Divorce To Restart: Vengeful Ex-Wife Strikes Back!

Terrible Father

Chapter 91 Terrible Father

NINA’S HOME, NEW YORK. Gripping the phone tightly, Nina let out a long hiss. Xander does have a wrong side to him. Despite his promise to meet with her two days back to celebrate her unexpected promotion, he didn’t show up and gave an excuse for being busy. She thought he would reach out afterward, but he still hasn’t called. Her hand trailed Winter’s sleepy face absentmindedly. She brought her to the office to take her around the place like the little one would understand what was happening. Regarding Xander, her inability to get angry at him is the most annoying thing for her. Instead, she is worried that something might be wrong; at the same time, her ego prevents her from calling him. Her eyes roamed her new office space, and it felt surreal. They made the immediate move of X&J Foods into the M&M building. Nina occupied the same office Asher had sat in as the CEO but with a significant redesign. She was more than happy to see Asher and Andrea beneath her finally. They definitely wouldn’t have expected the turnout of the situation. She has so much to thank Xander for. What was more delightful was seeing Asher and Andrea all over the tabloids. People online showed no mercy. They did themselves quite dirty. The door burst open, causing her to jolt in shock. She doesn’t have a secretary yet, so the intruder didn’t follow due procedure. “What are you doing here?” She questioned at the sight of Asher. “How did you get in here?” Asher scoffed and slammed the door shut. “So this is where you have been hiding? Do you think I won’t find you?” He asked while looking towards the baby cot. Nina stepped forward, standing between him and her child. “I do not know what you think you are doing here, but this is not your place. So I will politely ask that you leave before I call security on you.” He snorted, putting both hands on his waist as he scanned the office. “So, did you sell your pussy to get my company, or you pinned my child on him for a place to stay?” He inquired spitefully, taking a seat on the couch proudly Not getting his hands on Andrea had gotten him mad, and he wouldn’t back down until the woman who had made his life miserable paid. “How dare you yearn for my company, Nina? Who the fuck do you think you are?” Nina didn’t respond and tried to call for security on the phone. Even though he was feet away, she could smell the alcohol on his breath. If not for her sake, for the sake of Winter, he looks too dangerous to be in the same space as them. Asher was hasty on his feet as he snatched the phone from her hand, causing it to fall to the ground. “What do you think you are doing? Do I look like I came here to play? Answer me!” He bellowed, gripping her arm. She pushed him backward with all her strength, not letting herself feel intimidated by him. “I should be the one asking you the questions. Who the fuck do you think you are coming in here to threaten me? I do not fear you, Asher. And you should be the one bothered because I will not mind making your already miserable life more difficult.” Anger crossed his eyes, and he rushed towards her, pinning her to the table. Nina groaned painfully as her back hit the table’s edge. “You must think you are untouchable because you have a rich dude by your side. Need I remind you that you are nothing but an orphan with nothing to her name? I made you, Nina, and I will ruin you for even thinking to come back at me.” “Get off me.” She screamed, striking him. However, his grip was too firm on her. He pushed her to the ground, reaching for the cot and stirring Winter awake. He picked up the child recklessly. “How is this thing, my child? I am sure you were cheating right underneath me. Was it him? That bastard, Xander? I am pretty sure she means a lot to you.” Nina’s eyes rounded like saucers at the sight of Winter in his hand. Tears flooded her eyes, and she felt helpless but still stood up to attack him; he pushed her aside. “One more step from you, and I will throw her.” He threatened. “Let go of my child, Asher. Let my child be!” She whimpered, conforming to his instruction to protect her daughter. “Why? I intend to smash her, take her away from you the same way you took my company from me. How will that feel?” “Have you gone mad, Asher? That child is your child. What in the world are you thinking?” He cackled evilly. “Do I look like I care about anyone? You should have known better before coming back at me, Nina. I will take her with me, and you will never see her again until you give me back my company!” “How am I supposed to do that?” He returned Winter to the cot, ignoring her body’s chaotic state. “I don’t know. Sign something, a paper, and hand me back my company. Or I promise you, you will never see your daughter ever again. I am going to take everything that makes you happy from you. Everything! You have forty-eight hours to make that happen. I will be back, and don’t even think of hiding because I will find you.” Gnashing his teeth, he stormed out of the office. Nina scampered off the floor and ran towards Winter. Her poor baby happened to be undisturbed by all of the noise. She put her to her chest, embracing her protectively as the tears filled her eyes. Xander walked in just in time to find Nina wailing hysterically. He hurried towards her with worry on his face. “What is wrong? What happened?” He questioned, taking Winter from her hands with his arm wrapped around her. “H…he is going to take my baby away, Xander. He will take her away from me. I-I will give it all back to him. I don’t want it if it will cost me my child, please.” She sobbed loudly. “Who?” She held his gaze, “Asher!” Nina replied with a hiccup.Ccontent © exclusive by Nô/vel(D)ra/ma.Org.


“He left here not too long ago. Xander, what if he takes my baby from me? He wants his company back.” “I am going to kill him.” He mumbled under his breath. “Please help me, Xander, please.” He cupped her face in his palm, still holding Winter firmly. “Look at me; I am going to protect you and Winter. Nobody will ever hurt you. You trust me, don’t you?” She nodded in response. “Then let me handle this. Come home with me. My parents will keep you company. You know how much they love to be around Winter.” He assured. Nina relaxed a bit when she mentioned the people she felt comfortable around. “Are you sure we won’t hear from him again?” “Never! Let’s get you home first.” On their way to his house, Xander had called his parents. They were more than glad to stay with Nina. Tania was also going to come by later on. Xander fumed all through the ride, but he kept his cool. After dropping Nina and Winter off, Xander called Jace to meet with him at their regular spot. He made a few calls but still felt restless and tempted to order a smoke. “Nah, what do you think you are doing?” Jace questioned behind him when he heard his order. “He would have soda instead.” He said to the bartender. Taking a greedy gulp of his drink, Xander ruffled his hair. “I don’t know what to do, man. I am going crazy.” Jace furrowed his brow. “What happened?” “You won’t believe that bastard went to threaten Nina. I am going to ruin him; I swear on my life.” “Calm down, easy now. Are you talking about Nina’s ex-husband?” “Yes, he met Nina at her new office and even went as far as manhandling Winter.” “Is he crazy? Why would he touch the little one?” “I have no idea. And I do not care about whatever reason that idiot has. I am going to make Asher’s entire life miserable.” “Did you call Richard?” “Yes, he said he would get back to me in an hour.” Richard is a family friend and an inspector at the police department. Xander hardly reaches out to him, but he has to call in the favor. Jace patted his back gently. “Relax, Xander. Trust Richard to get him for you. He won’t be getting away this time. I really would like to see his face for once. Most importantly, it would help if you weren’t getting stressed like this. You will be affected too much.” Xander bowed his head, trying to hide the tears in his eyes. “I feel so useless, Jace. Nina has been through so much, and I have never been able to protect her when she needs it. How can I live with myself knowing that this crazy person is out there constantly groping her?” “You are here, aren’t you? Nina knows she can trust you, so she leans into you. I know this is about Dawn too, but this isn’t the right time to discuss it.” He inhaled sharply at the mention of Dawn. He gets angry no matter how hard he tries to be lenient with his thoughts against her. Richard’s call came in as his thoughts roamed, pulling him out of his reverie. “Hey, man,” Xander mumbled into the receiver. He paused briefly. “Alright, I am on my way.” “So?” “They have got him.” “Let’s go then.” Jace urged, jumping off the stool. They forgot to pay for the bartender. ***********************

POLICE DEPARTMENT “I will sue every one of you for this illegal arrest. Do you even know who I am?” Asher held on to the cell gate tightly, yelling through the holes. “Bloody son of a bitch” Xander said as he stepped foot into the large space office. Richard nodded. “He was quite a tough cookie. I have the restraining order in process. Until he signs it, he won’t be released.” “Thanks, man.” Jace mused. Xander shook his hand firmly. “Thank you so much, Richard. I owe you so much.” “Come on now. Aren’t we family? Would you like a moment with him?” “With all of my heart, Richard.” He replied while taking out his cufflinks. Richard went ahead and opened the cell gate where Asher was locked. “About time, you bastards!” Asher growled. Richard cackled and turned to the brothers. “I will let you have your fun.” He said, heading out and locking them in. Asher scoffed. “Oh, I see. Nina must have had you running over. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself being at the beck and call of a mere pussy?” Xander didn’t say a word and rolled up his sleeve. “Hold him in place, Jace.” Before Asher could figure out what was happening, Jace pulled his arms behind him. Without hesitation, Xander punched him in the belly; Asher coughed out in pain. “That is for referring to my woman in such a disrespectful manner. So now let’s talk.” He mused, kneeling in front of him. “Get off me!” Asher tried to release himself from Jace’s grip but couldn’t. “Might I ask why your coward ass self went to threaten her when your lack of business sense is why your company got into my hands?” No response came, and that earned Asher another punch in the gut. Xander knew where to hit; he had taken boxing classes for a few years. Asher let out a painful wince. “Just because I put on a suit, you must think that is all there is to me. You bastard.” This time, he punched the face. Asher moaned in pain at the crushing of his jaw. “Why not face your gamble-infested father, or have you forgotten so fast what he did with your supposed inheritance? I hear your precious wife also ran off with your money. It would help if you were surprised by what I found out. I do have my ways.” Xander boasted. “You left all the people that caused your downfall, including yourself, to come at my woman. You think she is a weakling or has no backbone, right?” Another punch. “You are foolish, Asher. Very foolish. Don’t you ever come near my woman or my child ever again! Yes, Winter is mine, and I will be damned ever to let you be anything in her life!” The punches descended nonstop; Xander ignored the painful yells coming from Asher and kept hitting him. Rage consumed his whole existence, and all he wanted to do was beat the man who had put Nina through so much heartache to a pulp. Jace realized how much vein Xander was putting in. He dumped Asher’s almost lifeless body and grabbed his brother, pulling him backward. “That’s enough, Xander! Xander!” He yelled his name when Xander pushed past him to keep beating Asher. “Richard, open the fucking gate, he is going to kill him!” Jace called out. Richard rushed in, opened the cell, and helped Jace drag Xander out. He had blood that had splashed out of Asher’s mouth on his shirt. Paramedics came to attend to Asher before he passed out quickly. Jace took Xander to Richard’s office to calm down. Jace paced the office back and forth. He stopped abruptly and turned a displeased glare at his brother. “Did you have to do that? Why would you go so far? What got into you?” Xander sat rigidly on the chair, staring intensely at his bloody hands. Jace huffed and bent over him. “I am not trying to support him. But you will only put Nina in trouble if anything happens to him. You have done justice; let the police handle the rest. Nina must be waiting for you back home.” He nodded slowly. “Yeah, I will just clean up first.” “Alright.” “All set?” Richard asked as he walked in. “Yes,” Jace replied. “Okay, take care of him. I will let you know when he signs the court order.” “Thanks, Richard.” Xander mused. “Anytime, brother. My regards to your parents. I should come by one of these days.” Richard smiled, waving at them. They stopped at Jace’s penthouse for Xander to change clothes before they headed to his house. Venus was sitting in the living room watching TV. She stood up when her sons walked in. “Hey, babies. How are you?” She asked, spreading out her arms so they could embrace her. Jace hugged her tightly while Xander just made a grunt and walked past her. Venus shook her head. “Always off-handed. Is everything okay?” “Where is Nina?” Xander asked. “She is in your room sleeping. Your father returned home to get me some clothes to change. But don’t worry, I can take care of Winter for the night. Would you like something to eat?” “No, mum. I will retire for the night.” He mused, heading towards his room. “What’s wrong? Didn’t he sort that moron out?” Venus asked Jace. Jace shrugged, “something like that. I would take that food offer. I am starving.” He mused, heading to the kitchen. Xander tried to be discreet as he opened the door of the room. To his surprise, Nina was sitting on the couch, curled inside with a book. A weak smile appeared on her face. “You are awake. Why aren’t you sleeping?” He asked. “I was waiting for you. Come and sit with me.” Nina urged, patting the couch. Xander sniffed and sat down cautiously next to her. She reached for his hand, caressing the cuts on it. “I am so sorry for scaring you like that. I was just overwhelmed, especially by the thought of him harming Winter. If she weren’t there, I wouldn’t have hesitated to fight him with every blood in me.” He cupped her face in his palm, and Nina leaned close. “You are an amazing mother. You don’t have to ever worry about him coming for you. I already made sure of it.” “Thank you so much, Xander. I never would have gotten this far without you. I am sorry to burden you with so much.” “No, love. I want to be the one you run to at every chance. Let me shield you. I don’t want to be an uncle to Winter. I want to be her father, and I want to be your man.” He placed a warm kiss on her forehead. Nina sighed softly, lifting his hand to her lips to kiss. “I want you too, Xander. But I need you to be sincere with me. Something doesn’t feel right; whenever I try to get intimate with you, you push me away. Is there something that I should know or amend? Do you want to take care of me and not love me?” Xander gulped at her question. He isn’t in the best state of mind to respond to her. “How about we resolve this Asher’s case before getting to talk further about us.” She could sense his desire to avoid the discussion. Agreeing that the day had been eventful enough, his belly made hungry sounds as they spoke. Nina hummed in response. “It’s alright. How about you eat with me? I haven’t had dinner.” She said, even though she had already eaten. But knowing Xander, he might not admit to his hunger and go to bed hungry. “Okay,” He replied without hesitation. Nina grinned and held his hand, guiding him out of the room.

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