El enigmatico regreso

Capítulo 111-120

Capítulo 111 La desgracia sucede Capítulo 111 Había otra copia del contrato. Neera le entregó una copia y se aseguró de conservar su propia copia: “Feliz de cooperar con usted”. Jean arqueó las cejas y respondió: “Lo mismo ocurre contigo “. Luego, Neera regresó. Lan, que estaba a su lado, observó su interacción y no pudo evitar sentir que el destino estaba obrando aquí. Los extraños giros de los acontecimientos que conectaron a Jean y Neera eran realmente inexplicables. Cuando le dijeron que redactara el contrato, ¡ no podía creer que su amo estuviera a punto de contraer matrimonio por contrato con la Sra. García! ¡Tampoco podía creer que la familia García intentara perpetuar un fraude como si estuvieran jugando con la familia Beauvort como tontos! Lan nunca los perdonaría por esto. Jean le entregó el contrato a Richard para que lo conservara. Luego, se levantó y le dijo mecánicamente a Lan: “Prepara el auto. Nos dirigimos a la empresa”. lan inmediatamente volvió a sus sentidos y consiguió vivo Pa kistan

vivo Y36 | Vidrio Premium APRENDE MÁS Capítulo 111 La desgracia cae La familia García se pone a trabajar. A la mañana siguiente, Alfonso se despertó y tomó su teléfono de inmediato. Esperaba ansiosamente la dote y el contrato que se suponía recibiría de la familia Beauvort. Anteriormente, las dos familias habían hecho un pacto. Al día siguiente de su matrimonio, tanto el dinero como el contrato entrarían en vigor. Sin embargo, siguió esperando en vano. No recibió esa enorme suma de dinero ni recibió ninguna confirmación de contrato. La familia Beauvort sintió como si hubieran desaparecido en el aire. No hubo ninguna noticia de ellos… Susan y Roxanne también estaban entrando en pánico. Se les estaba acabando la paciencia. 4/8 “Esposo, ¿qué está pasando con ellos? La familia Beauvort ha prometido enviarnos el dinero hoy. ¡Y además, esos contratos! ¿No ves que ya es tarde? ¿Por qué no hay ninguna novedad? ¡No son dignos de confianza en absoluto! “Así es, papá. ¡Realmente necesitamos ese dinero! Para que eso sucediera, mamá perdió sus joyas de rubíes favoritas. ¡ Está esperando que le compres otro! Alfonso estaba más que irritado en este momento. Les lanzó una mirada asesina.

“¡Lo único en lo que puedes pensar es en esas malditas joyas! ¿Por qué me preguntas eso como si tuviera la respuesta? ¡Tu suposición es tan buena como la mía!* Tenía el ceño fruncido, “Por lo que he oído, los

Beauvort siempre cumplen sus palabras. Nunca escuché que se retractaran de sus palabras…” Susan pensó en una posibilidad y no pudo evitar sentirse preocupada. “¿Descubrieron que Roze no es el que obtuvieron ? ¿Podría ser por eso que están enojados? Alfonso no pudo esperar más. Decidió visitar el Beauvort. Necesitaba escucharlo de Frederic 11:56 lunes, 21 de agosto Capítulo 111 La desgracia le sobreviene a la familia García primero. B Sin embargo, en el momento en que llegó, lo llevaron a la oficina de Jean. ¡Esta fue la primera vez que conoció al infame Sr. Beauvort! Su impresión de Jean era la de alguien que siempre estaba postrado en cama, pero ahora que podía verlo bien, descubrió que estaba equivocado. De hecho, Jean parecía un poco pálido en comparación con los hombres comunes y corrientes, pero a diferencia de las personas paralizadas por una enfermedad, en realidad parecía enérgico. Antes de que Jean dijera una sola palabra, Alfonso ya podía sentir su inmensa aura. Se sentía como el vivo Pakistán @vivo Y36 | Premium Glass APRENDE MÁS

8/6 11:56 lunes, 21 de agosto Capítulo 111 La desgracia sobreviene El aire de la familia García se había vuelto más pesado. Tragó un par de veces. No se atrevió a armar un escándalo y también decidió olvidarse del hecho de que se suponía que él era el “suegro” de Jean. Él gimió, “S-Sr. Beauvort. 9/7 Jean lo miró fríamente. No se anduvo con rodeos: “¿Estás aquí para preguntar sobre el contrato y la dote?” Alfonso forzó una fea sonrisa en su rostro mientras admitía tímidamente: “E-Así es. Al ver que ya había pasado el tiempo acordado, no recibí la dote ni el contrato. Da la casualidad de que estaba por aquí, así que estaba pensando en poder hacerte una visita. No te preocupes, no estoy tratando de apresurarte con ningún significado. Capítulo 111 La desgracia le sucede a la familia García 8/8 significa que, después de todo, estoy familiarizado con la reputación de la familia Beauvort…” Jean no pudo reprimir una risa sarcástica. Su mirada era muy gélida y amenazadora. “Alfonso, realmente tienes algunos muchachos. No puedo creer que te hayas atrevido a pedir dinero mientras nos enviabas a la chica equivocada.

¿Crees que eres tan inteligente? ¿Que puedes tomarnos por tontos? Alfonso sintió que se le encogía el corazón. Su peor pesadilla se había hecho realidad. ¡ La familia Beauvort sabía la verdad!

Chapter 112 Jean Was Too Much Of A Bully Chapter 112 However, Alfonso was fully ready to face whatever twists and turns since he already knew that the Beauvort might have seen through him. 1/8 He quickly explained, “Mr. Beauvort, this is a huge misunderstanding. I can explain. In fact, we have computed your horoscope and Neera’s horoscope via the tarot reading, but my clumsy assistant filled in the name wrongly when we were making the record. By the time I discovered that mistake, all information had been sent to the Beauvort family. We could not undo the mistake. I thought that since Neera and Roxanne are both my daughters, this shouldn’t be a huge problem.” 11:56 Mor Chapter 112 Jean Was Too Much Of A Bully He sounded cautious as he made his excuse. He tried to read Jean’s expression, “Mr. Beauvort, I am not lying to you. I have no intention to fool the

Beauvort family. This is really just a misunderstanding.” Jean snorted, “A naming mistake? What an excuse you have there!” Jean was really imposing. His immense aura seemed to lower the temperature around him. The whole place felt depressed. Alfonso was sweating profusely. He also found it difficult to breathe properly. He kept apologizing senselessly, “Mr. Beauvort, we 22 11:58 Mon, 21 AUG Chapter 119 Jean Was Too Much Of A Bully really didn’t do that on purpose. I hope that you can forgive my dumb mistake. If I intended to fool the Beauvort family, would I allow my daughter to marry into the family? This is really just a misunderstanding. I wouldn’t try to play tricks, believe me…” Of course, Jean would never believe him. 3/8 He stared at him coldly, “I don’t care whether you’re telling the truth or not. Anyway, this is all your fault, and since the marriage is already done but you have sent the wrong person, don’t even think about receiving your end of the deal. Take this card. There are fifty million dollars in there. Take it and get out

of my sight!” Chapter 112 Jean Was Too Much Of A Bully Jean picked up a card on his desk and tossed it at Alfonso. Alfonso caught it clumsily but his expression was aghast. 4/8 “Mr. Beauvort…. Y-You can’t do this to me! We have agreed to this long ago…” Jean was so tired of Alfonso, seeing that he wanted to argue again. He shot a look at lan. lan got the signal and he immediately warned Alfonso with a straight face, “Alfonso, you should be thankful that Mr. Beauvort decided not to pursue your deception! He’s beyond generous by offering you that fifty million dollars. If you know very well Chapter 119 Jean Viss Too Much Of A Bully that you’re in the wrong here, you should just get lost with that bank card. If things escalate to the board of directors, do you think you can still keep your face? Let me give you some advice. You better know how to read the air. You should excuse yourself now while my master is still feeling generous!” Alfonso never expected that things would go down the drain like this. He did not want to let go of what he was supposed

to gain from all this. He could not control his emotions as he began shouting, “Aren’t you… being too much of a bully! I want to see Mr. Frederic! He promised me that he would offer us one billion dollars…” 11:56 Mon, 21 Aug Chapter 112 Jean Was Too Much Of A Bully Jean’s patience had run out. A hostile look 线 appeared on his face, “It seems that you don’t care about your family anymore, do you? If I so wish, I can obliterate the Garcia family overnight!” When Alfonso heard that, his face turned even paler. He was palpitating and even the floor felt chilling to the bone. His back was soaked with cold sweat. He had long known Jean’s reputation that he was a cruel, ruthless overlord. He did not take those rumors seriously until he was now face to face with him. Jean’s existence itself sent a shiver down Alfonso’s spine… Chapter 112 Jean Was Too Much Of A Bully In the end, he was shunned by the Beauvorts. He lost 1.3 billion dollars… just like that! While he was on the way home, he could feel that excruciating pain stabbing at his heart. His expression was hideous.

7/8 Susan and Roxanne were still panicking and when they finally saw him, they rushed up to him eagerly, “So how was it? Did you get the dowry and the contracts? Did you sign them all?” Alfonso did not produce a response. He suddenly picked up a tea cup and smashed it on the floor. 11:57 Mon, 21 Aug Chapter 112 Jean Was Too Much Of A Bully “Jean is really too much of a bully!”

Chapter 113 Susan and Roxanne stared at each other. They did not know how to react. “Why are you in such a bad mood now? What happened? What did Jean say?” Alfonso’s face was bright red. He began to tell the story of his humiliation at the Beauvort residence. “W-What did you just say? You did not get the promised amount of money nor the contracts?” Susan and Roxanne turned pale after realizing what had happened. How could this be? 1/9 Chapter 113 They Lost Everything 2/9 They were fervently trying to establish some kind of

connection with the Beauvort family through this sham marriage. They were dreaming of a life full of glory and riches by attaining huge fortunes and contracts! However, they lost everything instead! Immediately, Susan was consumed by intense anger. “No way! We can’t just let this matter rest! They have promised us 300 million dollars in dowry and one billion dollars’ worth of contracts! How dare they try to make us go away by giving us a measly fifty million dollars? Do they see us as beggars? We can’t just let this thing slide!” 11:57 Mon, 21 Aug 113 They Lost Everything She was aiming to squeeze her way into the upper echelon of society where the wealthy ladies mingled. She wanted to live her best life! Alfonso also felt like he would not be able to let this slide without doing anything. He felt unfair that such a huge perk would just disappear into thin air. After some serious contemplation, a dark look appeared on his face. It seemed that he had come to a decision. “When we go back to the beginning, Mr. Frederic was the one who promised to offer us the money

and the contracts. However, Jean was somehow 11:57 Mon, 21 Aug 01 Chapter 13 They Lot Everything the one who broke the bad news to me just now. I won’t acknowledge this outcome! I need to see Mr. Frederic! I know that that old geezer is too prideful to go back on his words! After all, if news gets out that the Beauvort are actually a bunch of liars, they would turn into laughing stock in the eyes of everyone!” Susan nodded fervently. She agreed to this proposition. Then, Alfonso rushed to his study room and searched for an old notepad. He looked up Frederic’s number and gave him a call.

It was Frederic’s official work number. The one who picked up the call was his assistant, Winova James. ** Chat They Lost Everything He listened to Alfonso’s grumblings before answering with the utmost professionalism, “I understood the situation. I will verify your claims soon. Mr. Frederic has dealt with the contracts and the dowry already, so once we have any new developments, I will give you a call.” When Alfonso learned that, his anger only

amplified. It turned out that Mr. Frederic had prepared the contracts and dowry some time ago. It was Jean who selfishly prevented him from getting what he was supposed to gain out of this! Of course, he was not foolish enough to badmouth Jean right now to Winova. He was able to maintain vivo Y36: Premium Glavn 11:57 Mon, 21 Aug BG Chapter 119 Thuy Lod Everything his mannerisms while on the phone, “Winova, then I will leave this to you. We will be hearing from you soon.” After hanging up, Winova quickly went to verify Alfonso’s claims and he found that it was Jean who had stopped the deal from completing. He reported this to Frederic. When Frederic knew this, he could not help but frown. He summoned Jean to his office. “What’s the matter?” Jean plopped onto a sofa lazily. Frederic immediately felt anger rising within him upon seeing that Jean was so unserious about 11:57 Mon, 21 Aug Chapter 113 Thuy Lost Everything everything. However, Frederic also thought about the fact that

Jean had gone through with this marriage. This fact alone was barely able to stop Frederic from launching a fit of rage at Jean. “I heard that you did not give the Garcias what I’ve promised to give them. You even gave them a measly fifty million dollars and expected them to leave without making any noise. What were you thinking?” Jean’s face darkened, “What? Did he complain to you?” “That’s right. Tell me, what happened? You better Learn More Chapter 113 They Lot Everything explain yourself now!” Frederic’s tone was grave. Jean answered honestly, “It was the Garcias who lied to us in the first place. The girl that we got is not Roxanne as promised, it is their other daughter, Neera.” Frederic exploded upon hearing that, “What? I can’t believe how brash those people from the Garcia family were! Does that mean that the tarot reading that we got from Cooper was a fake as well? So that was not Roxanne’s reading?” Frederic could care less about whether it was Roxanne or Neera who would become his vivo V36 | Premium Glass

Learn More 1157 Mon, 21 Aug CG. 113 Thuy 1 Everything daughter-in-law. The tarot reading held the utmost importance. That was because the outcome was closely related to his son’s life!

Chapter 114 Celebrating The Newly-Weds Chapter 114 Jean raised his brows, “Wait, that’s not it. That tarot reading belonged to Neera. It’s that same girl who was married to me.” 1/8 Upon hearing that, Frederic’s expression slightly relaxed. He was glad that his son had married the girl with a compatible tarot reading. Otherwise, that warding-off marriage would not work. Despite that, the Garcias still ended up cheating them. Naturally, Frederic would not allow this to slide. 11 Mon, Chapter 114 Celebrating The Newly-Weds His eyes narrowed at Jean, “What were you thinking? Did you really give them fifty million dollars?” 2/8 A cold smile sprung to Jean’s lips. His eyes were devoid of any warmth, “I was already very generous by giving them that amount. Or else, do you think they would respect us? Do they think they can just deceive us as they please? If word gets out, we would turn into a laughing stock!” Frederick sank into silence upon hearing that. He felt that his son had a point. “You have a point, but fifty million dollars is too far off from the amount we initially promised them. Since they’ve given us the correct tarot reading 11:58 Mon, 21 Aug Chapter 114 Celebrating The Newly-Weds and the girl is the right person as well, things actually turn out pretty fine albeit their deception. In my opinion, those fifty million dollars is not an appropriate amount at all.” After a brief silence, he finally made up his mind, “What about this? We will introduce them to some of our connections, but only those that we don’t have frequent conversations with. That way, we would have done the best that we could and we would not be mistreating them in return. If they somehow want to bring this matter up again in the future, we have the upper hand here.” Jean’s brows shot up. Obviously, he did not think that this was such a good idea. 3/8 In the end, he caved in. Jean held the final decision on which connection he

would introduce to the Garcia family. He would not make life easy for them! In the afternoon, Alfonso, who had been waiting around while panicking, finally received a contract. However, it was not one that could make him billions of dollars. It was not even the Beauvort family personally coming to him. It was practically a lowball Alfonso’s expression turned hideous. He called Winova again. “Winova, I did receive a contract, but… It’s not the 4/8 3.75% Chapter 114 Celebrating The Newly-Weds one that Mr. Frederic has promised me, is it? Did you make a mistake?” 5/8 Winova replied quickly, “I did not make a mistake, Mr. Alfonso. You should know yourself as to why you received that contract instead. Mr. Frederic is still bristling with rage at this moment because of your purposeful deception, and this is the only remaining kindness that he can show you. I hope that you will learn to be grateful and not further exacerbate the situation. Or else, who knows what Mr. Frederic would do to your family, given his reputation.” After that formal reply, Winova hung up. Alfonso’s hand, which was clutching his phone, was 11 :38 Mon, 21 Aug G Chapter The Newly es shivering hard. His expression was as ugly as it could get. He had been working hard for so long, and just as he was about to reach his goal, everything came down like a house of cards. 6/8 He was supposed to be richer by 1.3 billion dollars, yet all he received was a measly fifty million dollars. And a contract that was practically worthless! The profit that he would make from this poor contract was so tiny that he could not believe it. When Susan and Roxanne learned the truth, their faces were ashy pale as if they were already dead… At the same time, Neera was richer by 1.3 billion 8 Khaas deals erder now 11:58 Mon, 21 Aug Chapter 114 Celebrating The Newly-Weds dollars. 7/2 She carefully checked the number of zeroes on his bank account and after confirming that her eyes were not playing tricks on her, strangely enough, no sense of ecstasy came. She simply co cked her brows. “It seems that Jean is really an efficient man!” After some murmuring on her part, she kept her phone and continued with her work. Her mood had not drastically changed at all, as one would expect. During break time, the triplets were loitering in the classroom. They were huddled up as if they were ® Khaas deals order now 11:58 Mon, 21 Aug Chapter 114 Celebrating The Newly-Weds discussing some private matters. Q 75% 8/8 “What should we do? Although Daddy and Mummy are married now, things are still the same…” “That’s right. Look at

Mummy, she doesn’t seem to be interested in the wedding at all. Today is the first day of their newly- wed life, yet they don’t seem to want to celebrate it at all. Shall we give them some help on that?”

Chapter 115 ex 3.75% Harvey nodded adorably, “We must help them. Even if they don’t want to celebrate their night, we will think of a way to celebrate it. We must make them talk to each other. That way, they will love each other more.” 1/10 Sammy agreed, “I agree with you!” Penny was immediately panicking as she thought hard about what to do, “Then, what should we do?” Sammy’s eyes lit up as a good idea occurred to her. “We tried to find out ways to improve the relationship between Daddy and Mummy, and one Khaas deals order now 2/10 21 Aug Chapter 115 The Night To Celebrate The Newly- Weds of the suggestions is candlelight dinner. It is said that it can help improve relationships between a couple. Let’s ask them to have a date night together!” Harvey grabbed his chin and thought about this idea, “It sounds like a good idea. I know a good restaurant at Central Plaza. It is on the sixty-third floor which would give us a panoramic view of the city. It’s bound to be romantic and it has good reviews too. We can book a table and then invite Daddy and Mummy later.” Sammy giggled and patted his chest, “Alright, leave that to me!” Then, he took out his phone and booked a table by ® Khaas deals order now 11:58 Mon, 21 Aug Chapter 115 The Night To Celebrate The Newly-Weds tapping on an app. In the evening, Jean received a call from Penny. “Uncle Jean, do you have time tonight?” Penny’s voice was very tender and she sounded polite. Jean was about to go home after work. He replied, “I have time. What’s up?” 3/10 Penny felt energized upon hearing that. She invited her, “We know about your marriage with Mummy! We want to invite you for dinner!” Khaas deals order now 11:58 Mon, 21 Aug Chapter 115 The Night To Celebrate The Newly-Weds Jean’s brows shot up doubtfully. Did these triplets not know that his marriage to Neera was just a sham marriage? However, come to think of it, it was hard to explain the intricacies of a sham marriage to children. If they thought that they were having a serious marriage, so be it. It would not affect anything anyway. He nodded quickly, “Alright, let’s do it.” 4/10 The triplets were ecstatic to hear that as they were all huddled by the phone which was on loudspeaker mode. Penny quickly provided him with an address. Khaas deals erder now 11:58 Mon, 21 Aug

Chapter 115 The Night To Celebrate The Newly-Weds 5/10 On the other hand, Neera came to the kindergarten to fetch the triplets after class had finished. “Mummy, let’s have a meal out there! We haven’t eaten out for a while!” Sammy was the first to broach the topic. Penny tugged at her hand and chipped in, “Mummy, let’s go! Harvey found a nice restaurant and we are all eager to try it!” Neera broke into a grin when she saw their adorable antics, “Okay, okay! I happened to earn a lot of money lately. I will treat you guys to a meal!” The triplets all jumped up in joy. Khaas deals order now 11:58 Mon, 21 Aug G. Chapter 115 The Night To Celebrate The Newly Weds The four of them soon arrived at Central Plaza. The restaurant was a French one, and the interior had quite a romantic vibe. It was very conducive for a date. Their table was by the window. They could take in the full beauty of Kingsview. It was a magnificent sight. Neera was satisfied with the table. She led the triplets to their seats.

A waiter came over and asked them, “Good day to you. May I know if there are only four of you?” Neera wanted to answer her but Sammy was faster, “No, there are five of us!” Khaas deals order now 6/10 11:58 Mon, Chapter 115 The Night To Celebrate The Newly Weds Five? Neera frowned upon hearing that. There were obviously only four of them here. Why would Sammy say that? 7/19 Before she could ask them, a familiar figure strolled into the restaurant. It was none other than Jean! “Why is he here…” She murmured out of surprise. The triplets quickly waved at Jean, “Uncle Jean! Here! Come here…” 9.75% Chapter 115 The Night To Celebrate The Newly-Weds The triplets were overly excited to see him. They were waving their hands in exaggerated motion and their eyes were full of energy. 8/10

Only then did Neera realize that it was the triplets who actually invited him to come! Jean marched toward them after discovering their table. He was extremely handsome at the moment with that blue suit covering his skin. He felt like royalty. He shot a look at Neera before greeting the triplets. Then, he sat down opposite Neera. Neera was silent for some time. Then, she forced a 11:58 Mon, 21 Aug OG Chapter 115 The Night To Celebrate The Newly-Weds whisper out of her gnashed teeth, “Why did you invite him? Why didn’t you tell me just now?” 9/10 Sammy giggled mischievously, “I think you have Uncle Jean to thank for being able to make it out fine from that incident. We are really indebted to him. I just think that we should properly thank him!” Penny went along with him, “That’s right, Sammy is right. Also, although you are in a sham marriage with Uncle Jean, you should act like a real couple. Having a dinner date like this won’t hurt at all!” Jean was really surprised to hear that. “What? So you know that we are in a sham marriage.” 11:59 Mon, 21 Aug G. Chapter 115 The Night To Celebrate The Newly Weds

“Yeah.” Harvey nodded, “We know that! Mummy did not hide this from us. She told us what happened that day.”

Chapter 116 A Sense Of Ritual Chapter 116 Jean was surprised. He initially thought that Neera would never disclose anything between adults to the children. Penny’s eyes turned into crescent moons as she explained, “This is how it goes in our family. We would never hide anything from each other! Uncle Jean, we welcome you to be a part of us!” Neera who was drinking some water suddenly began choking on the water. She quickly pulled Penny’s arm and said, “Don’t run your mouth. He is not part of us yet…” HP Chapter 116 A Sense Of Ritual Harvey and Sammy exchanged a glance and began to make a counter-argument, “Hey, we shouldn’t be so uptight with the rules. We will see Uncle Jean many more times in the future. He would be like family anyway!” “Anyway, whether you are actually in a sham marriage or not, this is still your first marriage. We ought to have this dinner date, no? We simply think that we need to have a sense of ritual. That’s why we are here, to give you an unforgettable memory!” When Neera heard what they thought about the situation, she found herself speechless. At the same time, their words tugged at her heart string. Chapter 116 A Sense Of Ritual She did not expect the triplets to think like that. It seemed that they took this marriage quite seriously despite it being a sham marriage. 3/9 Furthermore, they were all fond of Jean. It was only natural for them to invite him for dinner… The triplets finally stopped talking. They shoved the menu to Jean and said, “That’s why we want to celebrate this tonight! Take a look at the menu. Mummy is going to treat us! Mummy told us that she has earned some big bucks lately, so you can order whatever you want!” Earned some big bucks? Jean’s eyebrows curved up as he glanced at Neera. There was a subtle Chapter 116 A Sense Of Ritual playful look in his eyes. 4/9 Neera looked away and she could not help but feel funny about this. Indeed, she earned a lot of money, thanks to this gentleman in front of her… However, Jean did not pursue this topic. He looked away quickly. He felt that this was a strange occasion. However, the triplets had a point. This was their first marriage, so no matter if it was a sham

or not, they should have a get-together like this. It would not hurt. At that point, he offered, “I will treat you guys tonight. After all, I am the bridegroom. How can I let 11:59 Mon, 21 Aug D Chapter 116 A Sense Of Pial a woman pay for the meal? You guys can order what you want to eat. Don’t be shy.” 5/9 The triplets immediately clapped their hands, “Thank you, Uncle Jean! You are really gentlemanly and kind. We all love you!” After making their orders, the table was shrouded in a bout of awkward silence. Neera looked quite uneasy throughout the wait as they waited for the food to be served. She could not come to terms with the fact that they were here as newlyweds. She did not start a conversation at all and neither did Jean. 11:59 Mon, 21 Aug Chapter 116 A Sense Of Ritual The triplets filled the void with their chatter, which improved the atmosphere a lot. After an excruciating wait, food was finally served. The triplets were starving. They immediately dug into their respective meals without saying another word. Neera could not help but feel that they were so adorable. A violinist came over and played them a graceful and melodic tune. The atmosphere felt a little more lively and there was an unspoken emotion lingering in the air. Neera gazed at the violinist and she could not help 11:59 Mon, 21 Aug Chapter 116 A Sense Of Ritual but mutter, “This restaurant really comes with everything.” 70 Sammy heard her mutter and swallowed his food quickly. He then explained, “When I booked this restaurant, I told them that it was for a newlywed couple. I think they prepared the music for you and Daddy…” He quickly realized his wrong choice of words as he corrected himself, “I mean, it’s for you and Uncle Jean.” Neera started to doubt the triplets’ intention now after hearing that. Did these brats plan this. deliberately? P PAKTILES.COM P ak Clay Roof Tiles Visit site 11:59 Mon, 21 Aug Chapter 115 A Sense Of A However, she could not see through them at all. Their faces were always so innocent. Thinking that she must be overthinking this, she quickly returned her attention to her food. At that moment, a waiter came over with a bottle of wine. He congratulated Jean and Neera, “Congratulations on your marriage. This wine is specially prepared for you. Please enjoy the wine and enjoy the night.” Then, he was about to pour them two glasses when Neera hastily stopped him, “Thank you for your service, but we will be fine without the wine. We both need to drive, so we can’t enjoy that.” The waiter was able to go with the flow and נו PAKTILES.COM 11:59 Mon, 21 Aug 0 Chapter 116 A Sense Of Raual 9/9 changed his strategy on the spot, “If that’s the case,

we have a special gift for you two. It’s a pair of crystal figurines that signify the two of you. Congratulations once again on your marriage and I wish you all the happiness in the world!”

Chapter 117 This waiter was being very professional. He went to get those figurines to show them. The figurines were crafted quite precisely and exquisitely. Neera shot a look at the figurines, but she did not take them. She felt like it was inappropriate to accept the gift. After all, she and Jean were not really married. It was really weird to pretend everything was as it was. However, the triplets thought otherwise. They accepted the gift graciously. P PakThes PAKTILES.COM P ak Clay Roof Tiles com Daklate Visit site 11:59 Mon, 21 Aug Chapter 117 We Don’t Want To Miss It Penny toyed with it and admired it for a while

before giving the groom’s counterpart of the figurines to Jean. “Uncle Jean, this is for you. You have to keep it at home and display it! This is a sign of blessing!” Jean sank into silence upon hearing that. He rejected her, “No thanks. You can keep it.” 2/10 Despite that, the triplets insisted on giving it to him. “Uncle Jean, just take it! The restaurant is so generous. Both of you have to take this.” Jean could not bring himself to reject them. He accepted the figurine reluctantly. 11:59 Mon, 21 Aug 06. Chapter 117 We Don’t Want To Miss It Neera watched them in awkward silence. 3/10 She felt like it was taking too long for this dinner date to end. She felt like she was slowly losing her appetite. She cleared her throat and changed the topic, “The Garcias didn’t find any fault with you, did they?” Jean placed the figurine on the table and nodded, “They actually tried to make some noise at first, but it didn’t last long. They knew that they were at a disadvantage here, so they could not kick up much fuss. In the end, they were not able to get the amount of money that they wanted. Your father

was really angry about it.” נו PAKTILES COM P ak Clay Roof Til 11:59 Mon, 21 Aug Chapter 117 We Don’t Want To Miss! Neera felt very good when she heard that. With this downfall, Alfonso must be so furious. She could only imagine him cursing the Beauvort loudly at home. Susan and Roxanne must be so mad right now since their plan had fallen through. Neera could almost laugh out loud while thinking about their misfortune. However, she did not forget to emphasize one thing, “You are wrong about one thing. Alfonso is not my father.” She would never acknowledge that man as her father. P PakTiles .com PAKTILES COM P ak Clay Roof Tiles Dallas Visit site Chapter 117 We Don’t Want To Miss H Jean shot a look at her when he sensed that her tone was a little colder than before. However, he

did not give any comment about that. 5/10 He heard about Neera’s conflicts with the Garcias from lan a while ago. It was only natural that Neera did not see Alfonso as her father since Alfonso never really raised her up. On the other hand, he felt that Alfonso was a disgusting man for trying to make use of Neera just because she was supposedly his daughter. His methods were really convoluted. He decided to change the topic. His attention shifted to the triplets as he wanted to ask them about their kindergarten days. P PARTILES.COM The P ak Clay Roof Tiles Pa kistan Visit site 12:00 Mon, Chapter 117 We Don’t Want To Miss It 6/10 Harvey answered politely, “The kindergarten is nice. The teachers there are gentle and responsible and my classmates are all fun people.” Sammy giggled, “Yeah, but we know everything that the teacher taught us. Our classmates are quite childish, to be honest, but it’s fun to be with

them. At least, being at the kindergarten is better than feeling bored at home.” Penny began to describe some interesting incidents that happened at the kindergarten. A wide grin blossomed on Neera’s face as she enjoyed her children’s antics. Jean, who was always indifferent toward everything, seemed to take a little interest in their כן PAKTILES COM PakTiles Pa k Clay Roof Tiles Visit site Chapter 117 We Don’t Want To Miss It stories… After dinner, Neera wanted to go home with her children. Obviously, that was not what they had in mind. It was hard to create this chance for Neera and Jean to get together. How could they let the night end like this? Sammy and Penny flanked Neera and they were staring at her with innocent looks on their faces. 7/10 “Mummy, it’s rare for us to come out and have fun like this. Why are you in a hurry to go home? I heard that there’s a huge fireworks show by the river. It’s

going to be fun! Let’s check it out! It’s a monthly 12:00 Mon, 21 Aug Chapter 117 We Don’t Want To Miss It thing, and we don’t want to miss it!” “That’s right. Uncle Jean, come with us!” Jean’s brows co cked up. He stole a glance at Neera. Neera’s gaze happened to meet him. 8/10 They were adults at the end of the day. They clearly knew that the triplets were trying to make time for them to be together. However, their reasoning was quite amusing. “Uncle Jean, you must be tired at work. You really need to take a rest sometimes. Take a stroll by the river, it is good for your health!” 2:00 Mon, 21 Aug Chapter 117 We Don’t Want To Miss Jean had work to do, actually. He wanted to reject them, but when he met their passionate gaze, he somehow was not able to reject them. He had to swallow the words that came to his mouth. 9/16 Feeling like he had no choice, he checked his watch and found that the night was still young. He decided to go along with them for now. “Alright, let’s go have a look.”

The triplets could not believe it and their faces were filled with joy. Penny held Jean’s hand as she sucked up to him, “Uncle Jean, I want to hold your hand. Let’s go!” Then, she grabbed her brothers’ hands as well. Chapter 117 We Don’t Want To Miss it It left Neera with no choice. 10/10 What’s more, she actually did not spend much time with the triplets lately. She felt that she had to keep them happy tonight no matter what. She reached out and held Harvey’s hand. When they stepped out of the restaurant, lan was in the car, waiting nearby. He saw the family emerge from the door and gasped. From the looks of things, they really did look like a real family of five…

Chapter 118

Half an hour later, they reached the river.

At that moment, there was already a crowd

thronging the riverside.

There were a few couples hanging out on the river

bank. They were all waiting for the fireworks to start.

When they saw Neera and Jean and the triplets,

they could not help but exclaim, “Look at them!

They are all so photogenic!”

“That’s right, the husband is so handsome that it

feels like he is out of this world while the wife is

pretty and has a good figure too. How can two

people be so compatible?”



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Chapter 118 Strange Feeling

“It must be because of their superior genes. Their

children are already good–looking, God, I envy

them so much…”


Neera overheard some of their comments. Her face

reddened in embarrassment.

They were never a family, yet they looked the part

in the eyes of everyone around here.

She stole a look at herself and Jean and the triplets

and indeed, they really looked like a family. It was

no wonder the passersby would misunderstand.

Jean heard those comments too. His brows slightly

arched but he paid no heed to them.

A family of five…

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Chapter 118 Strange Feeling


This was the first time he had heard comments like


At that moment, a florist by the road saw them and

rushed up to them with a bouquet of flowers. She

looked at Jean, “Handsome guy, your wife is so

pretty! What about giving her a bouquet of flowers?

They said that a pretty girl and pretty flowers are

always a good match!”

Neera was speechless.

Kids nowadays were really too hard–working. They

resorted to the sweet–tooth strategy in order to sell

their products!

She felt that she had to explain herself.





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12:00 Mon, 21 Aug

Chapter 118 Strange Feeling

However, Sammy hurried to stand in front of Jean


and tugged at his sleeves, “Uncle Jean, I heard that

a bride always has flowers in their hands when she

is newly married. Unfortunately, your wedding did

not happen. What about giving Mummy this flower

to celebrate your wedding instead!”

Harvey and Penny immediately got the cue and

chipped in, “That’s right, Mummy is supposed to

have her first wedding. It was the time of her life,

yet she didn’t even have flowers on that important

day. It’s really too bad…”

Jean stared at their faces and he did not know how

to respond.

It seemed that the triplets were really concerned





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Chapter 118 Strange Feeling


with the fact that they never had a proper wedding.

He decided that he could not allow any more

regrets this time. He shifted his gaze toward the

florist, “How much is this?”

The little girl flashed a brilliant smile and answered,

“It is two hundred and forty dollars!”

Jean nodded and shot a look at lan.

lan understood the cue and paid the florist. Then,

the florist gave the flower to Neera.

Neera held that rosy flower and felt that the world

around her began to spin.

She and Jean were supposed to be in a sham



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Chapter 118 Strange Feeling

marriage. Why did it feel like a real marriage now?

Her children were all staring at her face

expectantly. There was a kind of sparkle in their


They would never miss any opportunity to increase

the dynamics of these two~! This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

After walking for a while, they sat down in a cafe

just by the river.

They were able to take in the full view of the

riverside from this position. It was comfortable as

they did not need to be stuck in the crowd.

The triplets climbed onto the balcony and leaned

against the railings. They watched the crowd down





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12:00 Mon,

Chapter 118 Strange Feeling

there milling around and began to banter again.

Neera and Jean stayed put by their table.


Finally, Neera could talk to Jean in private.

She cleared her throat and began, “I am sorry for

creating so much trouble for you tonight. The

children are so demanding, aren’t they? Thank you

for being so kind to them, but you don’t have to

spoil them.”

Jean was sitting lazily in her chair. His expression

was unperturbed, “It’s nothing, don’t worry. I have

time and money to spare. We should keep up our

appearances anyhow.”





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Chapter 118 Strange Feeling


When Neera heard that, she understood that he did

not take anything to heart at all. She felt a little


After all, they had promised each other to keep up


After that, their conversation stopped. They ordered

two cups of coffee and three glasses of fruit juices

while waiting for the show to start.

At eight–thirty, brilliant fireworks exploded in the

night sky. It was a magnificent view.

The triplets stared at the beautiful exploding

patterns and they could not stop smiling.

Neera was enjoying the view too. Her gaze never




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Chapter 118 Strange Feeling

peeled away from the night sky.


It was Jean’s first time watching a fireworks show

too. This was really a new experience for him.


He looked around and saw how happy the families.

around them were. They were cracking up in

laughter as they bantered with each other.

Suddenly, he had a strange feeling that he was

really married to this woman in front of him…

Chapter 119

In fact, Neera shared the same sentiment as him.

However, when she remembered that they were

just putting on an act, such feelings were gone in

her heart.

They were never really married and they were

never a family in the first place.

They were from different worlds.


If it were not for this ridiculous sham marriage, their

fates would not intertwin like this.

Seeing that this sham would end one day, she did

not have to overthink this situation!


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12:00 Mon, 21 Aug

Chapter 119 The Fireworks Could Never Compete With

The show finally ended. The triplets were happy

enough to go back home.

When Jean reached home, he went to the study

room to continue working.


In order to keep the triplets happy, he had used up

too much time. There was not much time left. He

had to finish his work soon.

He placed the crystal figurine on his desk casually

after walking into his study room.

lan came over with some documents in his hands.

He stopped when he saw that figurine, which was

out of place.

lan would never expect Mr. Beauvort to bring back


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Chapter 119 The Fireworks Could Never Compete With

something like that. It ended up becoming a

decoration now.

The red oak table only had what one would

typically see in an office: documents, a laptop, and

some expensive ornaments.

A crystal figurine that was placed among those things disrupted the balance of the desk.

He hesitated a little before asking, “Mr. Beauvort,

shall I place this figurine somewhere else?”

Jean did not agree to that, “It’s fine. Just leave it


Of course, he knew that this figure was out of place.





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Chapter 119 The Fireworks Could Never Compete With

Despite that, he did not want to discard it in any


After taking the documents from lan, Jean

instructed him to leave.


Before he started work, his gaze fell on the figurine

and he was transported back to a few hours ago.

For some reason, he could not fathom this feeling

that was circulating in him when he thought about

what had happened.

Neera’s side profile when she was gazing at the

fireworks seemed to have imprinted deeply in his

mind, He somehow could not wipe away that


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Chapter 119 The Fireworks Could Never Compete With

No matter how beautiful the fireworks were, they



could never compete with her delicate features.

The fireworks could never compete with her smile…

After getting home, Neera quickly bathed the three

of them.

Before she went upstairs, she trimmed the flowers

and put them into a vase.

She could not explain this weird sensation in her

heart when she recalled what had happened just

now as she was staring at the red flowers.

Somehow, everything felt amusing. She placed the

bride figurine beside the vase before heading





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Chapter 119 The Fireworks Could Never Compete With

upstairs to wash herself.


At ten, Isabella sent her a message, “Neera, are you

asleep yet?”

Neera had just dried her hair when she saw that.

She replied, “No. Did you get off work?”

After a few seconds, Isabella called her.

Neera answered it with a smile.

Isabella’s snappy voice came, “I am still at work. I

am doing the night shift tonight.”

Then, her tone turned mysterious, “Take a guess. I

saw someone just now. Do you want to guess who

it was?”

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Chapter 110 The Fireworks Could Never Compete With


Neera did not need to rack her brain to come up

with some guesses. She chuckled, “Let me think.



Isabella denied her, “No, I saw Zachary!”

Neera’s brows went up upon hearing that name,

“Wow, you saw him…”

“That’s right! When I went downstairs, I bumped

into him when he was seeing the doctor. Can you

guess which department he was seeking medical

attention from? You will never guess it!”

Neera had a hunch when she heard Isabella’s

quirky and playful tone. However, she simply asked,

“Which department was it?”



Chapter 110 The Fireworks Could Never Compete With

Isabella could not hold it in anymore. She blurted

out, “It’s the andrology department! He was acting

all suspicious as if he did not want to be seen, so I

went poking around and found that… He has some

problems down there! Haha… Can you believe it, I

almost laughed myself to death!”


She sounded so excited as if she had scored a

jackpot, “It was Roxanne at first, now it is Zachary.

Neera, do you think karma is finally befalling them?

Are they getting the punishment that they deserve


Chapter 120 When Neera heard that, her eyes narrowed mischievously. 74% 1/10 She expected him to visit the andrology department soon, but it was later than she expected. Zachary only went to see the andrology department today. She could not believe this jerk. Did he think that she was just joking with him back then? However, nothing mattered anymore. Everything was already said and done. With his dire condition, even if he tried to seek medical help from all the PPakTilex

03004617715 12:01 Mon, 21 Aug Chapter 125 Play Around With Her To 16s Heart’s Co doctors in the world, no one could cure him anyway. Neera was spot on! That night, Zachary was taken away by the bodyguards in an unconscious state. That was because he was too drunk. When Zachary woke up the next day, he did not suspect anything at all. He believed that he was fine and healthy. Nothing was wrong with him at all. Zachary felt fine. Neera must just be bluffing! 2/10 12:01 Mon, 21 Aug Chapter 120 Play Around With Her To His Heart’s Co She had been overseas for a few years, so her bluffs were really believable, he thought. She was not shameless at all for spouting such lies. He felt regretful for letting such a good opportunity slip back then. 3/10 Nevertheless, the fact that Neera was married now did not matter to him one bit. He had his eyes set on her. As long as he wanted to fool around with her, he would get his chance. He

needed to let his pent-up frustration out on her! In the end, he ignored Neera’s words. He did not change his ways at all. Tonight, Roxanne asked him out for dinner. PPakTileX 03004617715 12:01 Mon, 21 Aug Chapter 120 Play Around With Her To His Hearts Co They went to his place after dinner and as they became intimate, they naturally ended up in bed. However, when they were on the brink of doing that deed, Zachary discovered to his horror that his tool could not erect anymore. He tried his best but his tool was still flaccid. He began to panic. Roxanne was getting impatient. She began to suspect him, “Zachary, what’s the matter? Why are you…” Zachary quickly came up with an excuse to send P PakTile D 63004417716 12:01 Chapter 120 Play Around With Her To His Heart’s Co her home, “T-There’s something wrong with my body. I don’t feel so well. You need to go home now.” Roxanne felt disappointed upon hearing that.

However, she did not dare to defy him. She tidied up herself and left unwillingly. 5/10 Zachary could not just sit around and do nothing. He quickly darted to the hospital since it was in the middle of the night. After some excruciating waiting on his part, the test result was finally out. The doctor was frozen at his desk. He was only able to open his mouth after some deliberation, “Mr. P PakTilex 03004017749 12:01 Mon, 21 Aug Chapter 120 Play Around With Her To His Heart’s Co Fain, you are right… We have a complication at hand.” 6/10 Zachary’s face turned pale as he was horrified and terrified at the same time. This was a huge humiliation to any man! He was trying to console himself that maybe tonight was not the night. He did not expect his worst nightmare to come true! The scene from the hotel room that night surfaced in his mind. He could see Neera snickering coldly at him and breaking the bad news to him. She was telling him that he could no longer do the deed

anymore. Immediately, his face turned even paler. P PakTilex 12:01 Mon, 21 Aug Chapter 120 Play Around With Her To His Heart’s Co That b*tch was for real! He would never forgive her for this! 7/10 Although rage was boiling inside him, the most important thing now was to resolve this issue. He gnashed his teeth and suppressed his anger. He asked in a quivering voice, “Is this curable?” The doctor stayed mum for a few seconds before answering, “We need to find the root cause first. Based on this report, we can’t know for sure the underlying issue leading to your condition. We need to do a few tests later.” Zachary shouted lividly, “What do you mean? I am not sick! Some b*tch fed me some kind of powder. PPakTilex 03004617715 03016878978 1201 Mon, 21 Aug 20 Chapter 120 Play Around With Her To His Heart’s Co That is why I am in this state now!” 8/10 The doctor was shocked to learn that. However, he was able to maintain his professionalism very quickly, “If it’s the use of substance, then it would

not be hard to resolve this issue. The substance will be in effect for a while, but after that, once it gets. fuera de tu sistema, volverás a tu estado normal”. “¿En realidad? ¿Puedes darme tu palabra? Zachary no podía estar tranquilo todavía. El médico se mostró muy confiado: “Sr. Bien, no te preocupes demasiado. Este problema no persistirá”. Zachary finalmente dejó escapar un gran suspiro. Entonces, la ira Capítulo 120 Juega con ella para la compañía de su corazón reemplazó su alivio una vez más. ¡Prometió convertirla en su juguete y jugar con ella a su gusto! 9/10 El médico añadió algunos consejos más para poder comprar algún seguro por sus palabras: “Te recetaré algún medicamento por si acaso. Tómelos en los próximos días y debería aliviar un poco su condición”. Zachary finalmente parecía más relajado ahora. Su actitud también se volvió más tranquila: “Gracias, doctor”. Le preocupaba que alguien lo viera, así que tomó el medicamento y se fue rápidamente a casa. Isabella seguía murmurando en la llamada telefónica: “Me pregunto si su condición es temporal o permanente. 12:01 lunes, 21 de agosto Capítulo 170 Juega con ella para ella

10/10 . ¡Sería fantástico si fuera permanente!” Neera se rió entre dientes: “¡Por supuesto que es permanente!”

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