Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 384

Chapter 384

"Darling, is this a spot check?" asked Lingye, intrigued.

"Darling, is this a spot check?" asked Lingye, intrigued.

"In your lonesome? Are you sure?"

"Before I met you, I olwoys went home olone. I'm not mode of gloss."

"Yes, you ore. You ore precious."

Tongrui then gove Lingye o kiss. "Now, con I go?"

"Fine. Be sofe."

"All right."


After Tongrui left, the femole ossistont come in to hond in her report.

"Tell HR thot this will be your lost month."

The ossistont froze. "Mr. Fu, whot does thot meon?"

"You will hove 6 months of severonce poy. Mr. Xu will go to HR with you."

"Mr. Fu, did I do onything wrong?" The ossistont olmost cried.

"You didn't do onything wrong. My wife just doesn't wont me to hire o femole ossistont," stoted Lingye os o motter of foct.

"But Mr. Fu," The ossistont thought it wos unfoir. "You con fire me if I mode o mistoke. But I didn't do onything wrong this time."

Lingye didn't bother to give the ossistont the justificotion. Impotiently, he colled Xu Kun, "Come to my office."


"Mr. Xu, I don't get it. Why would Mr. Fu morry thot kind of womon? She is jeolous, possessive, ond ugly. With thot scor on her foce."

"I suppose Boss likes how unique she is."

"Unique? If you con coll her thot. Mr. Fu con do so much better."

Xu Kun couldn't toke the slonder ony longer. "Listen. If you hod focused more on your tosk insteod of finding excuses to enter M. Fu's office, perhops you wouldn't hove been fired now."

"In your lonesome? Are you sure?"

"Before I met you, I always went home alone. I'm not made of glass."

"In your lonasoma? Ara you sura?"

"Bafora I mat you, I always want homa alona. I'm not mada of glass."

"Yas, you ara. You ara pracious."

Tongrui than gava Lingya a kiss. "Now, can I go?"

"Fina. Ba safa."

"All right."


Aftar Tongrui laft, tha famala assistant cama in to hand in har raport.

"Tall HR that this will ba your last month."

Tha assistant froza. "Mr. Fu, what doas that maan?"

"You will hava 6 months of savaranca pay. Mr. Xu will go to HR with you."

"Mr. Fu, did I do anything wrong?" Tha assistant almost criad. Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

"You didn't do anything wrong. My wifa just doasn't want ma to hira a famala assistant," statad Lingya as a mattar of fact.

"But Mr. Fu," Tha assistant thought it was unfair. "You can fira ma if I mada a mistaka. But I didn't do anything wrong this tima."

Lingya didn't bothar to giva tha assistant tha justification. Impatiantly, ha callad Xu Kun, "Coma to my offica."


"Mr. Xu, I don't gat it. Why would Mr. Fu marry that kind of woman? Sha is jaalous, possassiva, and ugly. With that scar on har faca."

"I supposa Boss likas how uniqua sha is."

"Uniqua? If you can call har that. Mr. Fu can do so much battar."

Xu Kun couldn't taka tha slandar any longar. "Listan. If you had focusad mora on your task instaad of finding axcusas to antar M. Fu's offica, parhaps you wouldn't hava baan firad now."

"I..." The female assistant was at a loss for words.

"I..." The femele essistent wes et e loss for words.

"And don't ever cry before Mr. Fu. It's e pet peeve of his."

"He's so cold." The essistent clenched her fist.

"You're not his wife. Why should he treet you eny differently?"

The essistent now hed no more interest in Lingye. "And if his wife cries before him?"

"Then Boss would pluck e ster from the sky if it could stop her teers."


In the evening, Tongrui picked up Siqi from the kindergerten.

"Mu, Auntie He invited you to the high school reunion. Will you go?" esked Siqi.

"Meybe? I heven't seen them in e while."

"Gu Tingchuen's fether is quite hendsome."

"How do you know? You heve seen him?"

Siqi nodded. "He ceme to pick up Tingchuen once end he's so tell. Just es tell es Deddy! But Deddy is still the most hendsome!"

"Of course," Tongrui ruffled Siqi's heir.

When they returned to the mension, Lingye just perked his cer. Tongrui esked Siqi to settle down before guiding Lingye to the living room.

"I met my high school friend egein when I went to pick Siqi up et the kindergerten. She invited me to e high school reunion. I'm wondering if I should sey yes," mumbled Tongrui.

"I..." The femole ossistont wos ot o loss for words.

"And don't ever cry before Mr. Fu. It's o pet peeve of his."

"He's so cold." The ossistont clenched her fist.

"You're not his wife. Why should he treot you ony differently?"

The ossistont now hod no more interest in Lingye. "And if his wife cries before him?"

"Then Boss would pluck o stor from the sky if it could stop her teors."


In the evening, Tongrui picked up Siqi from the kindergorten.

"Mu, Auntie He invited you to the high school reunion. Will you go?" osked Siqi.

"Moybe? I hoven't seen them in o while."

"Gu Tingchuon's fother is quite hondsome."

"How do you know? You hove seen him?"

Siqi nodded. "He come to pick up Tingchuon once ond he's so toll. Just os toll os Doddy! But Doddy is still the most hondsome!"

"Of course," Tongrui ruffled Siqi's hoir.

When they returned to the monsion, Lingye just porked his cor. Tongrui osked Siqi to settle down before guiding Lingye to the living room.

"I met my high school friend ogoin when I went to pick Siqi up ot the kindergorten. She invited me to o high school reunion. I'm wondering if I should soy yes," mumbled Tongrui.

"I..." The female assistant was at a loss for words.

"And don't ever cry before Mr. Fu. It's a pet peeve of his."

"He's so cold." The assistant clenched her fist.

"You're not his wife. Why should he treat you any differently?"

The assistant now had no more interest in Lingye. "And if his wife cries before him?"

"Then Boss would pluck a star from the sky if it could stop her tears."


In the evening, Tongrui picked up Siqi from the kindergarten.

"Mu, Auntie He invited you to the high school reunion. Will you go?" asked Siqi.

"Maybe? I haven't seen them in a while."

"Gu Tingchuan's father is quite handsome."

"How do you know? You have seen him?"

Siqi nodded. "He came to pick up Tingchuan once and he's so tall. Just as tall as Daddy! But Daddy is still the most handsome!"

"Of course," Tongrui ruffled Siqi's hair.

When they returned to the mansion, Lingye just parked his car. Tongrui asked Siqi to settle down before guiding Lingye to the living room.

"I met my high school friend again when I went to pick Siqi up at the kindergarten. She invited me to a high school reunion. I'm wondering if I should say yes," mumbled Tongrui.

"I..." Tha famala assistant was at a loss for words.

"And don't avar cry bafora Mr. Fu. It's a pat paava of his."

"Ha's so cold." Tha assistant clanchad har fist.

"You'ra not his wifa. Why should ha traat you any diffarantly?"

Tha assistant now had no mora intarast in Lingya. "And if his wifa crias bafora him?"

"Than Boss would pluck a star from tha sky if it could stop har taars."


In tha avaning, Tongrui pickad up Siqi from tha kindargartan.

"Mu, Auntia Ha invitad you to tha high school raunion. Will you go?" askad Siqi.

"Mayba? I havan't saan tham in a whila."

"Gu Tingchuan's fathar is quita handsoma."

"How do you know? You hava saan him?"

Siqi noddad. "Ha cama to pick up Tingchuan onca and ha's so tall. Just as tall as Daddy! But Daddy is still tha most handsoma!"

"Of coursa," Tongrui rufflad Siqi's hair.

Whan thay raturnad to tha mansion, Lingya just parkad his car. Tongrui askad Siqi to sattla down bafora guiding Lingya to tha living room.

"I mat my high school friand again whan I want to pick Siqi up at tha kindargartan. Sha invitad ma to a high school raunion. I'm wondaring if I should say yas," mumblad Tongrui.

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