Camp Closeted

Chapter 58: Spilling the Tea

Chapter 58: Spilling the Tea

"Ashton bro, I swear you can have all of it." Cadence deeply chuckled as his arm remained wrapped

over Sascha's much smaller frame. "I just vape now."

Cadence looks a lot better than the last time I saw him. His glowing radiance is a way better look than

what he looked before, pale and lifeless.

A guy who wanted to get drugs from him were in the library with us, the smell of weed beginning to

surround the library. "I bloody thought you were joking." The boy named Ashton spoke with a heavy

English accent. "Thanks for this." He waved, grabbing the bag of what looked like weed from Cadence

and proceeded to walk off from the library.

Apparently Cadence is gonna stop doing drugs now. For some reason, its kind of hard for me to believe

him but he did say ever since he started dating Sascha, he wanted to start becoming a lot more clean.

What happened to Cadence without a doubt traumatized Sascha and its obvious Cadence never wants

Sascha to fear for him like that, ever again.

I stretched out my neck as I slumped onto my seat, looking down at my laptop that was filled with so

much school work for me to do.

I'm about to graduate soon. Oh my god what the fuck. I'm so old.

Cadence then yawned out, breaking the silence. "So you guys going to the bonfire this weekend?"

Rama quickly answered, looking down at his phone with an enticing smile. "Can't, have a date."

All eyes quickly widened at him. "Oh shit, nice dude." Cadence slowly moved his head back in subtle

shock, Sascha intently focused on his book.

"Yea, he's from Brazen." Rama looked subtly happier than usual as he bit his lip at his phone.

"Well, be safe dude." Cadence threw a smirk. "You don't want anyone taking advantage of you being a

prince." He added warningly.

"Fuck that, I'm never aso-asossia-Sascha what's the word I'm trying to say-" Rama struggled as

Sascha had already interrupted him to help.

"Associating." Sascha responded without looking up.

"Yea, I'm never associating that title with me ever again. My parents disowned me and that's that. I'm

basically just a normal person now." Rama just casually shrugged.

Rama is lucky enough this camp is somewhat very private. Disowned or not, he was still very much a

royal prince. Who wouldn't go for a guy like him?

I deeply sighed as I just decided not to talk, making sure I finish as much work as I can. Just looking at

the amount of numbers my eyes were carefully observing almost felt like it were specifically designed

to make my head hurt.

Ugh, I can't do this.

I sat in silence as my face was buried into my hands in complete stress. I just wanted to go back to

sleep with Jesse's warm comforting arms wrapped around me.

Speaking of Jesse, It's obvious he already wants to do more taboo stuff with me but I genuinely think

we're just too early in our relationship for stuff like that. Even with Brandon, I never put his thing in my

mou-whatever, I don't even wanna think about it.

As I tried to come back up from the deep hole of thought I made for myself, the seat next to me slightly

moved, signaling someone was now sitting on it.

It was Romeo in all of his usual glory and he was looking down at his phone.

Wow, great.

How did I not notice him enter the library? Also, out of all the countless chairs around the table, why

does he have to pick the one right next to me? Ugh, focus Micah, just work.

As I began typing, he let out a deep chuckle that was only audible to me, probably seeing something

funny on his phone.

After processing how much just hearing him chuckle annoys my soul, I tried to type once more, only to

hear him chuckle with it. "Can you just-" I awkwardly began talking but stopped, making him look up to

throw me a dirty look, then looking back down on his phone.

A momentary silence broke out as I deeply sighed, relieved that he seemed to stop being annoying.

Once again, he chuckled. "Romeo sit somewhere else, please, I'm working." My eyes pierced at him in

a begging manner as I was genuinely just tired of him.

His face rapidly crinkled at me. "You sit somewhere else, dumb fuck." He harshly replied, making me

just tiredly roll my eyes to myself.

After a few seconds of having his rude reply somewhat bother me, he let out yet another annoyingly

deep chuckle, making me aggressively curse to myself.

After finally having enough, I quickly got up off my current seat and moved to another one, farther away

from him. Distant conversations started between Cadence, Sascha, and Rama, asking each other if

they were down to go get some food, which they were.

I anxiously bit my lip as I watched them begin to walk off the library, leaving Romeo and I alone.

Of course..

An awkward silence broke out as I kept my eyes on my laptop screen. The room fell so silent that my

heartbeat started to rise in a speed that was probably even audible to him.

I came to notice that whenever Romeo is around me, my insides get intensely heated for some reason.

Where is it coming from!? Anger? Annoyance? Intimidation?

Romeo looked as if he was glowing a lot more today. Watching the way his thick golden caramel curls

seamlessly complimented his warm hazel eyes were so impeccable to look at and I hated it.

My eyes couldn't help but unusually glance off from my laptop and at Romeo. It's like he doesn't even

try and for some reason I find myself looking forward to any future thing he's about to do. He's just so

annoying, I don't even know why I even look at him.

Micah what the heck is wrong with you! You have a boyfriend!?

"If you're trying to make it obvious that you're looking at me, it's working." Romeo half-laughed at me,

my attention fully turning towards him now. "Also I find it gross for you to think you can even look at


A bed of sweat formed on my forehead as I felt heat radiate throughout my body now, my cheeks

burning up at him in embarrassment. "Okay and?" I weakly breathed as I genuinely began to feel like I

was about to pass out. "If I'm so gross t-then don't talk to me."

"Then don't fucking look at me." Romeo blatantly replied.

"Don't you have friends from Camp Brazen now? Why are you still here?" I sassily replied, my tone

starting to audibly sound a lot more annoyed.

He quickly raised an eyebrow as he tilted his head at me, looking like he was shocked that I was talking

to him this way. "Why are you asking so many questions about me? If me being here bothers you so

much, then leave!"

I ran my hand through my face out of genuine frustration. "Romeo just stop!"

He continued to look at me dirty. "Stop what?"

I sighed before answering. "You know what your doing. Why are you being so immature? Just leave me

alone. You obviously saw that I was already here yet you still sat next to me."

"Just leave me alone." He childishly imitated. "Oh my fucking god, shut up. I'm honestly surprised I

haven't punched you in the face yet. You always sound so weak and whiny the fuck is wrong with you."

"What did I ever do to you?" I let out, not caring if I sounded weak or whiny. "I don't know why you're

such an awful person towards me."

"What did you ever do to me?" He asked amused, sounding slightly surprised. "What did-what about

taking advantage of me whenever your irresponsibly fucked up? What about all those times you kissed

me and ended up running away or smacking the shit out of me?"

At this point, my blood was now completely boiling. "I never asked you to help me other than that one

time when I was high and I needed food! I was offering to pay you back but you declined!" He was

about to talk again but I raised my voice louder. "Also, if you say kissing me is so bad and gross and

worse than kissing a dog, then why the hell are you so bothered by me running away or smacking you

right after!?"

He kept his mouth shut as he looked down at the table in frustration, my mouth not even bothering to

close. "You treat me like actual shit and you say the meanest things to me! Why! Huh? Why! You don't From NôvelDrama.Org.

even know me enough to be that mean to me! Romeo you made me cheat on my boyfriend that I'm so

happy with right now and it's literally been clawing inside my head ever since! Why the hell are you

such a horrible person!?"

Romeo's fists tightly clenched with his jaw out of visible peaking anger as I kept blasting him with words

that were fully painted by my feelings. "You're also so freaking confusing! You hate me so much but yet

you're still willing to help me out and kiss me, and talk to me, and stuff! You're just-ugh, you're just so

aggravati-" He finally interrupted me.

"Because I-I, fuck, just shut up!" Romeo roared, his voice echoing through the empty library as it sent

chills down my spine. "Seriously, just keep your mouth fucking shut!" He sharply breathed as he looked

side to side with a stressed out expression.

"Because what?" I asked out loud, ignoring his command. "Just say it!"

"Shut up!" He exclaimed as I still didn't listen.

"You have the nerve to insult me but can't even tell me the reason as to why you do? You know what?

You're the one that's weak." All of a sudden, what I said made his bright hazel eyes snap at me in

burning emotions. "Deep inside, you're weak Romeo, maybe even way weaker than me." He began to

slightly shake as his mouth quivered in risen fury.

"Because I like you!" He snapped, his face completely reddening as my mouth quickly dropped,

watching his tall figure get up from his seat.

My eyes where now trying to focus at him as his fists met against the table with such force, I swear he

could've broken it.

"Fuck you Micah." He breathed, audibly tired, his hands stressfully going through his golden forest

shaded hair.

"Romeo-" He quickly interrupted me once again, almost making my heart stop from beating.

Romeo's voice became thicker in volume. "Just shut up, forget everything that just happened I don't

mean it."

I deeply breathed as I watched his jaw clench tight. "I, I'm so confused."

Our surroundings felt immensely weighted and cold as I so badly wanted to leave but it felt as if I was

being shackled down with the need to to say or do something to just make things better.

I bit my lip as my eyes began to water at him, Romeo continuing to talk. "It fucks with me because I've

never liked a guy before, so fuck you! Fuck you because you made me like you!" He spoke,

indescribable passion wrapping against his audible tone.

I was speechless, staring at him as my heart pounded against my chest. I felt uncomfortable now as I

just immediately stood up to prepare and leave. "I-I'm-uh-I dont."

Romeo just smugly chuckled to himself. "There you go, walking away as usual. Why should I even be


"I don't know what you want me to say!?"

"Nothing!" Romeo screamed. "Nothing at all!"

"Romeo, you made me cheat on my boyfriend!"

"I made you cheat on someone who would've cheated on you first!" He snapped back, getting up off his

chair as my face crinkled in confusion.

"How would you even know that? He's changed and you don't know him like I do so you can't say he

hasn't!" My fists tightened as Romeo began walking towards me.

"People don't change that fucking quick." He began to stare at me now as if his face slightly softened at

me, his tall figure starting to come closer towards me now. "Fine, go ahead, go back to your boyfriend

that you love so much. If you just knew the stories of everything he's done in Brazen you wouldn't even

dare call him your boyfriend."

"You're wrong, whatever those stories are, they're probably all lies." I sternly responded.

"Alright." His arms slightly raised as if he was surrendering to something. "Go."

Stories about Jesse?

The things he's done?

If I found out I wouldn't even be calling him my boyfriend?

As I began to stomp out of the library with my vision completely off of his disgusting self, my head and

body felt like it was being controlled by his gaze as I, eventually stopped walking with my fists still


What the fuck are you doing Micah!?

I felt myself proceed with my abnormal breathing pattern as I didn't know why it was so hard for me to

just leave the door and never see Romeo again.

As my body stood frozen still, I immediately tensed up the second Romeo came intensely close behind

me, feeling his lips softly rub against my left ear. "Why aren't you leaving?" His charmingly deep voice

changed into a completely different tone as his hands began to sneak around my body from the back.

My emotions were now going to madness as I felt my cheeks burn so brightly. "L-let g-go of me." I tried

to move his hands away but it didn't work.

The usual spicy scent of Romeo's cologne began to linger into my senses as his warm lips rubbed so

closely against my ear. "Make me let go of you."

All of a sudden, I felt my eyes began to water as Romeo quickly turned towards me, his body still being

close to me. "Why aren't you pushing me away?" He asked softly, genuinely sounding concerned as I

began to sniffle.

"I'm so confused." I began crying now as his face slightly crinkled in what looked like shock. "Y-you just

confuse me so much."

Romeo looked really shocked at my sudden crying as he began to take a few steps back. "Confused?

Of what?" His tone remained stern.

"You! Confused about you!" I exclaimed, my fists clenching. "I don't know what you're trying to do to

me!" The second I said my final words, it was like a rush of a completely different entity took over

Romeo's body.

Romeo rapidly grabbed me by the collar and quickly shoved me towards the nearest wall, making me

let out a quiet groan. "You still don't get it?" I heavily breathed as his strong hands forcefully held me in

place. "I just told you I like you!" His voice got louder but not in it's usually aggressive tone this time.

"Romeo." My voice soft, our eyes now hastily observing each other's flushed face. "Why now?"

"What do you mean why now?" He blinked at me, looking actually curious as to what I meant.

"Why are you telling me this now that I'm with someone?" I asked, trying my hardest not to make eye

contact with him. "The way you talked to me and the way you treated me, there was no way I would've

ever known you liked me."

"Leave him."

My eyes rapidly widened at his dry and careless response, hoping I actually just heard what he said

wrong. "W-what?"

"Leave him." His husky voice whispered in a slightly dominant and commanding way, making my

breathing patterns go berserk. "For me."

I let out a bunch of noises out of incredible shock before actually answering him. "A-are you listening to


He remained calm as his chiseled body began pressing onto me now. "You guys have only been dating

for a week, it can't be that serious."

My face crinkled. "Can't be that serio-Romeo are you fucking kidding me? Jesse and I love each other.

Are you that selfish to think that I can just break up with him that easily!?" Anger began to fuel me now

as I began trying to push him away.

Romeo looked angelic yet sounded so demonic. I didn't know how it made me feel but I just know it

was a dangerous combo. "Well if you don't wanna leave him." He began to deeply whisper into me,

then meeting his lips against mine and then breaking away. "He doesn't need to know about us."

The second my brain processed what just happened, my hand gained immense power all of a sudden

and I didn't even hesitate to swing it against his face.

The sound of me punching him immediately echoed between us as I felt like I was losing my mind.

"You are so twisted." I shook my head in disbelief. "What you want is beyond what I know I deserve

and beyond what you don't know you need."

"You're right." He spoke almost inaudibly, his curls hiding his face now as the only thing that was visible

were the tears streaming down his face.

His pain almost radiated off of him as I tried to fight off the overwhelming amount of emotions running

through me.

His cries slowly but surely became a lot more audible, my arms carefully and anxiously wrapping

around him which he didn't fight.

Shockingly enough, Romeo just accepted the hug as his cheek began to discolor. "I'm so sorry." I let

out, his head laying down against my shoulder.

We were both aware it wasn't my punch that made him cry, but something way more complex than that.

Something so complex that's it's going to have to take more than words and certain actions to


Romeo was broken and he was overwhelmed that he thought I was going to be what fixed him. So

overwhelmed he thought he didn't deserve any fixing so he rejected the idea of it through coming off as

unbearably rude.

Whatever it is that's going to fix him I just deeply know it's currently not me but himself.

Once he broke away from the hug, he slowly gave me space, I brought my body together and rapidly

walked out the library forever.

Using my hand, I quickly wiped my face that was painted with so much emotions as a familiar voice

immediately made me look up. "Micah!" The voice let out happily. "I haven't seen you in quite some

time." He cheekily smiled as I didn't even bother to return it.

"H-hey Tristan." I tried to sound polite but I'm pretty sure it just sounded like I was dying inside, which I


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