Worthless to Priceless The Alpha’s Rejected Mate




It felt like years since the last time I spoke to Amelia. Every single time I spoke to Caleb, it took all my strength to stop me from asking him about her. It felt like a physical pain whenever I drove past the house without walking in. I did it more times than I would have cared to admit because even though I could not see her, I wanted to be around her.

I had hoped that maybe she would have felt bad about what happened and come to find me but she didn't and it frustrated me. It felt like I was the only one feeling the pull between our bond and she didn’t even care. I was losing my mind from not being around her and every single time I had seen her, she looked happy.

I had documented her training progress by watching her sometimes through the woods. It wasn’t on my usual jogging route but I had decided to start taking the longer route so that I could get a glimpse of her. She had gotten better in training which made me proud and she seemed to be getting along with Ronald. If it were anyone else, I would have been jealous but Ronald had a mate and three children. I knew he would never look at Amelia the wrong way.

Seeing Amelia daily was also meant to calm my resolve against the impending storm that was Lucy working in my office but it did nothing to help. I wanted to let her know about it but seeing as we were not on speaking terms, I was unable to. I tried to convince my mother that Lucy was not a good fit for the office but she shut down the conversation whenever I brought it up and tried to convince me that Lucy would be a good fit for me.

She started work two days ago and it has been a nightmare to say the least. She does not know anything about working in an office and she spends most of her time reapplying her makeup and talking on the phone. She barely picks up the calls in the office and one time, she walked out for half an hour because the office air was not good for her hair. I was so furious that I did not realize when I yelled at her.

Five minutes later, I got a call from my mother asking me to take things easy on her because this was her first time and she was just learning. I was furious that my mother kept pulling strings and trying to involve herself in my life and if it was someone else, they would have been sent away by now but I owed my mother a lot and I did not want to offend her so I stayed silent.

The only thing that Lucy could do well was type up documents. She was efficient and fast at that and I reluctantly had to applaud her for giving me some documents ten minutes before when I had expected them to be delivered. That was the only thing that made her stay fairly tolerable but it still wasn't enough to cover my general irritation that seemed to only appear when she was present and for some reason. she was always present.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t realize someone was knocking until the door knob turned. At first, I thought it was Caleb because I was expecting him to return and give me feedback on the new guards but when I smelled the choking scent of Lucy’s artificial flowery perfume, I resisted the urge to groan. Her perfume always gave me a headache because it was so strong and there was an underlying scent to it that I found disgusting. She seemed to like it because she always used much more than was necessary.

She made her way into the room with a faux innocent look on her face. "I’m sorry to walk in like that but I knocked and you didn’t respond. I brought the files that you needed.

I stayed silent hoping that she would take the hint and realize that I didn't want her anywhere close to me. She walked into the room and placed the files on my table but instead of turning and walking out of the room, she walked around the table until she was standing directly beside me. I raised a brow in my direction but she pretended as if she didn’t realize what she was doing and opened one of the files.

She was wearing a skin tight black skirt with a barely there white shirt that was almost completely see through. I could see the hint of her lacy bra and the first two buttons were undone so when she leaned forward, she was giving me a perfect view of her breasts. Her perfume assaulted my nose and it took everything in me for me not to sneeze because of how much it threatened to choke me.

“There was something I didn’t quite understand in one of the files,” she said in a soft and seductive tone. “I was hoping you could explain it for me because you wanted me to send it to the miners. I would not want to send the wrong thing. I hope this is okay?"

I couldn’t tell if she was telling the truth or if she just wanted me closer but I was not going to risk the safety of my pack members so I leaned forward. The letter was pretty much self explanatory and it was instructing the miners not to go to the west mine because it was unsafe. She pointed out a few discrepancies that I could have sworn were not there when I gave it to her and I quickly advised her on what to do.

“Make sure the letter goes straight to the head of the mines.” I instructed. “I want to be sure that no one goes there and gets hurt. Is that clear?”

“Yes sir.” she added the last part in a seductive purr and I leaned back in my seat.

She made an entire show of dropping the files on the floor and bending over sg her ass was directly in my face as-she picked them up. I would have been lying if I said that Lucy didifot have a good body. She had seftcurves and she was lean in all he right places but as I stared at het! couldn't help but thinkabout Afhelia and her wide curvés. Before meeting Amelia, Lucy would have been my ideal type but now, I couldn't help but compare every girl I met to Amelia and I had no idea why. It was not like she even cared to think about me any way. Content belongs to

She started to walk away but she tripped over the rug and fell into my lap. A part of me knew it was wrong and wanted to push her off but another part of me wanted to see where she was going with her act so I did nothing as she chuckled softly and tried to adjust herself in my lap while deliberately brushing against my dick in order to get a reaction out of me.

“lam so clumsy,” she said softly as she tried to hide her face bashfully. “My mother has always told me to stop wearing heels because she fears I will twist my ankles in them. I guess she was right this time.”

I looked down only to see her ankle looking a little red. It didn't look twisted but it definitely looked sprained but I knew it would be fine within a few seconds- she was a wolf and her healing would kick in anytime soon. She made no move to get up from my lap and instead, turned to face me.

She placed a hesitant hand on my collar as if baiting to see if I would push her away. My wolf screamed at me to push her off while trying to remind me of Amelia and all the reasons it was wrong but I was pissed at Amelia for ignoring me for the past few days and for her relationship with Blake so I pushed my wolf into the recesses of my mind and erected a wall between us. If Amelia was allowed to be with another man then so should I.

“You are such a perfect gentleman,” Lucy said softly as she played with my collar and the hair beneath the base of my neck. “Another man would have let me fall on my ass but you didn’t. I should thank you for that.”

“How do you presume to do that?” I asked and she looked shocked as if she was not expecting me to respond but she quickly wiped the look of her face and replaced it with a small smile.

She trailed her hand down my chest until she got to my own hands and she wrapped.one around her hips until it wasdaying on her fullass. I When she’saw that I didn't move ry hand, shé trailed her fingers up-my arm while making sure to grazé my kin'with her nails before leaning forward and claiming my dips with ers, She tasted like berriés and she tasted wrong but I allowed her to kiss me. She moaned softly as she moved her lips against mine and tangled her fingers in my hair. swnovel.neOwned by NôvelDrama.Org.




She kissed with a lot of eagerness and relief as if she had been waiting for me to do this for a very long time. She licked the seam of my lips and I knew she wanted my tongue but I couldn't bring myself to give it to her. As if sensing my hesitation, she stood up from my lap and straddled me so that her core was settled directly over my dick and I could feel just how wet she was because she was not wearing any panties.

Her wetness didn’t do anything to me because I couldn't help but wish it was Amelia on top of me instead of her. Just thtthought of having Amelia wet.ever me had my dick swelling aad Lucy smiled triumphantly thinking that my _ > reaction was because of her. Once again: she wrapped her 3 i hat®and this time, she di move my hands, I placecdthem on her ass by myself and pulled her closer. I knew what I was doing was wrong but I couldn't bring myself to stop because some part of me wanted to spite Amelia so this time when she kissed me, I slipped my tongue into her mouth and kissed her back.

She sagged against me in relief and I bunched her hair into a ponytail and pulled back hard so I could angle her mouth into whatever position I wanted. My guilt was merely a whisper in the back of my mind as I allowed myself to kiss her back and I allowed myself to be so lost in the kiss that I didn’t hear the knock on the door until it was too late.

I pulled away from Lucy just in time to see the door opening and revealing my actual secretary and Amelia standing directly behind her.

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