Arrogant Man VS Unyielding Woman

Chapter 123 Food Can't Stop You From Talking

Chapter 123 Food Can't Stop You From Talking

Zed replied, "Since food can't stop you from talking, I'm considering whether I should ask you to shut


"I have finished eating." Jean said. She picked up her empty bowl and shook it in front of Zed. Noticing

that Zed's face turned gloomy, Jean smiled and nodded as though she had won this verbal battle. Then

she pretended to zip her lips and turned away.

After cleaning up, Jean went back to bed. She had slept so peacefully the previous night that she had

given up the idea of sleeping on the sofa.

She didn't even have to worry about what Zed would do if he decided to join her. After all, she was

menstruating and now, he knew. As long as she didn't provoke or seduce him, nothing would happen.

From the first day that they had to record the show, Jean had to behave according to the director's

requests. To guarantee that they looked like a happily married couple, they needed to show off their

love in public. Jean wasn't good at that. So, she seemed a little stiff.

The director pursued perfection in everything. Thus his expectations were very high. Fortunately, this

show was different from the others. People who participated didn't need any acting skills. They just

needed to show people how intimate they are. But for Jean, she needed acting skills to play the role of

Zed's devoted wife.

At the end of every busy day, Jean found herself exhausted. But… She had trouble falling asleep. She

was mentally and physically spent and yet, sleep eluded her.

She tried forcing herself to fall asleep by closing her eyes and calming her mind. After half an hour,

Jean felt as though she was drowsy but still, she couldn't fall asleep. When Jean opened her eyes, she

found that they hurt.

Promptly she closed them again and slowly massaged her forehead and temples to ease the

discomfort that she felt. 'What's wrong with me?' Jean thought.

'Maybe I should count sheep…

One sheep, two sheep, three sheep…' Jean counted.

After taking a shower, Zed went to work. Since he was spending all his time shooting for the show, a lot

of tasks had piled up. He needed to focus on the company's business.

Every time Zed took a break, he cursed the show. He didn't want to be part of this facade. However, his

mother had insisted. Now, he found that all his work was piling up and he was spending a lot more time

trying to catch up. He calmed himself by repeating what he had been told, the show would help

strengthen the company's image. Zed felt as though he had no choice.

When he couldn't focus any more, he went to the bedroom. Seeing that Jean had curled into a ball, he

couldn't resist joining her. Gently, he lifted a corner of the quilt and lay down.

Habitually, Zed scooted closer to Jean and wrapped his arms around her.

Jean held her breath and didn't dare to move. She had tossed and turned for over two hours and hadn't

slept, not even a little bit. She was already on edge. When Zed lay by her side, Jean became even

more annoyed. Now, she had to force herself to pretend to be asleep.

But when she felt Zed's strong, warm arms surround her, Jean's frown turned into a smile. She inhaled

deeply and tried to calm her racing heart beat. Before she knew it, Jean was naturally closing her eyes.

She didn't have to pretend any more.

Before long, she fell asleep.

Over the next three days, Jean found herself in the same predicament. Each time she went to bed, she

tossed and turned. It wasn't until Zed's strong hands were around her, that Jean felt serene enough to

fall asleep. Unconsciously, she had become accustomed to Zed's company and his warmth beside her

in bed. Soon her discomfort and self-consciousness lowered even in the day time when they were

recording for the show. She felt less and less awkward when having to pretend to be a loving couple.

Although she was still unsure of where her relationship with Zed stood, Jean felt her love for him grow

with every passing day.

On the fourth day, the director said that they would go to Sanya City to record a segment of the show

on the beach. After finishing the morning's recording schedule, the entire crew, celebrities included, set

out for Sanya City. Although they left in the afternoon, it had been cool. Their destination, however, was

hotter in comparison.

All arrangements, including the hotel bookings had been done well in advance. And the staff had also

reserved a deluxe room at the hotel for them to eat with other famous couples.

After spending all day alongside each other for four days straight, all the guests for the show had

became familiar with each other. Jean, however, wasn't as comfortable with the other women. Since

she had to consider Jade's relationship with the manager and Zed's image, Jean kept her reservations

to herself. When any of the other participants spoke with her, Jean always behaved politely.

During the meal, everyone talked and laughed. Among them, Madeline Liu, a female star who had

earned great fame for her role in a time-travel drama, held a glass of wine and proposed a toast to

Jean. She smiled and said, "Jean, I propose a toast to you. This is the fourth day that I have known you

and I'm glad be counted amongst your friends."

Jean smiled, lifted her glass, and took a sip. "Well, we are all friends now."

After that, some of the other women toasted Jean as well. Although everyone else was drinking quite a

bit, Jean paid attention to how much alcohol was being served to her. She was careful not to have too


After drinking the wine, all the women fell quiet again. Madeline glanced around and noticed that Zed

was sitting nearby. He seemed absorbed in the task of eating. He didn't speak nor did he look up. He

simply ate slowly and elegantly, without concern for what was happening.

Madeline watched Zed for a few seconds before giving in to the discomfort she was feeling. She smiled

in embarrassment and turned to whisper to Jean. "Hey, is Mr. Qi always like this?"

Hearing that, Jean returned her smiled and looked toward Zed. She fidgeted as she contemplated what

answer to give Madeline now that Zed was keenly watching them both.

The longer Jean was quiet, the more intense Zed's glare became. She felt as though she were

standing under a spotlight. She decided to keep her reply honest, simple, and short. She turned toward

Madeline and said, "Yes, my… husband has always been like this."

"Mr. Qi is pretty handsome, " another woman whispered. NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.


Jean replied hesitantly. She didn't know what to say to that last comment. Was it acceptable for a

married woman to compliment another married woman's husband?

"Mr. Qi, we haven't spoken much over these past four days, however, now that we're here and a little

relaxed, I'd like to propose a toast to you…" One of the men lifted a fresh glass of wine and offered it to


Zed didn't refuse him. On the contrary, gone was Zed's cold and expressionless demeanor. He was

smiling and chatting with the man casually. Every now and then, the man would refill Zed's glass. The

other men soon joined Zed. When Jean glanced around, she felt awkward. The men were seated

together, engaged in conversation she could not understand. Similarly, the female celebrities were

talking about aspects of their life and work that Jean could not relate to.

Suddenly, she felt alone...

And embarrassed.

'Never mind. Focus on your food.' Jean told herself.

Jean continued eating calmly. Since the female celebrities had decided to go to the bathroom together

and then men were talking, Jean didn't feel too conscious about serving herself some more food.

Despite the short reprieve, Jean began feeling peculiar again.

She had never been in such a situation before and was hence, unfamiliar with social etiquette. Was it

acceptable to be the only woman amongst a group of men here? Should she leave and join the other

women? Jean didn't feel like enduring their company for much longer.

Jean excused herself and left the men to talk amongst themselves. As she stepped out, she wondered

where she would go. The thought of returning to her and Zed's room was tempting, but Zed had the

room card. Would he be snappish with her if she returned to ask him for it?

Jean decided not to risk that outcome. Instead, she thought she'd find somewhere quiet where she

could relax. When she spotted a passing waiter, Jean asked him where she could get some fresh air

and he politely directed her to the balcony at the end of the corridor.

The balcony was open for the guests frequenting the hall. Jean had never been here before and was

stunned to see the beautiful night sky and the brightly lit up landscaping. She was surprised to see that

no one was here to enjoy such a spectacular view. In her mind, Jean repeated the waiter's words, 'the

balcony had been reserved for the guests.' Did that mean...

Just as the realization hit Jean, she heard a snicker and a giggle. She turned to find that the female

celebrities from her show were there as well.

Jean was stunned. She knew these women would think it very rude of her if Jean didn't join them. And

so she sighed, took a deep breath, and turned to walk toward the celebrities. However, when Jean

heard her name being whispered, she stopped and listened carefully.

"I wonder if the legendary Mr. Qi is blind. Why did he marry a woman who is neither beautiful nor rich?"

Madeline said.

Hearing that, Jean's shoulders sagged. She remembered the toast Madeline had made just a few

minutes ago. Were there no sincere and genuine people left in the world? Was everyone this


Maggie was seated next to Madeline. She was different from the other celebrities, as Maggie was a

model, not an actress. Thinking that everyone was going to toss dirt on Jean, she chipped in as well.

She folded her arms across her chest and curled her lips. "Yes. If only I had met Mr. Qi first! He has

everything that all women desire. He's handsome, polite, and rich."

"Don't be delusional. How can you, a model, compare with us? We have both, excellent beauty and

acting skills." Madeline stared at Maggie disdainfully. Obviously, other three women didn't like Maggie

as she wasn't from their industry. She would be sneered at by them regardless of whether Maggie said

something smart or dumb. To the actresses, intelligence didn't matter.

Maggie may have gained a lot of fame very quickly because she and her husband were considered hot

models, but she wasn't a woman with much conviction or confidence.

On the contrary, Maggie was a pushover, and often found herself easily bullied. But she was not a good

woman per say. Maggie had realized very early in life that she could gain popularity quicker if she

acquiesced to every suggestion and didn't apply critical thinking.

Seeing that Madeline was being supported by the other two actresses, Maggie smiled and recanted,

"What Madeline said is right. You are all beautiful, talented, and sexy. I'm certainly not in the same

league as any of you. And, I am married. So, don't take me too seriously."

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