Camp Closeted

Chapter 59: Conflicting Climax

Chapter 59: Conflicting Climax

"You don't look so happy to see me." Tristan cautiously raised an eyebrow at me, his lips forming a thin

smirk. He spoke again, noticing my continuous silence. "What's wrong?"

I sighed before replying, my eyes shyly looking around. "Do you think you can drop me off back at my


He just momentarily blinked at my softened voice, then beginning to slowly nod. "Y-yea, of course, let's

go." He gestured towards the parking lot as the sleeves from my oversized sweater completely covered

my hands.

What the hell was Romeo thinking saying that to me? Is he that twisted? "Thank you." I told Tristan,

making him glance at me with a warm smile as we walked together.

"It's my pleasure." He responded, burying his hands into his pockets, causing a wave of awkward

silence to come over between us. "So are you still mad at me?"

"Huh?" I questioned. "W-why would I be mad at you?"

Tristan's cheeks all of a sudden began to burn into a brighter shade. "You don't remember?"

Instead of replying, I just remained quiet and shook my head no. "I don't."

"We kissed at that party since you thought I was Jesse at first. Sounds silly because we both

completely look the opposite, but it still happened." He spoke anxiously, carefully examining my face for

any changes in expression.

I just closed my eyes and sighed. "Tristan, I'm an awful boyfriend." I blurted out, stopping in my tracks.

"You were drunk and probably high from secondhand smoke, why would you blame yourself?" He

looked down at me from his tall figure as I felt embarrassed.

"Because I knew the repercussions! I ignored it and now here I am being guilty for being such an awful

boyfriend to Jesse." I whined as he just casually laughed.

"Well what happened, happened. The only thing we can do now is just move on. If I knew that you

thought you were kissing Jesse instead of me I would've immediately stopped you. I just thought you

genuinely wanted to kiss me." He nervously chuckled, my eyes meeting his, almost being blinded by its

usually light blue hue.

"I'm sorry Tristan." I spoke sincerely as we continued to walk towards his car. "I really am."

"It wasn't that serious to me." He smirked. "Don't think too much of it."

After getting inside Tristan's truck, I couldn't help but begin to have on a small smile. His truck still

looked familiarly vintage as ever and I loved everything about it. "So." He let out as he sat on his car

seat. "You and Jesse huh? What do you guys do together?"

Hearing Jesse's name for some reason made my cheeks blush. His cherry red lips, his midnight hair,

his snowy chiseled body, all coming together in my head. "Hello?" Tristan deeply half-laughed,

capturing my attention once again.

"S-sorry." I quickly snapped out of it. "Well, we dont really do anything besides, like, you know." I shyly


Tristan turned on the car engine as prepared to drive. "Well I apologize for my lack of skills in being a

psychic, but no, I don't know." I laughed loudly.

"We just you know, hang out." I shrugged.

Tristan seemed surprised as he drove the car back from its parking, and then towards the road. "Hang

out huh. I'm surprised you guys haven't done anything crazy considering how much of a horny dog

Jesse is."

"Tristan." I bit my lip before speaking. "Is it true there are stories about Jesse in Brazen?" I asked,

making him worriedly glance at me.

"Well yea, I mean there's stories of everyone it just depends on what kind of stories you're talking

about." He talked, pursing his lips at me.

"You know what I mean." I spoke carefully, almost anxious to hear what was going to happen:

Tristan slightly squinted his eyes at me and sighed. "Well yea there's quite a few actually since he did

used to go there." Tristan dryly responded, making me slightly furrow my brows down at him.

"Are they bad?"

He just shrugged. "Well it depends on how you look at it. Jesse just used to have a lot of sexual

relations with most of the guys there. If a person wants to have crazy amounts of sex while still being

safe and not being hurtful to anyone then I couldn't care less. I only started to have an issue with it

when we dated and he still couldn't keep it in his pants."

I looked down, keeping my brows furrowed down in deep thought. "Do you think he's still like that?"

"I really wouldn't know. But I genuinely think he has changed. Him being sexually active at Brazen was

a very long time ago so I wouldn't stress about it if I were you." He answered, keeping his eyes intently

on the road.

I slightly tensed up as my phone momentarily vibrated. My face slightly wrinkling the second I saw

Jesse's new text.

How telepathic of him..

I couldn't help but bite my lip as my cheeks began to burn up. This sudden rush of feelings felt

unexplainably good as my body began to feel heated.

Jesse just seems too good to be true..

"Benny I don't know what I'm wearing for tomorrow." I let out as his eyes widened, his fingers fluttering

at me.

"Mmm!" He took a huge sip off his fruit shake before replying. "Okay well I don't know what the theme

is for tomorrow's bonfire but I'm pretty sure no one is gonna care what you wear just as long as you

look hella hot."

"How do I do that?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"We'll just figure it out once we go back to the cabin." He smiled, proceeding to sip his shake.

I took a deep breath as conversations in the cafeteria began to surround us. "Benny." I blurted out, my

voice sounding serious.

Benny kept sipping his shake. "Hm?"

I looked left and right before speaking. "If you don't mind me asking, have you and Keanu done it?"

"Have sex?" Benny raised an eyebrow at me.

I couldn't help but laugh as I rolled my eyes at his bluntness. "Y-yea."

Benny looked up as he let out a curious sound. "Nah, we haven't. We're not gonna plan when it

happens either, because like that's awkward, you know?" I nodded. "Sex is not planned, it's just

something that happens out of nowhere when two consenting ass people feel comfortable to do it." He



Benny threw me a suspicious look. "Why? Is Jesse peer pressuring you to have sex with him or


"N-no, of course not." I shook my head. "I don't know how to say this, but like, I think it's actually the

other way around." I nervously laughed as Benny's mouth rapidly widened.

"You whore! I'm kidding, but are you even sure you're ready for that?" He teased, tilting his head at me.

"Wouldn't it be your first time?"

I shyly nodded. "Y-yea."

Benny's eyes slowly widened at me, his eyes cautiously raising. "And you're sure about doing it with

Jesse? Like he didn't force you to do it, this is your own decision right?"

I quickly rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Benny yes I am sure! I have my own voice and Jesse respects

that. I came to this decision all by myself."

"Well shit." He nodded in shock. "I feel like a mom. I would never imagine us ever talking about stuff

like this when I first met you." He chuckled.

"Okay so what do I do?"

"Honestly Micah." Benny lowered his voice in volume, moving his face closer to me to whisper.

"Knowing Jesse and what I've heard about him, submissive to him or not, all you have to do is ask him

or hint about it and next thing you know, you guys are already doing it." He then shrugged.

"What have you heard about him?" I asked, moving my face to whisper also.

Benny casually shrugged with widened eyes. "All ima say is I've heard that he's extremely


"I really don't wanna sound weak or anything, but even though I do wanna do it with Jesse I can't help

but obviously still feel intimidated." I shyly spoke, running a hand through my hair. "A-and hearing how

Jesse is super experienced with something like this just makes me nervous for some reason. I don't

wanna sleep with him and then he gets bored of me and ends up leaving."

"Don't look at it like that. What you need to do is talk to Jesse and straighten out everything you're

curious about." He spoke calmly. "Everything will be alright, you guys love each other so just chill."


Benny deeply sighed, gently placing his hand over mine. "Listen Micah, I'm telling you now, I want you

to think with your brain, not your heart. I know you've probably heard the opposite but nowadays

people are fucking vicious. You never ever wanna look stupid."

I unconsciously felt my breath hitch. "Thank you." I bit.

I smiled as Jesse's shirtless self adorably ravaged through the picnic basket he had set up for us. "Ugh

fuck!" He loudly cussed. "I forgot to bring pineapples."

"Pineapples?" I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at him. "Why pineapples?"

Jesse just sat back down on the picnic blanket as he bit onto a large watermelon slice. "It's one of my

favorites, and it's really good for you." Just before I could've responded, he had already dramatically

moaned, rolling his eyes back at me as he ate. "You know how long it's been since the last time I ate

watermelon? Thank god they had some at the cafeteria, want some?"

I couldn't help but just quietly laugh at him. "Yea." I nodded as I grabbed the slice from him. "Thanks." I

quickly bit, proceeding to chew.

A cool breeze began blowing against us as the rays coming from the setting sun made the temperature

just right.

After a moment of relaxing silence, I finally decided to speak up. "Jesse."

"Micah?" His deep blue eyes glanced at me, his muscles flexing as he laid back down against the


Looking at him rapidly made heat rush through my body. His dewy skin, his ocean eyes, his chiseled

body, his obsidian hair, everything was just too much. "Never mind."

Jesse loudly clicked his mouth, his face now looking slightly annoyed. "No, now you have to say it." He

kept looking at me.

"No, it's fine."


"I-it's not even important."

"Whatever you say is important to me."

I just sighed, slumping my shoulders down. "I-I just feel like-well I-never mind. It's honestly just so

stupid to say out loud, I don't even wanna say it." I anxiously chuckled.

"Micah I always say stupid shit out loud." His deep voice became subtly more softer now. "Just tell me.

You know you can tell me anything."

I sighed, my eyes returning his deep tempting gaze. After taking the time to slowly inhale and exhale

with my eyes closed, I finally gained enough courage to say what I want to say. "I wanna do it with


Jesse just openly stared at me, completely calm. "Do what?" He asked, genuinely sounding like he

didn't know what I meant which made me just shy.

"Y-you know." I slightly moved my head forward, hoping to any possible deity in the galaxy to help

Jesse understand what I'm trying to say so I don't have to say it out loud.

"Nope." Jesse chuckled, getting himself up off the grass to reach in for some more food in the basket. "I

really don't know. You have to be more specific Micah." He then pulled out a bunch of strawberries,

proceeding to bite into one as he kept looking at me.

"Forget it." What am I even doing?

"No." He clicked his mouth yet again. "You have to tell me or else I'm gonna keep bothering you about

it." He smirked, his plush glossy lips being tinted red.

"I don't know how to say it." My cheeks burned as I felt my heart begin to beat faster.

"Well whatever it is, it shouldn't be that hard to say." For some reason, Jesse's voice proceeded to

become a lot more slower and more sultry in delivery as I watched him eat another strawberry. "So tell

me Micah, what is it you wanna do with me?" He licked his lips.

I all of a sudden gulped as I felt my chest heave in efforts to get used to my rising breathing pattern. "I-

uh." My voice cracked as he remained incredibly calm.

"Knowing me, whatever it is you want to do, I'll most likely want to do it also." Jesse kept his devilish

smirk. "So tell me."

My eyes scanned over Jesse and I felt like I was about to scream from how attractive he looked.

"Bonfire." I blurted out.

"Hm?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"I wanna do the bonfire thing with you tomorrow." I lied, breaking eye contact with him.

Jesse just threw me a bright smile. "Bonfire?" I let out a sigh of relief as he continued speaking. "I

thought we already agreed that we were gonna do it together. Is that all?" He asked.

I awkwardly nodded. "Yea." I sniffed. "That's all." I quickly reached into the basket for food.

"Alright well look, I have a question for you." He began to speak, making me tense up to prepare

myself. "We're both guys, meaning we probably relate to each other a lot, right?"

"Right." I nodded, chewing onto a piece of strawberry.

He quietly sighed, biting his lip before speaking again. "So, you know the struggle of getting hard as

fuck out of nowhere and not being able to release it right?"

Surprisingly enough, I remained calm at what he just asked. "I-I feel like I should, but for some reason,

I can't really relate, no." I anxiously spoke out.

His mouth just quickly widened as his head snapped at me, a strand of black hair perfectly falling onto

his face. "What? Wait what the fuck does that mean? You've never been hard before?"

I quickly rolled my eyes. "No I mean, I obviously have, but never for a sexual reason." I just shrugged at

him as he stared at me like I was completely crazy. "It only ever happens in the morning and I don't

really find any urge to wanna release anything."

"What? How? How is that even possible?" He tilted his head at me. "Are you like an alien or some

shit?" We laughed.

I quickly replied back. "No I'm not an alien. That kind of thing just makes me nervous and you already

know what happens when I get nervous."

"So you've never like seen anything that turned you on so much to the point where you just wanted to

orgasm?" What he said quickly made me wince.

Yea, you. "No." I lied. Obviously that picture he sent me when he was at the gym made me feel some

type of way but how can I tell him that without sounding like a creep.

Jesse quickly shook his head. "So you've never had an orgasm before?"

I slowly shook my head as I was very embarrassed now. "N-no, I guess not."

"Fuck, dude." His eyes just widened away from me as he let out a nervous laugh.

For some reason, Benny's voice began to echo inside my head, making me unconsciously speak

again. "How does it feel?" I asked, almost as if my question made the atmosphere around us

completely silent.

The breeze left, the birds stopped chirping, and the leaves froze in its usual figure.

"How does what feel?" Jesse let out carefully, almost as if he was shocked at my curiosity.

"An orgasm. How does it feel?" I asked boldly this time, making his sapphire eyes slightly widen and

his cheeks begin to heat up.

It was just me and Jesse, now staring intently at each other in complete silence.

Jesse quickly closed his mouth as his eyes looked down, noticing some of the juice from the strawberry

proceed to drip down his abs. "Uh." He anxiously chuckled as he wiped his body. "Well it's different for

everyone. For me personally, it's like a bomb filled with everything good in life all of a sudden explodes

inside you and it just feels so overwhelmingly good that you just become temporarily numb, I gue-" I

quickly interrupted him with my mouth.

I didn't quite understand as to what made me want to kiss him but I just did. Jesse's crystal ocean eyes

just widened for a second until it finally softened to me, watching it completely dilate.

The taste of fruits coming from Jesse's warm plump lips quickly met with mine as my body was now on

top of him. Our sudden motions against each other couldn't help but mess up the picnic blanket

underneath us.

With my heart now beating extremely fast, my hands quickly cupped against Jesse's defined jawline

as I began to feel his strong hands wrap against my waist.

Heat began to emit from his shirtless body, feeling like Jesse was melting into me and it only made my

emotions grow stronger.

I've never felt this strongly about wanting someone before and I was okay with it. My desire, my need,

my desperation, all pouring out onto him.

Jesse and I were pressing our lips against each other as if the world was going to end and it made me

feel different. I felt like a different person.

The second Jesse's soft determined tongue touched with mine, my brain immediately started to feel

mushy, making me unconsciously let out a whimper, which seemed to only fuel his aggression with me.

I wanted him.

I wanted him.

I wanted him so bad.

I pressed my forehead against his, breaking our kiss as I quickly looked down with quick breaths, my

hands ravaging down towards his grey sweatpants, making him groan out.

"Micah." He let out my name in a deep breath as I just ignored him, proceeding to pull his pants down.

"Wow holy fu-M-Micah hold on." Jesse breathily laughed as I desperately peeked up at him.

"What?" I softly let out, my voice barely audible but was dripping with desperate intent.

Jesse and I just looked at each other, both of us still trying to regain our rightful breathing pattern. "I

know I told you this is my secret place but that doesn't mean nobody might see us." His hands gently

rubbed against my sides. "I mean I don't care if they do, I just wanna make sure your comfortable.

Look, are you okay?" He asked, a worried tone mixing with his voice.

I didn't feel the need to talk as I kept looking at him, his eyes burning at me as I licked over my lips,

savoring his sweet taste.

My hands then proceeded to move towards his pants, his eyes watching me ignore what he just

warned me about.

"You don't care if anybody sees us?" His mouth quickly widened as his bare heated body slowly

squirmed to my touch. "Fuck."

That was it.

His voice, his tone.

What he just said.

The way he said it.

I quickly threw my head back as I got up off of him, my head dizzily moving side to side as I felt blood

drip down from my nose and down to my mouth. "I can't." My voice cracked as my face was probably

painted with complete distraught now. "I want to so bad but I-I can't. I just can't. I'm sorry." I quickly

grabbed some of the napkins from the basket and began my efforts in stopping my nose from bleeding.

It was obvious Jesse was trying his hardest to not seem disappointed but it seems like he couldn't even

hide it anymore. "I still make you nervous? Why? Why would you still be nervous around me?"

"B-because.." I sighed, glancing at the napkin as my nose thankfully stopped.

"Because what?" Jesse's voice slightly raised.

"Because.." I took a deep breath before actually telling him the reason. "Because I'm scared."

His head tilted at me as he quickly sat up. "Scared of what Micah? Scared of me?"

"No." I tiredly let out as I sniffed. "Look, Jesse I'm starting to like you a lot. Like, a lot a lot. I've never felt

this strongly about anyone before and I'm scared. I'm scared of losing you, I'm scared of being played

again, I'm scared of being abandoned, Jesse I'm just scared."

"Micah stop." He quickly brought himself closer to me, using his hand to slowly make my chin go up.

"You have nothing to be scared of. You're never gonna lose me, I'm never gonna play you and I'm NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

never gonna abandon you. I want you Micah, no one else. You're mine and I'm yours, I promise."

I observed over Jesse's radiantly dewy face as he looked like he genuinely meant what he just said.

His cheeks were reddened, his lips were naturally shining, his messy black hair was too attractively

fixed and his eyes, my god his deep blue eyes. I felt like looking at him was a glimpse of what could

very be heaven and I wanted to savor every second of it.

"It might be too early to say this, but I don't really give a fuck." Jesse bit his lip at me. "I love you,


"I love you to-" I couldn't even finish my sentence since Jesse had already tackled me back down to the

ground, our lips dancing yet again.

Jesse Rezeti will be the death of me..

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