Divorce To Restart: Vengeful Ex-Wife Strikes Back!

The Swindler

Chapter 90 The SwindlerNôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

TAYLOR’S HOME, NEW YORK. Asher struggled to sit up from the couch drowsily. He had gotten drunk and slept lazily without a bother in the world. In his distorted state, Asher noticed Andrea rushing out to her car. He let out a hiss, wondering what spa she had an appointment with again. He still can’t get over the fact that Nina holds the rein of a company he had dreamt of for years. She walked in without doing anything to reap where she didn’t sow. He let out a wince at the ache that struck his head. Suddenly, the door opened, letting in an angry-looking Leila. “Have you seen what your stupidness has caused?” She hollered. He held his aching head down. “What is it this time?” Leila screamed into her palm. “I told you to control yourself and not do anything stupid. But I don’t remember you listening. Now everyone knows we have been humiliated by Nina. Everything that happened was written in the tabloids, every bloody thing.” Asher let out a slight cough. “Can I have a look?” He inquired, stretching his hand out to collect her phone. Leila gave him a despicable glare before handing it over. The headache disappeared as soon as his eyes landed on the write-up. A picture of him yelling at Nina was on the front page. People wrote hateful comments about him. Asher clenched his teeth hard as he felt the urge to punch someone and watch them bleed to death. He would gladly do that to Nina and her man pet, Xander. Tossing the phone to the couch, he scoffed. “They will get over it soon. It’s all good gossip.” “Do you even know what is at stake? No, it won’t be over soon. We are people with a reputation. With all this out in the open, our privacy would be compromised for the next few months. Don’t you get it? You know what? I do not have time for all of this discussion. We must leave town and head to our country home until all this is no longer on the news!” “Hell no. I am not going anywhere. If you think I will give up on M&M, I have news for you. I will get my company back from Nina. Even if I have to take all of their asses to court.” His mother paused for a moment before bursting into a fit of laughter. “I don’t think you make it a duty to listen to yourself. You sold the company out yourself. We have settled all debts through these sales. So what company exactly are you fighting for?” Asher clenched his fist tightly. He can’t back down so easily. Nina would think she won, and he doesn’t want that to happen. His phone rang, jolting him back to the present. Leila hissed in contempt while he struggled to get a hold of it. Andrea was the one calling. He cursed under his breath before answering. “What do you want?” Andrea snorted in response. “There is no need to act so cold. Just thought it wouldn’t be pleasant to not hear your dejected voice for the last time.” “What is this nonsense about?” “If you aren’t so rude, I might tell you. Anyway, thank you for bailing me out of this poverty-stricken life of mine. It was nice meeting you.” With that, she ended the call. Asher furrowed his brows in confusion. “This girl has gone mad.” The door burst open again, letting his father in. “What the hell is this, Asher?” Darren bellowed. He pulled at his hair, feeling frustrated. “Why are you all barging in recklessly? What did I do this time?” “What happened to the money sent into the family’s account?” His father questioned. Leila stood up with a raised brow. “What money?” “The same one we made from the company’s sales. Half of the money is missing! Why did you do that, Asher?” Asher blinked in confusion. “I…. I have no idea what you are talking about. I haven’t even made any transaction on the account.” “What is this then?” Darren pushed the phone screen to his face. “You are the one with the card; what happened to the money.” A shocked gasp escaped his lips at the vast amount of money moved from the account. He tried to trace back his movement the night before, but nothing came to his head. Just then, his thought struck Andrea. Reaching for his phone quickly, he dialed her line. It was unreachable. Asher let out a string of curses. “It’s that bitch. Andrea must have done it.” He announced. “What!” Both parents exclaimed. “How did you let that happen?” Leila questioned. Darren threw himself onto the couch helplessly. “This boy will be the death of me.” Asher kept trying the line, but it wasn’t connecting. He tugged at his hair, unbothered that it might pull out. “You know what? There is no need to be so bothered. I will find her. We should make do with the rest of the money for now.” Leila and Darren shared a look. He didn’t fail to notice it. “Is there something I am supposed to know?” “The house mortgage is due. If we do not pay up, we lose the house and end up with just the country house to our name.” His mother explained. “Country house?” Asher scoffed and yelled, shocking the adults. “I hate the country house, and you know it! How many debts exactly are you people in? Why do you always make decisions like it is all just you alone? I am not even supposed to be in the same space with you. Yet you drag me everywhere you go. What is all this?” “Stop raising your voice at us!” Dennis growled at him. “Don’t you ever talk to me like that again!” He barked back. “I have had enough of your tyranny while claiming to be a father. This is all your fault. Your recklessness has cost me my future. I don’t expect you to be concerned because you are near your deathbed.” “Asher!” Leila butt in. “Please, ma! For once in your life, stop trying so hard to please him and say whatever is on your mind. So we are broke?” His eyes reddened with unshed tears and the persistent strike of the headache. “It’s not our fault this time. The witches you brought home are the cause of all this. First, it was Nina, now Andrea. If you want to hear what is on my mind, I am telling you to direct your anger at the people making us count our losses right now.” Leila uttered. Asher pulled his lips in, feeling agitated. He would get back at Nina for even thinking it was okay to get back at him after doing everything he could to save her from her wretched orphan life. But first, he has Andrea to deal with. She couldn’t have gone far. Without speaking to his parents, he snatched his car key and hurried out of the house. ****************** DAWN’S HOME Dawn stared blankly at the wall; emotions were void in her eyes as she replayed Xander’s words. His eyes haunted her. She couldn’t sleep a wink all through the night. After all of the years, she sacrificed to be with Xander. She can’t believe he would spend the rest of his life with someone else besides him. The tears rolled down her face uncontrollably, and she wasn’t expecting Jace to throw her under the bus. But she felt foolish for even thinking he could keep a secret. It can’t end this way. However, there seems to be no other way out. She had exhausted everything. And from the look of things, she already made it to the list of Xander’s enemies. A cold scoff escaped her lips at the reminder of Nina. She looked so happy kissing Xander and straddling him shamelessly in the office. At this point, she wouldn’t mind not having Xander, but Nina doesn’t deserve him either. She wouldn’t have left him the first time if she knew his worth. She would desire to make Nina disappear from the face of the earth. If anything plays out, they will point accusing fingers at her. Frustrated at her inability to develop a better solution, Dawn kicked at the hard floor. A notification came up on her phone. Picking it up, she hissed at the unimportant text and checked the tabloids. With X&J empire’s recent buyout, the CEO in person of Xander would be all over the papers for a while! Tapping on it, something else popped up from the trending topics. Her lashes fluttered in surprise and amusement. Zooming in on the picture, she held up a mischievous smirk. She is not ready to back down after all.

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