Camp Closeted

Chapter 46: Queen of Queens

Chapter 46: Queen of Queens

Tristan's truck was definitely old but in the most aesthetic way possible. It looked identical to the truck

from my favorite movie ever which is The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

The group of friends in that movie would usually drive it underneath a tunnel and it symbolized so much

freedom and joy for them yet still having a not so perfect life.

Speaking of that movie, I might as well just illegally watch it tonight since I have nothing else better to


All of a sudden, the radio began playing, my thoughts getting cut of by what sounded like a guy's

scream blending in with a guitar and a whole bunch of percussion.


"You have a disturbed look on your face." Tristan immediately turned the volume down as his smooth

voice began to speak over it. "Is it the music?" He asked, glancing at me then back on the road.

"Y-yea." I just anxiously chuckled. "There's nothing wrong with it, I just thought you'd be the type to

listen to something else."

An adorable smirk formed on Tristan's face as I just looked at him. His jawline perfectly carved, his

eyelashes incredibly long, and his eyes, his dark blue eyes, just brightly shimmering at the road. "Did

you think I'd be listening to country music because of my truck?"

"N-no, not at all." I shook my head as I continued to stare at him. "I just thought you'd be the type to

listen to classical music or something."

"Classical music?" He amusingly asked as the way he let it out made me laugh louder now. "Care to

explain why you would think that?"

"I-I don't know." I just shrugged, seeing him glance at me didn't fail to send blood to run up my cheeks.

"You just talk really proper, and not to sound weird but you're voice is really smooth."

"Smooth?" Tristan raised a perfectly structured brow as I smiled. "My voice?"

"Y-yea." I quickly breathed as I couldn't help but stutter at me being so weird by explaining to him how I

hear his voice. "The way you talk just reminds of an actor from an old Hollywood movie I used to watch

with my mom."

"I'm quite hoping that's a good thing then." He smiled back now, blinking at the road.

"It is."

"So you like it?"

"Like what?"

"My voice?"

"Y-yea, I guess I do."

Tristan's eyes focused back on the road as heat all of a sudden spread throughout the car, my cheeks

continuing to burn as he was the only one attractively smirking to himself.

I hastily looked down at my phone that just vibrated, my eyes subtly widening at Jesse's text about the

rain starting to pour so he couldn't really play basketball.

"You and Jesse still talk, I presume?" Tristan slyly asked, making me look at him and then back on my

phone as I texted Jesse back.

"Y-yea." I sent my text back as I quickly put my phone down.

"Interesting." He muttered deeply underneath his breath as I didn't know if I should reply or not.

"I know you probably still believe in trying to make me stay from Jesse for my own emotional safety, but

I'm sure I can manage myself on my own." I carefully spoke back. "I told him that I trusted him that he's

changed, I hope you can understand that."

Tristan's facial expression was blank now, his hands slowly turning the steering wheel to the left. "He

came up to me and apologized not so long ago." He started. "I believe 2 days ago but I could be wrong.

He told me how much he's starting to like you very much. He also mentioned how badly he wanted to

prove to me how much he's changed."

I blinked a couple of times before responding. "What did you say to him?" I asked.

"That I forgive him." He licked his lips as he momentarily threw me a small smile.

"S-so you're no longer trying to keep me away from him?" I shyly let out, glancing down at my slowly

melting frozen yogurt.

"Well of course not." Tristan smiled out. "I believe now, it's more about trying to keep him away from


I slightly choked on air as the car immediately stopped moving, noticing my cabin now right in front of

us. "W-what?" I asked with widened eyes, not really understanding what he just said.

Did I hear him correctly?

"Nothing." He sighed out, turning his body towards me. "Try not to get yourself too wet from the rain. I

would very much hate to see you sick." He winked, the pats of rain lightly hitting above us.

"T-thanks." I anxiously replied, proceeding to get out of his car.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy to find out that the drive-in theater was cancelled in the middle of the

movie because of the rain.

I missed Benny too much and now here we are having a triple date at a fun neon lighted diner.

Me, Jesse, Benny, and Keanu sat on 1 side of the long table as Leo and Andrew sat by themselves on

the other side. Only made sense for them to get their own space since they were in fact, the only

official couple sitting at the table.

"Okay guys so I finally finished taking pictures of all the members of the camp, and these are copies of

the ones I took of you guys." Andrew smiled as he passed us large piles of pictures of ourselves, both

colored and non colored.

Benny was the first to react. "When the hell did you take a picture of me sipping out of my Arizona!?"

He cackled as Keanu looked at his pictures with him. "The lighting on point though, thank you Andrew."

He did a small dance as he continued to look through the pile.

Andrew let out a breathy laugh. "I still need to take more colored pictures though then I'll be able to

finally finish the Camp Closeted Year Book. I've talked to Ms. Leigh and both of us are really excited

about it."

Benny proceeded to compliment Keanu's pictures as Leo and Andrew talked about theirs, leaving

Jesse and I in our own little bubble.

"Fuck, I look sexy." Jesse bit his lip as he showed me a picture of him sticking his bright pink tongue

out and another one of him eating a cherry off a milkshake. "Micah, imagine if I was porn star." He then

kissed his own self on the picture as I quickly winced at him.

"I'm not imagining that." I shook my head as I took another fry and proceeded to eat it.

"I would rake in so many views and get hella money!" He playfully exclaimed as I just rolled my eyes

chewing. "Let me see yours."

I didn't even bother stopping him since I was honestly too busy eating now.

"What's that pink thing in your mouth?" His ocean eyes squinted at the picture as I couldn't help but


"It's a birthday horn." I examined the picture as I couldn't help but accept the fact that I did kinda look

decent on the picture. "Andrew told me to pose with it, so I did." I shrugged.

Jesse took turns glancing back at me and back at the picture in visible shock. "Dude."

I couldn't help but laugh out loud as seeing him so flustered entertained me a lot. "What?" I asked,


He then quickly moved his flushed face closer to mine as he aggressively bit the air towards me.

"You're such a fucking stud." He quietly groaned as his hands proceeded to snake around my waist

beneath the table, making me only laugh louder as I immediately tried to break away from him.

I finally gave up as he held me against him now, making the both of us look at my other pictures. "Look

at yourself." Jesse spoke softly against my ear as I warmly smiled. "You're so hot." He breathed deeply

against me as he genuinely sounded so thirsty now.

"Jesse, you're being so loud." I brushed my face away from him as my heart started to beat a lot faster.

"I don't care, look at that one." He spoke deeply as he used his finger to point at a new picture. "You're

so hot that I'm literally about to scream right now."

"No, no, no, Jesse shh." I hastily laid a finger against his mouth to silence him as he looked like he was

really about to. "Jesse, stop I'm serious, that would be so embarrassing." He playfully opened and

closed his mouth a few times to make me feel like he was about to do it.

"Y'all need to calm the fuck down and save that freaky shit at home." Benny sassily let out as Jesse

and I just began to play with each other like a bunch of kids.

"Don't touch me!" My mouth widened at him trying to tickle me again as I just tiredly laughed. "Jesse I


Jesse remained quiet as a devilishly teasing smirk formed on his face, my hands desperately trying to

cover myself so he doesn't bury a point into me and make me cackle out around these people.

"Aw look at you guys! Are you guys dating now?" Andrew began to notice our sudden movements as

he gently rested his head onto Leo's shoulder.

I remained quiet as I just glanced at Jesse, signaling for him to speak and not me. "Not yet, but the day

is gonna come." Jesse confidently spoke as I felt his warm hand slowly land on my thigh, and then

making it rub up which made my eyes widen. "And I plan on making it come." He let out softer as I

rapidly hit his hand, making him laugh to himself as he brushed it away.

I immediately threw him a shocked facial expression at him really just doing that.

"Well I can't wait to see it." Andrew's light brown eyes glimmered brightly at us. "You guys are really

cute together."

I coughed, trying to hide my extremely reddened cheeks. "So are you guys." I complimented back at

Andrew and Leo.

All of a sudden, Benny's voice caught everyone's attention. "Why you look so mad on this picture?"

Benny held onto Keanu's tan muscular arm as his other hand pointed at his face on the picture.

It was Keanu sitting down on a patch of beautifully white flowers, his face slightly scrunched together.

"Because you weren't there with me." He smirked.

Benny rolled his eyes as he now tried to hide the butterflies that now probably roamed around his

stomach, his grip around Keanu's arm quickly loosening. "Boy shut the hell up, you probably had to NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

take a shit or something." He let out, making everyone at the table laugh out loud.

"Not even." Keanu's smirk widened as he clicked his mouth. "Real talk though, the sun was honestly

just too damn bright. But I swear, I would've been smiling if you were there to make me." He adorably


"Mhm." Benny sassily replied as he loudly sipped out of his drink.

"So, Benny!" Andrew quickly announced. "What is this party you were trying to tell me about."

"Oh yea, the party! Micah knows about this too!" I nodded as he waved his hands up into the air,

quickly putting his drink down. "Me, Milan, and Micah are planning our own party as a huge fuck you for

Posh being such a bitch."

Andrew's eyes slightly widened. "Oh no, what he do?" He asked.

Benny popped his mouth as he rested both of his arms onto the table. "Alright, so he said everyone

was invited to his party right? So tell me why my name wasn't on the list? Like how is he gonna just

make me feel and look dumb waiting at the line like that?" He quickly snapped his head back. "You

know what, I need to calm down. Anyways, point is, we want this party to be the most craziest, biggest,

party ever, and the only person not invited is Posh!"

Leo and Andrew's mouth were dropped now as Andrew spoke out once again. "That sounds like fun!

When is it?"

"This Saturday." Benny chirped.

"We're going." Andrew nudged Leo as they both smiled.

"Can't miss a huge party like this. Do you guys need anything?" Leo raised an eyebrow at us.

"All we need is people, Milan got everything under control." Benny responded.

Benny and I met smiles as we knew that we were both very excited for this weekend.

"Milan I'm gonna be in charge of music, I don't care what you say." Benny happily jumped up and down

as his eyes observed the incredibly large speakers that Milan set up. "How much were these?"

"4,500 per speaker, not much." Milan smiled as I tried to hold in from rolling my eyes knowing that there

are currently 30 speakers laid out around the suite right now.

Benny ignored him as he started to play a song. "Oooooooo!" His face scrunched out in happiness as

he started to aggressively dance. "Shoulder sideways, smack it, smack it in the air!" He screamed out

the lyrics to the song as I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

The speakers were incredibly high quality. The sound of the instrumentals being complimented by the

crystal clear vocals and the intense bass all mixing in together shook the suite as Benny shamelessly

danced to himself.

All 3 of us spent the whole Friday getting Milan's suite ready for the party tomorrow. Around 200 people

from Camp Brazen, Camp Serenity, and just people from everywhere else are already confirmed to

come and that doesn't even include the guys from Camp Closeted.

"Do you think Posh is gonna try and crash it?" I teased loudly, wiping my sweat off with my shirt.

Milan quickly replied. "Posh isn't like that. I remember him telling me once that he doesn't believe in

competition because he believes he has already won. He was saying something about not having to try

and be the queen of queens if he already knows he owns that title."

What Milan just said visibly looked like it triggered something in Benny as he just stood quietly to

himself now.

"W-well good, whatever, that's okay, this isn't meant to be a competition. It's just our own way of telling

him that we don't need to kiss his ass to have a good time." I beamed brightly. "Let's just make sure

tomorrow will be the best day of our lives."

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