His Little FLOWER

Chapter 29: 29 - I Chose Him

Chapter 29: 29 - I Chose Him


"Did they hurt you?", grandpa's face laced with pain. Since ferr revealed that I got kidnapped, which

scared him very much.

"No, grandpa. He saved me before they could hurt me.", I assured as he let out a sigh of relief.

"Look baby, this is how your life will be. Do you still think he is a perfect man for your life?", he asked,

indicating his dislike towards our love.

I am not feeling hostility toward his words though. Being in his position, if it was someone they might

have burst out in anger but all he says is advising me to weigh my decision over again.

I sat still in the same position with my head down as he exasperated a sigh.

"Tell them all to leave from our home. I feel like we are in prison. Seriously, Is this the life you want?",

he asked, as each of his words hinted disapproval.

"They are here for Our Protection. Like-", he cut me off in the mid.

"Not for us, it is for your protection. Since you got worthless fame as an UnderBoss's girlfriend", he

grunted in resentment.

"Open your eyes and look outside. This is how your whole life will be if you choose that Criminal.

Always caged. You can't live a normal life as you want.", he started giving me advice walking back and

forth out of frustration besides I couldn't argue back.

"All you will get at the end of the day is Pain. He said that too, because of him you got targeted.", he

explained the facts step by step at length.

"Just leave that cold-blooded mons-", before he could say further I stopped him. "Don't", I stood up

from the couch. "Anything but not that", I felt an irresistible urge to take Ferr's side.

"Whatever you said, everything is true. I accept it except that cold-blooded and then-", I sighed, not

wanting to let out that word ever again from my mouth.

"I don't wanna argue with you, Grandpa. Because you are talking in this way being in A Father Position.

I respect that. I would always", his eyes flashed with adoration for me.

As I added further, "You can say he is A Criminal, but you can't even point your finger at him, finding

one fault in his love for me. I can testify in front of the world that no one can love me as he does.", he

looked at me wide-eyed, frozen in the spot.

"Didn't you say, don't leave him no matter what, if you can't imagine a future without him. I love him,

Grandpa", I confessed as he struggled to articulate, not knowing what to say.

"I know, it's hard to accept his lifestyle, till now he made an effort to hide that Dark side of his for me.

Now, I'm willing to do the same, I will try to accept his lifestyle for him. I will wait until you both accept

him", I confessed, unwavering with my decision.

"I chose him, I know he is A Criminal. This love is life-threatening. But I still chose him. I know I sound

stupid but if I lose him, I will lose myself too.", I added, both of them looked at me with shock-filled


"Sweetheart, hear-", this time I interrupted him in the mid.

"He is mine. He is My Ferr, he will do anything for me. I'm the craziest girl to chose him and I will do

that mistake over and over and over.", I declared confidently before leaving the place.

Being silent doesn't help always...

JOSH POV (Rose's Grandpa):

I looked in the direction she left, dumbfounded by her words. For a moment, I couldn't believe it. Is this

My little sweetheart?

"She grew up so fast, Isn't it?", maria's face filled with amusement also a bit of sadness weaved in her

voice. I smiled at her sadly.

"What we are gonna do now?", I sighed, not knowing what to do nor how to change her mind. The way

she confessed showed how much stronger she is in her decision. But, she is not thinking about the

future outcomes, blinded by love.

"I think we should take her back to our hometown. For a change", she suggested, that sounds like a

good idea. Taking her away from this place might make her think about her decision all over again.


"Ok, we will leave this weekend", I suggested for which she shook her head negatively.

"Tomorrow morning we are leaving. I really wanna go back to our place. After all, we came to this City

for her Studies. Now, it's all over. Let's leave this City once and for all. I can't stay here anymore, Josh",

she conferred, waiting for my reply. I could sense, she is so afraid after seeing all this.

"As you wish. I am wondering, why didn't you talk anything about this to her? Not even a little bit of

advice", I asked, wanting to know about her purpose in being silent in this issue.

"As a father, you are guiding her, now as a mother, I have to stay by her side to make sure that your

words won't affect her mind mentally", she paused for a moment before saying further.

"Being in her place, she is defending her love, stood by his side. I am not happy with her decision but I

am so proud of her.", she sighed, giving me a small smile before going to the room.

Now I know how Rose is like this. She got the nature of taking a crazy decision from her grandma.

I chuckled, she grew up too fast as she says...

But, I can't still believe, I never thought in a million years that she would love a man like him. I moved

towards the window, eyeing outside to notice many men's surrounded our home.

I wish this could all be A dream...


I slammed my fist against the table in frustration. I fucking missed my final chance to throw him in the

fucking prison.

That fucking Raffa...

I fisted my hair as my body throbbed in rage. If I can't even win against him, then how am I supposed to

charge against Hadez, Daggeron & that fucking Assassin Red. I can't do anything about Sahor, Since

he is in India. Above all, that CAPONE.

Arghh... fucking hell!

These motherfucking Criminals...

I don't know what to do anymore. But, I have to do something, I have to destroy his Mafia Power.

I won't lose against a Criminal...


"Mr.Camorsta, I need some soldiers.", I gulped, wiping off the sweat forming on my forehead.

"What about the ones who are all working for you?", his right-hand man queried instead of him as My

Boss swirled the chair around to face me.

My heart thrashed seeing his face filled with rage, for a second he looked like A Demon. "Don't fucking

tell me, they ran away", he clenched his fist.

"Ferrari left the country probably on a mission. His woman is now under the protection of his men. I

thought it's the perfect time to kill her. I declared this to My Soldiers but they-", I stopped in the mid,

feeling terrified to say further not wanting to lose my life.

"They are all scared after seeing the image of Luciano's disfigured face and his guard's headless body.

Isn't it?", he finished the remaining part.

Terror washed over me at his calm, controlling words. "Yes, Sir. Many are scared after seeing that

Picture. I even reached out to many of his business enemies. All backed of-", I was interrupted by his

booming raged voice.

"You are an fucking UnderBoss in My Organization for fucking 30 years but still, people don't fear you.

Being in this state, you want to take Capone's Position. Really?", he mocked me, making me fist my

hand hard enough to turn my knuckles into white.

How he knows?...

"But Raffa is in this position for only 9 years. But, all are scared to even near his woman, despite

knowing the fact that he is not here. Not just Raffa. Hadez, Daggeron, Red then another one from

India. Who is he?", he asked, forgetting his name.

"Sa-", he beat me to it saying, "Sahor, The Ruler of Politics. So what is your fucking Conquest so far?",

he snarled ferociously, gritting out each word. Terrorized by his words, I didn't even dare to raise my


"I will give you 100 soldiers, throw her head at his mansion gate.", he ordered, before leaving the cabin.

I smoldered with rage, as it started to grow inside my entire being like a tumor. I will kill her, this time,

no one can save her.

Tomorrow night will be the final day for Raffa's woman.

She is the one fucking reason for his Strength. Instead of becoming his weakness, she turned as his

strength. He became more ruthless than before to protect her.

When he comes back, he should only get to see her head. She deserves it, for loving that fucking


NEXT DAY: Morning


Reaching Ethiopia, I got down from my private flight. After finishing the deals with the Germans, I left

Germany, within three hours.

Now, I have to take control of Ethiopia's illegal territory to enhance the Organization also to rise My

Drug dealing business which will virtually profit My Friend's business too.

I got inside the car as mark started to drive. "Sir, you will always check the car before entering. But this

time you didn't.", his words, made me realize. I didn't check the car to see if there is any hidden thing This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

set inside exposing us to danger.

Shit! I forgot...

"Leave it", I retorted in annoyance, for forgetting this important thing.

I took My phone out, scrolling through her picture as a smile formed on my lips naturally seeing her

glowing face.

Once I get back to her after finishing the mission everything will be back to normal. I don't know how

she's handling the situation there.

I told her, I will be there for her but I couldn't. Also, I revealed the truth to her grandparents.

But, I think it's better in this way. She will never have the strength to tell them. Waiting for the perfect

time only gonna make the situation worse in this case.

And I've decided to take her for a vacation, once finishing off this work. I will take her to A Place, where

there will be Only Us. Very soon, I will make her mine completely in every aspect.

I opened the ring box to take a look at the diamond ring that sparkled like it has been made elegantly

for her, which I bought for her from Germany.

After a while, I closed the ring box and kept it inside. I looked around the spot, this mountain path is a

rocky one. It has no barrier at all with a lesser two-way road width.

I think I should call her who knows when will the job even get finished. This job gonna take a long time

to finish.

I took my phone out to call her when I was about to do that, my phone rang, showing her Caller ID

Picture. A smile of joy and satisfaction lit me up.

My Little Flower. I can't wait to get back to her...

Before I could attend the call, a beep sound tore through my ears stifling the sound of the Phone ring.

My eyes wide opened, knowing what sound it is.

"Sir, I think it's the sound of the bomb. The sound is getting increase a lot", his voice filled with anxiety,

as his focus still on the road. I looked around the insides of the car to see where it is coming from until

my eyes landed on the accelerator.

I notice that when Mark depressing the accelerator, the beep sound is increasing which means, it has

been connected with that & it was leading to the blast.

"Don't slow down the accelerator, rise it", I demanded yet in calmly way. He did as I told him without

asking a query understandingly. The beep sound decreased gradually, but at this speed rate, we are

gonna collapse down from this mount.

"I am sorry, Flower", I smiled, looking at her Caller ID picture for one last time before tossing the phone


"Continue with this pace", I stated before moving towards the front seat. I applied pressure on the

accelerator telling him to move his leg aside.

"Sir, I will take care of this. I think you should jump and escape from here", he asserted, as I took hold

of the steering rotation too, for keeping up the balance to not fall off from the cliff.

Steering the car to the right side, I made space for the car door to open on the left side. "Mr.Knight, let

me do My job, I got this", he argued for which I gave a nod with my focus still on the road.

"Here, give this to My Flower", I gave the ring box to him. I planned to give her as a... I mentally sighed,

Fuck it!

"Don't tell her that I won't come back for now.", I added, I will always try to make it back to her even at

my last moment of life. He looked at me bewildered.

"Mr.Knight what-", his talk was interrupted by the beep sound which increased again despite driving

fast. So, it's getting close to the detonation now.

"Inform Hadez so that he could inform Mr.Capone. Don't leave her until everything gets backs to

normal. Since Franco and Dimitri are still alive. I entrust this responsibility to you all now", I asserted.

The only way I could escape is to jump from the cliff, but surely not gonna survive from that fall even if I

survive I might end up getting disfigured in the worst way possible.

For now, I have to make Mark escape from here...

Before Mark could comprehend my actions, I opened the door of his side and pushed him outside of

the car. I looked through the side mirror, to see him subsided on the sideway of the road.

He will be fine...

"Thank you so much for loving me, Flower", I smiled, I have lived a fulfilling life even if it's for a short

time, reminiscing about the moments we shared before steering the car towards the verge end of cliff


I love you, My Little FLOWER. I always will...


I've been calling him for the past half an hour, when I called him first, the call signal has been carried.

But now it says, his phone has been switched off.

Did he switch off the phone still being upset with me? No way, that's impossible. We fixed up that issue.

I am getting scared now, what if something has gone wrong. No, way. What am I thinking? He said it's

just a business deal. But still, I am scared.

Ok, let's try again later. Now, I have to call Andrew and ask how he is doing now?

After talking with Andrew's girlfriend, Laura, I hunged up the call feeling relieved knowing he is good

now. I called him but his girlfriend answered the call. All he needs is rest now.

"Baby, Can you have a minute?", grandma's words made me stop in my tracks when I was about to go

out and talk to John.

"Yes, Granny. What is it?", I waited for her response as she looked at grandpa before changing her

gaze back to me.

"We were thinking to go to our hometown today. Like around 11. It would be great if you join us", she

proposed, looking at me with expecting a 'Yes.'

Why all of a sudden? That too today morning?

By the way, not sounds like a bad idea either but still. "Ok, but why all of a sudden?", I asked, she

seemed to be thinking before replying.

"We both thought since your studies and everything is over. Let's get back to our home place. Only for

a short time", she looked at me eagerly waiting for my response.

"I will come", I smiled, accepting to go along with them. Well, I have only a small amount of outfits in

here, the remaining all are on that home. I have to get back to the mansion and get some dresses of

mine before leaving.

"That's great", she patted my head as an appreciation.

I made my way outside after having breakfast with them since it's been a long time we had our time

together. Thank God! In this Street, all homes are fixed with some distance, since many guards are

surrounded in here.

I met with the sight of John and William, talking but looks more like arguing. Both of their faces held a

serious expression, frustrated as an unknown tension is increasing.

John leaned back against the car in a tired manner, his face looks like he was about to cry. Once his

eyes met mine, his posture stiffened. He smiled at me yet there was a sadness in those eyes that

couldn't be ignored.

Wait! Did something happen to Ferr?

Practically, running towards them, I interrogated with lots of questions, "Mr.John why are you looking so

sad? Did something happen? Did you call Ferr? His phone is switched off. How is he? William, Did you

called him?".

I stared at both of them standing in silence looking at each other as if they don't know what to say.

"Just answer my one question. Is-", I paused for a moment, not having the strength to ask that


"Is My Ferr, Ok?", when those words left my mouth, it nearly crippled down my heart, caught my breath

in a startled gasp of pain.

Their silence killing me inside, I started chanting in my mind that My Ferr is ok. He will be fine, he will

come back to me. I have even sent him a voice message, he must've listened to that.

Fear is building up inside me like a slow poison, many things started to run through my head.

Paralyzed, I waited, expecting them to say he is Safe there.

"Atleast Can you both comfort me with a lie?", I whispered, at the end of the word I felt as if a part of

me is dead.

I just wanna go back to My Ferr. He is all I yearn for right now...

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