Guardian Wolf

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

What Now

What Now

Nova POV:

After running for an hour Kia skids to a halt outside the council building and quickly shifts so I can dress

in the clothes that have been placed out for us,

“Have I messed up?” I ask turning to Luca and Jax.

“No” Jax says immediately, “it’s time you showed everyone exactly what you are capable of. You have

been hurt, betrayed and suffered through a lot which others.

have so far been oblivious to. It’s time Nova.”

Turning to look at Luca I see the inner turmoil in his eyes as he offers me a small

smile, “you should never have had to hide who you truly are in the first place, there are

others out there as you well know that will want you for power. That’s why I’ve always

baan apprehensive about your emergence, but Jax is right. It’s time.”

With a deep sigh I slump down on the step as I gaze out across the fields in front of

us, “Thave no idea what I’m doing” I admit,

“Does anyone?” Jax asks. “Everyday people have to adapt and change their paths,

their plans and their hopes. It’s part of life. When I became Alpha, although I had been trained by my

father my entire life, I still sat there in that office chair and had

absolutely no clue what to do at times. But you have to trust in yourself, in those

around you that are there to help and in our pack and most of all, Kia..she is so wise


Nodding I stay quiet for a moment. “I can’t believe he ripped our mother’s heart from

her b*dy” I quietly s ob as Luca wraps his arm around my shoulders, tears silently

rolling down his face.

“It explains why we could only see their faces before the burning” Luca mutters

grimacing at the memory.

“You didn’t know? Who dealt with their bodies?” Jax asks surprised.

“Elder Frost as he was on a council visit at the time, a border patrol alerted us however Axton and I at

the time were in an important meeting and had our walls up. Luca got there before we did” I whisper as

the memories come flooding by.


What Now

“So was Frost with the border patrol?” Jax asks.

“He was running solo on his way to the neighbouring pack, Elder Bernard had gone on ahead, it was

thought to be a safe route” I explain.

“Elder Bernard has come to our pack before” Jax mutters.

“He heard the attack and the nearby border patrol joined him, by the time we got there there were only

a few hunters left fleeing, Kia was furious and killed them. All but Caroline” I admit. “But Frost had

covered our parents bodies at that point as he said he didn’t want to upset us further and as an Elder of

the Council we naively

trusted him.”

“Sol assume no one saw him kill your mother. Did their bodies not get looked at

before the burning?” Jax asks in confusion.


“I assume so. Two border patrol members were also killed though so maybe they did

see something and that’s why they were killed, or they died fighting. We won’t know

now. The bodies were examined by Frost and a council Doctor who arrived 2 hours

after the attack, due to it involving hunters they took the lead and Axton, Nova and

myself concentrated on ways to better protect the pack. Working kept us distracted and had us not

focusing on the loss we were feeling. We thought that’s what our parents would want. I felt the family

bond snap at the time of the attack and knew they were gone so I immediately got involved in the fight”

Luca answers solemnly.

“So the doctor could be the third traitor” Jax says looking between us both. “How long does it take to

get from the council building to your pack Luca?”

“Roughly 3.5 hours” he says as his eyes grow wide.

“The doctor got there quickly. We need to find out if that was a coincidence or if he knew he needed to

be there relatively fast” Jax muses.

“**”Lexclaim throwing my hands up, “I didn’t even think of that.”

“You had no reason to suspect them both at the time Nova, don’t focus on that. Which doctor was it?”

Jax asks.

“Dr Norton if I remember correctly: Nova you need to speak to Elder Martin” Luca says jogging his knee

as he thinks.

“Either the doctor is a traitor or he was commanded not to say anything” Jax says as

What Now Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

he looks deep in thought.

“Nova” I hear being called behind me as I turn to see Johnathon rushing outside. “Are

you ok?”

“No” I whisper,

“My dear” he says quietly as he pulls me in for a firm hug. “The trial is paused for today, the verdict will

be said in the morning as I think we have all the information we need, but I suggest we travel back to

your pack immediately after that.”

“Ok” I say simply.

“What you did in brutal as it was, was the right thing to do. You have not only exposed

another traitor but because of you commanding Alpha Jacob you have exposed a lot more information

than we could have possibly hoped for” Johnathon says with pride.

“And exposing myself? I released my full aura in there Johnathon” I stress rubbing the

back of my neck absentmindedly.

“It was time Nova” he says quietly. “I think you know that, you have been hidden for too long. The evils

in this world are only growing and the threats to yourself and your loved ones are increasing by the day.

You have to show how formidable you are and do what the Moon Goddess destined you to do. You

can’t do that hiding your true


“Nova you were absolutely magnificent in there love” Jax says as he comes to hold

waist and look in my eyes. “I am so proud of you and Kia, we all are.”


“I’m nervous” I admit.

“Good” Jax says, “it shows you’re normal.”

“So what now?” I ask looking at him for answers.

“Now, we go back in there. Speak to Elder Martin and head upstairs for the night, Johnathon could we

also speak to you about Guardian Wolves a bit more to keep

ourselves busy” Jax suggests.

“Of course” he says with a reassuring smile. “I’ll bring dinner up to your room, how

about we all eat together.”




+25 Points

What Now

“Thank you, I’d like you to come see Elder Martin with us also” I say softly smiling.” Luca can you join

us this evening?”

“Of course Nova” he says looking shocked I’ve even had to ask.

“I think Alpha Axton should also join us” Jax says quietly.

“You do?” I ask furrowing my brows.

With a sigh he nods, “yes. He knows of Kia, he knows of the attack on your parents and may, as the

Alpha, have some more knowledge he can share. But also, as much as it pains me to admit it, he is

your friend and your supporter and you had years where you experienced life together, and I won’t ever

get in between that or be able to truly understand it as I simply wasn’t a part of it. As you couldn’t with

my past. We don’t know what’s going to happen in the future against the hunters, but I have a feeling

we need allies. Plus, I know how much you love me..I can feel it.”

“Jax is right Nova” Luca pipes up after a moment of me looking at Jax in shock.

“You’re amazing you know that” I tell Jax who simply smirks at me. “Ok, well Luca you speak to Axton

and we can meet for dinner at 6:30pm. How is that?” I suggest


“It’s a plan” he says before hugging me tightly, “see you this evening Jax, Elder Johnathon.” With a bow

of his head he turns and slowly makes his way inside

“I feel bad for him” I admit quietly.

“I know” Jax replied as he holds me close to his side, “but you also lost your parents.”

“But I also have my parents still alive” I point out.

“And Luca is Sophie’s mate, after everything his biological parents did for you do you

really think Kingsley won’t do the same for Luca?” Jax asks raising his brow.

“That’s a very good point” I say with a little smile.

Softly k*ssing my lips he steps back and takes my hand, “come on. Let’s go find Elder




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