A Deal With The Millionaire

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

* Next Day *

* Shane’s Mansion *

” You’re back ” Brielle said happily as Shane walked in into the mansion with a neutral expression on – or maybe he had no expression on.NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

” Sorry for getting you all worried ” Was all he said to her as he walked over to the stairs without sparing her a glance.

Brielle rushed after him almost immediately, by then he had walked in into his suite. She caught up with him and stood at his front, making him pause on his tracks. ” What is it? ” He wasn’t in the mood for a round of questions or talks. He wasn’t in the mood to talk at all.

He had cried all night and his head at that moment was probably spinning. He just had to keep it in ’cause he still had tons of files to tend do at work.

” Are you okay? ” Brielle asked worriedly. ” Do I not look okay? ” He asked with no expression on. ” Layla told me you two broke up? Is that really true? ” She asked, looking really worried but Shane wasn’t really noticing her worried expression. He had other things going on, on his head at that moment.

” She told you that? ” Shane asked to be sure and Brielle nodded in confirmation. ” Yeah, she had traces of tears on her face and she wasn’t looking really good when I went to her apartment and I had to ask what was wrong ” Brielle explained and Shane let out a sigh.

He really can’t believe Layla, he’s still confused on why she made that decision when she clearly knew it’s gonna be impossible for them to be apart.

” I will be fine ” Shane muttered as he walked away into his room. Brielle let out a frustrating sigh. She hadn’t slept a wink last night as she was damn worried about Shane’s safety, even after Alec had told her he( Shane ) was with him. Strangely, she was still worried.

She was worried about how he would be feeling then, after breaking up with Layla. Would he really be fine? And her thoughts had been proved right, merely seeing him, just a glance at him. One would know he isn’t okay. His face are all puffy and there are still some traces of dried tears on his face, he also had little dark circles under his eye region and that alone was enough prove that he had been crying instead of sleeping.

Strangely, she was feeling guilty. She knew she was definitely the cause of why Layla had ended her relationship with Shane. She thought she would be overjoyed and happy if that happened but at the moment, she’s feeling bad and sad.

Seeing Shane cry ’cause of Layla is disheartening to her but at the same time, she was feeling sorry for him. She had caused it. She was the factor responsible for their break apart. Shane must really be in love with her ( Layla ) and his attitude towards the break up is a prove he’s really in love with Layla and probably can’t do without her. While she ( Brielle), he obviously felt no thing for her again.

Layla must be really right after all, but she should give up that easily? She should try her best right? She really can’t believe herself, she’s giving up so easily.

** Kent’s Enterprise **

” You don’t really want it? ” Brielle asked sadly as she pushed the flask to Shane’s front again. She had been pleading with him to eat something but he had been refusing.

He had been working for hours ever since he got to work and he hadn’t tasted anything, not even water. ” Are you planning to starve yourself? Come on.. you might fall sick as a result of too much stress with no food in you ” She pleaded but he only gave his attention to the files he was holding closer to his eye, staring at them closely.

” Please.. do you want me to get Layla for you then? ” Brielle was forced to ask and Shane looked up at her abruptly. ” I mean.. I could just ask her to come work on some things here and that way you could get to see her since she had been refusing to see you ever since she arrived at work ” Brielle said forcefully. She knows that’s not right, I mean for a wife to want to help her husband get his concubine attention.

Layla had refused to say a word to Shane when he had asked her to bring a file to his table. She only did as instructed and went almost immediately, ignoring Shane who had tried to say a word to her.

Shane noticed some dark spots on her face as Brielle had said, truly she must have been crying the same way he has been crying. But why would she insists on them breaking up when it’s at a disadvantage to her and he wasn’t even complaining.

He doesn’t care if she can’t help him in office works now, he believes she would be able to help later in the future after she’s done at school and she would be able to help just the same way Brielle had helped. Why was she suddenly taking all these serious? He hadn’t even made not even a single complaint her about not being able to do things Brielle can do. He doesn’t care, he only loves her and that’s all.

He hadn’t been able to think straight ever since then, even the files he has been tending to ever since he got to work, he kept making mistake. He knew he would have to find someone or he would go over the files again.

” Should I? ” Brielle cut him off his thoughts and he nodded. ” Please do ” He muttered.

” You would eat once she’s here right? ” Brielle asked to be sure. ” I guess ” He muttered and she nodded before walking out of his office and she headed over to Layla’s office.


Layla walked in after wiping her almost dried tears. She sniffed in some tears silently as she walked over to the couch and she sat down not bothering to spare Shane any glance at all.

Brielle handed over the files she was to sort out and she let out a nod as she took the files from Brielle.

” Will you please eat now? ” Brielle whispered to Shane. Shane let out a sigh as he diverted his gaze from Layla. He let out a short nod. Brielle let out a smile as she set his food.


Shane hadn’t taken more than five spoons when he dropped the cutlery he was using to eat. Brielle raised her brows but he ignored it. He drank a little water and continued with his work. ” I’m done ” Layla suddenly said and Brielle walked over to her ”

” Thanks ” Brielle muttered as she took the files from Layla. Layla let out a small nod and a little smile. She stood up and with that, walked out of the office.

Brielle turned to Shane whose gaze was still fixed at the door as he watched Layla leave. He had a hurt look on and he sighed softly before looking away. Brielle let out a sigh as he walked over to Shane.

” You really love her that much? ” She asked with a hint of hurt in her voice. ” Tell me the truth like seriously, you don’t feel any thing for me again? ” She asked tho she knew what the truth was but she wanted to hear him say it.

Shane only kept quiet as he only stared at her. Brielle let out a sad chuckle. ” I guess that means a yes ” She muttered sadly.

” But it’s all my fault anyways. I shouldn’t have left for so long, I shouldn’t have ignored our wedding contract selflessly… ” She chuckled again slowly.

” I just didn’t know this would happen. I never thought any of this such would happen. You falling for another lady except from me and.. I just thought since we were acting on a contract anyways, you wouldn’t love another woman knowing you would always be with me anyways. But I guess I was wrong and I’m really sorry. I’m really sorry for making you go through all those stress you might have gone through. I’m really sorry if I caused you sleepless nights, got you thinking or something.. I really am sorry but I do regret it now. I really regret it ” She muttered as a tear slipped out of her eyes.

Shane let out a sigh as he stood up, he pulled her into his arms. ” I’m really sorry ” Brielle cried the more as her tears wet his shirt.


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