Camp Closeted

Chapter 56: Absolute Trade

Chapter 56: Absolute Trade

"I'm not going." I blurted out, making Benny widen his eyes at me.

"Micah come on! I promise this bonfire is going to be hella different!" Benny loudly whined as Keanu

and Jesse just continued eating with amused smiles. "Just come!"

"How is this gonna be different? Aren't all bonfires meant for people to just get drunk and faded?" I


Benny clicked his mouth, waving his hands to quiet me down. "No, not even! The ones hosted by

Camp Brazen and Camp Closeted are all like that but this one is different. This one is being hosted by

Camp Serenity, meaning roasting marshmallows, drinking normal drinks, actually sitting and watching

the bonfire. It's gonna be so fun, I promise." He threw me a reassuring smile.

I took a second to respond. "You promise?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yes bitch, I promise!" He nodded, proceeding to eat his pancake.

I figured since this would be the last bonfire I'd celebrate with Benny, I thought why not. Finding out that

I'm not staying here for the full 3 months also made me realize that I must responsibly live the present

as much as I can.

In all honesty, I never want to leave this place. I thought my experience was going to be awful but my

mom was right, it wasn't. Surely I had some bad experiences here and there but I still managed to live

through it.

"How y'all doing folks?" The woman with the usually printed dresses came. Everyone quickly replied

how good the food tasted as she looked at me with a large polite smile. "Hey sugar, where's your

handsome friend of yours with those honey brown curls?" She asked curiously, leaning against my

booth as she fluffed up her 60s hair.

All eyes rapidly landed on me, Jesse's blue ones piercing at me more than anyone else's. "H-he's really

not my friend." I looked down.

She quickly got back up, anxiety painted on her face now. "Oh sugar I'm sorry, I don't mean to crack the

barrel of your business now." She worriedly spoke.

"It's fine." I threw her a small smile. "It's not that big of a deal."

After Jesse watched her walk away, he immediately looked at me and talked. "Was she talking about

that Romeo guy?"

"Y-yea." I stuttered, quickly breathing as I felt his skin rub against mine. "He took me here when I was

really drunk from the party. We just ate together, nothing else."

"Hm." Jesse breathed out, making me catch his blank facial expression all of a sudden cracking. "If

he's down we should have a threesome." Benny rapidly spit out his drink as Keanu just laughed.

"Jesse!" I exclaimed, wincing at him. "What the fuck is wrong with you."

"What?" He deeply half-laughed, his blue eyes still looking at me as his face slowly moved towards

mine. "It's a joke."

"A gross one." I shyly replied, feeling him slowly snake an arm around me, making me gently hit his


"Ow! Okay, I'm sorry." He devilishly smirked, quickly meeting a kiss on my cheek, then softly brushing

his lips against my ear. "You know I'll never share you." He deeply let let out.

I remained quiet with reddened cheeks as I just crossed my arms, Jesse now nibbling against my ear

and down to the side of my neck. "Jesse stop." I tried to sound angry but I just failed miserably.

Jesse slowly moved away from me with dilated pupils, his pale cheeks a lot more reddened now as

Benny threw us a dirty look. "Y'all are so weird." He said, making all of us laugh out loud.

Random conversations broke out between everyone except for me since I was so focused on my food.

The second I looked around sighing, I immediately just closed my eyes. "Fuck." I anxiously cursed.

I looked down as I tried to hide my face, the sight of Romeo walking in with a group of friends making

me choke up.

He was wearing a slim fitted shirt that defined his subtly muscular tan arms and had his hands buried

deep into the pockets of his grey sweatpants.

What caught my eye the most though was his silver cross necklace around his neck, making my eyes

carefully observe his face and down to his collar bone.

Surprisingly enough, Jesse didn't notice Romeo's arrival as he just remained disappeared in a

conversation with Keanu and Benny.

He was with a group of 4 other guys that I've never seen before, my view of them being cut off by a

waiter quickly walking to their table. "Excuse me guys." I breathed out almost inaudible, getting up off

the booth to go to the restroom as my body felt intense heat for some reason.

What the fuck is going on with me?

I felt scared, anxious, and every single emotion that didn't make me feel good but made me feel good.

Confusing, I know. What if he sees me? Would he make a scene? Last time we saw each other was

me swinging my hand against his face and running away.

I watched water drip down from my soaked face as I abnormally breathed. Water dripped down from

the arches of my dark brown brows, down to my pinkish tinted cheeks, then down to my flushed cherry


Thoughts just kept racing through my mind as I grabbed some paper towels and began to pat myself

dry. I felt like I was about to pass out and my nose could just spastically bleed out of nowhere.

The second my vision came back from putting the paper towels down from my now dried face, I

immediately tensed away from the mirror. "R-Romeo?" I let out, almost sounding like I couldn't believe

what I seeing.

He was leaning against the wall, his bright hazel eyes watching me with a dangerous gaze. "That boy

with the black hair and blue eyes, is he your boyfriend now?" Hearing him speak almost made my heart

skip a beat.

I anxiously nodded as I watched him get up off the wall and walk towards the sink beside me. "Yea." My

eyes seemed to widen as Romeo finally stood beside me now.

I really don't know whether I should stay or immediately run as seeing him scared me so much. I forgot

how tall and incredibly masculine he is to the point where it was incredibly intimidating to me.

My eyes glanced at Romeo's shimmering earring as I slowly moved away from him, my eyes trailing

down his chiseled arm out of fear he could hurt me at any given time.

"He's a douchebag." He blurted out, washing his hands as he looked at himself in the mirror.

"W-What? You don't even know him." I subtly raised my voice but not too much, Romeo drying his

hands as I continued to move away.

"I don't, but my friends from Brazen do." His deep voice let out, slightly coughing. "I hope he plays the

fuck out of you." He all of a sudden chuckled as I felt his words cut me in half.

My face immediately crinkled at him. "W-why would you say that? You're just jealous that you can't find

another person to deal with your bullshit!" I held nothing back now as what I said rapidly made Romeo

turn towards me.

I began struggling to breathe as seeing him move so fast genuinely scared me now. The second my

body hit against the wall hard, Romeo's golden tan arms forcefully caged me against it, his spicy scent

entering my senses as his body warmth seemed to transfer and combine with mine.

Romeo's furious sunset eyes were slightly covered by his caramel cotton hair as he spoke deeply into

me. "Jealous? Me jealous?" He quickly brought his reddened mouth against my ear as he growled, the

heat of his cheek being able to switch to mine. "How delusional can you get?"

I felt tears completely blur my vision now as my breathing began to speed up in an insane pattern. "G-

get away from me!" I exclaimed weakly, pushing him away with force, but not even enough to move his

tall dominating figure away.

"Still so fucking weak." All of a sudden, he brought up his hand and swung it back against my cheek

with such shameless force, making me release a quiet gasp out of shock as his hand then rapidly

clenched my lips together, making it meet with his.

My fists rapidly clenched and I continuously made them hit against his rock solid chest, my brain

beginning to feel all mushy. I felt myself almost suffocate as I tried to break away from his intoxicating

kiss, but I just couldn't.

My eyes widened and then weakly narrowed the second Romeo's soft warm tongue slipped into my

mouth, his chiseled body now heavily pushing me against the wall as I unconsciously whimpered.

Why am I so weak, it makes me sick to my stomach.

This kiss was way more belligerent than any other kiss I've had before. Processing Romeo's hardened

body, his intensely hot mouth not leaving mine, his spicy scent, and his strong controlling aura almost

made me pass out.

After he aggressively broke away from me, he made our eyes sharply meet as processing what just

happened was incredibly difficult for me. "Now we're even." He deeply muttered, forcefully pushing me

aside as his sweet taste lingered inside my mouth.

I hated it. I hated it so much. Or did I? I don't even know anymore I'm gonna go insane.

I tried to control my heavy breathing as I just looked down, my eyes feeling like it was about to fall out

of their sockets and my body just wanting to pass out. I felt like was about to have another meltdown.

I tiredly let out a heated sigh as I now tasted blood, making me walk to the paper towel dispenser to

wipe my nose.

My eyes stared at my reflection with continued shock the second I came to the fact that my nose wasn't

bleeding this time.

It was my lips.. Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

"Where's Jesse and Keanu?" I asked harshly, interrupting Benny from drinking out of his cup.

"Jesus you look like shit." Benny coughed, his eyes scanning over me. "They had to get something

from Keanu's car for basketball, they'll come back. What happened to you?"

"What do you mean?" I acted dumb to hear what he calls out first so I know if it stands out or not.

"Your lip, it's bleeding!" He threw me a napkin the second I sat down. "Also I'm not sure if you saw him

but there was this fine ass boy with curly hair who just came out of the restroom, did you see him? Was

that Romeo!?"

I gently put the napkin over my mouth. "Yea, it was."

Benny widened his eyes at me and quickly looked around to find Romeo. "That was the Romeo boy

you were talking about? Oh I hate you! He looks like absolute trade!" He dramatically let out, rolling his

eyes back.

I just anxiously looked down. "Aren't you dating Keanu? Why are you checking out other guys? L-look

lets just not talk about him, he's an asshole."

"Damn Micah, chill." Benny slowly moved his head back at my sudden rude tone. "It's not wrong to

acknowledge someone being hot. Just because I call someone hot don't mean I'm thinking about being

a hoe or I like Keanu less, that person is just hot!"

I quickly shrugged, glancing down at the dried blood on the napkin. "Fuck." I murmured under my


All of a sudden, Benny crinkled his face at me. "How'd you get it? Can I see?" I slowly did as he

instructed, brushing the napkin off my lip. "How'd you get it?" He repeated.

"I accidentally bit myself." I lied terribly, looking away to avoid looking at him. "Why?"

Benny slowly narrowed his eyes at me. "Did you and Romeo talk in the restroom?"

"I-uh-" I was rapidly interrupted with my eyes looking up at Jesse and Keanu's tall figures returning to

the seat, Benny's narrowed eyes still staring at me.

"You guys missed us?" Jesse chirped, making me move to the side for him to sit back down, everyone

following Benny's eyes to look at me. "What's wrong?" Jesse's hand quickly gestured to the napkin,

making me move away.

"I accidentally bit myself." I spoke through the napkin, Benny loudly sipping off his drink, making me

throw him a weirded out glance.

"Let me see." Jesse made my hand fall as he took the napkin off my lips. "Hm-well, at least it doesn't

look like it's bleeding anymore." He warmly smirked, throwing me a quick gentle kiss out of nowhere.

"You taste like caramel."

Benny's sip only got louder as his eyes were now widened off to the side, Keanu deeply chuckling

beside him as I immediately tried to change the subject. "You know, if you don't mind, I'd love to go play

basketball with you guys." I tried to smile but I'm pretty sure I just looked incredibly suspicious.

What I just said rapidly made Jesse's face brighten up with complete excitement, his pale frosty cheeks

now painted red as strands of his midnight hair fell down to his crystal blue eyes. "Why would we mind-

right Keanu?" Jesse seemed like an excited puppy that was gonna go out for a walk as Keanu just

nodded his head back.

"B-basketball it is." I continued to try and make my smile look genuine as Benny's curious glare made it

extremely hard.

I hate Romeo.

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