You Kissed My Soul

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

Dylan Pov

“You are running too fast!” I told Black as he leaped over the thin stream of the river, passing the rocks

he jumped and sprinted back into woods.

“I am no mood to talk human!” he said in his animal beasty tone.

I sighed and tried once more “Slow down already! It’s been an hour since you are running. Slow down

a little!” I told. My wolf seemed agitated due to the loss of his mate and some wolves from our kind.

“Look I understand what you are feeling right now but you need to understand that we can’t lose our

mind at this time. You are exhausting yourself and at the same time, you are exhausting me too. Listen

to me! I miss Aderyn too! Hell! I want to die right now but that’s not the solution. She would have been

so angry seeing our condition. Try to understand. If we want her safe we must control our emotions.

So, calm down! Running and exhausting yourself won’t help the situation. We need energy. We need it

for our love, mate Aderyn” I tried to make him understand.

“It all happened because of me! I am weak!” he growled with his ears down.

“Stop blaming yourself!” I argued.

“Shut up! You won’t understand human!” he growled in annoyance.

“Don’t talk to me like that Black! You are testing my limits now!” I charged at him.

“Me? Actually, it was you. Everything happened because of you!” he stopped in the middle of the

woods barring his teeth and bobbing his head.

“What did you just say? How dare you to talk to me like that Black? Are you forgetting your position?” I

retorted back.

“Oh shut up! If you weren’t so weak as a human then my mate would have been here! She was taken

right before your eyes. What did you do? Nothing!” his remark angered me.

“My eyes are your eyes too! You are within me! What could you do? Nothing! And what did you mean

by ‘my mate’? She is our mate!” I growled at him when he barred his teeth hunching his back at me.

“Fine! I lost to this conversation. I am sorry!” he sat on the ground and put his head down on the grassy


I sighed inwardly. “Why am I even fighting with him?” I thought and heard Black whined and closed his


“I am sorry too! Black try to understand! We will find her. Have faith in me. On us” I said but he didn’t





“What?” he growled in annoyance.

“When did you start to talk so much? I want that old quite Dylan back. You are giving me a headache!”

he complained.

“Umm does wolves have headaches too?” I questioned even more to annoy him.

“I understood it today!” he said all of a sudden.

“What?” I questioned confused by his sudden statement.

“Why they used to say that ‘mate changes you’ you have changed! You show emotions a lot now after

Aderyn has come into our life. But most annoyingly you talk too much now!” he complained.

“What? Oh well, it is good right?” I questioned amused by him.

“Oh Please! I beg you! Please shut up!” he cried as he got on his four legs and walked towards the


“Hey Black!” I continued to annoy him while he walked back towards the house.

“What now?” he asked irritated.

“Do you trust me?” I asked. I knew I was asking absurd questions but it was my only tactics. He would

completely destroy himself thinking about Aderyn if I didn’t divert his mind somewhere else.

“What type of question is this? How did your brain get infected so badly? Is this how you human turn up

when you are in love?” he questioned.

“Nope! Answer my question! Don’t try to change the subject! Do you trust me or not?” I questioned

while he rolled his eyes on me.

“No!” he said and sprinted back towards the house.

I stood there in the middle while the witches surrounded me and stood few feets away from me as the

chanted their mantras. They made me stand in the middle of a ritual circle to provide me energy and

protection. They told me that lately after Aderyn has been taken I have not been in control of my own

body. As my wolf remains anxious all the time he takes over my body whenever he wants. The human

side of me seems weak for which the witches are going to perform magic over my body which would

give strength to my human side so that I could have Black in control. He knows about all this and he

isn’t even protesting against all this because he himself knows what destruction he can cause when he

has the control over my body.

The witches came out with this to find Aderyn. They told me that after giving energy to my body, they

will use the mate bond to find Aderyn. If I had the strength and energy, my mate bond will grow

stronger for which they will use their magic to locate Aderyn. They said that they went through their

ancestor’s book of magic to find out about this and this was the first time ever they were going to do

this. I stood shirtless in the middle of the circle of candles, with my eyes closed as I waited patiently for

them to perform their magic. It was little disturbing to my sensitive ears because each one of them was

chanting their own different mantras loudly. And then, it began when I opened my eyes.

“I, Cynthia Ryle shall guide you to begin your magic. We shall perform one by one with each of

chanting our names twelve times to process the magic” she said and the other witches raised their

hands towards me and closed their eyes. A halogen light formed on their hands and I watched them all

performing the magic on me.

“I, Pearsyvia Wings shall give you the power to boost your senses,” she said and a wave of light hit me

hard on my face which made me scream in pain as I threw my head back and screamed out as I felt

my eyes watering and my claws digging out of my skin painfully. Then I felt something wrapping around

both of my hands and I hard to look to see what it was to find out what looked like the roots of a tree

penetrating from the ground and circling around my hands as if to hold me in the place. It was so tight

and whenever I moved it tightens its hold on me.

“I, Cyreanna Nox shall give you my power to see a vision of the moments that will happen just after five

minutes” ray of light penetrated through me and I knelt down due to the pain I felt. My body heated up This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

and my canine teeth barring out of my mouth. I felt blood on my cheeks as my eyes glowed up with a

red light and I could no longer see anything. I was blind. The roots tightened even further on my hands

holding me in place.

“I, Estelle Helliot shall give you the power to move as fast as the wind and vanish into thin air.”

“I, Amber Sueffer and my twin” she stopped and her twin sister spoke “Venus Sueffer” and then they

both chanted in unison “shall give you the power to control your abilities.”

“I, Phoenix Hunter is privileged to give you the power to control the element of fire,” she said and even

though I already had the power to control the element beforehand I felt the enormous amount of energy

building up inside me when the light hit my body. I was pleased when she showed up saying that she

will join the war and help me against her daughter. She had proved her loyalty two times and I was

pleased as well as saddened that she had to stand once again against her daughter.

“I, Hilda Razor shall give you the power to our King, Black Bishop to have the power to build up a shield

for the war companions against the enemies.”

“I, Medusa Vex and my sister” she paused for her sister “I, Clarissa Vex” then both of them continued in

unison “shall give you the power to use your werewolf claws against silver to protect your companions

against your enemies.”

“I, Annika Laire shall give you the energy to withstand pain and loss in the war.”

“I, Cynthia Nox shall give you the energy to fight against the evil and search for your mate in the war.”

with that rays after rays of light hit me on my body. I felt my muscles flexing, and my body

shapeshifting. Black was taking over my body but I didn’t allow it because the human side of me was

stronger than him now. Both of us fought with each other to take over the body. Black fur popped out of

my skin all over my body, my canine teeth barred out even further elongating more than its original

size, claws tore my skin apart before digging out forcibly elongated more than its original side. The

power in my body was enormous. I had never so alive beforehand. My jeans tore apart as the muscles

in my thigh flexed further. My power increased so much that I even tore the roots that were holding me

in my place apart.

I opened my eyes slowly when everything was over. My vision was incredible. It looked as if I was

standing much taller to everyone as if my height increased. I could even see a needle like a dent or

hole in the world. My vision had incredibly increased. As I panted and huffed out air because of the

power and the force my body has to go through during the rites, I looked down to be amazed by my


I was half human and half werewolf now. I looked like a Lycan possibly, I was a Lycan now. I had

wolves hind legs and I stood on two legs with a wolf and half human like hand with sharp razor-like

elongated claws. My hearing senses had increased. I felt my ears twitching in all distance and I could

hear heart beats inside the room. It should be twelve including mine so why was I hearing thirteenth


I looked over and followed the sound and my eyes fell on a frog in the corner of the room just at the

side of the door.

“Black?” I called my wolf in my mind.

“Yes, I am over here!” he replied.

“Feel the energy?” I asked overwhelmed by the power.

“Love the energy!” he replied in enthusiastic.

“What are we waiting for? Let's get our mate back! Shall we?” I asked and he howled in response. I

flexed my body and throwing my head backward I howled like a wolf, our voice penetrating past the

walls of the room. The pitch was so high that I bet that even a mere insect miles away from my

kingdom could hear my howl.

It was time for the war.

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