Camp Closeted

Chapter 57: Boy Toy

Chapter 57: Boy Toy

"You're too fast!" I whined, playfully laughing as I wiped the bed of sweat off my forehead.

Jesse continued to zoom pass me, successfully making the ball into the hoop which made me just

slouch my shoulders to surrender. "But I thought you liked it fast?" He smugly let out, glistening sweat

making his slightly dewy reddened face look like it was glowing.

I rolled my eyes, Keanu ignoring us as he laughed quietly to himself, Benny's voice appearing from the

bench he was sitting on. "Seeing you guys be so active is making me sweat inside my turtle neck, dear

lord!" He whined, aggressively opening his large black fan towards his face. "When are you guys gonna

be done?"

I began to walk towards him, already exhausted from just barely playing for 10 minutes.

"Where'd you get that?" I couldn't help but laugh as I watched him begin to fan himself, sitting myself

next to him.

"You like it?" He posed regally, fanning me with him. "Even in cold places I bring a fan just to be extra."

"I love it." I quickly replied, nodding my head. "I like how the color matches with your outfit." I added.

"I know right! You already know I got one in every color! When we get back I'll give you one." He slowly

slid his large sunglasses off his face, yawning as we kept our eyes on the boys fighting for the ball.

"I don't know how they can do this all day." I sighed, wiping the remaining sweat off my face. "I barely

played and I'm here sitting with you, dying."

Benny just nodded his head in agreement. "You know, I would agree, but at the same time people are

just different. I'm pretty sure if they watched my ass watch music videos all the time, they would ask

how the hell I can do that all day, same with their basketball." Our heads followed Keanu as he dribbled

the ball away from Jesse.

"Yea." I breathed. "You're right."

"Are you planning to come back here this summer?" Benny asked.

"Camp Closeted stays open the whole year?" I asked back, slight shock embedded in my tone.

"Hell no. That would be crazy." Benny anxiously laughed. "It opens for 3 months after winter then goes

on until spring. After spring, they close it again and then reopen once summer comes.

"And how long is the summer camp?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"2 months." He shrugged, my skin feeling the cool air coming from his fan.

"How come this camp is open and active for months instead of weeks just like other normal camps?"

"Because it's not like you can't leave whenever you want. People come in and out through those doors

whenever they want. If someone wanted to stay here for 3 days instead of 3 months, they can." He

shrugged, making me nod in response.

"Oh." I gently scratched my cheek. "Well, I don't think I'm ever coming back here again because I don't

think you guys are gonna be here anymore. You and Keanu are going to Europe and I haven't asked

Jesse about his plans for the future yet, so I don't know."

Benny just clicked his mouth as if I said something wrong. "Micah, tell me, how did you meet me?"

"By talking?"

"How did you meet Jesse?"

"B-by talking?" I asked, not knowing what he was trying to say.

Benny quickly closed his fan and pointed it at me. "Exactly! So why are you so afraid to meet new

people! You just got the taste of being social and having friends and now you wanna stop?"

"Well I'm pretty close to all of you guys and if I come back here without having you guys to talk to, then

what's the poin-" He quickly interrupted me.

"Fuck that! Fuck all of that!" Benny playfully let out. "That's why you gotta come back! You gotta make

more friends and make more experiences for yourself! We ain't going nowhere, it won't hurt to make

more friends!" He had a point.

"I gues-" He interrupted me again.

"Did you and Romeo do anything in that restroom?" Benny blurted out, making my eyes widen out at

his bluntness, creating a momentary period of silence between us.

I just looked at him, my eyes uncontrollably shifting at him now as my lips pursed. I didn't even have to

respond as it seemed like Benny had already understood what my facial expression meant. "Micah why

are you hoeing around!?" He exclaimed out of frustration, Jesse being thankfully too far to even hear


A weak but sharp exhale left my mouth as my cheeks began to burn. "Benny I couldn't stop him from

kissing me! I tried to, I really did! He's so much stronger than me."

"Micah." He deeply breathed my name out in foreign frustration. "What do you mean you couldn't stop

him. You couldn't kick him in the dick or I don't know, push him away? Micah you got kissed against

your will."

"I know, I know I, I just." I was speechless. I clearly couldn't even explain what happened without

humiliating myself further. "Everything happened so fast. He followed me to the rest room and next

thing I know it got intense and we almost fought each other and then he kissed me."

Benny buried his fingers against his temples out of stress, stopping himself from fanning any further.

"Oh hell no if that was me I would have definitely beat the shit out of him." He tiredly laughed as I just

slumped down on the bench. "Are you serious bitch?" He repeated what I said.

My arms crossed as if my body was wrinkling up together. "Should I tell Jesse?"

"No. Well, fuck, I don't know. Benny let out strongly. "You know what. hell no. That's the last thing you

want to happen." He commandingly pointed his fan at me once again.

"Wouldn't I be lying though?" I fully turned my body towards him now, Benny not looking at me as he

tried to remain calm, opening his fan once more.

"Lying about what? That shit was a horrible mistake and technically you can't be lying to someone that

doesn't even know what you're lying about, so just shut your mouth from now on and make sure it

doesn't happen again and stay far away from that boy. Now be quiet because your boy toy is coming."

He spoke quietly as the boys began to walk towards us.

Sweat glistened against their dewy skins as I quickly fixed my posture, my eyes almost melting as

Jesse ran his hand through his damp black hair.

"Keanu if your sweaty ass touch me I'll snap ya neck, take your water and sit far away from me." Benny

amusingly let out, making everyone except for me since I got nervous all of a sudden.

"Aw babe, Let me hug you." Keanu's face glistened with sweat as he bit his lip at Benny, slowly moving

his arms for a hug.

"Bitch!" Benny rapidly smacked his arm away with his fan. "Don't play with me!"

Keanu smiled to himself as he took his towel and drank out of his water bottle, then proceeding to

throw his shirt off, the sunset beautifully defining his tanned golden skin.

All of a sudden, Jesse's hand gently moved my chin, upwards towards him, his figure towering over my

seated self. "Come, I wanna show you something." He smirked, pulling onto my arms to follow him.

"O-okay." I softly coughed, getting up off the bench to follow him, Keanu and Benny beginning to talk

behind us.

I observed Jesse's muscular arm continuing to pull me as I felt my cheeks begin to heat up, my eyes

looking around the empty basketball court.

I wonder what Jesse wants to show me?

The second Jesse entered the locker room before me, he had already pulled me into him, making me

sharply inhale in. "What did you wanna show me?" I softly asked, trying not to talk so loud just in case

someone else was in the locker room with us.

"Nothing." He admitted, half laughing. "I just wanted you to come with me." He bit his lip at me as I

watched my self from his dilated sapphire eyes.

Jesse quickly held onto my jawline and met his lips with mine. "M-mhm." I shyly moaned into him, my

hands brushing against his hardened chest.

Jesse broke away with a wide smile, his scent of sweat and cologne mixing together to make an oddly

satisfying smell. "I'm gonna take a shower." He breathed deeply. "Join me?"

My heated cheeks were so hard to hide from him now as I looked down. "Join you?" I asked quietly.

Jesse took a second to response as he lifted his shirt up, exposing his glistening body that I can never

get tired of seeing. "Yea." He replied casually. "Come here." He deeply commanded as he slid his

shorts off.

My mouth unconsciously dropped at the view of Jesse's almost half naked body before me. It was like

him being so attractive almost made the walls cave in on me and I felt like I was gonna pass out.

The shadows defining every single part of his pale muscular body were only being complimented more

as the only color on him were his burning blue eyes and his dark midnight hair.

I rapidly felt a wave of emotions run through me as seeing Jesse barely wearing anything almost made

me melt. "B-Benny and Keanu are waiting for u-" My words were rapidly cut off as Jesse was now

completely naked.

"Don't worry about them, they can leave without us." He just teasingly looked at me at me as he walked

his naked self towards an open glass shower, my eyes getting a view of his snowy chiseled back, every

line and every flex of his muscles not failing to show off. "Come."

I struggled to breathe as I rapidly looked down on the floor, blood rapidly dripping down from my nose.

"Wait." I rapidly sprinted away from the shower and walked towards a paper towel dispenser.

"Nose bleed?" Jesse's deep voice echoed throughout the locker room as I held onto my nose.

"Yea." I sighed. "I've been getting a lot of them lately." I genuinely felt dizzy as my head slowly swung

side to side.

What the heck is going on with me!?

"You okay?" Jesse asked as I glanced down at the paper towel, crimson painted on it as usual.

"I'm fine." I responded almost inaudibly, tilting my head back as the sound of him turning the shower on

made it's way into my ears.

After getting myself back together, I awkwardly just looked back to Jesse's shower, his bright blue eyes

already meeting mine. "Come." He slightly moved his head down, almost begging me to come to him.

I anxiously looked side to side as I slowly lifted off my shirt but hesitated, Jesse rubbing the falling

water onto his bare skin. "Jesse, what if someone sees us?"

"Then they see us." He spoke carelessly, the water trickling down his defined figure as he kept his gaze

at me. "Who doesn't wanna see two hot naked guys showering together?" He winked from the shower.

I began to shyly walk towards him. This is gonna be the first time someone sees me this exposed and I

don't know whether or not I should be okay with it. Even if Jesse teases me a lot and is always so dirty

some times, there is always still a sense of security I feel whenever I'm with him.

After I took off my clothes, I proceeded to get into the shower with him, his cold blue eyes almost being

tinted by a burning delight. "Your heart is beating fast." He spoke deeply, making a waterfall with his

hands and slowly making water trickle down my heated body. "I can hear it."

I breathed out all the heat that churned inside me as I wondered why I've been so weird lately. "Yea,

because of you." I murmured, anxiously gulping.

My eyes immediately widened the second Jesse's strong arms forcefully made our soaked naked

bodies warmly touch against each other. "Theres a lot of things I wanna do to you to make it beat even

faster." His soft lips skimmed against my ear, his wet hand slowly trailing against my back now.

I was caged against his arms as what he said was now etched into my mind, sending a wave of

euphoric feelings to swim through my veins as the water wasn't able to calm the amount of heat our

bodies were producing.

I audibly sighed as Jesse looked down at me. "Do I still make you nervous?"

I just nodded, taking a moment speak as I couldn't even look at him for some reason. "Im just really

new to all the things that we've been doing."

"You've never showered with another guy before?" He silently chuckled, his hands slowly brushing off

of me to proceed in rubbing soap against his soaked skin, making foam begin to rise.

"Never." I breathed out, looking up to make the water meet against my face and going over it with my


"Listen." Jesse's foamy hands wrapped around my waist again as he captured my attention. "If I ever

make you feel uncomfortable, I want you to tell me. I don't ever want you to feel under pressure in

doing something."

I nodded slowly again. "Okay."

"Do I make you feel uncomfortable now?" He asked, his eyes following me as I grabbed onto his


I tried to keep a straight face as I opened he shampoo bottle. "Honestly yea, I feel so uncomfortable. I

cant believe you made me shower with you, I will never look at you the same." I broke out into a small

smile as Jesse rolled his eyes, taking him a second to realize that I was just teasing him.

All of sudden, Jesse collected a bunch of cold water and made it fall onto my hair, making me gasp. "I

hate you." He let out, wetting his hair also.

"No you don't." I was smiling warmly now as I smelled the shampoo, then rapidly wincing. "Ew, it smells

so strong." He quickly grabbed it out of my grasp.

"You probably use some floral smelling shit, that's why." He chuckled, making me remain quiet since I

do use my mom's shampoo.

"No I don't." I lied, making him pour some onto his hair and mine, making me crinkle my face at him. "It

smells like an old log, some type of unwashed denim shirt, and sliced jalapeños." What I said made

him laugh out loud now.

After rubbing the shampoo into his hair, he noticed that I didn't want to the touch the shampoo, in fear

of the smell getting onto my hands. "I'm gonna make you smell like a man." He winked, licking over his

cherry red lips as I playfully gagged.

"If this is what a man smells like I would rather-" The second Jesse began massaging the shampoo into

my hair, my sentence quickly got cut off.

Oh my god..

His fingers felt like those head massager tools I used to have and I felt like my brain was melting.

It's the weirdest feeling ever..

I felt like a child as Jesse continued washing my hair and after, his. "It's not even that bad." Jesse

smelled my hair, then landing a gentle kiss on my forehead. "You smell good, daddy." He joked,

washing the left over soap on his body.

"Ew Jesse shut up!" We laughed together as I felt my cheeks begin to heat up. "Don't ever say that


"It's a joke." Jesse had on a wide smile as he pointed the shower head more towards me, signaling that

he was now done. "If anything, you should be the one calling me that." He confidently remarked.

I narrowed my eyes at him, watching his naked self walk out of the shower. "I will never call you that.

That's gross."

I continued washing myself as I couldn't help but watch Jesse. The way water dripped down his

incredibly broad back and down his cute butt.

Cute butt Micah? Who even says that?

Jesse turned around to look at me as he wrapped a towel around his waist, my eyes shamelessly

staring at his abs and his sharp V-line. "What?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

I took a second to talk back as I just made my head rest against the shower walls. "Just admiring how

nice your body is." I quietly admitted, finally turning the shower off to leave also.

I quickly caught the towel he threw at me as what I said surprisingly made his face soften all of a

sudden. "And it's all yours." His voice became a lot more seductive now. "So make use of it as much as This content © Nôv/elDr(a)m/a.Org.

you can." He added huskily.

I'll make sure to remember that..

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