Guardian Wolf

Chapter 82

Chapter 82



Jax POV:

Seeing Novas determined face as we march to my parents suite has Zeus puffing his chest out in pride

of his mate.

“Her protectiveness of her mate is coming out, combined with the nature of Kia it’s magnificent isn’t it”

he says in awe.

“It is” I agree.

Seeing her step slightly behind me as we reach their door I appreciate her knowing this is for me to


Knocking 3 times I hear shuffling behind the door before it opens and my mother’s welcoming face


“Oh Jax, Nova! What a pleasure” she beams, “come in come in. I’ve been meaning to find you.”

“How are you ma?” I ask gently not giving away my inner anger.

“Better for seeing you” she replies cheerfully as she embraces Nova in a hug. “I have some ideas for

you, do you have time to look through?”


pa around?” I ask quickly as No……

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Jax POV:

Seeing Novas determined face as we march to my parents suite has Zeus puffing his chest out in pride

of his mate.

“Her protectiveness of her mate is coming out, combined with the nature of Kia it’s magnificent isn’t it”

he says in awe.

“It is” I agree.

Seeing her step slightly behind me as we reach their door I appreciate her knowing this is for me to



Knocking 3 times I hear shuffling behind the door before it opens and my mother’s welcoming face


“Oh Jax, Nova! What a pleasure” she beams, “come in come in. I’ve been meaning to find you.”

“How are you ma?” I ask gently not giving away my inner anger.

“Better for seeing you” she replies cheerfully as she embraces Nova in a hug. “I have. some ideas for

you, do you have time to look through?”

“Is pa around?” I ask quickly as Nova shoots me a look.

“He will be back in 15 mins love if you can wait?” Mum asks her eyes hopeful.

“Of course ma” I smile my heart softening as her face splits in a wide smile.

“Brilliant” she says with a clap, “come have a look Nova. I think you’ll like what I’ve come up with, I’ve

spoken to the ladies and they all seem to agree. They’ve been most helpful!”

“Great, show me I’m excited to see” Nova says flashing her white teeth at my mum as they take a seat.

Sitting there i watch as my mum and Luna chat enthusiastically about the Luna ceremony, their

excitement evident from their expressions. After a few moments of them chatting Zeus puts an idea

forward for me and I sit upright as I ponder it over.




Coming to a decision I lean forward with a slow smile on my face and look between

the two women.

“I know that face” Ma says as she catches me watching. “What are you planning?”

“Well it would be more appropriate if we say what are you planning” I chuckle. “Life

has been crazy recently and I would have liked the Luna Ceremony to take place.

already, she’s been my Luna for a while now in my mind. How would you feel about

organising it for this weekend?”

“This weekend?” Nova gasps in shock as my mum beams at my words.

“ 3 days” I specify.

“Is that even possible?” Nova asks

“Oh goddess yes, I can get it done” my mum replies confidently. “In fact I can start right away, Flo isn’t

back to full duties she will be the perfect help and Naomi and Alice are always eager if I mention the

word ceremony.”

Nova stares between the two of us for a moment before she chuckles as a blush

tinges her cheeks, “if you think you can do it..then let’s do it. I can’t wait to be the


“Perfect” I smirk.

“I’ll make those adaptations you mentioned Nova and speak to Alice about the dress. The idea of

naming a Beta and Gam ma for Nova was brilliant Jax, I’m proud of

you. It’s very fitting for Nova” my mum says patting my hand reassuringly.

Hearing footsteps approach I meet Novas eyes and stand abruptly walking over to the window in their

living area as the door swings open.

“Hello everyb*dy” my dad’s deep voice says as it resonates around the room.

m save star

“Hi dear..” my and giving his a quick k*ss.

“Hello David..” Nova says politely with an unreadable expression.

“Jax..” he says turning his piercing gaze to me.

Not saying anything I simply study him as he begins to falter in his confident gaze.”

Everything ok?” He asks looking at me with furrowed brows.



“You tell me” I shrug not giving anything away as my mum steps back in shock.

“Jax hunny?” She asks questioningly.

“This isn’t about you ma, I’m sorry I didn’t want to spoil your excitement” I say gently

softening my eyes as I look to her as she nods in understanding before stepping to

the side closer to Nova.

“What’s this about son? Spit it out” my father says turning to pour himself a glass of


“Your actions whilst we were away” I growl as the memories of what I’ve been told flash through my


“I did as you asked?” He says turning round with a raised brow.

“Don’t play innocent to me father. I most certainly didn’t ask you to undermine me in my absence” I

growl as my mum gasps turning to look at her mate in shock.

“David?” She whispers.

“I did nothing of the sorts” he growls back at me before Zeus snarls coming forward

in my mind making his mouth abruptly close.

“Questioning Axel and Evans training when they organised impressive tasks specifically designed to

improve the trackers we have here is not what I asked” I remind him. “Asking pack members after my

brothers had ran sessions or helped if

what they had done was helpful is not what I asked. Not to mention the pack

members i have just spoken to mentioned how you were questioning if what I did as Alpha was enough

for this pack. Do you have any idea how successful I have been?”

“Son that’s not what I was doing” he says as a tear rolls down my mother’s face.

“Oh no, you were complaining about your suite despite us checking it was suitable before we left, you

complained about the food saying it had gone downhill since your

were Alpha which resulted in the omega who brought it crying in the bathroom” I

growl angrily taking a step closer. “You, my father, have questioned MY pack.”

“But the food is lovely, the suite is perfect..” my mother whispers in confusion.

“I know” I say looking at her, “father is trying to sos seeds of doubt when there isn’t

any to begin with ma.”



“Son..” he starts.

“Dont” I snarl my anger rising and becoming evident. “You lack trust in your sons and that is clear, I put

your pasts actions down to the stress of being Alpha as you’ve seemed lighter the last few years and

we have gotten on better. You’ve been more approachable and more father like, this has disappointed

me and made me doubt you intentions.”

“But..” he starts.

“I didn’t say for you to talk” I cut him off abruptly. “I am taking away your new responsibilities I have

requested of you. You are officially back in retirement. Only you

I add on throwing my mum a look to know she isn’t involved in this. “Also if I hear you say one word

about the situation we are in you will regret it. Don’t hesitate to think you will escape punishment just

because you’re the previous Alpha.”

“Jax..” my mother gasps.

I continue to look at my father as he glares at me before moving his gaze to my mum who looks


“Is it true?” She asks my father.

“No of course not love!” He exclaims defensively.

“I should point out I can smell your lies on you David” Nova interjects with a cold tone. “It’s coming off

of you in waves.” This makes him glare at Nova with growing hatred at her admission in his eyes.

“How dare you” he growls before she steps forward and emits her aura.

“This is not my fight but don’t you DARE growl at me when you’re the one that’s f****d up David. I gave

you a chance when you apologised previously..this is about your son and I will protect my mate at all

costs. Do you hear me?” She snarls looking him in the eye making him look away in submission.

“David..”my mother whispers covering her mouth in horror.

Lowering his head but not before shooting me a look he hesitates before speaking,” it’s true” he says h

oars ely. “I wanted to ensure my pack was still successful.”

“But David.. you can tell that just by looking around. What Jax has done is nothing.



short of incredible” she exclaims her temper rising as she feels the need to protect


“You know the money you made the pack father..I’ve tripled it in the past two years alone through

investments which I decided with the aid of my beta. The one you went behind the back of when I

specifically left him in charge. We have more elite warriors than ever before and all pack members are

trained to a high standard now, not just the men. I have made some noticeable differences father I just

don’t flash them in people’s faces” I snarl as he looks shocked by my admission.

“What was I to do?” He asks in defensive.

“TRUST YOUR CHILDREN” my mother roars as Nova smiles slightly in approval of my mother’s tone.

“Exactly” I snarl.

“Does ma know?” I ask father my voice deceptively calm.

“Know what?” She asks turning to look at me as my father’s face falls behind her.

“I’ll take that as a no” I chuckle at him. “You need to speak to your mate ma, if he doesn’t come clean

then come to me and I will tell you” I say as I motion for Nova for us to leave.

“I have Theo coming to stand by the door if he’s needed ma. Maybe ask why his devoted Beta decided

to abruptly leave the pack once I became Alpha.” I suggest calmly. “You should remember it’s because

of ma I decided to try and work on our relationship pa. And ma..don’t forget I love you” I add on before

closing the door behind us.


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