Camp Closeted

Chapter 47: Living the American Dream

Chapter 47: Living the American Dream

"Milan, is that country music?" Benny tried not to laugh as we started to arrange the drinks and snacks

on the array of tables.

"Yea!" He cheered as Benny snorted. "I secretly always wanted to try and live the American Dream,

you know what I mean?"

Benny and I glanced at each other amused. "No sis, we don't know what the hell you mean." I couldn't

help but laugh at Benny's response, making Milan speak again.

"Like I want to live in one of those super huge prairie houses and have a boyfriend that I can catch fish

with." He dreamily looked up as Benny scrunched his face. "Then at night, we can lay down on a

mattress that we set up at the back of his truck and watch the stars as we cuddle." He breathed.

"Huge prairie houses? You mean those old houses that slave masters used to live in back in the day?"

Benny spoke as he kept his eyes at the table, making sure everything is ready.

"Yea!" Milan cheered as Benny and I rapidly turned towards him now. "I-I mean the style of the house

of course, not for the fact that it's for slavery. Slavery was bad, I mean, slavery is still bad bu-" Benny

quickly interrupted him.

"Milan chill, I get what you mean." Benny audibly tried to sound nice as he slowly turned towards me

with a tilted head. "You planning to get fucked up tonight or you good?"

I tried to hide my smile as the country song continued to play in the background. "Is it bad that I kinda

want to?" I bit my lip. "I mean, Jesse is gonna be with me the whole time so I should be alright, right?"

"Is Jesse gonna get fucked up too?" Benny asked.

"I honestly don't know." I slowly shook my head as I followed him out towards the pool.

"Hey Milan!" Benny exclaimed as my eyes caught sight of the gorgeously large and shimmering pool.

"Yea?" He exclaimed back from inside of the suite.

"Are you planning to let people swim tonight?" Benny looked up as he waited for a response.

"They can if they want to!" Milan responded loudly, a different country song now playing.

Benny quickly looked at me. "Milan's suite is gonna be so fucked up after the party tonight." He loudly

cackled as he slowly clapped his hands. "I can't even imagine how bad it's gonna get."

"I know." I sighed as I looked back at the pool. "I don't really know how to feel yet. For some reason, I'm

both scared and excited. I just don't want it to end up like the bonfire. I was so reckless and just really

gross that night. It brought up so many problems for me and I don't ever want it to happen again."

"I can kinda relate." Benny shrugged as he pulled up his sleeves to quickly touch the water. "I just

wanna end up hella trashy tonight. I know that sounds so bad and I know I'm 21 and gotta act my age,

but I just don't give a single fuuuck!" He loudly let out, making me playfully roll my eyes.

"There's no bushes around here for you to wake up in." I dramatically let out as if it was the end of the

world. "Who knows what might happen to you Benny?"

Benny just smiled. "Hopefully end up with Keanu rearranging these organs, ya feel?" My mouth rapidly

dropped as we proceeded to explode out in complete laughter.

"You're too crazy!" I let out, Milan's voice coming up behind us.

"Guys, Cadence is here!" He bubbly announced as we all quickly went inside the suite again.

My mouth couldn't help but drop as I watched Cadence and Rama proceed to bring in huge plastic

bags of the devil's lettuce closer to us. "Hey babes!" Cadence saluted. "Where's this lounge you're

talking about Mil?"

He looked definitely livelier for some reason. His skin wasn't the usual pale as hints of pink now

complimented his face and his chiseled arms through the shirt that he was wearing.

Milan kept his smile as the smell began to definitely roam around the suite. "Follow me guys!" He


Benny and I stood still as he just looked at me. "That is a whole another mess I'm not trying to deal

with." He quickly got closer towards me with a serious look. "You told me you wasn't ever gonna do it

again so don't be dumb tonight." He reminded.

I quickly nodded my head. "Y-yea, of course." I breathed as he moved back away. "I'm gonna be really

responsible tonight, I promise!"

Music shook the walls of the suite as the sun began to set. There was already an overwhelmingly

amount of people here and it's not even night time yet.

I breathed deeply as I waited for Jesse. He hasn't responded to any of my texts or calls and I was

getting a bit worried if he was still gonna show up.

It's not like I'd be angry if he didn't show up or anything, I just wish he would at least text me on what

he's planning to do.

Communication is important.

My body brushed against countless bodies of people as I walked my way towards Benny who was in a

small group with Keanu, Andrew, and Leo.

"Micah!" Benny exclaimed through the music. "Where's Jesse?" He asked, smiling as he downed a


"I don't know, he hasn't repli-" My eyes slightly widened as Benny interrupted me with a randomly loud

laugh. "Replied yet." I inaudibly murmured underneath my breath as I just sighed.

Keanu offered me a shot as I quickly declined with my head. "You sure?" He asked.

"Yea." I nodded, looking around the huge groups of people I had no clue even existed.

Benny took full control of the music as it made some people start to dance. Each song passing made

me realize how quick the sun diminished, making the night finally taking over.

There was all of a sudden a large influx of incredibly attractive guys, their eyes enticingly checking out

some of the people brushing against them. They weirdly resembled a boy band a lot and I didn't know

how to feel.

I felt like my ears we're going to pop as I just awkwardly sat next to Keanu and Benny, completely being

third wheeled.

I glanced down at my phone to check if Jesse texted-nothing. I sighed, burying my phone back into my


"Micah!" I hear Benny exclaim beside me, moving over Keanu to make me hear him better. "It's a party

and you look like a frail old woman who's going through menopause!"

I remained quiet as I looked down. He's right. What the hell am I even doing? Why am I sitting here

being so depressed about nothing?

It's a party not a funeral!

I threw him a small smile. "I need a drink!"

Benny's eyes dramatically widened as he was visibly intoxicated now, but not too much. "Let's go!" I

quickly grabbed onto his hand as he smirked at Keanu. "We'll be right back! You better not play some

garbage ass music!" Keanu retuned the smirk with a nod.

Benny and I passed by a lot of people as a couple of eyes were following me for some reason. It was

very awkward.

A sharp exhale quickly left my mouth as my other hand was rapidly grabbed, making Benny turn back

and see why I had to stop walking.

My eyes then landed on a guy I have never seen before in my life. "Wanna dance with me?" He cooed,

his hand still grabbing onto mine.

He had messy light brown hair and his eyes were a gorgeous hue of deep green. His face had a few

freckles as he smelled like the artificial flavors that Cadence would usually smoke through his vape.

"Honey he's straight, sorry!" Benny horribly lied as he slurred out his words, painfully pulling me away.

"He's a pussy addict!" The guy pouted as we continued to walk towards the drinks.

I couldn't help but laugh at how random that was as we finally reached a table. I watched Benny gather

a bunch of bottles close as he danced to himself. "You look like you know what you're doing." I smiled

brightly as I watched him quickly put together a weird shot that were different liquids.

"Drink my child!" He cheered as he handed me a filled shot glass.

I quickly took it, my eyes squinting at the potent taste of alcohol. "You're not gonna drink?" I asked.

"I am, but not from that tiny ass glass." He responded, my eyes widening the second he stuffed his

mouth with the bottle. "Here." He poured me more as I quickly took it, hissing.

Benny laughed at my funny facial expressions as I began to speak. "I don't think Jesse is coming." I

blurted out.

"He still hasn't texted you?" Benny asked, putting the bottle momentarily away from his mouth.

"N-no." I bit. NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

"Is that why you're sad?"

"Yea, little bit."

Benny rolled his eyes as he quickly clicked his mouth. "You know what? I'll tell you what!" I quietly

laughed at him visibly getting more and more drunk as he plopped his arms down on the table.

"Sometimes, men ain't shit and what you need is yourself!"

"Y-yea I guess you're right." I softly responded.

"What!" Benny asked through the music.

"I guess you're right!" I spoke louder now.

"What?" He asked again as I let out a widened grin.

"You're right!" I screamed, making the both of us laugh together.

After I don't know how many shots, I seemed to struggle to talk to Benny now. "O-one more!" I slightly

slurred against the table.

Benny was also intoxicated now too as I loudly gasped at him spilling the alcohol everywhere at the

first few seconds of pouring. "Ooo shit, my bad!" He cackled.

After taking my last shot, it felt like my mouth was already numb to the taste and the alcohol started to

taste like water. My head slowly rocked side to side as I just grinned to myself.

I began to feel dizzy and I felt like everything around me was starting to move in a spiraled direction.

"Let's go dance!" Benny cackled as he threw his hand out.

I struggled to grab onto it as I couldn't help but laugh. "Lets go!"

Just before I could've tried to get up, our attention was quickly stolen by a pair of two guys that were

furiously making out. "Holy shit!" Benny loudly cursed, making me wince.

My mouth dropped as I watched Dallas effortlessly carry Milan over the counter and proceed to rock

their head against each other, their tongues visibly intertwining.

Holy shit indeed..

I would be lying if I said it didn't look somewhat fun. Seeing Dallas so forceful and more commanding

was like seeing a whole different side of him. He's normally so easy to break and easy to treat like a

peasant and I'm glad to see him out of that shell.

He looked insanely hot out of it too.

I was jealous of seeing Milan and Dallas feel so good now as Benny tugged onto my arm again. "Micah

stop being weird!" He exclaimed, pulling me out of my seat as my eyes couldn't stop looking at them

passionately kissing.

Posh would die if he saw this..

Bright flashing lights surrounded us as the sound of music seemed as if it only got louder, if that was

even possible.

My vision started to blur as Benny and I ran towards the large groups of people that were going

insanely crazy. My numb body started to jump with the other people to the music as seeing Benny so

wild made me happy. You know what! I don't need a Jesse! Fuck that mushroom for not texting me



For some reason, mushrooms are actually kinda cute. They look like fat squishy umbrellas and

umbrellas are kind people. They offer us shade, they offer dolphins food, and they just help a lot of

people who struggle everyday at Target.

Benny and I danced to the music as he swung against to almost everybody around him and he didn't

care. This made me not care also.

All of a sudden, a pair of strong arms quickly wrapped around my waist, making me the dance against

the mysterious person.

I quickly turned around to see who it was and it was an insanely tall guy I've never met before. His olive

tan skin was being beautifully complimented by the flashing lights as taking in his facial features made

me begin to feel all mushy inside. "Which Camp you from, I'm from Brazen!?" He smirked as he bit lip

at me.

My mouth just slowly dropped at his handsomeness as our bodies rubbed against each other. "You

should take this." He whispered against my ear, his finger bringing up a small piece of paper.

"What the heck is this it's just a piece of paper." I couldn't help but laugh out loud as he pulled down my

mouth, my eyes not breaking from his gaze.

"You're just going to feel happy as fuck, you'll love it." He smirked as the paper didn't really even do

anything in my mouth.

This dude must have been way too fucked up. He probably thought he was giving me gum or


I decided to entertain it anyways and chewed on the piece of paper. "Where's yours?" I asked, his

hands going around my waist as my hands rubbed against his neck.

"Already took it." He bit his lip, my eyes closing.

I felt genuinely happy and I couldn't explain my exact thoughts and emotions. Everything just slowly

started to feel like everything I felt like I've been missing out on my whole life.

I managed to quickly brush off him as I closed my eyes, dancing and feeling the music warmly fill me. It

was weird because I don't normally let anyone touch me like that.

The second my mind processed this, I kinda felt uncomfortable over the fact that an absolute stranger

that doesn't even know my name just made me chew paper while touching my body.

The second my eyes opened to get away from the music and the people, Benny was definitely on sight.

I mean not on sight.

How do I say that Benny has vanished.

Oh yea, like that.

Benny has vanished!

My body was being thrown against random waves of people as I tried to make my way out of skins that

were caging me away from my freedom. I couldn't even think right anymore as the smell of alcohol,

colognes, perfumes, food, and sweat mixed together in the atmosphere.

I took a deep breath as I finally reached a dimly lit hallway, my blurred eyes carefully scanning the

people passing by me.

All of a sudden, my eyes widened as they landed at Jesse, unexplainable happiness quickly spreading

throughout my reckless body. "Hey! You're here!" He threw me a confused smirk as I couldn't help but

throw myself at him. "You haven't been answering my texts!" I whined.

He licked his lips as my vision was incredibly blurred but I knew he looked gorgeous. "You have? That's

quite odd, I don't remember having your number?"

"Stop acting dumb." I laughed out loud as my hands wrapped around his muscular neck, our eyes

meeting. "Your eyes are a lot deeper in color for some reason." I moved my face closer towards him as

he quickly moved back.

"Micah, you're drunk, you need to relax." He anxiously chuckled as I continued to whine.

"Jesse I'm literally sober I'm okay!" I exclaimed, trying to meet my lips against his but for some reason

he didn't give in.

His cold blue eyes widened at me as he was forced to wrap his hands around my body since I was

basically laying all of my weight against him now. "Yea no, you're very drunk, you need to go rest." Just

before Jesse could've tried to pull me out the door, I immediately frowned, pulling back. "Micah, come

on!" He chuckled.

"I can't leave yet!" I let out. "I-I wanna go upstairs tuh sleep!" I closed my eyes as I nodded my head a

bunch of times.

"You love getting fucked up don't you?" He asked softly against my ear as we made our way towards

the stairs.

"Not even!" I breathed.

"Yea you do." He enticingly chuckled as he helped me balance myself. "You're lucky I found you. A

beautiful boy like you can't just walk around a huge party like this while drunk."

After Jesse and I walked our way upstairs, we began to walk towards rooms to see if they were empty.

The first door we opened exposed a tall built guy with curly brown hair and a bare muscular back,

carrying and thrusting into a girl's small body against the wall in a rapid pace.

They were both naked and for some reason, I wasn't really shocked that much.

"Jesus Christ." Jesse rapidly closed the door again as I crinkled my face at him.

"Who would wanna be pinned against the wall like that?" I slurred my words as I couldn't help but laugh

out loud.

We finally reached an empty room as Jesse quickly sat me against the edge of the bed, my whole body

dropping as my hand tightly held onto his. "Micah, let go." He sternly commanded.

Silence broke out as I just looked at him. He looked genuinely attractive tonight and I couldn't handle it.

He looked like a completely different person.

I noticed him begin to prepare to leave as I rapidly pulled him back. "N-no stop! What are you doing!?"

"You're very fucked up again and I have to let you rest." He cautiously let out as our eyes met again.

"What do you mean again?" I awkwardly snickered as I slowly pulled him closer towards me. "S-stop

trying to leave, I need to tell you something, come!" I loudly begged.

He deeply sighed as we both now sat at the edge of the bed. "What is it?" He clenched his sharp jaw at

me as silence broke out between us.

Sudden heat and desperation for his taste rapidly zoomed through my veins as I plunged my mouth

against his.

I felt his whole body tense up as I felt like I was kissing a statue. I then let out a soft moan out of

complete happiness as I felt incredibly happy now that he returned the kiss.

My hand aggressively got behind his neck as I pushed him further into me, making his soft warm

tongue press inside my mouth. My body broke apart any space left between us as I got on top of him,

feeling his arms tightly hold on around me.

I slowly broke away to breathe as I buried my hands against his soft black hair that was slowly

becoming blonde for whatever reason. His light blue eyes also started becoming a deeper shade of

blue as his reddened mouth kissed my neck.

Jesse tasted like strawberries and I loved every single thing about it.


Wait, what?


I didn't think it was possible but the amount of shock that came over my body now as I snapped my

head back to see who I was kissing was able to make me sober for only a second.

"Tristan?" I deeply breathed out as my blurred vision only cleared for a moment, my face not even

hiding my shocked facial expression.

"Y-yes?" His cheeks burned brightly to me as his cold blue eyes pierced through mine.

"N-no, It can't be." I tiredly blinked a few times as the room felt like it caving in around me. I didn't know

what to feel, what to do, or what to say. "This isn't real."

Tristan probably saw the shocked look on my face as he quickly spoke again. "Wait, did you think you

were kissing Jesse and not me the whole time?" He asked quickly, his voice painted with sudden


Tristan knew I was probably just internally freaking out now as I quickly made my body brush away

from him and off the bed, making myself fall onto the carpeted floor. Since my visions were slightly

blurred, I honestly didn't know what to do.

I just knew I had to get the fuck out of this room as fast as humanly possible.

My breathing pattern was now going berserk as I got up off the floor and proceeded to balance myself

with the cold walls, quickly opening the door and walking myself out.

My head swung back and forth as my hands crossed the hallway, my eyes tiredly following the familiar

duo that were totally just having sex in one of the rooms.

They were both visibly sweaty and flushed as they slowly passed by me. I couldn't really grab a clear

vision of them but all I knew was both of them were really attractive. I must say though, the girl's

clothes are closely more masculine than feminine.

"D-do you think he's okay?" The girl asked, shyly tucking a strand of chocolate brown hair behind her

ear. "Micah, are you okay?"

I was very shocked that this girl knew my name since I don't remember knowing any girls around here!

"He's gonna be fine, come on!" The boy with the curly hair and shirtless body deeply let out, his hand

gently pulling on the short girl to follow him. "Rama's gonna be so pissed at us being gone for such a

long time." The boy huskily chuckled as they quickly made their way downstairs.

I gulped as I knew I had to be gone before Tristan comes back out from the room. The music that came

from downstairs began to get louder as I anxiously looked down at the stairs before me.

The minute I took my first step, my body rapidly thrashed forward and turned into a ball that would now

bounce down against the marble staircase.

Pain emitted all through out my body as I felt myself hit hard against each step. After my whole body

snapped against the last hardened marble step, I couldn't even release out a noise to acknowledge the

insane amount of pain that I was now feeling.

Did I just fall down the stairs?

All I knew was I had to get up.

Since the entire suite was dark and the only source of light were flashing lights that danced with the

music, I knew no one was going to be able to know that I needed help.

Wow Micah, great job, you're actually the dumbest person in the entire galaxy right now.

I just weakly breathed and hissed through the pain as I finally gained enough energy to get back up

and walk towards the hallway and then towards the exit.

The second I twisted open the door, my body just effortlessly dropped down outside it. Luckily enough,

no one was out here since everyone was probably already inside the party.

I slowly closed my eyes as I just took in a deep breath, feeling my phone vibrate from my pocket as I

felt like an actual corpse frozen in time.

"What the actual fuck." A deep voice slowly spoke out, coming from my right. I guess seeing me almost

dead on the ground was so surprising to this guy that it even made him drop and spill his red cup down.

Poor cuppie.

My eyes just tiredly blinked as my aching body just laid restless. All of a sudden, I felt a pair of strong

arms quickly raise me up and walk me out away from the house. The music started to fade in the back

as it felt like an eternity as this mysterious guy obviously had plans to take me somewhere.

Finally we stopped walking. "What the hell happened to you?" His voice was low and deep as I just

remained quiet.

One of his hands kept holding onto my arm that was sluggishly around him as his other hand extended

for his smart key to open his car that I guess he's gonna put me in.

Whoever this guy is, he's taking me and there's no one to help or see me get taken away. I didn't even

have an ounce of any energy left to speak out or try to get away from him.

My whole body continuously ached out in pain over and over again and there was nothing to do but live

through it. Thankfully enough though, I knew the pain wasn't that excruciating to the point of me having

to question whether If I broke a few ribs or not, but who honestly even knows at this point?

The pain just felt like a bunch of large bruises were getting continuously punched into my body and I

just wanted to sleep.

The second the guy pressed the smart key, the lights from inside and outside of the car immediately lit

up, exposing a black and red muscle car.

Romeo's car..

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