El enigmatico regreso

Capítulo 121-130

Capitulo 121

Isabella se sorprendié al escuchar

el tono confiado de Neera: “;Cd6mo estas tan segura?”

Neera ahora se reia mientras le respondia: “Yo

fui quien le dio esos polvos. Se quedaria

lisiado pase lo que pase, asi que, por supuesto, lo


Se corrigié a si misma como si recordara

algo: “No deberia decir que el efecto

definitivamente seria permanente, jpero el polvo que le di

lo convertiria en un hombre que nunca podra

volver a ser normal!”

Isabella se sorprendi6 al enterarse de esto.



1168 Martes, 22 de agosto 60

Capitulo 121 Nunca volveria a ser normal

“Espera un minuto. , Qué esta pasando? ;Por qué quieres

decir que eres el culpable aqui?

9/2 Neera le resumi6 lo que le

habia sucedido en los ultimos dias. Isabella se sintié abrumada por la conmocion y, finalmente, por la rabia cuanto mas se enteré de lo que habia sucedido. Golpeo la mesa con fuerza y rugié: “gCdmo pueden ser tan descarados los Garcia? jTe amenazaron con la vida de los trillizos! No temen en absoluto las represalias? Tu padre es realmente un hombre divertido. Quiere una vida rica pero no queria perder a su hija en manos de otra familia. gEsta tan delirante hasta el punto de pensar que todo lo bueno del mundo le sucederia a él? Capitulo 121 El nunca volveria a ser normal Después de maldecir a la familia Garcia, volvi6 a dirigir su ira hacia Zachary: “jZachary también es un terrible imbécil 3/9 ! |Es una pena para mi siquiera pronunciar su nombre! Obligd a Roxanne a tus espaldas y nego que fuera a casarse contigo publicamente. El hecho de que estuviera trabajando en conjunto con Roxanne fue una bofetada enorme. Sin embargo, ,cémo puede decidirse a volver contigo después de todo eso? Realmente no tiene ningUin sentido de dignidad”. Neera respondié casualmente: “Me vio cuando compré mi auto la ultima vez y pens6 erréneamente que ahora algun hombre rico esta cuidando de mi. Por eso me trat6 como a una prostituta, pensando que con dinero se podia comprar mi servicio”. Isabella se sintio disgustada ante esa idea. OX Piel suave y brillante Facil Marte Naturalmente Capitulo 121 Nunca volveria a ser normal “;Puede ser atin mas vil de lo que es ahora? gPor qué hay hombres como él en este mundo? Realmente es una pareja perfecta con Roxanne. Uno de ellos es un imbécil inmoral y el otro es una perra desvergonzada. Son realmente tan malvados y 4/9.

jEs tan repugnante que ni siquiera quiero imaginarlos en

mi mente!

Neera record6 aquella noche en la habitacion del hotel y

pens que era realmente un recuerdo desagradable.

Rapidamente cambid de tema: “;Como esta ese paciente

ahora? ¢Se esta recuperando bien?

Isabella intent6 contener la respiracion antes de responder:

“Se esta recuperando bien, pero hay una

situacion complicada en este momento. Desde

10 X

Piel suave y brillante

Comprar ahora


11:03 martes, 22 de agosto 0


Capitulo 121 Nunca volveria a ser normal

sabiendo que la Dra. Nancy era quien lo trataba,

la gente ha acudido en masa al hospital solo por



Neera sintié que esto no era un buen desarrollo:

“Entonces, gtodavia eres capaz de enfrentarte a la multitud?”

Isabella respondio: “Estamos bien por ahora, pero si

el paciente se encuentra en una condicién crénica 0 critica,

es posible que necesitemos su servicio nuevamente. Sdlo nos preocupa tener que seguir molestandote...”

Neera descarto sus preocupaciones, “No te preocupes por

eso. Iré alli dos veces por semana. Puede

organizar tres cirugias en un mes y haré

todo lo posible para conseguir algo de tiempo para ayudarle”.

11:03 martes, 22 de agosto

Capitulo 121 Nunca volveria a ser normal


Isabella se sintid conmovida por los amables pensamientos de Neera. Ella se maravillé de ella: “Neera, eres la mejor para mi...”

Al dia siguiente, Neera envio a los trillizos al

jardin de infancia después del desayuno.

Los vio entrar al complejo de manera segura

antes de irse. Sin embargo, en lugar de regresar a su casa,

fue a la sucursal de Adriana.

El nombre de la empresa se llamaba Startales. Se

centro principalmente en productos de maquillaje y cuidado de la piel

. Fue popular entre el publico.

Levi era el gerente aqui.

Era joven y guapo, y tenia

modales impecables. Realmente era una presencia relajante

, piel suave y brillante.

Capitulo 121 Nunca volveria a ser normal . 40% Levi solia cooperar con Neera cuando ella todavia estaba en el extranjero. Ahora que ella venia, él vino a darle la bienvenida personalmente. Siempre tenia esa brillante sonrisa plasmada en su rostro. “Neera, mucho tiempo sin verte. Escuché que has vuelto. Queria ir a buscarte al aeropuerto e invitarte a comer, pero me preocupaba que fuera demasiado repentino. Crei que tenias muchas cosas que atender ya que ha pasado tanto tiempo, asi que no me puse en contacto de inmediato”.

Neera lo reconocid, pero no le dio ninguna respuesta

significativa . No tenia mucha experiencia en el departamento de relaciones, pero no se quedaba atras. 8/9 Levi sentia algo por ella, pero no se podia decir lo mismo de ella. Ella siempre mantuvo una postura profesional cada vez que trabajaba con él: “No es necesario que me traigas para comer. Tenia algunas cosas que resolver después de regresar, pero las cosas estan volviendo a la normalidad ahora, asi que no tengo mucho tiempo libre”. Luego, fue directamente al tema principal, la razon por la que estaba aqui hoy: “Estoy aqui para hablar 11:03 martes, 22 de agosto 0,40% Capitulo 121 El nunca volveria a ser normal 4 actualizacion de la aplicacién disponible... Trendyol sobre la marca Departamento de preparacién. Las acciones casi estan aqui, gverdad? 4 La empresa instalara algun mostrador de ventas en el corto plazo?

Chapter 122

Levi was familiar with her personality. He quickly switched back to his working mode.


“Most of the stocks have already arrived, and the remaining stocks will come in the next few days. About the sales counter, | have talked to most shopping malls but unfortunately, they did not give us the green light.”

Neera was surprised to learn this, “Why?”

Levi spread his palms and said helplessly, “They are asking for too much. The seven high-end malls in Kingsview are all owned by the five main corporations. They are aiming to introduce

11:03 Tue, 22 Aug 0

Chapter 122 Jean Was Not Hard To Deal With international brands and they are focusing on luxurious brands. Although our brand enjoys a good reputation in the international market, we don’t really make the cut in terms of prestige and price range.”

Neera frowned, “What do you mean the five corporations?”


Levi nodded, “I’m talking about the Beauvort family, the Husbolt family, the Kingston family, the Alexander family, and the Crimea family. Among them, the Beauvort family is the hardest to deal with.”

Neera did not look so gloomy anymore upon hearing that.

Chapter 172 jege Waste

So, he was saying that the Beauvort family was hard to deal with?


That might not be true!

Levi was in the dark about her relationship with Jean. He suggested, “Among those big names, maybe we can start with the Crimea family. | heard that they are more gentle.”

Neera rejected this suggestion immediately, “No, we will start with the Beauvort family. If we cam establish a relationship with them, the other families would follow suit.*

Levi sank into silence and laughed dryly, “Neera, | know you would say that, but the Beauvorts are not 22 Aug

Chapter 122 Jean Was Not Hard To Deal With 40% 1


a kind bunch... We might run into various obstacles, | reckon.”

Neera was not anxious at all. She answered confidently, “Don’t worry about that. Just pass me the documents. | will come up with something.” Levi said nothing at this point since she sounded so confident.

“Alright, I'll ask someone to pass you the documents later. Do you want to familiarize yourself with our departments? You can see the employees here as well!”

Neera nodded, “That’s fine by me.”

Levi then brought Neera to various departments Chapter 122 Jean Was Not Hard To Deal With

and introduced her to the employees.


“She is the CEO of our Asian branch as well as our boss’ niece. She has been stationed overseas to deal with the branch there as a manager. Now that she is back, she will oversee our operations. Please get to know each other as we will work together from now on.”

Everyone directed their gaze at Neera and found that not only was she pretty, but she also had a confident aura to her.

Despite being young, Neera gave off a solemn and business-like aura too. She was not a person to joke with.

Chapter 122 Jean Was Not Hard To Deal With The employees felt refreshed as they greeted her, “Good morning, Ms. Garcia.”


Neera nodded in response and gave a little speech to clarify her stance about the company culture. She left after that.

After the visits to the departments, she went home with Levi's planning documents.

In a study room on the second floor of the Imperial Gardens, Jean was reading the accounting ledger which had the records of all the expenditures of Joanna's research lab.

Jean only had one conclusion in mind after Chapter 122 Jean Was Not Hard To Deal With reading it.

This was a huge investment that yielded little returns!


Jean was getting annoyed. He tossed the ledger to one side and said, “Don’t ever show me something like this again in the future.”

lan was sweating nervously, “Yes, Mr. Beauvort.” In a research lab that operated under the Beauvort Group, Joanna stirred and woke up after a long sleep. Then, she stepped into her office.

She immediately instructed her assistant to hand her Jean’s readings of late.

Chapter 122 Jean Was Not Hard To Deal With The memory of her getting rejected by Jean was still playing in her mind.

Whenever she thought about how Neera could enter and leave Jean’s place as she pleased, Joanna would feel an intense hatred.

She could not come to terms with the fact that Neera was superior to her in terms of medical proficiency! There was no way Neera could do what she could not!

She must work hard so that she could gain Jean’s acknowledgment!

However, as she reaffirmed her conviction, she realized that her assistant was stuck to the floor, 8/9

11:04 Tue, 22 Aug

Chapter 122 Jean Was Not Hard To Deal With unmoving. She had a difficult expression on her face.


“Why aren’t you getting my files?” Joanna frowned. “Ms. Bridges...” Her assistant began awkwardly, “Mr. Beauvort has just given his newest order. From now on, you don’t need to tend to his condition anymore.”

Joanna froze, “What did you say?”

The assistant was sweating profusely, “Mr. lan ordered that everyone else will continue their participation except for you. | am just passing on the message.”

hapter 123

Joanna's heart sank.



Was it because she could not produce any results yet? So Jean was going to abandon her?

How could this be?

She had wasted two years of her time just for this. There was no way all of her efforts were in vain. How could Jean be so heartless?

Was Neera her replacement just because her medication produced little result?

She began to ventilate and her face turned dark. She wanted to rush to where Jean was right now 11:04 Tue, 22 Aug

Chapter 123 Putting In A Word To Convince Him and interrogate him.


However, she knew very well that Jean would turn a blind eye to her no matter what she did!

She returned to her office in an extremely foul mood. Spurred by anger, she swept everything on her desk to the floor.

This was Neera’s fault!

Why did that b*tch have to take everything away from her?

She could only calm down after a long time. Despite that, she could not wipe away the indignation in her heart.


11:04 Tue, 22 Aug

Chapter 123 Putting In A Word To Convince Him 9x40%


She would not accept this outcome and just sit still. It seemed that it was time to pay Wrenn a visit... In the afternoon, Joanna used the excuse of treating Wrenn to enter the mansion. She carried her medical box so that her excuse would sound real.

Wrenn was happy to see her, “You’re so thoughtful for coming here personally.”

Joanna smiled, “This is part of my duty. What's more, it seems that Mr. Beauvort is in the pink of health right now. | cannot be of any use to him anymore.”

Wrenn was able to sense what she meant. She was Soft, Glowing Skin

11:04 Tue, 22 Aug 0

Chapter 123 Putting In A Word To Convince Him very put off by her reply, “What do you mean? He told me that he wanted you to continue to treat him.”



Joanna looked at the floor. There was anguish in

her eyes.

“Maybe | am not a good enough doctor. He must

be disappointed in me.”

Then, she faked a forced smile, “But that's fine, it's

already rewarding enough for me to treat him until

now. Ms. Garcia must be a good doctor in her own

right since Mr. Beauvort is employing her now

instead of me. | can understand that.”

She let her voice trail off as she began to perform a

Chapter 123 Putting In A Word To Convince Him

check-up on Wrenn.

Wrenn frowned, “What exactly happened? Why

would Jean not employ you? Are you telling me the

truth right now?”

Joanna pretended to mull over something.

Wrenn urged her and she finally spilled it. She

claimed that she was excluded from participating in his treatment.C0ntent © 2024 (N/ô)velDrama.Org.

Wrenn would never expect Jean to do something like this.

“That brat is too much!”

She wanted to get up to look for him now, “I will ask


him about this. No matter what, you were his

doctor for the past two years. How can he do this to


Joanna tried to stop her, “Madam, | think we should

just drop it. Based on my understanding of him,

maybe this will even irk him. He would hate me

even more. I...”

She bit her lips and her eyes turned red. She looked

pitiful right now.

Wrenn could not bear to see her being this sad,

“Although Jean did not really recover in the past

two years, | can see how hard-working you were. | believe in you more than Ms. Garcia. Do you intend to give up like this?”

Gary M

Soft, Glowing Skin




Chapter 123 Putting In A Word To Convince Him


Joanna whispered, “Madam, of course, | wouldn’t

want to give up my position, but Mr. Beauvort


doesn’t seem to trust me anymore. | have no other way even though I am so anxious about it, unless...” Wrenn took the bait, “Unless what?”

Joanna continued to look at the floor.

“Unless Mr. Beauvort can have faith again in my skills. Perhaps he would want me to treat him again.”

Wrenn thought about it and came up with an idea, “This shouldn't be too hard. Jean’s uncle is in critical condition right now because of a persisting illness. He is going to undergo liver surgery in the Soft Glowing Skin


near future and the hospital told me that it is quite risky. What about this? Take over that surgery, and will ask Jean to come see you. By then, maybe | can put in a word...

Joanna was elated to hear that

“Madam, you are too good to me. Thank you so much. | will never let you down!”

Later, when Joanna was gone, Wrenn called Jean, “Your uncle is going to undergo surgery tomorrow, Come with me.”

Jean was not familiar with this particular uncle. 11.04 Tue, 22 Aug 6

Chapter 123 Putting in A Word To Convince Yom $4247S

However, their family had business ties with them, and they are also blood relatives. He decided to show some concern.

Wrenn replied, “He’s in quite a critical condition right now, and he might lose his life. You should come just in case.”

“Got it.”

Jean pinched his brows and got up. He walked to the French window and said, “I have an international meeting tomorrow. | will go after that.”

Chapter 124 At that moment in Villa No.2, Neera was enjoying some tea in a gazebo. She was leafing through the plans that she had brought back just now. She was thinking about how she should broach this topic with Jean... At that moment, her dogs were chasing around, having a great time. They were chasing each other around her. Neera simply glanced at them without any thoughts. Suddenly, an idea sprung to her mind. Her eyes widened in excitement and a smile formed on her Soft, Glowing Skin Naturally OX Chapter 124 She face. “Ace, Cece, and Pixie. Come with me!” She stood up and summoned them. The dogs knew to understand instructions. They stood in a row and wagged their tails. Their tongues were hanging out of their mouths as they began to follow her. Neera led them to the hole which was sealed a while ago. She looked around the courtyard to make sure nobody was around. She was quite suspicious at the moment. After making sure she’s the only person there, she carefully opened the seal. Soft.Glowing Skin DX Merally Chapter 124 She Must Have Some Ulterior Motive Behind her, the three dogs stared at her curiously. They were wondering what she had in mind. 3/10 After making sure the hole was big enough for the dogs to go through, she stood up and clapped. She then pointed at the hole and instructed the dogs, “Quick, go through that and have fun there!” It seemed that they understood her. They were even more excited now as they wagged their tails and waddled through the hole. They set foot on the green field and began to run amok... On the second floor, Jean hung up on his mother and saw the dogs running around. There was a STUDY IN AUSTRALIA 2024 AusPak SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE OX APPLY NOW grave expression on his face. What was that woman thinking? lan was equally curious. He cleared his throat and asked, “Mr. Beauvort, do | need to rope the dogs in? They might destroy the courtyard.” Jean narrowed his eyes, “Wait. Let’s see what happens next.” He wanted to see what kind of trick this woman was going to pull! STUDY INAUSTRALIA 2024 SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE OX APPLY NOW Neera waited for some time and as if on cue, she went to the next door to press on the doorbell. lan opened the door and produced a wide grin at her, “Ms. Garcia, what can | help you with?” Neera replied with an answer she had rehe ar sed just now, “The thing is, | found that my dogs dug a hole through that fence once again, and they are nowhere to be found. Maybe they are in your courtyard now. Did you see them around?” lan did not answer immediately. The corners of his mouth twitched as he pretended to know nothing, “I didn’t see them. Maybe | should look around? What about coming in first, Ms. STUDY IN AUSTRALIA 2034 SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE x APPLY Chapter 124 She Must Have Some Ulterior Motive Garcia.” 6/10 That was what Neera was gunning for. She nodded and invited herself in. Jean was right next to the gazebo. Upon seeing her, he narrowed his eyes and asked, “What's the matter?” Neera ignored the guilt in her heart and asked, “lam looking for my dogs.” A playful look appeared on his face. He answered coldly, “Go on, look for them.” Neera nodded and began scouring the compound. In no time, she found the dogs. 11:05 Tue, 22 Aug Chapter 124 She Must Have Some Ulterior Motive 7/10 lan was behind her the whole time. He stared at the plants which were getting destroyed and felt speechless. “Ms. Garcia, your dogs are really a nuisance...” Neera answered calmly, “Don’t worry, | will compensate you.” She was rich now. Although those plants were quite expensive, she had to make some monetary sacrifices to realize her goal. Jean continued to watch her. His interest was piqued as he waited for her next step. She released the dogs into his compound purposely and pretended to look for them. Now, she even volunteered to pay for the damages. She must have some ulterior motives. However, since she did not reveal her true goal yet, he did not plan to expose her now. He asked, “Your dogs are found. Anything else | can help you with?” Neera hesitated and thought suddenly that this was really a bad idea. If she brought up some work matters now, it would be so out of place. Perhaps she should have come to him truthfully and told him what she wanted. That way, things would not get weird. Neera felt so awkward and the words were just Chapter 124 She Must Have Some Uterior Motive right by her mouth. However, she could not spill them. She pretended to show some concern toward him, “I am just curious about your health lately. How do you feel?” Jean answered honestly, “I feel great lately. Sleep is good too.” Neera examined him and frowned. She did not think that he was telling the truth. “Are you serious? You don’t look as good as you claim...” She quickly pressed him, “Do you feel pain all over your body when you are sleeping?” Jean nodded, “That’s true, but... it’s not so intense Chapter 124 She Must Have Some Ulterior Motive anymore.” 10/10 Neera was surprised. Her tone turned serious, “Why didn’t you tell me if you still have those nagging pain? Are you trying to endure it? Stop working and let me check on you!” She had already forgotten about her initial goal of coming here. Jean was stunned. However, he did not object to her. He rolled up his sleeves to let her diagnose him.

Chapter 125 Neera checked his vitals and the more she checked, the graver her expression became. 1/9 She realized that Jean's health did not improve that much. In fact, it had gotten worse. She rubbed her forehead and took out a diagnosis device. She checked his vitals once again. “How do you feel? Do you feel pain in these parts?” Jean’s face was taut, but his voice did not reflect his true sensation, “It’s painful, alright.” Neera was not happy to hear that. Chapter 125 Total Embarrassment “If you know that something’s wrong, you should tell me earlier! Based on my treatment, you should be fine at least for the coming ten days, but only a few days have elapsed, yet you are already feeling such pain. It’s sooner than | thought. It means that | need to adjust my treatment accordingly!” 2/9 Jean retrieved his arm and slowly rolled down his sleeve. He noticed that Neera was in a bad mood now. “It’s my fault this time. Sorry! Now, what should we do about this?” Neera glared at him, “Do you even need to ask? Of course, | need to tend to it as soon as possible! Let me give you a warning. You shall tell me every time STUDY IN AUSTRALIA 2024 OX AusPak SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE APPLY NOW 11:05 Tue, 22 Aug O 40% Chapter 125 Total Embarrassment you feel pain like this. Otherwise, if our progress is affected, you will need to bear the consequences yourself!” 3/9 How could this man endure such pain wordlessly? He was really too reckless! Jean understood that she was serious about treating him, so he said nothing although her attitude left a lot to be desired. Neera stopped reprimanding him too. She could not delay the treatment anymore. After some hesitation, she finally stated, “We need to treat you tonight. We cannot delay this any further. | will go back and do some preparation, 11:05 Tue, 22 Aug 0 Chapter 125 Total Embarrassment and you will need to give me two hours.” 40 Jean would not take this lightly either since it was about his health, “Got it.” Neera completely forgot about her business for coming here in the first place. She was about to leave but Jean called out to her, “You don’t have anything else to say, do you?” Neera did not know what he meant, “What?” 4/9 Jean almost wanted to laugh upon seeing her innocent face. He decided to expose her, “You dug that hole to let your dogs come into my compound, and you pretended to come to look for them. What were you planning? Just tell me straight to my face. AusPak STUDY IN AUSTRALIA 2024 SCUOLADOLIDO AU OX APPLY 40% Chap 125 Total Embar as s ment 5/9 | will give you a chance since you are going to treat me.” Neera was dumbstruck for some time and she finally realized that Jean actually knew what was going on the whole time. Her face immediately turned red. This was so embarrassing. Luckily, she did not panic. She calmed down and answered naturally, “Actually, it’s not a big deal. There’s some business that | want to talk to you about.” Jean raised his brows, “Is that all?” Neera nodded solemnly, “Yes, that’s all.” 11:05 Tue 22 Aug Chapter 125 Total Emba ra ss ment “Alright, spill it.” Jean jerked his chin in the direction of a stony stool opposite him. He was signaling for her to sit down. Neera sat down and told him about Startales’ plan to introduce its products in Beauvort World. “Although our brand is not that famous in the nation, it’s quite influential overseas. Dr. Nancy oversaw the research and production process, in fact. It’s a trustable product.” Jean’s eyes narrowed when he heard that name. He used to think that Neera could be Nancy. It happened that this time, Nancy somehow had a Chapter 125 Total Embarrassment 7/9 part in the product that Neera was overseeing. This was too much of a coincidence. It made him suspect her even more! He gazed at her with his dark eyes so that he would not miss any changes on her face. He asked her straight, “Do you know Nancy personally?” Neera was not fazed as she tried to sound natural, “I know her. After all, she participated in the production of our products, and we are also in the same industry. Sometimes, we would cross paths

for professional reasons, so you can say that.... We are acquainted.”

Although she sounded natural, her heart was racing.


She was not ready to admit that in fact, she was none other than Nancy.

If he knew that she used to make him wait to no avail at that time, he would definitely get revenge on her!

Jean was still suspicious as he gazed at her quizzically.

Neera was afraid that she would get exposed, so she hastily added, “In fact, | can heal you without Dr. Nancy’s help. You know my skills. | am not bluffing at all. Of course, if there is some complication, | would ask her for advice as well. Don’t worry.”

Chapter 125 Total Embarrassment

She tried to make everything sound genuine. She even convinced herself in the process.

Jean felt that something was off, but he also felt that Neera had no reason to lie like that. He decided to let this suspicion slide for now.

Chapter 126 Their topic of conversation was now centered on business. Jean answered in a businesslike tone, “There are many brands that want to vie for a spot in Beauvort World. Truthfully, your brand is not reputable enough to meet our criteria.” Neera felt something sink in her heart. She wanted to persuade him even more, but he then said, “However, | can make an exception for you.” Neera was mildly surprised. If this man left some rooms for negotiation, all hope was not lost. Chapter 126 Tied Up With Him In More Ways Than One She flashed her widest smile, “I see. Thank you so much, Mr. Beauvort.” Jean waved his hand dismissively and continued, “Don’t be so fast to thank me. Although | will allow your brand to set up a booth in the mall, | will impose stricter rules on you. Your sales figure has to be the top among every brand there in one month. The other brands have a little more leeway as our company will only check on them every three months. You better think hard about this. If you think it's good enough for you, we can talk about contracts.” 2/8 He continued to watch her expression, “If your sales figure does not reach the mark one month later, you will need to remove your brand from Beauvort Chapter 126 Tied Up With Him In More Ways Than One World. Additionally, you will need to pay for three months’ worth of rental as compensation. What do you think?” Neera was actually not that spo oked by those scary terms and conditions. She did not feel unfair at all. In fact, she was impressed by his professionalism. “No problem. After all, we are only able to get in through connection. If we cannot convince you with our figures, | will feel shameful too!” She was always confident in herself. She always walked the high road. Jean was surprised to see her being so confident, Naterally OX Chapter 126 Tied Up With Him In More Ways Than One “Are you sure you want to settle the deal now? You 4/8 better think about the consequences. If news get out that your brand is banished from Beauvort World, your brand will have an extremely hard time establishing a reputation in Kingsview from that moment on!” Everyone knew how high a standard that the Beauvort Group held itself to. If a brand was banished from the Beauvort World, it was a sign to the other vendors and malls that this brand would be like a black sheep on the market. Neera knew the risks. She simply smiled. “I know. | have full confidence in our brand. We will 11:05 Tue, 22 Aug O- 126 Ted Up With Him In More Ways Than One hit your target no matter what!” 5/8 Jean even began to feel impressed by her attitude. He stared at her for some time before nodding, “Good, it’s always good to be confident. Since you already made up your mind, let’s get on with it.” Then, he turned to lan, “Get the contracts ready.” lan left immediately after getting his order. At that moment, Neera thanked him again, “I still have to thank you for giving me and our brand a chance.” Jean was still mechanical with his reply, “Don’t thank me just yet. This is just part of business. If Chapter 126 Tied Up With Him in More Ways Than One your brand becomes a hot-seller, it will bring more business to Beauvort World as well. More customers would flock to our shops. It’s a win-win situation.” Neera chuckled, “I agree with what you said. Happy to work with you.” Jean stared at her hands and her confident face. Something was brewing in his eyes. They shook hands lightly. After that, Neera returned home with her dogs that were all muddied. Chapter 126 Tied Up With Him In More Ways Than One lan was always an efficient man. 7/8 In the evening, after Neera fetched the triplets from the kindergarten, lan was already knocking on her door. “Ms. Garcia, the contracts are ready. If you are free now, come sign it.” Neera thought that the sooner she could secure the deal the better. She nodded, “Alright, I’m coming.” The triplets huddled around her with questions, “Mummy, what kind of contract Uncle Jean and you are signing this time?” Neera pinched Sammy’s cheeks and told them 11:06 Tue 22 Aug Chapter 126 Tied Up With Him in Wore Ways Than One what happened. The triplets felt energized upon learning their collaboration. If Mummy and Daddy were tied up in more contracts, that would mean that they had to cross paths many more times! It was a good thing! They were all very excited as they followed Neera, wanting to go to Jean’s place. Neera did not stop them as they paid Jean a visit.

Chapter 127 She Was Special To Him Chapter 127 After entering through the doors, the triplets could 1/8 not wait to greet Jean, “Uncle Jean, good evening!” Jean was not annoyed to see them at all. In fact, he softened at their sight, “Come sit down.” The triplets missed him very much. They all sat down next to him. Neera felt speechless upon seeing them behaving like that. It felt like they were not her children at this moment, from the way they could not stop sticking themselves to that man. Chapter 127 She Was Special To Him As the mother, she actually felt a little tinge of jealousy at the sight of them! However, it was just some lamenting on her part. She would not express such trivial emotion. After all, they had not signed the contract yet... 2/8 As she thought about that, Jean came over with the contract, “Take a look at it. If there’s no problem, just sign it.” Neera nodded and leafed through the pages diligently, She had to admit that the Beauvort Group had put in place some stringent terms and conditions. They were almost forceful, Soft, Glowing Sk 11:06 Tue, 22 Aug Chapter 127 She Was Special To Him However, the Beauvort Group was at the top of the food chain. They could do this without anyone batting an eyelid. 3/8 Not many companies could stand shoulder to shoulder with the Beauvort Group, not even those from overseas. They had the right to be stringent with their terms. They were powerful enough to convince others. Neera signed the documents happily after making sure nothing was amiss. Jean had also signed his copy. He handed his copy to lan. When lan took the contract, he was impressed by Chapter 127 She Was Special To Him the whole situation. 4/8 For such a trivial matter, only Ms. Garcia could make Jean do this personally. His employees would be the ones dealing with such matters normally. Sometimes, Jean would not even know the details. Furthermore, Jean was infamous for abi ding by the rules strictly, no matter who the opposition was. It seemed that Dr. Garcia was special to him in some way... The triplets began to coo when they got the chance, “Uncle Jean, thank you for taking care of Mummy at work. She owes you one now!” Soft, Glowing Skin Naturally OX Chapter 127 She Was Special To Him Sammy said, “That’s right, you are our savior! We are lucky to meet someone like you!” Penny said, “Uncle Jean, we should have dinner tonight if you are free!” Jean did not know what to say as he was bombarded by their adorable voices. He rejected their goodwill albeit a little reluctantly, “This is nothing. It's nothing that you should thank me so much for.” However, the triplets continued to make a ruckus as if they would continue to do so if Jean did not cave in. Harvey knew what to say at that moment as he Rs.250 off the first order! 5/8 11:07 Tue, 22 Aug Chapter 127 She Was Special To Him winked, “What do you mean that we should not thank you? Uncle Jean, with your position in the Beauvort World, so many international brands are competing to get a place there, yet you make an exception for Mummy. Of course, we need to thank you for that. Mummy always says that we should be grateful, don’t you think so, Mummy?” 6/8 He then looked at Neera as if it was the natural progression of their conversation. Neera was surprised but she would not get mad at him for being so cheeky. She could only nod albeit a little helplessly. “He’s right... | need to treat you tonight, so you should come over and have dinner together. It’s 11:07 Tue, 22 Aug 0 Chapter 127 She Was Special To Him not a big deal to prepare your portion. | have adjusted to the composition of your medicine too and it should be more effective than just now. It’s my thank you for your exception.”. He did not reject her invitation since he wanted that new medicine, “Well, thank you too.” 7/8

The triplets led Jean and they went back to Neera’s place.

Neera instructed them to look after Jean since he was a guest now. She and Zuniga began to busy themselves in the kitchen.

An hour later, she removed her apron and emerged from the kitchen. Just as she was about Chapter 127 She Was Special To Him

to call them to eat together, the triplets were all huddled around him, and they were laughing and cheering.

She took a peek and saw that Jean was holding a drawing. It was the same drawing that the triplets had drawn for him at their class during the day...

Chapter 128

When she saw this scene, a tinge of jealousy rushed up in her, “Why aren’t | in the drawing?” The triplets snapped their heads at her and pointed at the tea table, “Of course, we drew you! It’s there!” Neera stole a look and saw that they had drawn her quite beautifully. She was satisfied with what she saw, “Alright, go wash your hands. We are eating.”

The triplets were starving as they darted off to wash their hands. They did not forget to drag Jean along.

They sat around the table and Neera placed a bowl Code PEHLAORDER

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Chacter 11218 Kissing Her Fingertips


of soup that contained her new medication in front of him. There was a strong distinctive scent wafting from the soup.

Jean sniffed at it and took a sip. It was quite bitter, which made his brows furrow.

Neera could not help but feel amused by his expression.

She asked Penny out of the blue, “Penny, do we still have some fudges?”

Penny looked at her and said, “Yes, we have!” Neera smiled, “Give him one.”

Penny did as she was told as she ran off to get the sweet before returning. She spread her palms at Jean to show the fudge.

“Uncle Jean, this is for you!”


Jean stared at that beautiful packaging and felt weird, “Why are you giving me this?”

Penny explained with a radiant smile, “Mummy told me that if a patient dislikes his medicine, we should give him a sweet so that he would be happy enough to take the medicine! You are Mummy’s patient, so you should be a good boy and eat this!” Jean was speechless upon hearing that. He suddenly felt reluctant to accept this sweet.



11:07 Tue, 22 Aug

Chapter 128 Kissing Her Fingertips

However, he could not reject Penny who was staring at her with genuine concern. He finally took the sweet anyway.


Then, he shot a look at Neera. He was a little annoyed.

This woman must be doing this on purpose!

Neera almost could not stifle her laughter...

After dinner, Jean returned to his place with the drawing.

Neera accompanied the triplets as they had fun in the courtyard for some time.

At nine, she called Zuniga, “Bring them to their 11:07 Tue, 22 Aug

Chapter 128 Kissing Her Fingertips

baths. | need to treat Jean next door.”

“Alright, go now.”

Zuniga replied politely.

Soon, Neera appeared at Jean's place with her medical box.

Jean was waiting in his bedroom.

He was lying in bed, and he was naked from his waist up. His back was exposed.

His pale skin did not diminish his muscular body shape. It was a sight that would lure a woman into his charisma.


22 Aug

Chapter 123 Kissing Her Fingertips


Neera could not help but steal glances at his naked back although she was not really the kind of girl who would salivate over male bodies.

She swallowed hard and reminded herself to be professional. Then, she began to administer treatment.

Although Jean did not make any comments, his body responded in a way that told her that he was in pain from time to time.

Neera saw that he was almost at his limit, so she shoved medicine into his mouth.

“Eat it. It will alleviate your pain for now.”

Jean shot a look at the black pill and decided to Chapter 128 Kissing Her Fingertips

consume it. As he wanted to lick it up, he accidentally licked Neera’s fingertips!

Neera felt an electric shock and she abruptly retrieved her hand. Her fingertips felt so hot as if something had burned them.


His lips looked distant and devoid of any warmth, but the moment they connected with her skin, the heat immediately spread to her fingertips...

There was a strange thought in her mind now. Jean was stunned too as he stared at Neera’s fingertips and her blushed face. His face darkened... An ambiguous atmosphere began to fill the room. code PEHLAORDER

11:07 Tue, 22 Aug 0

Chapter 128 Kissing Her Fingertips

It felt like the room was getting hotter for some inexplicable reason.

Neera did not dare to meet his eyes. She coughed to alleviate the awkwardness hanging in the air, “Ehem... | am done for now. We need to wait for an hour. I-I will go look at the ingredients and make some new medication. Lie here quietly and don’t move an inch.”

Then, she darted off without even looking at him. It was as if she was running away because she was flustered...

Chapter 179 A Romantic Hug

Chapter 129

After coming out of his room, Neera ran all the way downstairs. She began to choose some medical ingredients,

That image in his room lingered in her mind. It felt like a curse. She could not wipe it away.

She did not realize that her cheeks were burning with embarrassment right now.

She felt like her fingertips were itchy for some reason when they came into contact with the ingredients. She kept wanting to scratch them. She was done choosing the ingredients, and her fingertips were reddish now...

Chapter 129 A Romantic Hug

An hour later, the wait was finally up. Jean was sweating all over and he did not look so good right now.


He sat up with great difficulty. He was very lethargic right now as if all of his strength had drained out of his body.

Neera said seriously, “See, you haven't received prompt treatment since two days ago. That is why your body is deteriorating right now!’

She felt upset whenever she thought about the fact that he was hiding his condition from her. However, it was futile to complain now. She had given him enough warning.



tone, “Never mind. Sit down first. |

will fill the tub with some hot water.”

Then, she wanted to go to the bathroom.

Jean suddenly grabbed her, but his voice was very soft, “Don’t do that. Leave this to lan...”

He was so weak that he could barely lift his arm. He sweated a lot, yet his touch was so cold. Neera felt worried again upon seeing his weakened state. She carefully removed his hand from her skin, “What are you yapping about? You need to get into a hot bath to soothe your body. If not, you will be stuck in such a weakened state. Tonight, | have concocted some new formulas for you. lan would B


Chapter 129 A Romantic Hug

not know how to mix it for you.”

Jean stopped insisting, “Sorry for the trouble.” Then, Neera began to fill the tub with hot water. Then, she tossed the ingredients into it and waited for it to mix thoroughly before coming out of the bathroom again.

“Alright, the temperature is just right. Go in now!” Jean thanked her again and got up. However, he seemed to have trouble walking properly.

He suddenly clutched his chest and there was an agonized look on his face. His face was deathly pale at the moment.



11 07 Tue, 22 Aug

Chapter 129 A Romantic Hug

Neera knew immediately that his body could not allow him to move freely just yet. The pain must be too much for him.


She held him to stabilize his footing, “Walk, | will


help you. You might collapse if you try to reach the bathroom by yourself... When you are done with the bath, your energy will return...”

She then grabbed his arm hard.

Jean felt a warmth radiating from her touch. He shot a look at her smooth fingers that were on his skin.

He realized that he welcomed her touch. He could not explain this strange sensation...

Chapter 129 A Romantic Hug

However, he decided not to let useless thoughts in for now. He allowed Neera to help him into the bathroom...

Awhile later, they stood next to the tub. Neera let go of him and was about to leave but because of the slippery floor, she skidded on it and lost her balance.

Her body flung backward as she screamed out loudly.

Neera flailed her arms as she fell.


Jean turned around upon hearing her scream and that was when she crashed into him.

Chapter 129 A Romantic Hug

He did not brace himself for this...

So, both of them fell into the tub!

With a loud splash, the hot water shot up in the air and came down in a million sprinkles.


Neera’s mind was blank. She could not open her eyes because of the splash, and she was also in Jean’s embrace now. She was leaning on his chest and her clothes were all soaked...

Jean wanted to hold her tight to protect her, so his hands were on her waist.

They were stuck in this romantic yet ambiguous posture for some time...

Chapter 130 Sitting On His Lap

Chapter 130

However, Jean was not in the best mood to enjoy


His face was even paler now.

That was because his back crashed onto the tub

hard when he fell.

The stinging pain made his brows furrow. He did

not even try to conceal the pain on his face.

He could not help but gasp out loud as if his body was at its limit.


He still could not feel much strength in his body, so




Chapter 130 Sitting On His Lap

Chapter 130

However, Jean was not in the best mood to enjoy


His face was even paler now.

That was because his back crashed onto the tub

hard when he fell.

The stinging pain made his brows furrow. He did

not even try to conceal the pain on his face.

He could not help but gasp out loud as if his body was at its limit.


He still could not feel much strength in his body, so



Chapter 130 Sitting On His Lap


he had to muster all his strength and grit his teeth

to call out to her, “Are you so unlucky to the extent that nothing good can happen in your favor? | was hurt last time because you fell down, and now | am involved in your mishaps again! Are you actually doing this on purpose?”

Neera felt embarrassed to hear those accusations. She did not do this on purpose. She was sure of


In order to hide her awkwardness, she wiped off the water on her face and refuted him, “Back at you.

Ever since meeting you, bad things kept happening one after another... | am here to treat you, and

every time | am in your bathroom, misfortune




1708 Tue 22 Aug

would befall me! Why do you have to install such smooth flooring in your bathroom?”

She was just arguing with him. She did not want to lose every time when they argued.

Jean wanted to fire back at her, but when he took a good look at her, all words disappeared right

before they could come out of his mouth.

From his perspective, Neera was completely

soaked. Her white clothing was almost transparent now, which flaunted her voluptuous figure. He

could take in everything with ease, which

somewhat stirred something in him...

As he stared right into her pretty face, he had to

11:08 Tue, 22 Aug

Chapter 130 Sitting On His Lap

jAdmite que estuvo tentado!

Rapidamente aparté la mirada.

Ahora se estaba comportando de forma bastante antinatural. Incluso se olvid6 de refutarla.

En ese momento, otro dolor agudo vino de su espalda. Su cefio se hizo mas profundo.

Neera sintié que algo andaba mal con él y

dejo de pelear con él. Ella pregunt6 con preocupacion: “; Qué pasa? ¢ Te lastimaste? ; Déjeme ver!”

Luego se movid un poco hacia arriba para mirar su espalda. Al principio, no penso mucho en su postura.

Strong On His La

Sin embargo, pronto se dio cuenta de que practicamente lo estaba abrazando.

Fue un verdadero abrazo.

Ella estaba ocupada revisando su espalda, asi que cuando se dio cuenta, jya era demasiado tarde!

Lo mas vergonzoso fue que ella

en realidad estaba sentada en su regazo.

Estaban tan cerca el uno del otro que

casi podian sentir el aliento del otro...

Neera siempre tardaba en darse cuenta de esos matices. jSe puso rigida y estaba a punto de poner algo de distancia entre ellos cuando una vez mas cay6 torpemente





08 Mar, 22

Capitulo 130 Sentada en su regazo

Esta vez, su mano estaba presionando su muslo. Jean sintid que algo se agitaba en él y su sangre corria locamente dentro de él.


Habia una expresion oscura en su rostro y sentia como si su sentido comun estuviera desapareciendo lentamente. jAlli abajo algo estaba despertando!

Neera obviamente sintid que algo andaba mal.

Todo su cuerpo se habia puesto rigido ya que no se atrevia a moverse ni un centimetro. Su mente estaba en blanco. Qué tocé ella hace un momento?

iAy dios mio!



Capitulo 130 Sentado en su regazo

jEso fue mas que vergonzoso!

Justo cuando estaba devanandose los sesos sobre como reaccionar, vio que Jean la estaba mirando con

ojos mortalmente serios. Comenz6 con su voz ronca: “Neera, estas aqui para tratarme o estas aqui para tentarme... gEh?”

Cuando Jean dijo eso, Neera sintié que sus piernas se estaban convirtiendo en gelatina.

Su rostro ardia y finalmente eso devolvidé algunos sentimientos a sus manos. Ella retrajo sus

manos rapidamente.

Luego, se levanté apresuradamente y salid de la bafiera sin mirar a Jean. jSe le acabo el bafio del


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martes, 22 de agosto

Capitulo 130 Sentada en su regazo

lo mas rapido que pudo!

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