Arrogant Man VS Unyielding Woman

Chapter 122 Extremely Exhausted

Chapter 122 Extremely Exhausted

Jean didn't intend to sleep in bed. She had thought of sleeping on the sofa as usual. However, the bed

was so soft that she didn't want to move. Gradually, she fell asleep.

When Zed stepped out of the bathroom, he saw Jean lying in the bed with her legs fully extended. He

frowned as he studied her graceless form.

'How could she be so free and easy all the time? She didn't even clean before sleeping. What could

have possibly made me fall in love with her?'

Zed shook his head as he felt helpless and unable to figure out the reason. He then walked to the bed

and intended to wake her. However, after several attempts of calling her name, there was no response

from Jean.

Since Jean was so sound asleep, she must have been exhausted after a whole day's work. Zed stood

silently for a while as he wondered what he should do. Eventually, he gave up the idea of waking her so

that she could shower.

Zed then walked to the closet, chose a pair of pajamas for her, and returned to the bedside. As gently

as possible he helped her out of her day clothes and then redressed her in the pajamas. With a small

smile, he tucked her under the quilt before lying beside her.

Although Jean hadn't showered, a familiar light fragrance still wafted off her body. Zed closed his eyes

and took a few slow, deep breaths and inhaled the scent that was so unique to Jean. When he turned

toward her, a sweet flowery aroma drifted from her hair. Zed found the smell to be so familiar and

gratifying that he was overwhelmed with the desire to scoop her in his arms and cuddle her as she


When Jean woke, she looked around her in a daze. Had she fallen asleep in bed? Hadn't she woken

later and walked to the sofa? She heard a soft snore and gasped when she realized that Zed had slept

with her. When she looked out the window, she noticed that it was still dark. Quietly, she fumbled for

her phone and her eyes widened when she saw that it was 4:30 am!

She had the 5:00 am appointment for makeup! However, Jean still felt sleepy. She leaned against the

headrest and looked around lazily. The longer she sat on the bedside, the more tempted she was to

simply crawl back under the quilt. The thought made her sit up straight. She hadn't showered the

previous night. What's more, she had slept with Zed. How had she changed into pajamas?

At this time, Zed woke. He was appropriately dressed and didn't need to rush around like Jean, who

needed a shower and fresh clothes. Seeing that Jean was still sitting in bed, he asked in a mild tone,

"Do you want me to wait for you?"

Jean hadn't realized that Zed had woken. She was startled and quickly jumped out of bed. Without

saying another word, she ran toward the bathroom. After a super quick shower, she dried off and

started slipping on her clothes. Just then she heard a knock. Thinking that the assistant had arrived,

Jean dressed faster.

When she opened the door, Jean saw that the assistant had been accompanied by three other people,

presumably two were dressers and the third was the stylist.

It was no doubt that they had gotten up much earlier than Zed and Jean.

The crew took an hour to help Jean and Zed with their makeup and image styling. Meticulously, the

assistant had also brought two matching outfits for Jean and Zed. Jean fell silent as she saw the


She had never seen Zed wearing that kind of clothes before. Her impression about Zed's dressing

sense was that he generally preferred a formal suit, particularly in dark colors. She rarely saw him

dressing casually.

Jean was charmed by the clothes the assistant had selected. Tempted to try it, she quickly picked up

the dress and entered the bedroom. After a few moment, as Jean stepped out of the bedroom, she saw

that Zed was still standing where she had left him, with the clothes in his hands. A light frown danced

on his face. It seemed as though he was determined not to wear what the assistant had picked for him.

Seeing his irresolute expression, Jean burst into laughter.

"What are you laughing at?" Zed growled when he heard Jean's laughter. He turned his grim face

toward Jean and glared as though daring her to continue laughing.

"Nothing, hurry up, we are waiting for you!" Jean forced herself to hold back her laughter. She then

casually turned around and walked to the kitchen. She stopped in front of the fridge and took out some

water for the dressers and stylist.

Jean had always regarded photography to be a laborious task, however, she finally realized that

making a TV program was actually a more challenging job. Whenever the crew came across a defect

during a segment, they would stop and start all over again. Each segment could take up to three hours

for them to complete.

Fashion Weekly had prepared a luxury motor home for Jean and Zed. When exhausted or hungry, the

young couple would head to the motor home to eat or rest.

In addition to Jean and Zed, there were four other couples in the program, three of which were celebrity

couples and the fourth were models who had been instantly popular on media. Since other popular

celebrities were also present for this program, the young couple spent their free time socializing and

facilitating relations with them.

The model couple surprised Jean. They were frequently seen at fashion week shows playing the role of

husband and wife. She hadn't known that they were a couple in real life as well.

After a whole day's worth of shooting segments and socializing, Jean was extremely exhausted.

She was so tired that she didn't even want to have dinner. After arriving home, she headed to the

bathroom and took a shower before crawling into bed. She was so fatigued that she couldn't even bring

herself to worry about sharing a bed with Zed. Regardless of the motor home and their several breaks

during the shoot, Jean had spent her time looking forward to when she could crawl into this soft bed.

When Jean checked the time, it was 7:00 pm. Although it was not late, she felt mentally and physically

weary after a whole day of performing.

She adjusted her pillow and snuggled under the quilt. She closed her eyes, and sighed in content. Jean

didn't notice that a dark shadow had fallen over her. Her eyes were still closed when she felt warm lips

pressing against hers. Startled, her eyes flew open.

Even though Jean saw Zed, she struggled against him.

"Hey! You..." Her scream died when she felt Zed's feather-soft touch glide over her arms.

Jean shivered as waves of pleasure took over her. She soon resigned herself to Zed's teasing, just like

the previous time. Although she was tired, Zed's passionate kiss had aroused her. As his warm hands

tingled her skin, his mouth ravished hers. This dual assault on her senses totally defeated Jean's

instinct to fight him.

Zed's hands slowly traveled across Jean's body. He cupped and caressed her breasts, teased his way

down her back, and across the curve of her hip. His fingers traced across to her navel and lingered

there for a breathless moment before diving under the top hem of her pants. Jean arched her back and

moaned. Her body felt as though it were on fire.

She moaned in protest as Zed removed his hands. When Jean opened her eyes, she saw that Zed was

undressing himself. This brief reprieve from his assault allowed Jean to think rationally. It was then that

Jean remembered that she was still menstruating.

The thought felt like a cold bucket of water had been poured over Jean. Although flushed and breathing

erratically, she sat upright and muttered, "I... I'm still on my period."

Zed froze. The sparkle in his eyes slowly dimmed and his shoulders sagged. Slowly he re-buttoned his

shirt. He sat upright on the bedside and took a few deep breaths to calm himself.

Jean could clearly sense Zed's desire. Despite his efforts to slow his breathing, he was panting. Jean

felt awful. She wanted Zed as much as he wanted her. Although she had no choice yet, she felt guilty.

Jean licked her lips and touched her burning hot cheeks. Feeling bashful, she then hid herself under

the quilt.

What was going on with her?

Her attitude toward Zed had changed completely since she had learned the truth when Zed was drunk

the previous time. She used to avoid seeing him, but now she just couldn't help but want to be close to


As Jean contemplated the shift in her attitude, her stomach growled abruptly.

The sound was so loud in the quiet room that Jean's eyes widened and she flushed. Then she pulled

the quilt over her head in embarrassment. Unlike Jean, Zed seemed to have gained control over

himself. As soon as he heard her stomach grumble, Zed stood and walked to the kitchen.

When Jean didn't hear Zed speak for a while, she lifted the quilt and glanced around the room. After

making sure that Zed was not nearby, she rolled over on her back and glared at the ceiling. Just as she

breathed out a sigh, a crackling sound came out from the kitchen. 'Was Zed cooking?'

Although she couldn't be sure, Jean was moved by the thought. A smile appeared on her face.

She had no idea how sweet and hearty her smile looked at the moment.

The more Jean thought about Zed's considerate gesture, the more she warmed to him. It was as if she

had broken the self-imposed barrier between her and Zed by slowly accepting him. All this while, she

had reminded herself not to get further involved in the relationship with Zed. But now, she was slowly

accepting the fact that she had truly fallen in love with Zed.

His contrasting moments of imperiousness and tenderness had stolen her heart.

When Jean reached the kitchen, she saw that Zed had made two bowls of noodles. She inhaled deeply

and smiled when she realized that he had used eggs, ham, and tenderloin for the gravy.

Jean took a tentative taste and found that it was delicious. It wasn't long before Jean had finished the

whole bowl. Perhaps she was nervous or perhaps it was just because she was ravenous, either way

she found that she couldn't stop eating.

Jean then placed her hand on her stomach and said with a satisfactory smile, "Mr. Qi! You have a

talent for cooking noodles." NôvelDrama.Org © content.

Zed didn't react to Jean's complement, he just slowly and gracefully ate his noodles. This scene

triggered Jean's impatience and she frowned, "Shouldn't you eat faster if you are hungry? There's no

one else here. No one is going to judge you if you eat faster."

"Do you mean I should devour my food like a beast just like you do?"

Zed's words caused Jean to purse her lips. Bewildered at his statement, she asked, "Do I look like a

beast when I am eating?"

"Of course, don't you think so?" Zed countered. He then raised his head and looked at Jean with his

deep-set eyes.

Jean glanced at Zed angrily and said, "I am merely a normal person with a normal speed of eating.

How can you say that I eat like a beast? You are the one who should be embarrassed. I can't believe

that you can eat so slowly! Why don't you be more manly and wolf down your noodles?"

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