You Kissed My Soul

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Aderyn Pov

I have been waiting in my room for two hours. More two rounds in particular to go. My turn to fight is yet

to come. I had to splash water onto my face three to four times due to the sweat forming on my skin.

“Aderyn! Second round. Let’s go” George barged into my room.

I rolled my eyes at his manners.

Wearing my Gloves I made my way out of my room.

“This one is going to be tough babe. You are going to fight a Hercules type of man now” he spoke as

we walk. I chose to stay quite as I always do.

I could still hear people shouting and screaming. It seems as if people were getting more wild with

every round.

“It’s time for our round two Ladies and Gentlemen” I heard the anchor announcing as I stood inside the

wing waiting for his announcement.

“We have Theo Holmes from our wing five” I peeped a little to see a video of Theo playing on that big

TV screen. The video was of his last fight as how he defeated his opponent.

“Man! He was more taller and bulkier than my last opponent” I thought.

I watched as he made his way towards the ring with ease as if he owns the place. He threw his hood

somewhere and began to roar at people for cheering him.

“Huh” I scoffed

“And now it’s our fighter who finished her fight within less than four seconds making a record” everyone

screamed “Flame” and then I entered taking a deep breath with call composure.


“Babe I changed my mind. You fight! Fight! Fight!”

“Hey sexy you are sexy as hell”

“Oh please go out on a date with me” I smirked at this comment.

So desperate!

“You had no chance against this bull babe”

I heard people screaming and cheering with their respective comments.

“He is nothing in front of you” again the same voice which made me startled again. But I kept on

walking. I was not able to recognize the voice because of people shouting and howling. Moreover, the

voice was really low as if it was meant only for me to here.

I made my way into the ring while Theo who looked similar to Undertaker paced on his side like a

hungry lion.

“Gosh! What have I got myself into” I muttered to myself.

He looked like a man who didn’t care who was in front of him. Male or Female. And by the way he was

staring at me and pacing, it told me that he was ready to kill me.

“Fighter Ready?” The referee whistled and asked.

“Ready!” I nodded as I took my place.

“Hmm” Theo just hummed.

“On the count of three”

“One!” My heart bear started to rise again.

“Two!” People screamed counting the number with the referee.

“And Three!” Ringing voice and whistling was all I could hear.

Unlike my first opponent Theo didn’t lunge at me instead he chose not to underestimate me and tired to

read my moves.

We began to walk in circles waiting for each other’s attack. When none of us did I chose to be the first

one to attack as I always loved to attack than defense.

I lunged at him and began to threw punches directly on his face but he blocked it using his hands. In

other moment I punched hard on his stomach which caused him to stumble back a little bit he

composed himself quickly and lunged at me throwing a punch on my side.

He was fast.

Pain strikes towards my side due to his punch.

“Damn!” I cursed as I held my side.

He didn’t even give me time to recover as he again lunged at me throwing punches on my face. I got

few punches on my face and I was sure it was going to leave bruises. But somehow I managed to

block his punches using my forearm.

The next moment I found myself being lifted up and being thrown to ground. Pain flooded into my body

and my shoulder twisted oddly making me curse.

Thank god I was fast as I blocked myself from breaking my shoulder by falling backwards.

I saw him jumping on me but before he could break my rib-cage I rolled towards my left saving myself

from his deadly attack.

I wasted no time to get up. Before he could get up I kicked on his side and lunged at him punching

directly on his face.

People were screaming more by this time.

He used his leg and kicked me again in my hurt side. I winced in pain and stumbled back. He got up on

his feet but before he fully stand up I lunged again at him as I jumped on him and using my legs I

tangled my legs in his neck and using my body weight took both of us down but with him beneath me.

He winced in pain because I knew I hit his head and back badly.

I got up back on my feet and threw punches at him sitting in top of him.

He was howling in pain and failed to save himself by blocking me. Blood began to ooze out of his cuts

from his face and the next moment I was pulled off him by the referee.

I was panting badly. I had to take several breathes to call myself down.

“One! Two! Three!” The referee counted but stopped when Theo stood up on his feet.

“Oh man!” I thought

“Fight!” The referee announced and both of us lunged at each other. With several punches both of us

were trying our best and finally I was out of breath.

I was painting badly as I walked backwards.

“One! Two! Three!...” the referee began to count while the audience joined him counting for Theo again

who was now lying in the floor panting badly. He was definitely out of breath.

“Winner!” I was announced as the winner.

The crowd howled and cheered calling “Flame! Flame! Flame”

I walked out of the ring.

“Only one left now” I thought

“Ladies and Gentlemen Flame made it to the third round. Our first female participant to make it to the

third round” the anchor announced as the crowd grew more wild and I began to hear people cheering

my name.

I walked back into my room and as soon as I was inside I fell on the floor.

I was drained out.

I was breathing heavily and sweating badly. Throwing my gloves I took a deep breath as I spread my

legs and hands resting them for some minutes.

I was tired.

Slowly when my breathing was even I got up from where I was lying and walked towards the bathroom.

Splashing water on my face, I tried to calm myself.

Then using a towel I wiped away the water from my face and sat on the bench relaxing. I drank my

protein shake and took out a packet which I was given by George to eat.

The packet contained bread and banana.

I ate it silently and after I was done I threw the packet into the dustbin. Now I was totally relaxed. My

energy was back and I felt good. My side still hurt but I tried to apply ice pack on it to give myself little


It’s been already an hour. Round 2 is over I guess and now people had taken a break to eat something.

“Aderyn!” I looked towards the door to find George again barging in without knocking.


“Did you eat something?” He asked


“You are fourth this time and the match will start in fifteen minutes” he spoke as he walked towards me

and sat next to me on the bench.


“Uh tell me something” he began


“How do you know how to fight? I mean you were great out there. I never kWh that you could fight like

that” he looked excited.

I smiled and replied ” My father taught me. He was a professional coach”.

I chose to lie but half of it was correct because my father did teach me some techniques before me

joining the organisation.

“Wow! He must be good”

“Yup! He was” I replied as I looked towards the mirror.

“Was? Oh I am so sorry” he gave me his condolence.

“No don’t be its okay” I replied.

“Okay you get ready. All the best and you are not allowed to use Gloves this time. Wrap that bandage

on your knuckles which is in that second packet. I will be back to call you” he stood up and walked out

of the door.

I took out the packet and inside it their was a black bandage which I wrapped around my knuckles and


“Aderyn let’s go!” George called me exactly after fifteen minutes more.

“I think you are going to win this very easily babe” he looked more excited.

“Why so ?” I asked confused seeing his excitement.

“Out there your opponent is a female and she looks weaker. She is thin just like you and is small in

size. You will surely go to the finals”

“If she is that weak than st wouldn’t have reached this far George” my statement startled him.

“Uh! Right!” He understood.

“We have our four fighters ready ladies and Gentlemen” the anchor announced as the crowd went wild

once again.

“And they are Matthew Gonzales” I saw the big screen playing his last fight where he defeated his


“Second is Rico de’Souza” the crowd went more wild hearing his name. I saw the video and was

surprised to see his fighting techniques.

“Damn he was using mix martial arts techniques” I thought Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“And our third fighter is Andreevna” every one screamed Andreevna and the video played of her last


“And our Fourth one ladies and Gentlemen is our Flame” the audience came to live with howling and


“This fighters are our semi-finalists who will now fight against their opponents and the two winners will

fight against eacheother to win this Battle for our trophy and prize ladies and Gentlemen”

“Ring 1 Matthew and Andreevna” people screamed more.

“Ring 2 Flame and Rico” I walked out of the wing towards my ring.

“Why the hell he chosen as my opponent?” I thought to myself.

“Just believe upon yourself like I do” I heard it again. Now I was starting to recognize that voice but how

in the world is he doing here?

“Fighter ready?” The referee asked.

“Ready!” We both said at the same time.

“On the count of three. One! Two! Three” and we began.

“And the winner is Flame” the anchor announced screaming.

Everyone cheered and some even whistled for my victory. I made it. I was panting real hard but I had

this smile on my face. This was the toughest fight. But I made it. Rico was down but not senseless. He

gave up before me.

“Ladies and Gentleman! This is unbelievable. We have our first finalist Flame!” Everyone clapped for

me as I walked back towards my room with a smile on my face. I was contented. I was contented upon

myself for finally making it to the final.

This was the first time ever where I was feeling proud of myself for learning how to fight. In reality I

always loathed it. It always reminded me of my sufferings and the reason why I learnt it in the first

place. But today I am feeling blessed. I made it to this level with my own hard work and training.

As I got into my room, I ran to the mirror and looked myself in it. I was glowing with happiness. For the

first time of my life I saw my eyes glowing. It wasn’t dull any longer, but it was full of life and most

importantly happiness. Finally I found me. I found myself.

I laughed a little enjoying my victory.

“Matthew is our other finalist ladies and gentleman” I heard the announcement.

“Aderyn!” George barged in.

“Ah George come! I was waiting for you to show up” I said smiling.

“Oh my Gosh Aderyn I can’t believe this! You are finalist” he exclaimed happily as he hugged me.

I laughed and patted his back.

“Yup I made it” I said in a happy tone.

“You know what? I thought you would never make it but now I want you to win this” he spoke as he

held my shoulder.

“Ah George! I am happy that I at least reached this stage. It doesn’t matter now if I win or n-” he cut me

off “No! No don’t think like that Aderyn. The cash prize is huge and you gotta win this because you

have the capability and you need to prove those people out there what you have got. C’mon Aderyn

you made to this level. You can win this. Have faith upon yourself Aderyn. You can do this” he finished

out of breath.

“Woah! Relax will you” I said amused.

“No! First tell me that you are gonna give your best” he jumped up and down like a maniac.

“Yeah! Yeah Okay I will do my best” I spoke up.

“Yes! That’s like a good girl now relax yourself. Your fight will start in thirty minutes” he said as he

turned around and walked out of the room.

“I can do this!” I muttered to myself.

“Fighters ready?” The referee asked.

“Ready!” I said and Matthew nodded.

“On the count of three. One! Two! And three!” and we fought. We both were fighting only for that trophy.

We used our whole energy and fought against each other. Neither of us were giving up.

“Flame! Flame! Flame!” Sixty percent of the audience were cheering for me.

And one last blow and he was done.

Sounds of cracker and applaud was heard. I knelt down as blood fell on the floor from my mouth. He

punched really hard. I was panting and vision was blurry.

“Our winner ladies and gentlemen” I saw Matthew coming towards me as he bent down before me and

gave me his hand to take.

I took it and tried to stand up.

“Is Flame!” Everyone screamed “Flame” as Matthew himself raised my hands up in the air.

“Well done! Congratulations!” He spoke as he side hugged me and clapped for me with the audience.

“Thank you” I managed to speak.

I could feel my eyes getting teary and at the same time again I was feeling lonely. Because there was

no one who would be proud for me getting the trophy. Everybody were just cheering for me but in that

cheering I wished for anyone who would wait for me and hug me tightly feeling proud for me for


Again Aderyn was alone.

“We happily announce the winner Miss Flame whose real name is a secret for all of us is our winner.

She wins our cash prize and the trophy. Ladies and Gentlemen cheer up for our winning beauty and

the fighter” the anchor announced as the sponsor handed me the cash prize cheque and the trophy.

I smiled at the audience showing them the huge trophy and raised my hands in victory for the

photographers to take a good photograph.

I was happy.

My eyes widened in surprise when I saw a person clapping for me and for the first time I saw a genuine

smile on his face which was directed for me.

He walked towards me from the audience.

I was flabbergasted.

“H-How?” I thought

He walked and stood directly at front of me with a smiling face. Wearing his black leather jacket and

black jeans he looked more handsome than ever. He had a little stubble on his face but that made him

look more manly.

He reached his hands towards me and took the trophy from me holding it with happiness.

“I am so proud. I knew you could do this” he spoke lowly but still I could hear him in all this audience

cheering noise.

“D-Dylan?” I managed to speak.

He looked down at me and smiled even more speaking


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