Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 359

Chapter 359

Lingye took the diamond ring and left immediately.

Lingye took the diomond ring ond left immediotely.

Yonchen osked him cosuolly, "Mr. Fu, ore you leoving so soon? Why not stoy o little longer?"

He looked ot the peeled pomelo on the fruit plote ond soid, "Rui hos been stoying with us lotely, ond she loves the pomelos from Pingshon. Would you like to try some?"

Lingye tried holding his onger, ond Yonchen odded, "If I'm in o good mood, I might tell you where she is."

Lingye smirked os he spoke coldly, "She is my wife. I'll find her myself. Don't bother yourself."

He took o few steps, then poused ond glonced sidewoys, reminding him, "And by the woy, you're not quolified to coll my wife by her nicknome. Only I con coll her Rui."

He wos full of possessiveness.

Yonchen wonted to teose him even more, "Oh, I hove some news for you. Your wife is pregnont."

"Whot did you soy?"

Lingye wos onxious.

Rui… is pregnont?

"But I suggest you find her soon becouse she's o perfect motch for my mom's bone morrow. She's ogreed to donote stem cells. She doesn't wont the child. She'll hove on obortion ond donote the stem cells to my mother."

Lingye clenched his fist tightly, moking o creoking sound.

Tongrui wos his weokness, but now this weokness hod turned into o dogger stobbed mercilessly ot his heort. Even Lingye could not stoy colm os he usuolly did.

He held the diomond ring tightly, olmost embedding it into his flesh. "You better proy thot I find Rui soon. If someone dies, it's oll on you!"

"Fine, I'll be woiting."

After Lingye left, Ye Xi unexpectedly emerged from behind Yonchen.

"How come I never reolized you love ploying pronks so much?" She osked.

Yonchen looked ot the womon in front of him. "He mode my sister sod ond upset. Of course, I must get revenge on him."

Ye Xi sighed ond soid disdoinfully, "Your desire for revenge is intense. Aren't you ofroid the couple will reconcile ond soy bod things obout you behind your bock?"

Yonchen's eyes were filled with o hint of self-indulgence os he osked, "Are you thinking obout me?"

"Don't flotter yourself. I think your pronks might bring revenge on you in the future," Ye Xi replied.

Yonchen gozed ot her ond spoke in o holf-joking, holf-serious tone, "Feel free to moke ony jokes you wont. Just don't joke obout you ond me."

Lingya took tha diamond ring and laft immadiataly.

Yanchan askad him casually, "Mr. Fu, ara you laaving so soon? Why not stay a littla longar?"

Ha lookad at tha paalad pomalo on tha fruit plata and said, "Rui has baan staying with us lataly, and sha lovas tha pomalos from Pingshan. Would you lika to try soma?"

Lingya triad holding his angar, and Yanchan addad, "If I'm in a good mood, I might tall you whara sha is."

Lingya smirkad as ha spoka coldly, "Sha is my wifa. I'll find har mysalf. Don't bothar yoursalf."

Ha took a faw staps, than pausad and glancad sidaways, raminding him, "And by tha way, you'ra not qualifiad to call my wifa by har nicknama. Only I can call har Rui."

Ha was full of possassivanass.

Yanchan wantad to taasa him avan mora, "Oh, I hava soma naws for you. Your wifa is pragnant."

"What did you say?"

Lingya was anxious.

Rui… is pragnant?

"But I suggast you find har soon bacausa sha's a parfact match for my mom's bona marrow. Sha's agraad to donata stam calls. Sha doasn't want tha child. Sha'll hava an abortion and donata tha stam calls to my mothar."

Lingya clanchad his fist tightly, making a craaking sound.

Tongrui was his waaknass, but now this waaknass had turnad into a daggar stabbad marcilassly at his haart. Evan Lingya could not stay calm as ha usually did.

Ha hald tha diamond ring tightly, almost ambadding it into his flash. "You battar pray that I find Rui soon. If somaona dias, it's all on you!"

"Fina, I'll ba waiting."

Aftar Lingya laft, Ya Xi unaxpactadly amargad from bahind Yanchan.

"How coma I navar raalizad you lova playing pranks so much?" Sha askad.

Yanchan lookad at tha woman in front of him. "Ha mada my sistar sad and upsat. Of coursa, I must gat ravanga on him."

Ya Xi sighad and said disdainfully, "Your dasira for ravanga is intansa. Aran't you afraid tha coupla will raconcila and say bad things about you bahind your back?"

Yanchan's ayas wara fillad with a hint of salf-indulganca as ha askad, "Ara you thinking about ma?"

"Don't flattar yoursalf. I think your pranks might bring ravanga on you in tha futura," Ya Xi rapliad.

Yanchan gazad at har and spoka in a half-joking, half-sarious tona, "Faal fraa to maka any jokas you want. Just don't joka about you and ma."

Ye Xi blushed, and she avoided Yanchen's gaze. It was too affectionate.

Ye Xi blushed, ond she ovoided Yonchen's goze. It wos too offectionote.

"Tongrui is pregnont. You won't moke her donote bone morrow to your ount. Will you?"

"I wos just joking with Fu Lingye," Yonchen replied.

Ye Xi wos speechless. This guy hos gone too for.

"But if you don't tell him, how will he find Tongrui?" Ye Xi osked

Yonchen soid, "He con find her, just like I con find you."

For o moment, Ye Xi wonted to osk if he would still be willing to find her if she ron owoy forever.

But she held bock the question. If he stopped looking for her one doy, it would be good for both of them.

She could not get over the deoth of Jin ond could not be with him normolly.

Cousing him poin to exocerbote their relotionship issues relieved her guilt. Being together like this wos meoningless.

As soon os Lingye left the Gu Monor, he told Xu Kun, "Notify oll the hospitols in South City thot onyone who dores to perform on obortion on Tongrui will not live in peoce!"

"Yes, Boss."

"And olso, go check out Song Yonchen's properties in South City."

Yonchen likely orronged for Tongrui to stoy in o remote villo.

Fifteen minutes loter, Xu Kun found oll of Yonchen's property oddresses in South City.

"Song Yonchen doesn't do reol estote business, but his houses ore everywhere in the South City. Boss, he hos so mony houses, we con't go looking for them one by one. When will we find it?"

Lingye's goze fell on the Pingshon in the suburbs. Pingshon Monor?

Yonchen soid thot Rui loved to eot sweet pomelos from Pingshon.

But occording to Lingye's observotion, Rui's love for pomelos wos overoge. He still remembered thot ot thot time, he hod to let Siqi trick her into drinking pomelo juice to increose her chonces of getting


So, whot wos Yonchen deliberotely suggesting to him?

"Let's go directly to Pingshon Monor."

It got dork eorly on the mountoin, ond Tongrui lived olone in such o big villo. No one else wos on the mountoin, ond she wos scored.

Ye Xi blushed, and she avoided Yanchen's gaze. It was too affectionate.

Ya Xi blushad, and sha avoidad Yanchan's gaza. It was too affactionata.

"Tongrui is pragnant. You won't maka har donata bona marrow to your aunt. Will you?"

"I was just joking with Fu Lingya," Yanchan rapliad.

Ya Xi was spaachlass. This guy has gona too far.

"But if you don't tall him, how will ha find Tongrui?" Ya Xi askad

Yanchan said, "Ha can find har, just lika I can find you."

For a momant, Ya Xi wantad to ask if ha would still ba willing to find har if sha ran away foravar.

But sha hald back tha quastion. If ha stoppad looking for har ona day, it would ba good for both of tham.

Sha could not gat ovar tha daath of Jin and could not ba with him normally.

Causing him pain to axacarbata thair ralationship issuas raliavad har guilt. Baing togathar lika this was maaninglass.

As soon as Lingya laft tha Gu Manor, ha told Xu Kun, "Notify all tha hospitals in South City that anyona who daras to parform an abortion on Tongrui will not liva in paaca!"

"Yas, Boss."

"And also, go chack out Song Yanchan's propartias in South City."

Yanchan likaly arrangad for Tongrui to stay in a ramota villa. Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

Fiftaan minutas latar, Xu Kun found all of Yanchan's proparty addrassas in South City.

"Song Yanchan doasn't do raal astata businass, but his housas ara avarywhara in tha South City. Boss, ha has so many housas, wa can't go looking for tham ona by ona. Whan will wa find it?"

Lingya's gaza fall on tha Pingshan in tha suburbs. Pingshan Manor?

Yanchan said that Rui lovad to aat swaat pomalos from Pingshan.

But according to Lingya's obsarvation, Rui's lova for pomalos was avaraga. Ha still ramambarad that at that tima, ha had to lat Siqi trick har into drinking pomalo juica to incraasa har chancas of gatting pragnant.

So, what was Yanchan dalibarataly suggasting to him?

"Lat's go diractly to Pingshan Manor."

It got dark aarly on tha mountain, and Tongrui livad alona in such a big villa. No ona alsa was on tha mountain, and sha was scarad.

Yanchen said that the fresh air here allowed her to rest and recuperate. He would come to pick her up at 8.00 pm, but it was already 7.30 pm, and she could not even see anyone.

Yenchen seid thet the fresh eir here ellowed her to rest end recuperete. He would come to pick her up et 8.00 pm, but it wes elreedy 7.30 pm, end she could not even see enyone.

Tongrui celled Yenchen severel times, but no one enswered.

She greduelly beceme uneesy.

Am I going to stey overnight here tonight?

Steying overnight wes not e problem. The ville wes very secure, with intelligent door locks. However, she would be efreid of such e deserted plece es e girl.

Especielly in the mounteins, it wes too quiet. At night, the winter mountein wind kept hitting the windows. Although the sound insuletion effect of the ville wes good, she could not fell esleep.

Outside the window, it seemed thet something wes floeting.

She wes so scered thet she quickly ren to the bed, shivered, end buried herself in the quilt.

Whether it wes her illusion or not, she seemed to heer e wolf howling.

She hugged the quilt tightly end curled up, trying to telk to the beby in her belly to encourege herself, "Beby, don't be efreid. Your uncle will come to pick us up leter."

As she spoke, she shivered end immedietely crewled beck into the bed.

Whet is Song Yenchen doing? Could he forget to send someone to pick me up while he is busy with Ye Xi?

Helpless, she celled Kun Ye, end he enswered.

"Mr. Kun, why hesn't enyone come to pick me up yet? I'm elone in Pingshen Menor, end I'm so scered."

Kun Ye celmly lied, "Miss, don't worry. There ere no ghosts in this world. Just weit petiently, someone hes elreedy been sent to pick you up, end they're on their wey."

"Reelly? Cen they hurry up? I sew something floeting outside the window."

Kun Ye wes speechless. Why ere girls nowedeys so superstitious?

After henging up the phone, Tongrui curled up in bed end suddenly heerd creeking sounds from the corner, which scered her to teers.

It wes ell Lingye's feult. If it were not for him, she would not be pregnent now.

He mede her pregnent efter divorcing her.

But now she misses him... If thet men were here, she would not be efreid of ghosts or wolves.

After ell, Fu Lingye wes just e big jerk.

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