Guardian Wolf

Chapter 83

Chapter 83

Unrecognisable (BONUS CH

Unrecognisable (BONUS CHAPTER)

Amelia POV


Staring at the closed door for a few moments looking where my son and his new

mate had left I fought the overwhelming urge to go and comfort my pup.

“We will go to him after Amelia, but for now we need answers” I hear my wolf, Lina,

whisper soothingly to me.

Spinning I pin my gaze on my mate as he looks at the floor in shame. My eyes black with Lina holding

herself forward in my mind I growl lowly at him to show my deep

displeasure at what I’ve beared witness to.

“How could you?” I ask angrily.

“Amelia I’m sorry..” he starts but I hold my hand up to cut him off.

“Right now I don’t need to hear that you’re sorry, I need to hear what you’re sorry for. No more lies

David” I demand fiercely as I stare at him showing I won’t back down to

him any longer.

“You’re right” he says after a moments quiet. “Please sit down.”

“Just speak David” I growl without moving an inch. Seeing that I won’t budge he pours himself another

glass of whiskey before gulping it down and sighing loudly. Sitting in an armchair he rubs his face as he

does when he’s stressed and turns his

attention to me.

“There are things you aren’t aware of when the pups were growing up” he starts making my breath


“What did you do?” I growl stepping forward making his eyes widen at my


“I was harsh at times in my treatment of them, not so much Mila but the boys had to grow to learn as

Alphas that they could not fail” he says.

“Couldn’t fail?! They were PUPS” I shout, “of course they could fail at times, who

doesn’t. Are you perfect?”


Urecognisable (BONUS CH

He stays quiet as he sees the fury blazing in my eyes. “You need to start talking I snarl

“Fine..fine” he sighs holding his hands up in surrender. “If they didn’t perform well


enough in training then Beta Andrew would give them a punishment that 1 found suitable, Jax soon

took it upon himself to take the punishments not only for himself but for his brothers. They needed a

drive to succeed so they worked harder?

“Andrew hurt my pups?” I say deathly quiet.

“Nothing too physical, it was for them to work hard so it wouldn’t happen again he


“And you thought this was acceptable because?” I sneer

“It worked for me” he shrugs, his remorse if he felt any was not showing

“You hid it from me?” I ask quietly

He slowly nods his head as he avoids my eyes, I knew you wouldn’t agree. You were too soft with them

Amelia, they needed to know life wasn’t designed to be handed to them on a platter. I made Jax throw

himself into learning how to run a pack, he also helped with paperwork and gained more

responsibilities when I deemed he had

earned them.

“Well clearly someone had to be a loving parent” I scoff at him. ‘How could you do this behind my back

David? We are a team..or I thought we were. You caused my pups to endure physical pain when they

made mistakes which is a natural part of life.”

“But it has made them into who they are today” he says looking at me confused as to

why I don’t understand him.

“Did Andrew beat him?” I ask.

He nods his head in answer as a snarl rips from me, “he purposefully hit him where I couldn’t visibly

see I assume?”

“Yes” he says quietly. “Jax took it everytime, not saying a word.”

“You know I could scent blood at times and Jax would always laugh it off and say he

got the upper hand on someone and he needed to wash I say gazing at him in anger, “that boy

protected you even when you didn’t deserve it.”

Unrecognisable (BONUS CH…

Hearing that David looks up at me in shame, “he did” he agrees quietly.

“Did you make him?” I ask.

“ I never said anything but he never told you” he admits. “I don’t think it was

out of fear.”

Hearing that I laugh at him which makes him look surprised, “he’s made that clear, one thing I don’t

ever relate Jax to is fear, he put up with it because you are his father and you were supposed to know

best. But mainly because of his love and need to protect me, he knew it would hurt me..would hurt us.”

“When he got to 18, he finally broke. He beat Andrew so badly he was put in hospital

for 5 days, I said it was a rogue attack” he says quietly.


“That was Jax?” I question remembering well how badly Andrew was beaten.

“Yes” he says quietly.

A small grin appears on my face at this, “good. He deserved worse for harming my


“So tell me David. Why have you been undermining our Alpha whilst he was away?” I ask quietly as my

lips thin waiting for his answer.

“I wanted to make sure what he was doing was right for my pack” he growls


“Your pack?” I ask incredulously.

“Yes” he nods.

“I believe you are well aware that the current Alpha is Jax, this pack may mean a lot to you and in a

way it will always be our pack, but it is no longer your pack to run David” I growl at him.

“And questioning the twins abilities?” I ask incredulously as he doesn’t say anything

in response.

“Those boys need a firm hand Amelia, they have been away for years now and I

needed to make sure what they were doing was suitable for the pack members here”

he says sternly.


Unrecognisable (BONUS CH Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“They are amazing Alphas in their own right David” I shout furiously. “They are trained

to take over from Henry for Goddesses sake, do you really think they can’t organise a

task for trackers that isn’t to your standard? Not only openly criticised them infront of pack

members, why?!”

“To make sure they kept working hard to prove everyone wrong” he snarls back as he stands angrily.

Hearing that I snap and before I know it I have stepped forward and delivered a stinging smack to his

left cheek making him stumble back in shock. His eyes fly to mine in shock, “what?!” He gasps.

“They shouldn’t have to prove ANYONE wrong, that is all your doing” I scream at him making his face

pale. “YOU are the one that have made people doubt them over the years, YOU are the one that sent

them away making everyone think of them in shame,

YOU are the one that didn’t trust in your own sons.”

Hearing that he simply stares at me in shock, feeling his confusion through the bond I

snarl at him once more. “Amelia..” he starts.

“No” I growl. “I am more disappointed in you than I have EVER been David. You drove our sons away

and continue to contribute to the gap that is between them and us, their parents. I love my children,

more than anything.”

“I know” he says quietly.

“No David..I don’t think you do. I mean more than absolutely anything, you think I would forgive you just

because you’re my mate?! After all these years??” I ask suddenly deadly calm.

Feeling his panic suddenly surge through the bond I c**k my head as I study him.

“I don’t recognise this man” I say gesturing my hand over him before turning and striding towards the


Turning before I open it I see the look of desperation on his face as he takes in what I have said. “I

don’t want to see you, go home. I will stay here and assist our children, our pack, our family as I

should. What I have heard disgusts me and I need to process it, but let me tell you something. We will

never be like we were, you have hurt our children, taken away precious moments from their childhood

and deceived me for


Unrecognisable (BONUS CH

too long. Get out my sight.”

“Amelia love please.” he says desperately as he steps forward reaching for me.

Flinching away from him I avoid his touch seeing his eyes fill with pain. “I did this to

help them.”

“Do you ever wonder why Jax is so successful?” I ask him pausing in reaching for the


He says nothing so I continue, “because he has learnt from your mistakes. He saw how you acted and

experienced your methods, I can confidently tell you he is different and that is a brilliant thing. He is

intelligent, logical, fierce, quick thinking, loving, kind, compassionate and most importantly he is

genuine. Instead of looking. for how our children could improve, I suggest you look at improving

yourself. Right now I am disgusted to call you my mate, it makes me feel physically sick to know how

you have been acting. Jax has made this pack formidable, one everyone looks at as one of the

strongest. And Nova? Well she is quite simply brilliant. She will be the final piece in the puzzle of this

pack and I could tell that before I even met her. She is an amazing woman, and most importantly she is

supportive of her mate and will protect him at all costs. I am proud of her for how she has dealt with

your h o rrendous behaviour since she has met us. You criticised the food, the room because you

couldn’t take that what Jax has achieved is better than what you did..but in fact you should have

shouting his praises.”

Recognition at my words fills his eyes as he slowly nods in acceptance at what I’ve said, “Now get out

of my sight” I say flinging the door open to be met with the surprised faces of Axel, Evan and Theo.

“Boys..” I murmur sadly making them immediately step forward to hug me as tears. begin to stream

down my face. “I’m so sorry my loves.”

“This isn’t on you ma” they both mutter.

“Axel..Evan, please let me explain..” David says from behind me.

They look at him quietly before gently pushing me aside, moving in unison they step forward and both

deliver a punishing blow to his abdomen sending him sprawling on the floor. “That wasn’t for us..that

was for ma” Evan growls down at him before Axel steps forward and growls “shameful” at him as David

simply nods in acceptance.


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“Go home David” I say quietly as he stumbles to his feet.

“Amelia..” he whispers.

*f**k OFF” I scream as he hangs his hand and stumbles from the room heading down the stairs. “Theo

would you please ensure he gets home safely?” I ask quietly as he bows his head respectfully.

“Of course” he murmurs before following David.

“What now ma?” Evan asks stepping forward and wrapping an arm round my

shoulder tucking me into his side protectively.

“Now we go apologise for my naivety throughout the years” I say sadly.

“You don’t need to” Axel whispers as he walks on my other side.

“Yes. I do” I whisper. “I should have known, but I do now and I will do everything in my

power for you kids. You are my pups, that will never change. Let’s go find Jax.”


A bonus chapter at the request of a few’s not necessary for the novel but it does offer an

insight into Jax’s parents conversation. I wouldn’t mess with Amelia, she is one fierce woman? poor

David..but I think he deserves it doesn’t he?



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