Yearning For The Badboy Mafia’s Love

Chapter 116

Chase approaches Rowan who was greeting some people over the far end of the ball room.

“Chase! He’s the second son right?” Carlos Santana, a Mafia questions Rowan while smiling at Chase who kept a straight face.

“Yes.” Rowan replies him.

“Oh my, I have been looking forward to meet you. I’m Carlos Santana, Rowan’s age mate.”

Chase looked at him and slowly take his hand, shaking him. But without a word. He turned to look at Rowan.

“Have you see Calista?”

“No, I thought she was with you?” Rowan asked looking around.

Chase didn’t say anything else and instead he turns and walk away. Searching for her among the dancing people, everywhere had gotten too crowdy and that made him even more worried.

Then, he sighted Emma.

He knows her to be Waylen’s girlfriend and Calista’s best friend, so there’s no way she won’t know where Calista is.

“Have you seen Calista?”

Emma turned to look at Chase standing behind her with that cold eye of his.

“Yes, she went with Charlotte.”

Chase’s eyes sparkles with shock. “Charlotte? When?”

“Uhm… Around fifteen minutes ago. I’ve been waiting for them, I think they both just stepped out. No big deal”

But Chase wasn’t having it. He turned and immediately made his way to the exit, just in time to see Calista walking in, looking pale.

“Are you okay?” Chase asked her and she holds on her shoulder, making her look up to him. She cried, Chase noticed that.

But he got more confused, when he saw Charlotte walking away with Grayson…

He had seen then but Grayson seems not to have noticed his presence. With a word, Calista wrapped her hand around his waist.

“Let’s go home.” She muttered to him.

Chase didn’t argue, he take her hand and walk her to his car, let him get in and then he walked to the other side and got in too. Driving away, from the party. It wasn’t over yet, but it’s over for Chase.

“Are you okay? Did something happen to you?” Chase questioned her as he place his hand on her laps.

Calista blinked and stare outside the window. “Am fine.” She lied to him.

Earlier on, she had been so paralyzed and shocked to even mutter a word. That was the reason, why Grayson had appeared at the restaurant. He didn’t want Charlotte to say a word.

Her eyes watered and she noticed herself breaking down.

How could Charlotte do such a thing!? Was it really necessary to be an accomplish of the death of your sister just because you want what she has?

It made Calista more scared, because she didn’t even know what might be coming for her soon. If Charlotte had that heart to kill her own sister, surely she’ll have the heart to kill everyone else.

She haven’t realized it until she noticed tears on her cheeks. She was shivering, Charlotte had pleaded with her to let Chase know about this… To know that Grayson and his father is the reason of everything. But will she even that courage to tell him such?

Chase stopped the car on the road side and turn to look at Calista, he have heard her sniff and he could tell even by her behavior, that something was wrong.

“Calista…. Did anyone hurt you?” His voice was calm, She tried to force the tears in but it only made her break more.Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Next, she was crying. Chase didn’t know the best way to react to this, and all he could do was pull her into a hug.

Since they’re in the car, he have to make her sit on his laps and place her head on his chest, like a baby, a coo her.

One could easily tell that Chase was angry. He didn’t know exactly what happened that might have made her feel like this, but one thing is sure , he’ll make whoever that caused her pain pay for her tears.

“It’s Okay. Let it all out.” Chase raised her head and kiss her on the forehead, then let her rest on his chest again still sobbing.

Night was fast falling, seconds turns into minutes and then silence.

Chase realized that she had fallen asleep. He carried her out of the car and opened the back door, then make her lay down. He took off her jacket and covered her with it then shut the back down.

Pulling out his phone, he called Rowan. Who picked up on the fourth ring.

“Are you still at the party?” Chase asked when he didn’t hear music from the end.

“Im in my car. My date is drunk and I need to get her home, what’s up?”

“I think something happened… At that ball party. Get me to talk to Charlotte before tomorrow.”

“I don’t think anything happens cause I was keeping a close watch, anyways I’ll do as you said ”

The calk was disconnected. Chase sighed and lean on his car, not ready to drive off now. He reached out to his pocket and bring out a stick of cigarette, lighted it with the lighter always with him. And then, take a smoke in.

It makes him feel more relaxed. He could have go for a drink too, but he’s no close to a bar.

For the next two minutes, Chase stood and smoke until the stick was all out. He got into his car and started it.

Turned his back to look at the peaceful sleeping Calista. Then , his phone rang and it was Tyrell calling.

“Hey man! You out of the party?”

“Yeah, what?”

“Just got the new from your sister. Your father was attacked, and he’s currently at the hospital. Don’t worry, the doctors are taking care of him so you can take your time.”

Chase was right, he had felt it. Something had happened while he was at that ball party. He could feel it.

“Attacked? Like shot?….”

“Yes man. You’ll see when you come, right now. I have to hang up.”

When the call disconnected, Chase’s eyes were red with anger and all he wants right now is to kill someone.

Has he been so calm recently that they chose to take him for granted?

Then, he started the car for a second time and slowly drive into the road.

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