You Can't Buy My Love

Chapter 7: 7: The Lie

Chapter 7: 7: The Lie

Olivia's POV

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." Nolan's lawyer grinned as I signed the paper that proved that

we were both married.

I could understand the fake marriage, but what I couldn't understand was the lengths to make it look

legitimate. He really didn't explain much except my role, and I didn't press him. Besides, I had to figure

out what I was going to tell my Mother.

Hey Mom, I married that guy that I met yesterday, I'm going to pretend to be his wife for three months! I

internally groaned at how terrible that sounded. How completely mad she would be. She would never

let me out of the house again! I could kiss college goodbye, it'll be community for me.

"Well, I'll see you back at my place tomorrow morning?" Nolan asked once he handled all the

documents, and I nodded.

"Okay," I sighed. "I'll see you tomorrow."

On the ride home I came up with a thousand reasons why I could be gone for months, but nothing

came to mind. "What am I going to do?" I groaned, hitting my head against the steering wheel.

I got out of the car and ran into my room immediately. I didn't want to risk my Mom putting me to work.

She promised me the day off, but that is liable to change if she sees me lurking around.

I got my suitcase from off of the closet shelf, and opened it up on my bed. I need to leave, I need this

money. It's only a few months anyways, not really a huge sacrifice. There's just no way I can tell my

Mom though, she would never allow it. Her little girl staying with a strange man, for a strange

arrangement. It just screamed murder me.

With that thought in mind, I sighed heavily. I can't just run away. There would be missing posters

everywhere. My inner thought train was interrupted by the entrance of my sister Dina.

"Going somewhere?" She asked, glancing at my suitcase.

I rolled my eyes in response, and closed the door behind her. "Dina, I have to tell you something, but

you have to promise you won't tell Mom."

"How much?" She asked, and I resisted the urge to smile. Ever since we were little, Dina and I used to

trade secrets for things. When we were girls, it was food, snacks, toys, whatever we could get our tiny

hands on. When we got older, it became a secret for money. It was the only thing worthwhile to us.

"How much is this secret worth to you?"

"I'll give you a hundred dollars." I told her, and her eyes bulged.

"That much, huh?" She smirked, folding her hands across her chest. "Do tell."

"I have to leave tomorrow, but she can't know where I am. I need a reason to be gone." I explained to

her. "I came into some money for my college fund, and I have to go away for a few months to get it."

"Why don't you just tell her that?" She asked, her blond hair shaking around her neck.

"She won't understand." I said simply.

"She'll understand if it's you going to school."

"She won't understand me getting married."

"Whoa!" Dina laughed, seemingly in disbelief. "You're getting married for money?!" She almost yelled,

and I put my finger to my lips, shushing her.

"Please be quiet before someone hears you!" I told her, rolling my eyes in annoyance. "I'm only

pretending to be married for some rich guy, in the end I get the money, and he gets..." I trailed off, still

unsure of what he was getting out of this. "Whatever he gets."

"That is quite the arrangement," she said with an impressed look on her face. "I never would expect

something like this from you. Maybe me. But not you."

"Will you just stop and help me?" I asked her in desperation. "I have to go. I can't stay here forever, I

just... can't."

"Alright, fine." She threw her hands up in surrender. Even though she was four years younger than me,

I did often times look to her for answers. She was stronger willed than I was, smarter than I was, way

more outgoing than I was. She was the one that got into trouble the most growing up, and her my Mom

don't get along at all; only because she's not afraid to march to her own best like I am. "When are you


"Tomorrow morning," I told her with a nervous look on my face.

"Don't give a girl much to work with do you?" She asked with a teasing smile. "Well, I have a plan

anyways, we'll just have to change the script." At that I laughed. Who knew I would become an actress This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

just to become a marine biologist?


Thank God for my sister. She concocted a whole plan. I was going on a missionary to Africa to build

homes for a few months, and in return I would receive a free ride to the college of my choosing.

"Oh honey that's wonderful!" She gushed. "When do you leave?" She asked.

"Tomorrow morning," I shrugged. "The flight is paid for."

"Isn't that a little soon?" She asked. This was a question that we didn't prepare for.

"She applied months ago." My sister butt in, noticing that I got stuck.

"You didn't mention to me?" She asked, looking confused.

"I didn't want to bring it up, in case I didn't get in." I lied, and realization crept over her face. "Well let me

close the shop, I'll take you to the airport.


"No!" My sister and I both shouted in unison. "No Mom, you don't want to lose out on business. Dina

can take me to the airport."

"Okay, fine." She said, no questions asked. It's a good thing I was the good child, if the roles were

reversed she would very suspicious. I never did anything to displease her.

We both let out a sigh of relief, and she squinted her eyes at the pair of us. "I really wish that you would

have told me about this honey." She urged. "Just because things are a little rocky right now, doesn't

mean I don't want to know my daughters. Do you both understand?" She asked us, and we nodded.

"Now go on, I'll make dinner and help you pack. I want to spend some time with you before you go at

least." I smiled at her softly, almost hating myself for deceiving her.

After a night of family bonding, my Mother came up to help me pack, and even tucked me into bed like

a small child. I didn't know how much I missed it until she planted a warm kiss on my forehead. No

matter how old you get, you never get too old for your Mother's love. It's the only timeless thing we


The next morning followed with fake kisses, and fake goodbyes. I felt bad for lying, and even worse for

dragging my sister into it.

We showed up at Nolan's place, and Dina looked just as amazed as I did the other day. We took the

elevator to the top floor, and then knocked on the door. "I'm coming in with you," Dina said. "I need to

make sure this guy isn't crazy."

When he opened the door, he seemed a little confused. "Hello?" He answered, but it came out as more

of a question than a greeting.

"This is my little sister, Dina." I explained. "She's dropping me off to the 'airport'." I did air quotes when

saying the word airport. I thought that was better than saying she was making sure that he wasn't a

psycho trying to kidnap me.

"Ohhhh." He sighed. "Well, come on in you two." He gestured for us to enter, then took the suitcase

from me.

"Wow!" Dina exclaimed, looking around in amazement. "Nice place!" She grinned, making herself at

home. I all but rolled my eyes at her. She keeps carrying on like this, she'll make him think we've never

seen anything nice.

"Don't touch anything." Nolan told her, and I side eyed him. "Please." He added in. Much better, I

thought to myself.

"You are about to be staying here?" She asked me, and I shook my head softly as she looked though

the refrigerator. "This place is bigger than our whole apartment." At that I shrugged, then looked up at

Nolan. I was used to having less; I was used to being in small spaces. It didn't bother me. Besides, he

has all this space and no one to share it with. Is it really worth it?

"What did you tell your mom?" Nolan asked me. Before I could even get to answer, Dina strode over

with her input.

"A huge, elaborate lie that she paid me to take part in." Dina answered for her, smiling sarcastically. I

chuckled softly, then crossed my arms over my chest in amusement.

"Do tell." He grinned, looking at me.

"Well, my sister here-" Dina started, sitting next to me on the couch. "Is doing some work in Africa for a

free ride to college."

"Africa?!" He asked, his eyes bulging. "You couldn't have been closer?" He asked with a laugh, and I

rolled my eyes.

"It was just a quick thought." I said, playing with my hair nervously.

"Well, we've got a long day of getting to know each other, so how about I show you to your room?" He

asked me, and I nodded my compliance.

"Okay. Dina I guess you can leave now, I'm safe." I told her, and walked her to the door. "And be

careful while you're driving, you know you don't have a license."

"This small girl is driving?" Nolan asked in disbelief.

"I'm not small, I'll be fifteen next month!" She corrected him, and he blinked in shock.

"Your mom just lets you drive around?" He asked, his eyes dashing between both of us.

"My mom taught us all to drive at ten. In this family, if you're old enough to see the road? You're

driving." I explained, then shooed Dina out the door. "Text me when you get home," I said, giving her a

tight hug.

"Text me when you get to Africa," Dina laughed.

Once Dina was gone and it was just us, he turned to look at me. "So Africa, huh?" He asked with a

teasing smile.

"Shut up." Was all I said before closing the door.

"Not even Hawaii?" He asked, continuing his teasing.

I rolled my eyes at him, tired of his games. "Can you just show me to my room?"

"Follow me." He led me down the hall, and into a single room. "Here you are." He said, sitting my

suitcase down. "I'll let you get settled." I looked around at where I would be staying for the next three

months. It was cozy, and seemingly decorated by a designer. Certainly nothing a man would do. "When

you're ready we can get started on the quizzing. You still have the file my assistant gave you right?" I

nodded my head 'yes', then watched him leave the room.

As soon as I was alone, I threw myself back on the bed. It was much bigger than mine, and much

softer. I never had a room to myself before. I went from sleeping with my parents, to sleeping in the

room with my sister four years after.

I ran my hand along the soft, burgundy comforter, then curled up in a warm comfortable spot. I have no

idea where this bed came from, but it felt like someone personally ascended the heavens and grabbed

a big fluff of cloud.

I didn't know what the next three months would hold. I didn't even know if it was worth it in the end.

Would I miss my family? My old life? Certainly it was too late to turn back. I had already signed my

name in blood on the dotted lines. I had already married this man; this stranger.

With that thought in mind, I heaved a heavy sigh, and then drifted off to sleep.


I nervously stepped into Nolan's Porsche as he held the door open for me. We were on the way to a

restaurant that he and his family frequented. Even though it was a fake meeting, I was still nervous as


These people were high class. So much so, that Nolan hired a stylist just for me to meet his father.

After hours of cramming, there followed even more hours of plucking and prying.

I knew how to get dolled up when I needed too, but these people took getting dressed up to the

extreme! I had my eyebrows plucked, my hair curled and rolled, and my feet and nails done all in one

go. I had never been pampered like this before. He even had someone to pick out a nice dress for me

to where. It's a shame, they have all this money and they don't even dress themselves.

I sighed heavily, trying to ease the nerves that were shaking inside of me. Just be arm candy, I thought

to myself. Just be the perfect bride.

"Are you okay?" He asked, not once taking his eyes off the road.

"Yeah," I lied. I seem to be doing a lot of that lately. "I just wish we had more time."

"I know but it has to be tonight. I've waited long enough. My father needs to see us together, and fast."

He explained.

"You still didn't tell me why." I said nonchalantly.

"It's not really important." He said, and I glanced over at him. "To you." He went on, probably after

realizing how ridiculous he sounded. "Anyways, it's better if you don't know."

"It's not like you're committing a crime or something." He laughed nervously, shrugging a little bit.

"I'm just saying, for acting purposes. If he tries to trip you up you won't know." He explained.

"You're acting like your dad is some kind of cop or something." I said, rolling my eyes.

"No but he definitely has connections." He explained.

"Is that why the marriage had to be legal?" I asked him.

"Yes." He replied simply. "Look, just be yourself. And act like you're in a relationship with me, that

shouldn't be too hard, right?" He asked.

"Right." I laughed nervously.

We finally pulled up to the place, and he pulled to the front of the building. Someone walked up to my

door immediately, and opened it up. I let out a nervous sigh before stepping out of the car.

I looked down at my white, straps heels, and hoped I didn't buss my ass on the pavement. I've worn

heels before, but let's just say they weren't my choice of shoes.

"Miss," the valet parker said, helping me out of the car.

"Thank you." I said softly, waiting for Nolan to come around the car.

He held his hand out for me to take it, and I laced mine into his. I had hoped he didn't feel the sweat

that begun to fill my palms. The feeling almost seemed silly. We had only met two days ago, I'm not

sure how we're going to convince a room full of people that we're married.

"Just be yourself," Nolan whispered to me as we made our way to their private section. "Don't be


We walked together in confidence, like we were the best couple in the entire restaurant. I'm sure that

he knew a couple of these people as well. So the act was for everyone.

We walked to an outside patio portion of the restaurant, and were greeted by a white haired old man

whom I'm assuming was his father. "Well, well, well," he started, standing to his feet. "Who do we have

here?" He grinned.

"Dad, this is Olivia." Nolan explained, and he grabbed my hand to kiss it.

"It's nice to meet you Olivia," he smiled. "My son has never brought a woman home to meet me before.

You must be very special," he explained. "And very beautiful might I add."

"Thank you," I smiled politely at him, and watched as he pulled my chair out for me to sit down.

Nolan sat down next to me, and his father sat across. I tried my hardest not to sink down in the chair

from shyness. I hated being the center of attention, and I hated how his father was studying us with

close scrutiny.

"When my son told me he was bringing a woman to dinner tonight, I didn't really expect you," he

explained, making Nolan roll his eyes. "I've seen the kind of girls he brings home."

"Dad!" Nolan whined, sounding much like a teenaged boy.

"So, how did you two meet?" He asked.

My eyes widened at the unexpected question, and I grabbed a glass of champagne off the table. "Well,

we-" before I could finish speaking, we were joined by someone who I'm assuming was Nolan's little


"What's up guys." He said as he sat next to his father. "Whoa!" He said when his eyes landed on me.

"Who's this?" He asked with a sly smile.

"I'm Olivia." I told him, smiling politely still.

Nolan stood up to his feet abruptly, and grabbed a glass. "Now that everyone is here I have an

announcement," he started. "Olivia and I are married."

I don't know how I was expecting that to happen, but that definitely wasn't it. I blinked as I stared at his

father who suddenly wasn't smiling anymore. "Is this a joke?" He asked, and Nolan once again rolled

his eyes.

"No Dad, it's not."

"Can I talk to you in private?" He asked Nolan, and I slipped on my glass as they walked away.

"You clean up nice." Ben said as he watched me closely. "I admit I didn't think you would really go

through with this. Guess I was wrong." He shrugged.

My eyes widened, and I leaned in closer to him. "You know about us?" I asked him.

"Of course I do." He said simply, his brown eyes glistening under the candle light. "I however, think he

was wrong about you. I think you're absolutely beautiful."

"What?" I asked him in all seriousness. "What did he say about me?" I asked him.

"I probably shouldn't," he teased, sipping his glass of champagne. I gave him a wide eyed gaze, and

blinked in shock. "Okay, since you begged." He shrugged. "He said that you were boring, and pretty


I squinted at him, feeling myself getting angry. "He said what?" I asked.

Ben nodded, and I sat back in my chair with folded arms. I cannot believe this! This whole time this rich

jerk has been pretending to be my friend, pretending to be nice, all the while talking shit about me to his


Oh, so this is how he wants to play, huh? I said to myself, looking over at him and his father. I'll show

him passable.

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