You Kissed My Soul

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Aderyn Pov

“What’s with you always running away?” He asked as he walked towards me. The more he came

closer the more nervous I grew and I hated it.

“Well a captive do have right to run away from its captor” I told him and he sighed rubbing his hand on

his face.

“I am not your captor Aderyn. I am your mate. How many times do I need to tell you this?” He asked

and I turned around avoiding his gaze.

“I saw a wolf” I spoke and heard him humming in response.

“It was way too bigger than a normal one” I told him and stood their silently for some minutes before NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

speaking again “Was it you?” I asked and turned towards my side to face him.

He nodded reluctantly and shoved his hands into his pant pockets.

“He is the King. His name is Black” he told me and I nodded and pursed my lips.

“I saw him once before” I told him to which he gave me confused look.

“I never shifted into him nor did I ever showed my wolf form to you beforehand. So how and where did

you see him?” He questioned and I smiled to it remembering where I met him.

“In my dream” I told him and looked up at him to find him already staring at me.

“What was he doing there?” He asked and shook my head negatively which made him frown.

“I will never tell you that” I said and sat down on one of the stone placing my leg inside a puddle of


He took his seat on another stone before me and copied my action.

“Black is beautiful” I told him and he smiled looking the other side.

“He is glad that his mate finds him beautiful” He spoke and I lowered my head hearing the word mate.

“How did you find me? I thought you were away to somewhere” I asked unasked question that I wanted

to ask the time I saw him emerging out of the woods.

“I already told you, I can find you easily even if you went to the other side of the world. Nothing could

ever stop me from finding you. I could always feel and sense you” he told me and I felt my heart

fluttering hearing him. I felt truth laced in his words.

“So you are not going to yell at me or something for running away?” I asked and he looked at me and

then chuckled. He took some pebbles and started throwing them one by one into the water.

“No I am not going to yell” he told me to which I raised my eyes questionably.


“Because I know why you ran away” he said and I gave him a blank look.

“When I was hardly seventeen I was to be crowned for my position. The day I was to be crowned, do

you know what I did?” He asked and I shook my head negatively.

“I ran away” he blurted out and I blinked my eyes processing what he just told me.

“What?” I asked not believing him.

He heaved a sigh and using his hands he leaned back looking up towards the sky.

“Although I won the battle from our enemies to win my kingdom back, I was still a kid and it was too

much for me to take a responsibility. I was under pressure. I was scared what if I failed my father, my

people, my King who was my father” he spoke lowly the two words and I noticed the sadness which

marred his face.

Perhaps recalling those days or maybe his father.

“It was too much for me. I knew my life would no longer be the same after I take the responsibility. I too

wanted my freedom. Responsibility was killing me. People were looking at me with hope that I will be

protecting them and the kingdom”.

“So at last I ran away” he gave me a small smile but I could see the sadness in his eyes.

“I ran and ran into this woods” he smiled looking everywhere “This same woods and finally ended up

here. Right here in this stream” he smiled recalling the day.

“I was tired and frustrated. I just wanted a break from my life. I had already lot of things full in my plate

and the crown weighted the most on me. It felt like a burden to me. I knew if I wore it, I had to bear it at

any cost”.

“Finally I decided that I would run away. Run away to a place where nobody could ever find me” he

stopped for a minute and exhaled loudly as he kept his head on his knee.

“Then?” I asked wanting to know more.

He looked at me and smiled “I didn’t do that”.

“I would’ve ran away if I didn’t hear his voice”.

“Whose voice?” I asked confused.

“It was Arald” he said and as soon he said that his face was marred by a sad expression which made

me worried.

“Arald was my Father’s Beta” he said in a gloomy tone and then it clicked me.

“Beta? but I thought he die-” I stopped in the middle with widen eyes.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean” I apologized feeling terrible for saying that out loud.

“No it’s okay”.

“I don’t mind”.

“Yes it is true that he died in that war but still I heard his voice”.

“I was sure that the voice which I heard belonged to his and that day I was shocked after hearing him. It

was like a magic to me. After hearing him, I got strength. He told me to go back and to fulfill my duties

of being a King. I was a King and instead of running away like a coward I was suppose to fight back. I

had to hold on to my responsibilities and duties of being a King. It was what the Moon Goddess

wanted, our senior wanted, our kingdom wanted and most importantly it was what my Father always

dreamed of. His only wish was to see his son getting crowned but fate had something else decided for


“He didn’t even get the chance to say goodbye to his son, let alone see him grow up” he told that and I

could see his eyes getting watery but as to prevent hi,self from crying he closed his eyes and inhaled

and exhaled deeply and when he opened his eyes he looked at me. No matter how much he tried to

keep his face void from any emotion, I could steel see the pain which was still there, evident from his


“You said you heard him. How?” I asked trying to change the subject.

“I don’t know. I still think that may be I was hallucinating or something but I was pretty sure that it was

his voice which I heard”.

“After that I got a hold upon myself and finding my strength and confidence I went against the plan of

running away and decided to return to where I rightly belonged to”.

“My Kingdom”.

“I was a King and for me to act like a coward was forbidden”.

He looked towards me with something in eyes that I couldn’t quite comprehend so I averted my gaze

away from him and looked elsewhere.

“Do you know why I am telling you this?” He asked softly and though I didn’t answer him I somehow

knew why he was telling this to me.

“You know what?”

I looked back at him questionably.

“Till now nobody knew that I actually ran away that day. When it was the time for the announcement

everyone found me where I should be and then I was given the throne. But nobody ever knew that

before that I ran away”.

“You are the only one whom I told this. This is the biggest secret of my life” he smiled at me to which

my heart responded by beating rapidly.

“Because when I lost Arald I used to think that he was my only strength apart from my parents whom I

lost in that war”.

“But now, I think that I have found my strength back” he moved towards me and touched my face and

began to trail his knuckles on my cheeks.

I grew nervous and though I wanted nothing but to lean against his touch I restrained myself from doing

that. His touch did incredible things to my skin sending tingles and warmness running down my body.

“When are you going to stop holding yourself back from me?” he chuckled but I knew he was upset.

“You need to open up to me. It’s not like I will eat you or something. And you need to warm up to me

soon. Very very soon” he swept the locks that was falling my face behind my ear and came incredibly

close to me and whispered into my ear.

“Because I don’t think I could restrain myself from you any longer. Day by Day I am loosing my control

and I don’t think you running away from me every time is helping me. It is making me even more.

Because I like to chase” he trailed a finger on my arm and using his another hand he held me by my

waist and pulled me to him and put his head into the crook of my neck inhaling my scent.

“Heavenly” he whispered and I gulped remembering the last time what happened after he did that.

“And I will take my Luna back with me whether she comes with me willingly or by” he placed a soft kiss

on my pulse which immediately set me on fire. I closed my eyes shut and took deep intakes to control


“I won’t let my Luna out of my sight ever” he squeezed my waist and I clenched my fist feeling the nails

digging my skin.

“Because She is my Strength and She is Mine”.

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