bond. I have never heard of a wolf being able to hack into a mind link before much less one that belongs to a wolf of a very high ranking. Is that one of the things father hid from me?

“How does that work?” I asked. “Don’t you have to be invited to a mind link?”

“You aren’t like the others, Amelia,” she said softly. “You have special abilities that the others must never know of. If trained properly then you could be unstoppable.”

I was shocked by her words. Could that have been why father didn’t want me to shift? Did he somehow know that I could do these things and he didn’t want me knowing about my powers? Was he scared that others would find out and use me for my powers? So many questions were running through my mind and I couldn’t find an answer for any of them.

“Are there any other special abilities?” I asked thinking back to the day I arrived at the Dark Fangs pack and somehow didn’t get hurt in the woods and how I was suspicious at the beginning. “Do you know what my other abilities are?”

I could feel that she wanted to speak but all of a sudden, it was like my room was disappearing before my eyes. It felt like a bright white light was eating up the entire room and I felt fear grip my heart.

“What is going on?” I asked trying to crawl further into my bed to avoid the white light coming to me.

“You’re waking up,” Tara said but her voice was so far away.

The bright light consumed the entire room and for a split second everywhere was dark then I smelled it. I smelled the room, my scent everywhere and I knew I was awake but my body felt weaker than it did while I was asleep. Tara must have been somehow shielding me for the most of

the pain and tiredness; I read about it a while back that some wolves can shield their humans from feeling the extent of their pain. I read that it only happened with higher ranking wolves.

With my eyes closed, I could feel someone approaching my bed. I couldn’t smell them properly but I could feel their presence. I tried to open my eyes but they were too tired. I didn’t feel any form of danger emanating from the person so I knew they were safe but I still wanted to see who it was. Was it Clara or Devin? Had they found a way to hide their scent or was it my body getting used to having a wolf?

I could feel the person standing over me and I felt their hands touch my cheek. I instantly knew it wasn’t Clara or anyone from her family. I managed to force my eyes open and I was dumbfounded when I saw who was standing in front of my bed. He was clad in all black and he even had a head warmer over his hair. When he saw me, he let out a sigh of relief and all I could do was stare down at Blake in shock. I hadn’t seen him since the day I left the pack and I didn’t know how I felt about seeing him.

“What are you doing here?” I managed to ask. My voice was hoarse and my throat felt like sand paper but Blake didn’t notice because he was still staring at me with wide eyes as if he had seen a ghost.

“Thank the goddess you’re alive.” I could feel his excitement as he ran his eyes over me to be sure that I was whole and he was seeing right. “I knew it, I couldn’t- I didn’t want to.”

He trailed off and I didn’t know what he meant by that. Did he think I was dead? Did he come all this way to find me? I didn’t know how I felt about that and all I could do was stare at him. I tried to call on my wolf to help me with the situation but I was too weak to reach her. I remembered her words about always being with me and I managed to take in a deep breath to stay calm.

Blake’s hand on my cheeks moved down to my lips and he rubbed his thumb across it softly. I tried to move but my body was yet to awaken and I stared up at him. I opened my mouth to speak but

the next thing I knew, he leaned down to kiss me. I barely had time to process what had just happened when the door flew open and Kaden stormed in.

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