Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 100

Chapter 100 - DNA Testing

Logan's POW

“For the last time, Dayton, 1 DO love you, I love all of you"

Isay with a chuckle

“Then why are you at work instead of at home with us if you love us so much, hmm?"

“Because daddy needs to work so that I can give you guys and your mommy everything you could ever want or dream of"

“Well, that's just stupid, dad, you're already a billionaire, can't you just hire someone else to do your job for you?"

Logan Junior asks me and I couldn't help but shake my head

“Lo's right, dad, I mean, what's the point in having SOOO much money if you have to work all of the time and can't enjoy it"

These bluddy kids of mine

I thought to myself whilst gently rubbing my forehead

Ilove my kids more than anything in this world but their smart-ass mouths and even smarter little minds are way too much for me


I mean, they've got a point, I can afford to stay home and I should be at home enjoying my life with my wife and kids because I've got

enough money to last me and my little family several lifetimes over but unfortunately, there's nobody who I trust to do my job and I don't

wanna sound vain but there's nobody who can do it better than me

“Look kids, I'd love nothing more than to be at home with you guys but daddy's gotta work, please forgive me"

Chapter 100 - DNA Testing - Pa bee We forgive you, daddy" Teddy says making me smile brightly

“Thank you, my princess, anyway guys, where's your mother? and why have you got her phone?"

"Mummy's asleep, daddy” "She's asleep? well, who's watching you?" I ask feeling both confused and concerned for my wife and kids

Lacey would never leave the kids alone and she'd never just fall asleep no matter how tired she is without first making sure their nanny was

there to look after them

“Don't worry daddy, we're fine, we're with uncle Justin, uncle Liam and mummy's friends”

“Really? where are you guys?”

Task but before I could get an answer from my kids, I heard a commotion coming from outside of my office and it sounded like Sophie

was fighting with someone

1s00n found out who that someone was when the arrogant bastard stormed into my office with my angry secretary following not too far

behind him

"Sir, you can't go in there..I'm sorry, sir, he wouldn't listen to me”

“It's ok, Sophie”

Isay and give her the nod telling her to leave which she did but not before giving the bastard in front of her a nasty glare

“Kids, I love you, I'l call you back later, ok”

"Ok, love you too, daddy”

“Love you, dad”

The kids said before ending the call

Chapter 100 - DNA Testing - Pa

1 put the phone down as I glare at the man who I'm deeply ashamed to call my father-in-law

"What the hell are you doing here, James?" "James? what happened to Mr Carpenter?" He asks and I scoff

“Calling you, Mr Carpenter would indicate that I have respect for you which I don't, I lost all of my respect for you the day I found out you

hit my wife"

“That was a mistake and you know it"

“Do've never truly apologised to Lacey for it, have you? so was it really a mistake?"

Task him and he glares at me

“Now answer my question, what the hell are you doing here?"

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James drops his head and sighs before looking back at me

“I need your help”

"With what?"

“My daughter..I need your help with my daughter”

He says pissing me off

“Why should I help you, James? give me one good reason why I should let you anywhere near my wife?"

“Because if it wasn't for me giving you my permission to marry her then you wouldn't be calling her your wife right now"

James says and I laugh

“Do you seriously believe that, James?"

Task whilst still laughing at what he said

“I only asked you for your permission because I knew it's what Lacey would've wanted"

Chapter 100 - DNA Testing - Pa

"What?..what do you mean?"

He asks confused

“My wife has always had her rose-tinted glasses on with you, James...she's always had so much love and respect for you and I knew that

she'd want nothing more than for me to stick by tradition and ask her daddy for her hand in marriage and that's why I did it, James, I asked

you because it's what Lacey would've wanted, not because your opinion mattered to me...either way, whether I got your permission or not

and whether you liked it or not, I was marrying Lacey"

“She wanted that even after I hit her?"

He asks sounding shocked and my face turned even angrier

"Yeah...even after all of the pain you've put that poor girl through, not to mention all of the pain that you're currently putting her through, I

knew she'd still want your permission for us to marry, why?..I don't know, maybe for her own sanity she wants to believe that her father isn't

such a nasty asshole after all”

Itell him and James looks at me confused

"What are you talking about? I haven't seen Lacey since she came to my house after we'd received those stupid restraining orders, so how

have I continued to cause her pain?"

“Two words, James...GiGi Addams”

Isay and he continues to look at me with a confused and dumbfounded expression on his face

“GiGi Addams? what about GiGi Addams? what's she done now?"

“Well, she told my wife and I a nice little story about a rich billionaire who she was having an affair with, who inher words —_ was bored

with his wife and who she made happy again while he made her a star, this man

Chapter 100 - DNA Testing - Pa

also impregnated her twice, once with a girl and the second time with a boy”

“And?..what's this got to do with me?"

James asks sounding very annoyed

"What's it got to do with you? she named you as her lover, James” "WHAT? THIS HAS GOT TO BE A JOKE!"

James shouted earning a panicked response from my secretary who

stormed in asking if I needed security and I said no NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

When she was gone, I glared at James who still looked angry and shocked

“Keep your voice down, do you want this news to get out?"

"There is no news to get out, Logan because there was never an affair, I've never had s*x with that woman"

“Oh really, Bill Clinton? because GiGi says otherwise"

“I don't care what that w***e said, I never had s*x with her and I never had an affair with her..I'd never do anything to hurt my wife"

He says and I roll my eyes

“No, you're just interested in hurting your children”

Isay as I stand up and walk around my desk

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us now and continue your journey!

“Look Logan, I know you've got more than enough reason not to trust or believe me but I'm begging you to believe me on this, I never had

s*x with GiGi Addams and I certainly didn't get her pregnant, I didn't even know she had kids until recently”

James says before letting out a sigh

"I'may not have been the most perfect father in the world, Logan but

I've never been an awful husband..I'd never do anything to hurt Louise”

Chapter 100 - DNA Testing - Pa 1}

He says and I narrow my eyes at him

1 didn't believe him but I didn't not believe him either

"You know..when GiGi told us this story, I immediately remembered something you said in that press conference you all did not too long


"What do you mean? what did I say?"

He asks and I was silent for a few seconds as I recollected his exact words

“You said that the person who was running a smear campaign against Lace, the person who you refused to mention because you didn't

want to give them the attention they were clearly craving is just a miserable, selfish, entitled brat who has been spreading her legs in the

elite circles for years now trying to finda husband and it got me would you know that unless you're one of the men she

whored herself out to?"

Task and James looks at me with a stumped expression

“GiGi also told us that she was interested in enticing you away from your life and marrying you so that she could live the life of luxury and

you said she was looking for a husband”

“Yeah and I also said that she was determined to destroy my daughter's happiness with her lies and that's what she's doing because she

knows that this would be the straw that broke the camel's back for Lacey,

there would be no turning back for us if it was true”

“Then why make that statement?”

Task and he throws his arms up in disbelief

“She's a gold-digging w***e who loved attention and causing trouble for people, it doesn't take a freaking genius to work out why I made

that statement, Logan, hell even Helen Keller could work that one out, son”

Chapter 100 - DNA Testing - Pa ~} "So, you only said it because of rumours you'd heard about her?" I ask and he looks down while sighing

“Not necessarily”

"What do you mean?"

Task as I narrow my eyes at him

“I promised I wouldn't tell, Logan” "Tell what?"

Task him but he doesn't answer me which frustrated me even further

“Do you care about your daughter, James?"

Task annoyed


James grows as he snaps his head up to glare at me

“Look, I know I had my reservations about her when she was young because she was a girl but I really do love her, Logan..she's my little


He says and I roll my eyes

“Yeah, she's your little girl...the little girl who you've repeatedly broken and hurt, I'd never ever do to Teddy what you've done to Lacey,


Isay and he had enough sense in him to look down in shame

"Do you know what Lacey was feeling when GiGi named you as her kid's father?"

Task angrily

“No, what?"

“She was sad, she was heartbroken, she was angry and she was hurt but most importantly James, she was disappointed...she was


Chapter 100 - DNA Testing - Pa _} in you" I tell him and he gasps slightly

“Despite everything you've done to both her and Liam because yeah..we know all about that as well”

Tsay and his eyes widened as his jaw clenched together tightly

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us now and continue your journey!

“Despite EVERYTHING James, that girl was probably still holding out the tiniest sliver of hope for you to come through for her and GiGi's

taking it away from you but you don't care, do you?..."

“Ido care” He cuts me off

“No, you don't because if you cared then you'd do anything to protect your integrity with Lacey, instead of caring about some dumbass

promise you made”

"You don't understand, Logan" He says while shaking his head slightly and I sneered at him

"You're right, I don't understand, I mean, who the hell are you trying to protect so much, huh? who is it that's more important to you than

your own daughter?”

Task with annoyance in my tone as my phone starts to ring

I'm not a native of Brooklyn but I swear my inner Brooklyn was desperate to get out the more I was around this fool


answer my phone feeling frustrated

“Hey man, it's me"

“Oh hi, Justin, what can I do for you?"

"You need to come down to the address I've texted you, Lo" "Why?"

Chapter 100 - DNA Testing - Pa ~~) s I look through my phone for the text he's talking about

“Because Lacey, Liam and I have gone with Michael, Grace and the kids to do a sibling DNA test and we've requested for the results to be

given to us ASAP and I really think you should be here when we get them, Logan because Lacey's gonna need you no matter what the

results say”

“Say no more, I'm on my way"

Thang up the phone and immediately grab my car keys and suit jacket before heading out of my office

"Where are you going?”

“The Paternity Centre"


James asks me and I smirk like the petty fucker that 1am

“To see if you're the daddy or not"

Ithen left my office but James was hot on my tail saying that he was coming with me and I told him over my dead body which according to

him, is easily arranged

Anyway, we argued back and forth with me telling him he wasn't welcome and him telling me he was coming whether I liked it or not

In the end, I gave up because I knew he'd follow me either way, so we both got in my car and headed towards the paternity centre

When we arrived, I found out where my family were and I made an immediate beeline towards the waiting room

When I got there, my heart instantly pained when I heard Lacey's overly emotional voice coming from the room

"What the hell does this mean?"

I hear my Lacey ask sounding confused

“It means there's a match”

“A match to what?"

James asks and everyone looks over at us with mixed expressions, most of them aren't good


Lacey says whilst narrowing her shocked and confused eyes between her father and me

“It's ok, babe, what do the results say?" I ask as a teary-eyed Lacey looks down at the form in her hand

“It's a match but it's not a sibling match like we's a different kind of match”

"What do you mean?"

"What Lacey's trying to say is that Chloe and Alex are our niece and nephew which can only mean one thing”


f**k, this isn't good

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