Alpha Noah

Chapter 4


Does this make me a criminal?

All this money sits in a bag, in my apartment, the origin of it unknown. Of course it belongs to Cian, but who knows how he got it. Maybe he stole it, and has dumped it on me. Regardless, I frantically zip it up, anxiously looking all around as if someone might be looking in on me, ready to report me to the authority.NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

It’s illegal to have this much cash without putting it into the bank. If I get caught with this, my entire life will be over. It doesn’t matter if Cian is trying to help me out with money troubles, he could get me in serious trouble.

Dragging it across the room, I push it under my bed, wedging it until the bulging bag fits. No one can see this. No one.

I only relax for a moment when it’s out of sight.

How am I going to get rid of it without getting caught? I’ll have to burn it, or dump it somewhere. I don’t care that I could do with that much money, and it would be a true blessing to use it, however, I don’t want Cian’s pity money. How did he even get it up here without anyone seeing? Unless of course, someone did see…

Hours pass and no one busts through my door, so I eventually clamber into bed, hoping I won’t wake up in the morning to the authority standing over my bed. Plus, it doesn’t help with my nerves for tomorrow. I’m going to the Alpha’s palace.

Tomorrow, when I get home from work, I’ll deal with the money. Sam will help me dump it somewhere, and it will be no worry of mine anymore.

I hope.


I barely slept all night.

Going to the Alpha’s palace isn’t a common experience for the average person. Although I doubt I’ll meet him, I’m still nervous. We are simply delivery people, however, at the back of my mind, it lingers that I was specifically asked to be the one to deliver this small package. Maybe today I will find out.

Sitting in Jeffreys delivery van, I ignore the uncomfortable jolt and lunge it makes over every bump, concentrating on the view outside. Since my parents went away to travel for the past year, I haven’t had any money to my name, which means I haven’t left my town.

It’s beautiful out here. The entire Harmony Pack is. Endless flat, bright green meadows frame the road we drive down. There isn’t even a single cloud in the sky.

It’s almost too perfect.

Jeffrey warns me as we get close to approaching the estate. The closer me drive, the stranger the taste on my tongue becomes. It’s tangy, almost, like blood, but when I check my mouth, there’s nothing there. Maybe it’s just my nerves, but either way, it tastes horrid. Jeffrey seems to notice it too, his face screwing up in disgust. We are soon too distracted to notice it.

We are stopped on a random checkpoint going up the road by security. It didn’t take much to identify us, and we were sent on our way again. With stern expressions on their faces, they look awfully intimidating. We haven’t even made it to the manor yet.

Formal lawns and manicured gardens reach us before the manor is even in sight. Smooth asphalt finds its way underneath us.

Who is the Alpha trying to impress?

The manor as we approach it is stunning. It’s not what I expected, the first part of it open, supported by giant marble pillars. It’s so stunning, that as Jeffrey drives to the other side, I find myself getting slightly mad. I want to walk through that main entrance and feel how lavish and beautiful it is. I know, however, that only those who are invited are allowed in through there.

“Where are we going?” I ask, as we park around the other side of the building. It’s less beautiful around here, shade being cast over us in the van. I’m not sure why this place is so captivating, but I can hardly wait another second to get inside. I might not even be allowed inside…

“We have to go through the back entrance. That’s where the rest of the delivers go,” he tells me flatly, clearly irritated he’s had to drag me along.

I feel foolish myself. We aren’t special guests.

“Well, since you were requested to be here, you might as well come in with me,” he says, stepping out the van. I follow, jumping down on the grass. It sinks under my feet, the blades almost seeming to sneak up my shoes to my ankle. I quickly step onto the asphalt again, nervous. This place is admittedly strange, but I don’t mention it to Jeffrey.

Wordlessly, I follow him to the back door, which although is for staff, is still more extravagant than anything in my apartment. Swallowing nervously, I watch him knock promptly. A woman opens it for us, looking bored and uninterested as she motions for us to follow.

“This isn’t the average delivery,” she says as we walk in, voice dripping with that thick Harmony Pack accent.

“Why was she asked along?”

Both Jeffrey and the strange woman look at me, both looking unsure in themselves. Maybe I shouldn’t have come, even if it was requested of me. No one knows why I’m here, so I’m assuming it’s all a big mistake, or some kind of instruction lost in translation. Either way, I stand here, mortified.

“Believe it or not, people here have been whispering that the Alpha requested it out of nowhere. No one knows why,” she says lowly, as if I can’t hear. I lean against the back door, unsure of what I should do.

We are in a room full of mail that must be for the Alpha and his staff. Jeffrey holds the small black box that we are hand delivering especially for him.

I’m more concentrated on what she said.

“Why would he do that?” I question, looking at them as if they might provide me some answers. The woman, whoever she is, doesn’t look like she works very high up here. She wears a basic uniform, dark hair tossed up into a bun.

“I don’t know, why would he?” She questions, narrowing her eyes. I blink. She’s accusing me. I’m not sure what if, but she is.

Looking at Jeffrey for help, it doesn’t look like he’s going to give me any. We are all as confused as each other. Finally, the worker here leads me out the mail door, leaving Jeffrey behind to wait for me. There is a potent mix of nerves and excitement churning within my stomach.

“Don’t think you’re going upstairs. You’re staying on the servants level,” she tells me firmly. She must think I’m here with an ulterior motive.

“You know I don’t know why he requested me to come here, right?” I say. She leads me down a rather dark hallway, lit dimly. The stairs we pass by must lead up to where Noah dwells. It almost feel improper to even think his true name without putting the word Alpha in front of it.

“I haven’t heard from his mouth he wants to see you, so for all I know you’re friends with someone high up, and you’re using them to get to the Alpha,” she comments. “It happens more often than you think.”

Finally, she leads me into a seperate room that is practically empty aside from a few scattered chairs. Suddenly, I’m afraid an interrogation is going to take place to see whether I’m here for honest reasons. I shouldn’t have come. This could be a big opportunity for a promotion, but maybe someone is trying to get me in trouble…

“This is where we interview new staff. Since we don’t know who you are, the Alpha will meet you down here,” she comments, standing by the door as I sit down on one of the uncomfortable metal chairs.

I flinch, looking up at her. “Wait. I’m meeting the Alpha?”

Naturally, I had assumed I wouldn’t be so lucky. That it would be his personal assistant maybe, who would accept this prized black box, which now remains in the palm of my sweaty hands. The woman watches me, as I quickly fix my hair, brushing is behind my ear, fixing my mussed shirt.

“Don’t try make yourself look good. He’s the Alpha, darling. He has no interest in you,” she tells me snarkily. It’s petty jealousy I assume. “Someone has gone to get him. He should be down here any moment.

I wanted to ask more questions, to find out what to do and what to say, but she slipped out of the room, leaving me sitting, unsure of what to do.

It didn’t take long for the Alpha to arrive. And alone too.

He opened the door, stepping in. My entire body freezes at his presence, his scent following him in, consuming the entire room. It’s a sharp, but sweet scent of something woody combined with orange, maybe? Whatever it is, it has my body shuddering. It’s delicious.

I’ve always been aware of what Noah looks like, from TV appearances, and the odd poster plastered to my apartment buildings wall when an event was happening somewhere in the Pack. His encapsulating emerald green eyes melt the hearts of girls all around the Pack, that undeniable handsomeness making him impossible to despise.

However, seeing him in person is a much different story. His eyes aren’t just green, but seem to reflect different shades of the colour like the facets of a pure gem. Dark hair shades his head to his forehead, nearly covering this beautiful eyes. He’s even dressed simply, which compliments his body so well; especially in the way he is built.

It seems a lot to notice all at once, but he takes his time coming into the room. He grabs a chair, pulling it out to sit on right in front of me.

“The box?” He asks.

Quickly, I hold my hand out the box sitting neatly on my palm. He takes it with three fingers.

“Thank you for coming,” he says softly. His voice is so musical, like soft notes blending perfectly together. I’m not sure how anyone can look like that and exist, but I’m not here to question it. I’m here to do a job and leave.

I watch as he opens the box. Maybe it’s a ring, for someone special in his life. There has been rumours of a Luna, but nothing for sure has been announced. Maybe he is waiting for a proper ceremony before he puts it out to the public.

However, when he turns the box to face me, there’s nothing in there. He tosses it over his shoulder.

“I didn’t really need that,” he comments. “What I wanted delivered, was you.”

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