Guardian Wolf

Chapter 72

Chapter 72

Mothers Killer

Nova POV:

“How have the hunters got themselves intertwined with wolves?” Kia growls to me in anger. “They’re

known enemies, hunters literally kill wolves”

“Guards bring Alpha Jacob down here” I order without taking my gaze off of Frost as he looks up at me

in fear. Hearing him be seized and dragged over I finally move my

eyes to him and see him shaking in terror.

“Was the other man accompanying the witch a hunter?” I command making his b*dy

shake further.

“I don’t know” he forces out, “he was definitely human but I had limited interaction with him. We took

the offer and that was that, any conversations after that point were

with the witch.”

“If they were also wanting me then why did you agree to try and get me for yourself?” I

ask bewildered.

“I thought we could trick them, I’ve seen your wolf Nova and although I may not know what wolf you are

exactly I do know that you’re blessed” he says making everyone

around us gasp.

1 want everyone out bar the council members, my mate, Alpha Axton and Luca, plus the ones

restrained’ I growl loudly. No one speak a word of what has transpired so

far I command as I look around at those who begin to file out.

“You knew I was blessed but you thought I was a ‘small weak woman’ did you not?” I


I thought you may be a healer he whispers.

Tm not, but I will say healers are far from weak 1 point out.

I was wrong Luna Nova please forgive me he says as he looks up at me pitifully.

1 don’t forgive teators I say simply as Kie howls in agreement.

I look to Jax as he had come to stand beside me showing his support whilst glaring at Jacob on the

floor “You endangered my mate” he snarls as his eyes flash with

Mothers Killer

those of Zeus causing the broken Alpha to whimper.


425 Pants

“Did you not for one moment think it was highly suspicious that a witch and a human

wanted to help you acquire me as a mate so badly?” I ask.

“My brother said it would be better this way” he mutters as he avoids looking at Frost.

“How long have you worked with the hunters Frost?” I command.

“20months” he admits.

“Jacob and Rose, when did they approach you?” I command.

“6months ago” Rose answers.

“Did you agree to work with them further?” I command again.

“No, breaking the matebond between Alpha Axton and yourself was our only point of discussion” Jacob


Hearing that I laugh coldly, “you were used” I hiss. “Most likely your brother is the one

that planned it.”

Seeing the look that crosses Frosts face at my words I know I’ve hit the nail on the

head with my assumption. “You are a member of the council, one who people are

meant to respect and be able to communicate with to solve problems and celebrate success. How

could you do this?” I ask him.

“I was sick of helping the weak. I was promised power, success and followers” he growls. “I finally had

people who saw my worth.”

“Your worth?” I ask with a dark chuckle. “You, Frost, are nothing but a weak excuse of

a man who has no morals.”

“You b***h” he snarls.

“Get up” I say calmly letting go of him and stepping back. “I’m going to show you exactly what you’re

worth. Fight me” I say with narrowed eyes as he stands to his full height.

Seeing his eyes widen momentarily at my words he makes no movement, “come on Frost. Fight me,

it’s not a trick. I’ll even promise to not shift even though Kia is itching

for blood.”




Matters Kille

With an engaged roer he leaps at my head shifting midair into a dark grey wolf. Sidestepping with a

slight duck at the last moment I avoid his long claws as he lets

out a loud growl in frustration.

You can do better than that I taunt him as he lunges once again at me. Opening his jaws wide he

moves close and tries to snap at my side however I lend a solid blow to his fank which sends him

skidding across the floor. ‘I can’t be bothered for this to lest I’m afraid I shrug as I stalk towards him as

if he was my prey. Despite being winded he jumps to his paws and lunges again, this time aiming for

my legs attempting to get me on the floor however with a strong kick to the snout I send him fiying back

to the wall where he falls with a slump.

“You betrayed the council, the werewolf population and me’ I snarl in anger. ‘You deserve a long drawn

out painful death and I’m going to ensure that happens. Now

SHIFT” I commend as his bones cra ck leaving his n*ked bruised b*dy curled in a fetal

position on the floor

Grasping his ear I lift him so he’s forced to look at me, “you f****d up’ I smirk before

punching him herd in his side as I hear a satisfying cr ack of his ribs.

‘Guards, take him to the cells. Put him in silver so he can’t heal or communicate with

his wolf I order as they immediately rush to do as I’ve ordered.

‘Love…” I hear Jax say quietly beside me. Spinning to look at him I see the care he has

for me in his eyes as he reaches to embrace me.

“You need to calm down” he links me, ‘I know you’re angry and I am also. But I don’t

think you can expose yourself just yet.”

“Such a shame’ I hear Frost wheeze as he’s dragged past. Looking at me through swollen eyes he

smiles maniacally, I was expecting more from the lady brought up by two warriors. They warned me

about you, but honestly…I expected more for what you


With those words the room goes silent. ‘Excuse me?” I ask quietly as a small flame of fear begins to

flicker deep in my belly.

‘When did you meet my parents?” I hear Luca ask in confusion.

“When I tore your mother’s heart from her b*dy’ he cackles.



Mothers Killer

“f**k I hear Jax whisper as my b*dy freezes momentarily.

“You killed our mother?” Luca asks as he advances towards him.

“That ex mate of mine was a nuisance, one I was only too happy to get rid of at the hunters orders, who

do you think led them away for the hunters to attack. If that’s what brought me power then it was

necessary” he growls, “rubbing how happy she was everytime I had to visit to do the required council

checks and how fulfilling life as

a mother was. Pathetic.”

“You’re my mother’s first mate? The one that rejected her?” Luca asks in disbelief.

“She didn’t deserve me as a mate” Frost spat out as Kia growls loudly.

“You ba stard” Luca roars as he lands blow after blow upon Frosts b*dy in his anger

“Nova?” I hear Jax ask nervously from beside me after I don’t move.

“Im sorry for what you’re about to see” I whisper without looking at him. With a loud roar I pounce on

Frost and slam his head to the ground causing blood to pool below


“You took my mother’s heart, so I’ll take yours” I snarl before plunging my hand into his chest and

grasping his heart in my hand. Seeing his eyes loose focus he howls in pain before I rip it harshly from

his b*dy as he falls silent and goes limp in death.

Standing above his b*dy grasping his crushed heart in one hand I feel Luca come and embrace me

from behind as my b*dy shakes with silent so bs. I’m here Nova’ he whispers soothingly in my ear as I


“Why?” I whisper, “WHYYYY” I scream in pain as my aura is released fully causing everyone bar Jax

and Luca to drop to their knees as they watch silently in horror. Hearing Kia howl mournfully in my head

I see Jax approach from the corner of my eye

and take the crushed heart from me.

“Let it out love” he says softly as my aura continues to pulse around the room


“He killed our mother, helped kill our father..he’s a traitor” I so b as he pulls me close to

his chest.

“And he deserved everything he got love” Jax says in my ear. Feeling broken I


continue to fare down at the b*dy of my mother’s killer as disbelief courses through

my b*dy.

“You’ve exposed yourself now Nova” Johnathon says as he struggles to his feet fighting my aura, you

don’t need to hide. What he did was wrong and he deserved everything he got. Calm down sweetheart,

embrace your mate” he soothes in a deep calming voice.

“You don’t need to hide” Jax whispers in my ear.

Stepping back I look around until I meet Elder Martins eyes, although filled with

sadness I see the pride shining strong.

“I am done hiding and other people attempting to control me, from now on I vow to protect the people I

love and I will do anything in my power to do that. People need to know a Guardian Wolf lives..and

these hunters need to f*****g die* I growl my voice

mixed with that of Kia’s as people submit around me.

This is me…..and I’ve emerged” I snarl before shifting into Kia’s huge form and bounding from the room

with a powerful howl, as Zeus and Reed follow to share in

my grief and hurt.



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continue to flare down at the b*dy of my mother’s killer as disbelief courses through my b*dy.

“You’ve exposed yourself now Nova” Johnathon says as he struggles to his feet fighting my aura, “you

don’t need to hide. What he did was wrong and he deserved everything he got. Calm down sweetheart, Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

embrace your mate” he soothes in a deep calming voice.

“You don’t need to hide” Jax whispers in my ear.

Stepping back I look around until I meet Elder Martins eyes, although filled with

sadness I see the pride shining strong.

“I am done hiding and other people attempting to control me, from now on I vow to protect the people I

love and I will do anything in my power to do that. People need to know a Guardian Wolf lives..and

these hunters need to f*****g die” I growl my voice

mixed with that of Kia’s as people submit around me.

“This is me…and I’ve emerged” I snarl before shifting into Kia’s huge form and bounding from the room

with a powerful howl, as Zeus and Reed follow to share in my grief and hurt.

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