Claiming His Luna

Chapter 20: Familiar Scent

Lucian’s POV

“Damn it!” I exclaimed, wincing as I massaged my aching side. Some force yanked the blanket away, causing me to tumble out of bed unceremoniously.

My head throbbed relentlessly, leaving me in a bewildered state. What in the world had occurred?

Slowly, I pried open my bleary eyes, only to find a dishevelled woman hastily darting towards the door, her form barely concealed by a single sheet. A woman with chestnut hair flowing, was it Vienna?

I rubbed my eyes vigorously, wincing at the sun’s piercing rays that seemed to intensify my pounding headache. As I surveyed my surroundings, a pressing question weighed on my mind. Where on earth was I?

The sight before me resembled that of an old cabin shrouded in mystery. How had I ended up here? The events of last night eluded my recollection, save for a searing passion that engulfed my very being, leaving an unforgettable mark on my soul. It was undoubtedly the most memorable night I had ever experienced.

The details of the previous evening remained obscured, lost in a haze. All I could recall was a passionate encounter with my mate, which gave me unparalleled release and contentment. Despite my throbbing head, I felt inexplicably light, like I had shed a punishing weight. A knot in my throat had dissipated, and the skies above seemed to regain their vibrant shade of blue. Was this the elusive sensation they referred to as satisfaction?

Her fragrance, the delicate caress of her skin, the sound of her breathless moans-these memories consumed my thoughts relentlessly. Why had she fled? Did shyness overcome her?

Could it have been Vienna? I vaguely recalled her following behind me as I departed, or at least that was the fleeting remembrance. Had she orchestrated my arrival at this mysterious cabin?

Collecting my scattered garments from the floor, I dressed hastily and resolved to make my way back to the massive mansion from whence I came.

As I approached the grand entrance, I noticed Frank, my loyal butler, anxiously awaiting my return on the front porch. His concern was noticeable, propelling him towards me in haste.

“Frank, try to conceal your relief a tad better,” I remarked, noting his expression bordering on sheer gratitude when he saw me.

“I can’t help it, Sire,” he replied, offering me a robe to don.

“I assure you, I’m perfectly fine,” I assured him dismissively.

“Where have you been, Sire?” Frank inquired as he assisted me with the robe.

“Indulging in carnal pleasures,” I replied nonchalantly.

“In the forest? An intriguing choice,” he remarked with a raised eyebrow.

“What can I say? I have a profound appreciation for nature,” I quipped, a mischievous smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

Frank trailed behind me as I made my way to the shelter of my quarters. Seeking comfort and recollection, I opted for a revitalising cold shower. Frustration gnawed at me as I desperately tried to piece together the fragments of the previous night. Why was it all so hazy? Even her voice lingered as a vague echo, eluding my grasp.

Yet, despite the fog that shrouded my memories, one thing remained clear-the overwhelming sensation that had consumed me. The melodic timbre of her voice enveloped my entire being, soothing every fibre of my existence. The touch of her body against mine was an intoxicating symphony of desire.

Emerging from the shower, I resolved to embark on a jog, hoping to clear my head and delve into contemplation. With the completion of our mating, a profound sense of tranquillity had settled on me, casting away the dense clouds obscuring my mind in recent days, given the pressing circumstances.

Maintaining clarity in my thoughts was paramount, especially since I had struck a consequential deal with Lord Remus, sealing our alliance.

“Sire,” Frank’s voice interrupted my thoughts as I completed my third lap.

I halted my running and opted for a brisk walk, accepting the bottle of water he offered.

“Your mother reached out this morning,” he informed, keeping pace beside me.

“What did she have to say?” I inquired, aware of my mother’s penchant for fretting unnecessarily.

“She expressed her concerns, mentioning that you haven’t been in touch,” Frank relayed dutifully. Naturally, my mother’s hobby revolved around worry.

“I should give her a call,” I remarked, realising it had been quite some time since I last spoke with her. The chaos of recent events had left me considerably preoccupied.

As we neared the grand mansion, a familiar fragrance invaded my senses, causing me to pause in my tracks. With a deep inhalation, I allowed the scent to saturate my lungs, triggering a vivid recollection of that scorching, passionate night.

“Lucian!” Vienna’s voice suddenly echoed through the air. Ah, that explained the potent aroma. She was here, nearby.

“I will wait your return inside, Sire,” Frank bowed respectfully and departed, leaving me to face Vienna, who was rushing towards me, her countenance filled with concern.

“Oh my goodness! Where have you been? I was so worried!!” she exclaimed, touching my cheek tenderly.

“I simply went for a jog,” I gestured towards the verdant garden surrounding us.

“Where did you disappear last night?” Her question furrowed my brow, baffling me. What was she implying?

“Weren’t we together last night?” I queried, a sense of confusion permeating my words. What was she getting at?

“We were, but-” she started to respond, but her voice trailed off, a fleeting moment of silence hanging between us.

“We mated at that cabin, did we not?” I inquired, staring into her eyes.

She went silent for a second.

The memory of our passionate encounter in that rustic cabin couldn’t possibly be a figment of my imagination.

An apparent bewilderment danced across her features, yet she chuckled and smiled in response to my statement. It seemed that my recollection had brought some clarity to her.

“Oh, yes, of course,” she laughed lightly, and I couldn’t help but smile back. Yet, her voice no longer carried the captivating allure that enraptured me on that scorching night. Perhaps it was merely the moment’s intensity that had stirred such sensations.

“Why did you run away?” I inquired, seeking an explanation for her sudden departure.

“I ran?” Vienna’s perplexed response only deepened my confusion.

How could she not recall her own actions? Could it have been the effects of the wine we consumed? I, too, found my memories of the night fragmented and inaccessible.

“Yes, this morning when I… woke up… in the cabin,” I explained, trying to jog her memory.

“Ah, yes!” Her voice brightened as if a sudden revelation had dawned on her.

“I… uh, I had to go to the bathroom,” she uttered with a forced smile.

I stared at her intently, hoping that gazing into her eyes would trigger a surge of emotions or even recollections, yet nothing stirred inside me. Was I really just horny?

The night we had shared was undeniably passionate and wild. I wondered if I had left any visible marks on her skin. I tried to catch a glimpse of her neck, but her hair concealed it from view. As I met her hazel gaze, a fleeting image of pale emerald eyes flashed in my mind. Was it a memory or a mere figment of my imagination?

“Are you okay?” Vienna inquired, her concern evident in her voice.

Shaking my head to dispel the confusing thoughts, I assured her with a forced smile, “I’m fine. Let us return inside.”


“So, I presume you had an enjoyable evening last night,” remarked Lord Remus, reclining in his plush swivel chair and leisurely igniting his cigarette.

I stood before him, my hands casually tucked into my pockets within the confines of his wealthy study. He beckoned me to his side while I was engaged in a conversation with my beloved mother.

I simply fixed my gaze on him, offering no response.

“I don’t intend to pry, son,” he gestured dismissively, releasing a cloud of smoke into the air.

“No, that would have been rather awkward,” he chuckled.

“Oh, come now, we are both men,” he asserted.

“Now that the inevitable has already unfolded,” he leaned forward, bracing his hands on the table.

“Let us discuss the matter of commitment.”

I arched an eyebrow, curiosity piqued by his words.

“Call me old-fashioned,” he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

“It’s a bit early for that, don’t you think?” I countered.

“The earlier, the better; you wouldn’t wish to waste a single moment,” I understood his intention, yet there was merit to his argument. Vienna is my mate, and the union with her surpasses mere gratification. It represents a profound connection that transcends physical pleasure. This solemn obligation is my duty and responsibility, and it plays a vital role in maintaining my sanity and well-being.

“Very well,” I conceded, my lips pursed. His countenance blossomed into a triumphant grin like he had achieved a monumental victory.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Fantastic! In that case, let’s move forward with the required preparations!” he exclaimed loudly, his laughter echoing throughout the room.

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