Claiming His Luna

Chapter 21: Overthinking

Cercei’s POV

“Oh, dear God, oh, dear God, oh, dear God,” I repeated fervently, my body wriggling through the dense greenery, seeking refuge from their presence.

Unbelievable! This must be some cruel joke, a twisted joke played on me. Did I really sleep with Lucian Red? The man who is the talk of the town, the one who sends women into a frenzy, the object of desire for practically every nobleman. The king of the north?

I burst into manic laughter, my hands involuntarily tugging at my own hair. I must be losing my mind.

“What in the world are you doing?” Maria’s voice jolted me from my dazed state, and I turned to find her staring at me as if I had completely lost my mind. Well, perhaps I have.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“Nothing,” I composed myself hastily and resumed sweeping as if nothing extraordinary had occurred. I could sense Maria’s persistent gaze fixed on me, but I chose to ignore it.

Oh, how I yearned to smack myself at this very moment.

“You’re acting rather strange today,” she remarked, and I continued sweeping, pretending not to be affected. Eventually, she moved away to attend to her own duties in the garden. I breathed a sigh of relief, momentarily escaping her scrutiny.

God grant me the strength to keep the truth from Maria. I swear, I am just one probing question away from spilling everything to her. The weight of this secret burdens me, and I long to unburden myself by sharing the truth with her.

But I can’t. Lucian Red belongs to Vienna, as Monsieur has made it abundantly clear. And even if I were to confess, where would I even begin? I can hardly fathom my own actions and emotions.

I have always considered myself somewhat reserved and sentimental. Never would I have imagined that a mere touch, a single night, a fleeting moment could lead me to surrender everything.

My goodness, I stood naked before him last night, and it took a mere five minutes to drown me in a carnal pleasure.

At that moment, it felt like it was the most natural course of action as if we were two magnets irresistibly drawn to each other. I had never encountered him before, and yet he emanated a sense of familiarity, as though he belonged to me, as though we were two halves of the same whole, bound by an unspoken connection.

I know how absurd it sounds, truly. The notion of being intertwined souls, destined to be together. I am not one to surrender to romantic illusions. Fairy tales are the stuff of childhood fantasies, detached from the harsh realities of life. Perhaps he doesn’t even recall the events of last night. Maybe he used me merely to satisfy his desires, ensuring that Vienna remained untainted, preserving her purity for their wedding night.

He didn’t even bother to call me as I left this morning, not that I expected him to. But if our roles were reversed, I would have reached out, wouldn’t I? Isn’t he even the slightest bit curious about the identity of the woman he shared his bed with?

No, I highly doubt it. Given his reputation, I imagine he’s relieved that I made my swift exit. Men like him prefer such encounters devoid of any emotional entanglements or attachments. Purely physical satisfaction is their aim.

I find myself overwhelmed by a torrent of conflicting emotions. After all, I had been saving myself for my future mate, assuming I even had one.

I must banish him from my thoughts; he is nothing more than a shameful scoundrel. Furthermore, what is done is done, and I mustn’t allow it to consume me.

I attempted to convince myself of this, but my efforts fell short. Throughout the day, I engaged in futile conversations with my own conscience, accompanied by self-inflicted blows to my own body. I suspect Maria has drawn her own conclusions, believing I have resorted to drug abuse.

I am consumed by guilt, and I am certain I will eventually confide in her, but not at this moment. For now, I must endure this anguish on my own.

As night fell, all the household servants assembled in the bustling kitchen, awaiting an announcement from Madam Cecè.

“Miss Vienna and Lord Red are engaged,” Madàm Cecè’s words struck me with the force of a lightning bolt. It felt like a bucket of ice-cold water had been unceremoniously poured over me. They’re engaged!? The word echoed in my mind, resonating with disbelief and a profound sense of loss.

“Monsieur has arranged for an engagement party, and distinguished Lords and Ladies from various corners of the world have been invited,” Madàm Cecè declared with a regal air.

“We will start getting ready early in the morning. The event is planned for tomorrow evening, and it is crucial to act quickly,” she added, emphasising the urgency of the situation.

“Tomorrow evening?” I blurted out unintentionally, immediately regretting my loss of composure. I hadn’t meant for my thoughts to slip out.

“Yes, indeed. I anticipate everyone to display upright behavior,” Madam Cecè replied, her gaze lingering on me. I furrowed my brow, confused by her scrutinising gaze. What was she trying to find?

After Madam Cecè finished giving her instructions and guidelines, she excused us for the night. Tired of the events of the day, I eagerly looked forward to resting in the comfort of my bed.

“What was with that strong reaction?” Maria’s sudden voice startled me from behind.

“You nearly gave me a heart attack,” I exclaimed, clutching my chest.

“Tomorrow night?! Oh no!” she echoed my earlier response, albeit with a touch of exaggeration.

“Enough,” I retorted, swiftly moving away from her. Yet, as expected, she trailed after me.

“Do you have a crush on Lucian Red?” Maria’s words stopped me in my tracks. I turned to face her, uncertainty etched on my face.

“What?” I responded incredulously, shooting her a mocking glance. Why would she even consider such an idea?

“Well, let’s face it, you’re not usually one to care about anything, yet you had that intense reaction earlier. Obviously, if it’s not Vienna, it must be Lord Red,” she pointed at me as if she had caught me committing a scandalous act.

“You’re being absolutely ridiculous,” I shook my head, dismissing her assumptions with a wave of my hand.

“Cercei has a crush!” she chimed in, her voice adopting a sing-song tone as she skipped away, leaving me dumbfounded. I couldn’t believe what I had just witnessed. And here I thought I was the one losing my mind.

A crush? Him? It’s unimaginable. Sure, he may be attractive, I mean, he definitely is, but I do not have a crush on him. No, never! Why am I even entertaining this thought? I sighed in frustration, running my fingers through my hair.

Maria has always had a tendency to create her own fantasies and dwell in her own delusions. I should have grown accustomed to it by now.

Disregard that statement. I don’t even know him well, but we did have a remarkable interaction last night. I couldn’t help but blush.

This is precisely why girls cry while boys laugh it off. We overthink things far too much. From this moment forward, I will purposefully erase any memory of what took place from my mind. It was an unfortunate night, and I will ensure it remains buried deep within me.

But an engagement? Truly unexpected news that required my attention, regardless of my personal turmoil.

The pace at which everything is unfolding is astonishing. Did he not even hesitate to consider the implications? Men of his ilk are perpetually driven by their insatiable hunger for power, always ready to seize any opportunity that presents itself.

In truth, they are both well-suited for each other. Both hailing from influential and affluent backgrounds, they share their privileged status and an undeniable air of arrogance. Their personalities align in a way that few can comprehend.

I can only wish their union brings them a life filled with success and fulfilment, as they appear destined to face the challenges of their ambitions together.

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