Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 101

Chapter 101 - Lacey's Threat

Lacey's POV Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“It's a match but it's not a sibling match like we' a different kind of match”

“What do you mean?”

Logan asks me as I stand there glaring at my dad

Ill bet every dollar I have as well as all of my prized possessions that this prick knew all about this and he kept it hidden to protect his

precious golden child

“What Lacey's trying to say is that Chloe and Alex are our niece and nephew which can only mean one thing"

“Luca's the father..unless you've got another son out there that we don't know about old man"

Liam growls at our father who glares at him

“Watch your tongue, boy or Il."

“You'll what?"

A deep, strong and very powerful voice says and I was shocked when I looked behind my dad and I saw my cousin standing there

“Klayton?..what are you doing here? I thought you went back to North Carolina”

“I did, principessa but I had to come back for a meeting and I thought I'd check in on you while I'm here”

Klayton said whilst eyeing up my dad like he was dog crap on the bottom of his expensive shoe

“How did you know we were here?”

Chapter 101 - Lacey's Threat. v7)

“Justin told me"

Ilook over at my brother who just shrugged his shoulders as he smirked cheekily at me

“Baby, can you and Benjamin take our two elders and the kids for something to drink, please? I don't want them to be a witness to grown

folk business”

“Sure babe, come along ma‘am, sir"

Cassidy says as she and Benjamin help escort Michael, Grace and the kids out of the room

Michael and Grace both gave me a nervous look as they left and I gave them a reassuring smile before they did, not that they needed it

because they'll soon realise that Cassidy and Ben are sweethearts and won't hurt them

As soon as they were gone, Klayton fixed my father with a glare so intense and scary, I almost wet myself from it

“So..what were you about to threaten my cousin with James, hmm?"

“I wasn't gonna threaten him, Klayton"

“It's Don to people like you and are you sure you weren't gonna threaten him because from the tone of your voice and you saying watch

your tongue, boy kinda sounds like a threat to me"

Klayton says whilst stroking his stubbly chin

“Ijust want my kids to show me some respect, Don"

My dad said the word Don ina mocking kind of way earning him a crack to the jaw from Klayton


“r+, I've been waiting so long to do that, how does it feel, dad?"

Chapter 101 - Lacey's Threat. 7

Klayton asked whilst using the same tone my dad did when calling him dad

“Idon't know how it felt for him but it sure felt good for me to see”

Liam says excitedly as he wraps his arm around my shoulders and kisses my temple

“So, what are you all doing here? it's a bit of an odd place for a family reunion, isn't it, Lace?"

“We're here to find out if GiGi was telling the truth or if she was lying tous"

“And?..what's the verdict?"

Klayton asks as he looks around at us

“I'm not the father just like I told Logan I wasn't"

My dad said whilst glaring at Logan who responded by flipping him off

“I'm not even gonna get into why you two are together right now" Klayton said while rubbing his forehead

“So, who's the father then if it's not dad of the year over here?" "It's the other dad of the year,'s Luca"

I'say and Klayton looks at me with a gobsmacked/confused expression

“That's the gay one, right?"


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“It's complicated”

Myself and my dad answer at the same time

When I realised what he said, I looked at him like what the f**k? and so did Klayton

Chapter 101 - Lacey's Threat. ~)

“How's it complicated, moron? either Luca's gay, straight or he likes a bit of both which one is it?"

Klayton asked my dad who wasn't happy at all with his question and I could tell this just from his jaw which was clenched so tight I'm

surprised it hasn't dislocated yet

“Like I said, it's complicated...Luca is gay but every now and then he likes to have a one-night stand with a woman"

Oh my god

“Does Dylan know about this?”

“Who gives a s**t, cugina?"

Klayton asks while rolling his eyes and I glare at him

“Youre lucky you're my favourite cousin otherwise you'd be six feet under with that glare, Lace"


“What about us?"

Justin and Liam whined sounding offended and I chuckled slightly

“Shut up, idiotas"

“Anyway, back to Luca...

I'said but was interrupted by my dad

“I don't know how to really explain it but the way he once explained it to me is that when he's drunk...”

“Which is always"

Liam says earning himself a glare from our dad

“When he's drunk, he doesn't have a preference”

This is crazy

“Ok, let's start from the beginning, how old is the elder kid?"

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Klayton asks as I run my hand through my hair

“She's ten”

“Is she?"

“Yeah, why? what's with the face?"

I ask Klayton who looked like he was thinking

“Are you sure Luca is her father?”

“Yeah, why?"


Klayton groans as he rubs his hand over his face and through his

“What? what's wrong?" “She's ten, the math?"

I didn't understand where he was going with this at first but then I

remembered Luca's age, specifically what age he turned this year

“There's no way"

“The legal age of consent in New York is seventeen and Luca is

twenty-six, I also don't need to tell you of all people, Lacey, how long it

takes for a woman to have a baby so there's a chance Chloe was conceived

when Luca was only fifteen”

ngengn Liam said as he ran a hand through his short hair

“How old is GiGi?"

Justin asks shocked

“She was a year below us, Justin, she was twenty-eight” “Was? what do you mean she was?"

“She's dead, GiGi's dead"

Chapter 101 - Lacey's Threat. J]

I'said bluntly and the room instantly fell silent but it was only fora brief moment when my dad's angry voice suddenly roared throughout

the room

“So, you're telling me my son was raped by this b***h and we can't even get justice for him because the w***e is dead?"

He growled and I rolled my eyes

“Yeah, not that you could've done anything anyway dad and you most likely would've been laughed out of court because Luca went back

for more, six years later”

“I can't +++ believe this"

My dad grows as he picks something up from the table behind him and throws it against the nearest wall

“Calm down, dad, you need to relax"


“Because we need to focus on the future now and focus on fixing this f**k up of a family, starting with getting Luca some help”

Justin says to our father

“It's not gonna be that simple, Justin”

“What do you mean, Klay?"

Klayton lets out a breath as he sits down on the arm of the couch behind him

“I've been looking into GiGi for some time now, especially since you and Logan called me here and I found something which could possibly

break this family for good...itl definitely end whatever father-daughter relationship you guys have got because even if you didn't do it,

James, I can almost guarantee that you knew about it"

“Knew about what?"

Chapter 101 - Lacey's Threat. ~)

Klayton briefly looks at my dad before looking at me with an expression like he wishes I wasn't here because he didn't want me to hear what

he's gotta say

“I'm so sorry, Lace"

“Sorry about what?"

Lask confused

“Do you remember that four million hit GiGi put out on you and your kids?"

“She did what?"

Liam growled as Klayton held his hand up telling him to be quiet

“Do you remember, kid?"

“Yeah, I remember, Klay, how could I forget”

Isay feeling angry before a wave of confusion went over me

“Wait, why are you bringing this up?"

Task Klayton who was silent for a few seconds before he answered me

“The money was deposited to her from a Carpenter, Lace"


lask as I stumble a little

Ifelt like I'd had the wind knocked out of me and Logan was quickly by my side to keep me upright

“Relax babe, it's ok”

“It's ok? are you being serious, Logan?"

I glare at my husband before narrowing my glare at my dad

“Who gave her the money?"

Task him but he didn't answer me causing me to lose control of

Chapter 101 - Lacey's Threat. a myself

I stormed over to my dad and slapped him hard across the face several times before I was pulled away by Logan

“Calm down, babe"

“I can't calm down, Logan, I need to know which one of them gave that b***h the money”

“Think of our baby, Lacey and calm down"

Logan sternly whispered in my ear and I took several deep breaths to calm myself down but I was still pretty angry

“Who gave GiGi the money, dad?”

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Task him again and this time he was smart enough to answer me

“It wasn't me but I think... think [ may be inadvertently involved"

“What do you mean?”

Liam asks our dad whose eyes remained on me

“Not too long back, Luca asked me for four million dollars, he told me he was interested in starting his own business and he wanted me to

be an investor in it"

/ can't believe this

“But instead, he gave the money to GiGi and she was gonna use that money to have my wife and children executed”

Logan says earning shocked looks from my brothers and a whimper from my dad

“LL didn't know, I swear, Lacey..I swear I had no clue”

“And that makes you innocent, does it, dad? think just because you didn't know then that means you're innocent? still gave her

the money, it may not have directly come from you but you still gave it to her and the funny thing is that she was gonna have your daughter

and your

Chapter 101 - Lacey's Threat. wa grandchildren killed with your own f+****g money" I say with a chuckle

“How does that make you feel, dad, hmm? are you relieved she failed?...or are you gutted she didn't succeed?"

I ask with a stoic expression on my face while my dad looks like he's just been punched in the gut

“How can you say that, Lacey? you're my daughter”

“Exactly, I'm your daughter, not your son, so you can stop acting like you give as**t now"

“But 1 do care, Lace..look, I know you won't believe me when I say this, sweetheart but I love you, Lacey, I love you so freaking much and I'm

so sorry for everything I've put you through, I just want your forgiveness and to be in yours and my grandchildrens lives”

He says and I shake my head

“Youre right, I don't believe you"

Isay while glaring at him

“Tknow you don't and I'l happily take a lie detector test and answer

any questions you wanna ask me, Lace, I'll answer anything you want if it means I can prove to you that I'm telling you the truth”

“You'll probably blow it up, Pinocchio”

I'say and everyone but my dad laughed

When the laughter died down, I looked at my poor excuse for a father who looked hurt and beaten down by everything but I still had one

more question to ask him

“Did you know Luca had two other children out there?"

Task my dad who briefly looked at Logan before looking back at me

and nodding his head

Chapter 101 - Lacey's Threat. bo?


“And you both left them to suffer”

I'said as I let out a shaky breath

I'then pull away from Logan and step closer to my dad who looks nervous and nervous he should be because I'm about to blow his golden

boy's world wide apart

“Luca's got until midnight on Christmas day to accept Klayton's offer for help and if he doesn't, then I'm gonna step in and call social

services on

him and I promise you that I'll do everything within my power to make sure all of his kids are taken away from him, do you understand me?"

"You can't do that, Lacey”

My dad growled

“Actually, I can”

I'shout back at him

“He's twenty-six and he's got five kids now, dad, five..he's got a ten-year-old, a four-year-old, a three-year-old and two newborns, none of

which want, need or deserve an alcoholic for a father..quite frankly, dad, they deserve better than that"

“Lacey's right, dad, it's time we all stopped coddling him and he got some help...he can't go on like this, none of us can”

“Justin's right, Luca's actions have destroyed this family and it needs to stop now"

Justin and Liam chimed in and I felt relieved to know that they were on my side with this

“This isn't a threat dad, it's a promise, so tell your golden boy the clock is ticking”

Isay before leaving the room

I really hope Luca takes me seriously and accepts Klayton's offer but something tells me it's gonna take more than just me and my words to

wake my big brother up

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