Alpha Noah

Chapter 5


There are really no words.

The silence in the room weighs upon my shoulders, as I sift ideas through my mind, trying to make sense of his words. I remember when my life used to be normal, boring even. The most interesting part of my day was when Sam would come over and tell me about all the hopeless romantics that would fall at her feet at work. I would listen and indulge in the idea of having my day filled with something more interesting than Jeffrey ambling into the back room every now and again.

Even if Sam’s stories weren’t that interesting, and have been put to shame by the events in my life now, they seemed so fascinating once upon a time. She would drink her wine, and stories of her travels would come up.

I somehow doubt she has left this Pack, though.

This is different. This is a small room in the bottom of a manor in which the Alpha sitting in front of me owns. He hasn’t said anything since his last sentence, and neither have I. How am I meant to answer?

What I wanted delivered, was you.

“Oh,” I find myself saying. It’s all I can say. Not because I’m shy, or intimidated, but because I have no other explanation for his words.

Noah is striking. I won’t lie to myself and sit here thinking those eyes that keenly search my face, looking for evidence of what I’m thinking, are so green they almost hurt to look at. They aren’t the only strange, almost otherworldly feature I’ve seen this week. Cian, and his hair, and his clothes. It leaves me to wonder why these males have stepped into my life so suddenly.

“I assumed if I asked you directly to come here, you wouldn’t. I was hoping this would be the best way,” he explains, clasping his hands together as he rests his forearms on his thighs, leaning forward.

I’m still not quite understanding. “Why? I mean, why do you want me here?”

He seems surprised that I’m asking him that, as if he didn’t think about his answer before I arrived. The walls around me seem to be closing in, as I consider the fact that I might not be able to leave this place. What if he brought me here for a sinister reason? Just thinking that makes me feel guilty and foolish, yet I don’t complete disregard it.

“Oh. I was hoping to offer you a job here,” he tells me, as if his simple explanation was to wash all my concerns away. All I’m qualified for is sitting in a mailroom sorting through peoples packages. It’s not my fault I couldn’t afford to go to university.

“Why? What for?” I question. How my exactly came to Alpha Noah is beyond me, and it seems by his expression, he is having a hard time explaining himself.

He shifts in his seat. As regal as he may seem, I can tell he has prepared for this conversation. It doesn’t surprise me, considering I’m not all that important. Yet, I still sit here, getting offered a job by the Alpha of my Pack for a reason still unknown. I patiently wait, hoping it’s not to scrub the floors for a better rate than what I would be paid back home. It would be questionably worse.

I would be away from Cian, though…This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Well… Ah, I was hoping you would be able to test and sort through mail here before it gets into my hands. We had an accident recently due to some workers here who have a lack of skill. You, according to our records, have been working at the mail office in your town for three years. Surely you have more skill to deal with sensitive material that comes in than them,” he tells me.

“Accident? What kind of accident?” I question. The worst incident we had with mailing was when a vengeful ex tried to send someone a dead animal, which shut us down for days after it was investigated by the authorities. I’ve never dealt with sensitive material that affects an Alpha before.

Noah blinks a few times, before he scrambles to explain himself. “A substance was spilt over my hands recently when I opened a package. It burnt me.”

I glance down at his hands. All I see is perfect, undisrupted skin.

“Was it an assassination attempt?” I ask. It feels inappropriate to ask my Alpha that, but I’m curious, and if I do take a job here, which is unlikely, I would like to know what I would be working with. In no way have I gone to university to deal with hazardous substances, which means he simply wishes to put me in front of him.

“It’s not uncommon as an Alpha for something like that to happen,” is all he says. It’s cryptic, but I get the point. But who would want to kill Noah, when all he’s done is been, well, harmonious, as per this Pack’s values?

There are crazed people in this world, I must remember. People like Cian, who give thousands of dollars for no reason.

And maybe try kill an Alpha.

“Look, I’m honoured Alpha, I truly am, however, I’m not qualified for a job like that. I don’t know how you found me, but I can’t take this job. There are mail personal more experienced than me,” I tell him firmly. If anyone else heard me right now, they would be disgusted that I was turning down an Alpha, and a job like this. But I know I wouldn’t be skilled at it… Plus, I don’t have the confidence to leave the house and start a life in this part of the Pack, which I know little about.

There’s a flash in those emerald eyes, and for a moment I swear I see a muscle in his jaw tick, as if he can’t believe I would turn him down.

“I would pay you significantly. Put any reasonable offer on the table and I’ll accept. You’ll also be offered free accomodation here,” he explains. There’s a flicker of desperation on his face, which is quickly smothered by that impassive, professional expression which hasn’t failed to intimidate me yet.

I’m just… me. So why is he so keen to have me work here?

I fidget in my seat, finding my next words. “Can I ask why you chose me for this job? I come from one of the smallest towns in this Pack, where we probably get under fifty parcels and letters a day. I can offer you next to nothing.”

“I’ve offered this job to numerous people, but none have accepted. They come from bigger businesses where they wouldn’t be put in danger. So, I’m offering this to you this job with whatever wage you would like. No limits… I hope you’ll be reasonable,” he says, clasping his hands together.

Loosening a breath, I finally feel like this all makes sense. I just got lucky. Extremely lucky to be offered a job here by the Alpha.

But should I take it?

“You’re kind Alpha, and I mean that. But can I have time to think about this? It’s a whole lot to wrap my head around, and I have a life I need to think about first. Would you be able to give me a few days?” I ask.

Noah hesitates for a few moments, and I almost think he is going to tell me no, the offer is no longer available. Thankfully, he breathes in deeply before nodding. I’ll be grateful to get out of here, considering my sweating palms and consistently raised heartbeat. I’m not like the other girls at school who obsessed over a TV appearance he would make. That kind of this never interested me.

He smiles tightly. “Of course. Take all the time you need.”

Too quickly, I stand, the chair clattering backwards. I wince, but Noah doesn’t seem bothered. He’s concentrating on me so intensely, it’s as if he is trying to decipher my intentions by my movements. I don’t doubt that all I’m portraying is how desperately I want to get out of here.

Before I can reach the door, Noah calls me to stop. “You’re leaving so quickly… You sure you don’t want to stay longer so I can learn some more about you, considering how you’re going to be working for me soon. Hopefully.”

I gape at him. Something doesn’t feel right about this. Either I’m just naturally suspicious, or there is really something wrong here. It’s as if this is all planned. Or maybe that there is more to this that I’m not being told.

“Sorry, I really have to get back. It’s important I get at least some work done today. I can’t afford a day off,” I say anxiously.

He interrupts me again. “I can give you money. Consider it a bonus. If you stay a little longer, I can give you as much as you need.”

Why is everyone trying to give me money recently?

I’m unnerved. I don’t care that Noah is appealing, elegant and rich. If I don’t feel comfortable, I’m going to get out of here as soon as possible. People in power don’t tend to have the best personalities, and I’m not excluding Noah out of that because of his emerald eyes and perfect smile.

“I’m sorry,” I say, pushing past him. Again, he follows me out the door into the hallway, where the rather rude, irritating girl from earlier stands.

“You’re the first person I’ve met who hasn’t jumped at the chance to spend more time here,” he says earnestly.

I take one last glance at him, before rushing off to try find Jeffery.

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