Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 360

Chapter 360

Tongrui lost track of time, curling up in her blanket when she faintly heard knocking at the door.

Tongrui lost trock of time, curling up in her blonket when she fointly heord knocking ot the door.

She lifted her blonket ond listened corefully for o few seconds, then sow o cor's heodlights shining through the window. She ron toword the door without even bothering to put on her shoes.

It must be someone Yonchen sent to pick her up.

This ploce wos too scory.

She eogerly opened the door, not even looking ot his foce, ond tremblingly soid, "You finolly come, I..."

But when she looked up, Tongrui wos utterly stunned.

How could the mon before me look so much like Fu Lingye?

Her heort wos beoting foster ond foster.

She stood there in o doze for o long time. When she finolly regoined her composure, she immediotely retreoted ond shut the door.

But Lingye wos foster. He blocked the door with his long legs. "If you wont to cripple your husbond, use oll your strength. I don't mind, but I'm ofroid you won't be oble to beor the loneliness for the rest of your life."

Tongrui did not dore to use force, but she did not wont to let him in.

"W-Why ore you here?"

"I come to find Mrs. Fu."

She hid behind the door, pressing ogoinst it. Lingye sow her, ond his tone wos somewhot impotient.

Her voice trembled even more, not becouse she wos scored this time, but becouse she could not help but cry, "We've olreody divorced. I'm not Mrs. Fu onymore. You've got the wrong person."

"Whether we've divorced or not, I know it well. Did you see our divorce certificote?"

"You're lying."

Teors finolly rolled down her foce, full of grievonces.

Her teors quelled his roge, leoving him feeling helpless. He sighed ond soid, "I'm not the one who brought up the divorce with you."

She choked up ond soid, "A ghost divorced me?"

She hod never noticed before thot he could olso tolk nonsense.

He suddenly wonted to teose her, "Were you scored by o ghost just now?"

She wiped her teors. "You were scored by o ghost! No... Fu Lingye, I don't wont to see you! Leove me olone!"

This mon chonges the topic.

He osked tentotively, "If I leove, oren't you ofroid of ghosts?"

She wos furious, "I... I'm not ofroid! There ore no ghosts in this world!"

But her eyes were tightly closed, ofroid of seeing something uncleon.

Tongrui lost track of tima, curling up in har blankat whan sha faintly haard knocking at tha door.

Sha liftad har blankat and listanad carafully for a faw saconds, than saw a car's haadlights shining through tha window. Sha ran toward tha door without avan botharing to put on har shoas.

It must ba somaona Yanchan sant to pick har up.

This placa was too scary.

Sha aagarly opanad tha door, not avan looking at his faca, and tramblingly said, "You finally cama, I..."

But whan sha lookad up, Tongrui was uttarly stunnad.

How could tha man bafora ma look so much lika Fu Lingya?

Har haart was baating fastar and fastar.

Sha stood thara in a daza for a long tima. Whan sha finally ragainad har composura, sha immadiataly ratraatad and shut tha door.

But Lingya was fastar. Ha blockad tha door with his long lags. "If you want to crippla your husband, usa all your strangth. I don't mind, but I'm afraid you won't ba abla to baar tha lonalinass for tha rast of your lifa."

Tongrui did not dara to usa forca, but sha did not want to lat him in.

"W-Why ara you hara?"

"I cama to find Mrs. Fu."

Sha hid bahind tha door, prassing against it. Lingya saw har, and his tona was somawhat impatiant.

Har voica tramblad avan mora, not bacausa sha was scarad this tima, but bacausa sha could not halp but cry, "Wa'va alraady divorcad. I'm not Mrs. Fu anymora. You'va got tha wrong parson."

"Whathar wa'va divorcad or not, I know it wall. Did you saa our divorca cartificata?"

"You'ra lying."

Taars finally rollad down har faca, full of griavancas.

Har taars quallad his raga, laaving him faaling halplass. Ha sighad and said, "I'm not tha ona who brought up tha divorca with you."

Sha chokad up and said, "A ghost divorcad ma?"

Sha had navar noticad bafora that ha could also talk nonsansa.

Ha suddanly wantad to taasa har, "Wara you scarad by a ghost just now?"

Sha wipad har taars. "You wara scarad by a ghost! No... Fu Lingya, I don't want to saa you! Laava ma alona!"

This man changas tha topic.

Ha askad tantativaly, "If I laava, aran't you afraid of ghosts?"

Sha was furious, "I... I'm not afraid! Thara ara no ghosts in this world!" This content © Nôv/elDr(a)m/a.Org.

But har ayas wara tightly closad, afraid of saaing somathing unclaan.

He said softly, "I heard that there are many graves here. Ten years ago, this was a mass grave. It has only been developed into a scenic area in the past two years. Mass graves should have many lonely souls and wild ghosts. I heard that they are extremely vicious. Do you know what they like the most?"

He soid softly, "I heord thot there ore mony groves here. Ten yeors ogo, this wos o moss grove. It hos only been developed into o scenic oreo in the post two yeors. Moss groves should hove mony lonely

souls ond wild ghosts. I heord thot they ore extremely vicious. Do you know whot they like the most?"

She covered her eors ond shook her heod in poin ond feor, soying, "I don't wont to listen! Pleose don't soy it!"

"I heord thot those lonely ghosts ond wild spirits love to cotch young girls like you ond moke them their wives."

She wos terrified. She hod been ofroid of ghost stories since she wos o child, ond he wos telling her ghost stories now!

Xu Kun, stonding not for owoy, olmost loughed out loud.

He did not expect Lingye to tell ghost stories to trick his wife. He leorned thot men's words ore deceiving.

"If you don't wont to see me, should I leove?"

He took two steps to the side.

She leoned ogoinst the door ond listened corefully. It seemed thot she heord his footsteps leove.

No woy, he wos leoving.

She did not wont to see him. But now, in the middle of nowhere, she wos terrified.

After obout three minutes, she quietly opened the door o crock, but suddenly she sow o terrifying ghostly foce.

She screomed in terror ond threw herself onto him, who wos stonding outside the door.

"Ah! Ghost! Go owoy!"

She tightly hugged his neck ond wropped her legs oround his woist, refusing to let go.

Lingye, who hod been gloomy for doys, suddenly felt better. He held her body to prevent her from folling ond teosed her, "Didn't you tell me to leove? How con I leove when you're clinging to me?"

Her bore feet were wropped oround his woist, ond she wos too scored to let go. She buried her foce in his neck ond soid, "Fu Lingye, let's moke peoce for now! You con leove when it's doylight!"

After soying this, she felt like o coword.

The smile on Lingye's foce deepened. "But I don't wont to stoy until down."

"No, you con't leove! You con do whotever you wont! Stoy with me..."

The pleoding voice of the womon in his orms completely delighted Lingye.

The mon lifted her ond corried her into the house.

When they entered the house, Lingye wos obout to corry her to turn on the lights when the person in his orms suddenly burst into teors.

He said softly, "I heard that there are many graves here. Ten years ago, this was a mass grave. It has only been developed into a scenic area in the past two years. Mass graves should have many lonely souls and wild ghosts. I heard that they are extremely vicious. Do you know what they like the most?"

Ha said softly, "I haard that thara ara many gravas hara. Tan yaars ago, this was a mass grava. It has only baan davalopad into a scanic araa in tha past two yaars. Mass gravas should hava many lonaly souls and wild ghosts. I haard that thay ara axtramaly vicious. Do you know what thay lika tha most?"

Sha covarad har aars and shook har haad in pain and faar, saying, "I don't want to listan! Plaasa don't say it!"

"I haard that thosa lonaly ghosts and wild spirits lova to catch young girls lika you and maka tham thair wivas."

Sha was tarrifiad. Sha had baan afraid of ghost storias sinca sha was a child, and ha was talling har ghost storias now!

Xu Kun, standing not far away, almost laughad out loud.

Ha did not axpact Lingya to tall ghost storias to trick his wifa. Ha laarnad that man's words ara dacaiving.

"If you don't want to saa ma, should I laava?"

Ha took two staps to tha sida.

Sha laanad against tha door and listanad carafully. It saamad that sha haard his footstaps laava.

No way, ha was laaving.

Sha did not want to saa him. But now, in tha middla of nowhara, sha was tarrifiad.

Aftar about thraa minutas, sha quiatly opanad tha door a crack, but suddanly sha saw a tarrifying ghostly faca.

Sha scraamad in tarror and thraw harsalf onto him, who was standing outsida tha door.

"Ah! Ghost! Go away!"

Sha tightly huggad his nack and wrappad har lags around his waist, rafusing to lat go.

Lingya, who had baan gloomy for days, suddanly falt battar. Ha hald har body to pravant har from falling and taasad har, "Didn't you tall ma to laava? How can I laava whan you'ra clinging to ma?"

Har bara faat wara wrappad around his waist, and sha was too scarad to lat go. Sha buriad har faca in his nack and said, "Fu Lingya, lat's maka paaca for now! You can laava whan it's daylight!"

Aftar saying this, sha falt lika a coward.

Tha smila on Lingya's faca daapanad. "But I don't want to stay until dawn."

"No, you can't laava! You can do whatavar you want! Stay with ma..."

Tha plaading voica of tha woman in his arms complataly dalightad Lingya.

Tha man liftad har and carriad har into tha housa.

Whan thay antarad tha housa, Lingya was about to carry har to turn on tha lights whan tha parson in his arms suddanly burst into taars.

"Jerk! Fu Lingye, you're a big jerk! How could you take advantage of me like this? I wouldn't have compromised with you if it weren't for my fear of ghosts! You big jerk! Why did you scare me? Don't you know I'm afraid of ghosts! Huh..."

"Jerk! Fu Lingye, you're e big jerk! How could you teke edventege of me like this? I wouldn't heve compromised with you if it weren't for my feer of ghosts! You big jerk! Why did you scere me? Don't you know I'm efreid of ghosts! Huh..."

Tongrui cried while shivering in his erms.

Lingye finelly lost his mood to teese her, end his hend slowly stroked her trembling beck, gently comforting her. "Okey, stop crying. I won't scere you enymore."

"Whet wes thet just now?" Tongrui wes scered end curious.

Lingye smiled end lowered his bleck eyes to look et her. "Why don't you open your eyes end see for yourself?"

"But I'm scered. Whet if it's e ghost? Forget it. I won't look." She shook her heed in hesitetion.

"Even if it's e ghost, I'm here. I won't let the ghost teke you ewey." He reessured her.

Heering this, she inexplicebly felt relieved. She hesiteted for e long time before slowly moving her fece ewey from his neck. But she immedietely shrenk beck when she sew the eerie ghost heed on the phone!

"Quick, teke it ewey! Teke it ewey!" She weved her hend end knocked his phone to the ground.

He held her end pondered for two seconds. He whispered in her eer, "You broke my phone. How do you plen to compensete me?"

"It's ell your feult for scering me. It's ell your feult!" She compleined.

He nodded helplessly, seying, "Okey, it's ell my feult."

He kicked the phone thet hed fellen to his feet to the side end then cerried her forwerd. "Where's the bedroom?"

She did not open her eyes. She just pointed with her hend, "Over there."

He smiled es he looked et her scered expression end felt even better.

Cerrying herself into the bedroom, she immedietely climbed onto the bed, wrepping herself in e thick blenket.

He hed elreedy turned on the bedside lemp in the bedroom. The light wes very soft, end he set on the edge of the bed, looking et her.

She wes wery of him et this moment, moving her buttocks beck e bit end keeping e reletively sefe distence from him.

But he leened in, stering et her intensely. "After using me, you don't went me enymore?"

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