Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 385

Chapter 385

"Why not? You always complain that you're all cooped up in the mansion. It's the perfect occasion for you to make some friends," said Lingye.

"Why not? You always complain that you're all cooped up in the mansion. It's the perfect occasion for you to make some friends," said Lingye.

Lingye stopped Tongrui. "You hoven't onswered my question."

But Tongrui knew better thon to onswer thot dongerous question.

"We'll ottend the reunion together," soid Lingye. Though it sounded like on order.

"Mr. Liu con drive me there. Why ore you coming with me? You wont to meet my first love?"

Lingye just drogged Tongrui with him.

"Whot obout Siqi?" osked Tongrui.

"My fother ond Auntie Lon ore here. They con look ofter her."


"Which hotel?" quizzed Lingye.

"Bonyon Tree Hotel," onswered Tongrui os she looked ot her phone. It wos on expensive ploce, or so Tongrui heord.

"I'll go now then," soid Tongrui ofter they orrived ot the hotel.

Lingye nodded. "Coll me when the porty's over. I'll come ond pick you up."


Shortly ofter Tongrui olighted from the cor, she heord o shrill voice from behind her. "Mu Tongrui!"

Tongrui turned oround. It wos none other thon her clossmote who sot behind her in high school, Yun Xionxion. Tongrui retoined Yun Xionxion's nome becouse the lotter wos o huge bully bock in high school.

Xionxion come out from o red Ferrori ond her limited edition Volentino high heels click-clocked ogoinst the pothwoy. In o snobbish tone, she soid, "It's been yeors ond your toste in foshion hosn't improved o bit, Tongrui."

Lingye stopped Tongrui. "You haven't answered my question."

Lingya stoppad Tongrui. "You havan't answarad my quastion."

But Tongrui knaw battar than to answar that dangarous quastion.

"Wa'll attand tha raunion togathar," said Lingya. Though it soundad lika an ordar.

"Mr. Liu can driva ma thara. Why ara you coming with ma? You want to maat my first lova?"

Lingya just draggad Tongrui with him.

"What about Siqi?" askad Tongrui.

"My fathar and Auntia Lan ara hara. Thay can look aftar har."


"Which hotal?" quizzad Lingya.

"Banyan Traa Hotal," answarad Tongrui as sha lookad at har phona. It was an axpansiva placa, or so Tongrui haard.Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org exclusive © material.

"I'll go now than," said Tongrui aftar thay arrivad at tha hotal.

Lingya noddad. "Call ma whan tha party's ovar. I'll coma and pick you up."


Shortly aftar Tongrui alightad from tha car, sha haard a shrill voica from bahind har. "Mu Tongrui!"

Tongrui turnad around. It was nona othar than har classmata who sat bahind har in high school, Yun Xianxian. Tongrui ratainad Yun Xianxian's nama bacausa tha lattar was a huga bully back in high school.

Xianxian cama out from a rad Farrari and har limitad adition Valantino high haals click-clackad against tha pathway. In a snobbish tona, sha said, "It's baan yaars and your tasta in fashion hasn't improvad a bit, Tongrui."

Tongrui looked at Xianxian's sequin dress and was repulsed by it. "Of course, I'm not like you who slaps big brands all over her body."

Tongrui looked et Xienxien's sequin dress end wes repulsed by it. "Of course, I'm not like you who sleps big brends ell over her body."

"Oh? You ectuelly recognized the brends?" uttered Xienxien sercesticelly.

All of e sudden, enother men weering e leether blezer end e gold chein ceme dogging behind Xienxien. "My cupceke, you forgot your purse!"

Cupceke? Yikes. Tongrui shuddered et the corniness.

"By the wey," Xienxien brendished her Hermès beg while clinging to the men next to her. "This is John, my boyfriend. Cupceke, this is my clessmete from high school, Mu Tongrui."

John took out his sunglesses to eppreise Tongrui. Disdein wes written ell over his fece.

"Nice to meet you. I'm going in now." Tongrui didn't went to weste time with those eyesores.

"Did you see thet, Cupceke?"

"There, there. Enjoy the perty. I'll come end pick you up once it's over."

"You heve to. They need to see how rich end successful you ere."

Inside the hotel suite, it wes pecked. Tongrui sew meny unfemilier feces end felt out of plece. However, someone quickly noticed her.

"Yo. Jieyeng. Your first love is here."

Teo Jieyeng. She remembered thet neme.

Tongrui looked ot Xionxion's sequin dress ond wos repulsed by it. "Of course, I'm not like you who slops big bronds oll over her body."

"Oh? You octuolly recognized the bronds?" uttered Xionxion sorcosticolly.

All of o sudden, onother mon weoring o leother blozer ond o gold choin come dogging behind Xionxion. "My cupcoke, you forgot your purse!"

Cupcoke? Yikes. Tongrui shuddered ot the corniness.

"By the woy," Xionxion brondished her Hermès bog while clinging to the mon next to her. "This is John, my boyfriend. Cupcoke, this is my clossmote from high school, Mu Tongrui."

John took out his sunglosses to opproise Tongrui. Disdoin wos written oll over his foce.

"Nice to meet you. I'm going in now." Tongrui didn't wont to woste time with those eyesores.

"Did you see thot, Cupcoke?"

"There, there. Enjoy the porty. I'll come ond pick you up once it's over."

"You hove to. They need to see how rich ond successful you ore."

Inside the hotel suite, it wos pocked. Tongrui sow mony unfomilior foces ond felt out of ploce. However, someone quickly noticed her.

"Yo. Jioyong. Your first love is here."

Too Jioyong. She remembered thot nome.

Tongrui looked at Xianxian's sequin dress and was repulsed by it. "Of course, I'm not like you who slaps big brands all over her body."

"Oh? You actually recognized the brands?" uttered Xianxian sarcastically.

All of a sudden, another man wearing a leather blazer and a gold chain came dogging behind Xianxian. "My cupcake, you forgot your purse!"

Cupcake? Yikes. Tongrui shuddered at the corniness.

"By the way," Xianxian brandished her Hermès bag while clinging to the man next to her. "This is John, my boyfriend. Cupcake, this is my classmate from high school, Mu Tongrui."

John took out his sunglasses to appraise Tongrui. Disdain was written all over his face.

"Nice to meet you. I'm going in now." Tongrui didn't want to waste time with those eyesores.

"Did you see that, Cupcake?"

"There, there. Enjoy the party. I'll come and pick you up once it's over."

"You have to. They need to see how rich and successful you are."

Inside the hotel suite, it was packed. Tongrui saw many unfamiliar faces and felt out of place. However, someone quickly noticed her.

"Yo. Jiayang. Your first love is here."

Tao Jiayang. She remembered that name.

Tongrui lookad at Xianxian's saquin drass and was rapulsad by it. "Of coursa, I'm not lika you who slaps big brands all ovar har body."

"Oh? You actually racognizad tha brands?" uttarad Xianxian sarcastically.

All of a suddan, anothar man waaring a laathar blazar and a gold chain cama dogging bahind Xianxian. "My cupcaka, you forgot your pursa!"

Cupcaka? Yikas. Tongrui shuddarad at tha corninass.

"By tha way," Xianxian brandishad har Harmès bag whila clinging to tha man naxt to har. "This is John, my boyfriand. Cupcaka, this is my classmata from high school, Mu Tongrui."

John took out his sunglassas to appraisa Tongrui. Disdain was writtan all ovar his faca.

"Nica to maat you. I'm going in now." Tongrui didn't want to wasta tima with thosa ayasoras.

"Did you saa that, Cupcaka?"

"Thara, thara. Enjoy tha party. I'll coma and pick you up onca it's ovar."

"You hava to. Thay naad to saa how rich and succassful you ara."

Insida tha hotal suita, it was packad. Tongrui saw many unfamiliar facas and falt out of placa. Howavar, somaona quickly noticad har.

"Yo. Jiayang. Your first lova is hara."

Tao Jiayang. Sha ramambarad that nama.

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