His Little FLOWER

Chapter 30: 30 - Key To His Heart

Chapter 30: 30 - Key To His Heart


"I can't believe we are in a private jet plane, right now. It's getting on my nerves that we are completely

under their control now. We can't even decide for us", he bleated out in irritation as granny leaned over

the seat, letting out a deep sigh.

When William came to know about the plan of going to Texas, Our hometown. He stopped us, not even

letting us take a one step ahead from home.

When Grandpa confronted him about this, he agreed in the end but under one condition. That condition

ended up us in one of the private jet planes that belong to Ferr.

I just have only a few clothes now as grandpa didn't let me go anywhere especially to the Mansion,

fearing about My Protection.

I wish it would've been great if ferr was with me now. After the talk with John & William, I have an

irresistible urge to be in his arms. I hope whatever William said to me is true...


"Atleast Can you both comfort me with a lie?", I whispered, at the end of the word I felt as if a part of

me is dead.

I turned around to leave as my eyes were filling with tears and I don't want them to see.

"He'll come back to you", those words made me stop in my tracks as I turned around in a jerked way.

"Is he ok, William?", my lips trembled but I controlled wiping off my tears.

"I don't know, but he will make it back. Because he has faced many worse situations than this. Do you

think he would give up on you?", he solicited, for which I shook my head side to side.

"Then, trust me he will surely make it back to you. Even when he had no one by his side, he was so

strong but now he has you.", his words magnified my emotional strength, eased off my pain.

"Many of rivalries thought, now it's easy to destroy him since he is in love.", he added, it made me

question myself, "Did I became his weakness?"

"Which is not true. Before you entered his life, he did everything for lust over the short-lived Power", he

remarked as if he knows everything about ferr precisely.

"But now, he is doing everything to keep you safe which will never be short-lived.", he assured as the

calm spread through me.

"All of his rivalries scared like shits as they realized now that your not his weakness but his Strength.

Do you understand, ma'am?", he assured, waiting for my response. I smiled at him before giving a nod.

I looked at John, he had a big smile on his face too as the sorrow I saw in his eyes a few minutes ago,

now vanished.

"These kinds of situations will arise alot for you in the future too. This is a part of his lifestyle and now it

is yours too. You have to stay strong, Rose", John mentioned, since I accepted him despite his

dangerous lifestyle.

"We all have huge respect for you, ma'am, just like we have for Mr.Knight.", an unknown voice made

me turn around, wondering from where it's coming from.

That was from one of the guards, as all the other guards also smiled, showing how much respect and

care they all have for me.


Everyone's word comforted and strengthened me. While waiting for the plane to take off, feeling bored I

scrolled through the pictures which I took with ferr on Our first date.

He doesn't love to take pictures as much as I love to take. It's A small memory.

I still remember that, Our First Date...


I hugged him from behind wrapping my arms around his torso securely on our way back home in a

motorcycle, and it was getting dark.

I feel so sleepy, as the aura around me lulling me to sleep with no sound of transportation since this

pathway belongs to the mansion alone.

Suddenly, my eyes snapped open when I learned I forgot a most important thing.

Oh, My Peaches! I didn't take any pictures from My First Date, not even a sole proof.

Without wasting time I informed him, "Ferr, we didn't take any pictures". I whined, disgruntled.

"Pictures?", he asked in a puzzled way, as if it is an abnormal thing to do.

"Yes, Pictures, we don't have any proof that we went to A Date.", I mumbled in disappointment for

which he let out a laugh, which inflamed me.

How Dare he! He can't understand this, he can't understand the problem of a girl who is highly active

on Instagram.

"How dare you laugh at me! Idiot", I shrieked, hitting his back from behind as he ended up laughing

more before he stops the bike with a sudden jerk, ended up hitting my nose against his brawny


Ouch! This bull...

Before I could understand what he is doing, he got down from the bike, made me sit on the front as he

took my position.

Wait! I don't know how to ride a bike...

He wrapped both arms around my waist, his teeth closed around my earlobe, nipping slightly.

I shivered as his lips caressed against my nape of the neck making me moan. But very soon, I snapped

myself out of his hold glaring at him.

This jerk distracting me using his hot lips...

"I said, I want to take a picture not to start a kissing session", I huffed, folding my arms against my


"That's why I changed our place's, Little Flower. You know, you're a tiny one so you will have a hard

time capturing us together", he whispered, pulling me close as he nuzzled against my hair making my

heart stir by his sweet gesture.

But very soon I glared at him when I recalled what he said just now. Did he just proclaim that I'm tiny?

"What the heck! I'm not tiny. I'm 5 feet.", I stated proudly.

But then again I blurted out a stupid question, "Am I too short?". He began laughing heartily, once

again which warmed my eyes.

"Ok, fine now let's take a pic", I took my phone out, modifying it to a Selfie mode.

He hid behind me peeking through my hair, I snickered as he looked like a cute puppy.

Instead of giving a posture for the picture, he started to trailer wet kisses on my shoulder making my

insides writhe crazily.

His beard teasing against my skin, as I tilted my head slightly pressing a deep kiss on the side of his

head, with his lips pressed on my neck. I felt him smiling on my neck whilst nuzzling.

"I Love You, My Little FLOWER. I always will", his confession made my heart skip a beat, pounding

harder as if I am hearing this for the first time.

"I Love you, too", I confessed as he made me turn around to face him in a straddling position, he

groaned before claiming my lips roughly.

He fisted my hair rough, I wrapped one hand around his shoulder, with the other cupping his face.

We became like fire as the feel of his lips against mine was indescribable, hungry yet sweet.

I weaved my fingers into his hair, tugging it making him groan as his hands moved into my skin pulling

me more close to his firm body making me moan against his mouth in pleasure.

My whole body felt alive, even after the kiss ended we stayed in the same position, my face so close to

his, as he nudged my nose playfully with his.

The feel of his breath enough for me and to see those mesmerizing eyes which adore Only me as I

breathed in his addictive scent.

"Ferr, your beard tickling me", I giggled out starting to squirm in his arms when his beard started to

tickle my face for which he gave me one of his devilish smirks.

Oh, no! This is not a great sign...

"Don't you dare to-", before I could finish the sentence, without warning, his fingers made their way

inside my t-shirt, started to brush against my waist as I began laughing so hard not able to control


I started to hit him on his chest, in the end, I was in tears.

Arghh... This jerk...

I twisted his ears with one hand, with the other I pulled his beard hard enough to make him groan in


He raised his both arms for a second, in a surrender gesture, "I surrender." I beamed at him in Victory

as he initiated to kick start the bike with me still facing him.

"Not in this pos-", he navigated to the ultimate speed making me squeal as I hugged him tight for my

dear life yelling out at him, "You're horrible".

I felt his chest rumbling as he started to laugh again. "Oh, no! break is not working", he spoke up as I

gasped pulled back in a jerk horrified.

"Wh...what", I stuttered but he simply smiled. "It's working", he pursued his lips to hide his smile.

That's it... I had enough...

"You annoying bull, I hate you, freaking idiot.", I yelled out before biting his arm but he simply laughed


In the end, I rested my head on his chest wrapping my arms around his torso not having the strength

anymore to fight him. I felt pressing a deep kiss on the crown of my head.

I sighed in content as a smile of joy and satisfaction filled my heart.


That feeling of content is impossible to be restored by anyone except by My Ferr. He is the only thing I

wish for now and always.

I heaved out a sigh, looking at the picture which was taken using the timer setting automatically without

knowing myself enthralled in the kiss.

It was beautifully captured at the exact moment when I placed a kiss on the side of his head with him

smiling against my neck. A slow smile rose around the corners of my lips.

"Take off time", John who is sitting on the corner of the seat, instructed, making me snap out of my

thoughts. I gave a nod, before keeping the phone aside.


"No matter where Raffa's woman goes, there is no escape tonight. We have to kill her, not just her but

her whole damn family", I ordered, standing in front of 100 Soldiers, who are all empowered by


I got a message from my informer, that she is leaving for Texas. So, now I'm going to that city, no

matter where she goes this time there is no escape for her.

I got inside on my private jet as all the soldiers got on the Jeeps. Tonight I will fucking kill her. Even if it

happens to be one of his friends tries to keep her safe, they can't initiate that within today.

CAMORSTA POV:NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

I laughed in the trumpeted way. Raffa is dead now, the one who took off one of My well-known Position.

At first, people know me as, "Boss of All Drug-Lords", but now it's Him.

All started to forget my Organization. Every cunts wants to become a part of the Capone Organization,

not mine. In this State, if Raffa kills Tadesse, he will emerge out more powerful, which serves as a great

strength for Capone.

I can't understand what's going on in the mind of Capone now. I am, being the Leader of Camorsta

Organization using My power trying to destroy his Organization always but him, always staying silent.

What was he thinking? I feel fucking ashamed to say this but I don't know how the fuck he looks like.

Not even once I have seen the face of Capone, I've been conspiring against for the past 12 years.

And I'm the one who informed Tadesse that someone from Capone Organization will undoubtedly show

up to kill him.

As I came to know about the deal between him and Capone ended up as a disaster which he

discussed with me, since he is my close friend.

Tadesse plotted to kill whoever enters his territory. As it happens to be, Capone sent Raffa to kill


But, before he could enter into his territory, Tadesse accomplished according to the plan by fixing a

bomb inside the car which Raffa driving. The mission was executed in the end successfully.

I guessed correctly, whenever someone defies Capone, their maximum lifespan will be one day.

I know every move of theirs, and my game will come unexpectedly, always.

There should be Only One King, that is me, and One Powerful Organization which should be mine, not

that Capone's.

My next target, Hadez...



I took off the headset, after getting bored of hearing songs in the end. Looking over, my eyes met with

the sight of John, sipping his coffee, drowned deep in his thoughts.

I took a glance at my grandparents, both are sleeping peacefully. As I made my way towards John,

desperately wanting to talk about an important thing.

He stared at me calculatedly, when he saw me coming towards him. "Mr.John I wanna talk to you about

an important thing. Are you free now?", I asked, waiting for his response.

"Sure, take the seat", he smiled, motioning me to sit as I took a seat opposite to him.

"What do you wanna know about?", he looked at me puzzled. I drew a deep breath, feeling kinda

nervous. I know this is not something I should expect him to tell me but I think it's needed now.

"I wanna know everything about Ferr. Can you tell me, please?", I ended up, begging him. He was

taken aback by this unexpected topic.

"About him, I mean I am his drive-", I beat him to it already knowing he can't be just a driver.

"Mr.John, It's your profession, I know that. But, you know Ferr, from the very start of his childhood days.

Isn't it? Yesterday night you told, that you still see him as the same little boy.", I recited those words,

which he confessed.

I waited for his response, his eyebrow furrowed as a deep frown washed over his face, looking

everywhere but not me.

"I am sorry if I made you uneasy.", I expressed, apologizing. I stood up from the seat, turning around to


"I will say", he stated as I turned back to face him, he gestured me to sit and I settled back. He ruffled

his hair out as if he is frustrated.

He seems so stressed out...

"From where should I start?", he sighed in distress, a deep scowl laced on his face. He seemed to think

for a minute before looking straight into my eyes.

"His father is Enzo Di Lecce, Former Mafia King, the position which now Raffa holds. His mother

Katherine, A Businesswoman. Well, these two were called to be his Parents just for the namesake", his

face hardened with anger.

"What do you mean?", I gave him a puzzled look.

"They both don't know each other. It was a one-night stand, he suffered in the worst way possible for

their mistakes", he mumbled under his breath, tiredly.

"Enzo already had a son named Luciano, he is the one who should be in this UnderBoss Position after

Enzo. Unfortunately, he is not capable as Capone chose Raffa over Luciano", he explained, everything

makes sense.

I remember Luciano, the one who kidnapped me, said the same. That it's his position, he is the one

who should be the UnderBoss after his Father's, not Ferr.

"That one-night stand got Katherine pregnant. She planned to not have the baby. But Enzo came to

know about it when he saw her at A Party. After that, he made a deal with her", he paused for a

moment, thinking hard, tapping his fingers on the table.

"What deal?", I wondered, what deal they could've possibly made.

"Enzo said to give birth to a baby in return for money. She agreed, but it seems like Enzo was not A

Powerful Mafia King of that time. So, he got killed by his rivalries before the birth of Raffa", his

explanation gave me a better insight. So, there might be a chance, his death is the cause of all the


"When Katherine found this, it became too late for her to abort the baby. She is money-minded, when

she came to know that Enzo was dead, she got mad about the loss of money", his voice came out as a

whisper, looking sad and depressed.

"It would've been better if she would've killed him when he was born but instead, she raised him just to

use him as her punching bag.", he gulped hard swallowing his agony.

When those words left his mouth, my eyes widened in complete shock as if I had been slapped.

Was he abused?...

"I am her Driver, so I know everything. She tortured him, poured out all the hate on him. She even

named him as if he is one of the mansion things", he revealed, which made me remember what ferr

said yesterday was similar to his.

"When Raffa was 1 year old, she got married to A Rich BusinessMan, Richard James. They both

shared a son, his name is Franco. After that, his life became a living nightmare", he stayed silent, not

able to continue further but still did tried.

"Franco started to physically abuse Raffa seeing his mom doing, on that time he was around 5 years

old", he blurted, I let out a muffled gasp not able to believe what I am hearing. He is just a small child.

He stayed silent for a few minutes as if he doesn't have the strength to say further.

"Do you know why he hates to eat?", he implored, for which I shook my head negatively.

I never knew sometimes I think he may have allergies but it's not. He feels nauseous whenever he eats

by himself. Like, since the day I have been staying with him, he never ate food by himself, barely he


"I know he was treated like shit, but one day I saw that with my own eyes. And I just... couldn't eat my

food for a week.", he gritted his teeth, feeling infuriated by that thought itself.

"What happened?", I insisted as my voice started to quiver. I never thought he would've suffered this

much in his life.

"I saw him chained to the walls, struggling to break through from them. I thought to help him, though I

can't release him atleast thought to feed him some food. I went to my room, to grab some food but

when I came back-", he sighed as his lips quivered.

"I don't know what happened in between the time I left.", he sounds confused, thinking about it.

"When I came back, something was clogging his throat. He couldn't breathe, I ran inside helped him to

spit out. When he did, it was rotten food, it was a disgusting pungent smell like urinary with worms

slinking on them.", he controlled himself, from throwing out, as I felt nauseous for a moment.

"When I was asked him, about this he didn't say anything. He kinda became weary of his life. I came to

know this is how she is feeding all the time", his voice filled with turmoil at the end. I coughed, gulping

down my tears.

"After that whenever I give him my food, he started to throw it. I was too late to find out, that food took a

toll on him physically. He started to feel nauseous whenever he eats, no matter how good the food is",

he sighed deeply, slumped back against the seat.

"His life was fucked up beyond restoration. Until he was 10, he lived like this. In the end, I decided to

take him along with me and escape somewhere", he expressed, as that made me feel relieved.

"But again I was fucking too late. That one damn night, changed his life forever. Still, I don't know, What

made him do this? Is that for better or for worse?", he recalled, began to say further...


JOHN POV: (18 Years Ago)

[Ferrari's Age: 10]

I have packed all my stuff, now I have to sneak into the mansion without knowing anyone and take

Raffa along with Me. He is a small kid, who deserved to be loved not to be harassed in the hands of

these asssholes.

"John...", I heard a loud ear-piercing scream, that ripped through my ears. It was from none other than

but Raffa.

Without wasting a time, I ran like a lunatic hoping he is fine. Reaching the mansion, I met with the sight

of Katherine strangling him to death.

What the fuck!

I hurried towards them, pulling her hand away from him pushing her aside as she ended up falling on

the floor. I looked at Raffa, panting hard whilst coughing.

"How dare you kick me down. This Disgusting creature deserves to die. Look, he killed my husband

and my son", her voice seethed in rage, like spitting out the venom.

I looked at the ground to see Richard's lifeless body on the floor, blood formed like a pool around him,

he is brutally stabbed numerous times on his face, as the flesh has been shredded, his left eyeball is


I shifted my gaze to Raffa, who is standing as if nothing happened, his fragile hands dribbling with


I saw him glaring at Katherine without having a hint of fear in his eyes unlike Katherine, I could see her

eyes wavering with fear for the first time.

What made him act in this way?

Out of nowhere, All our heads are snapped towards Franco shockingly when he let out a loud gasp,

trying hard to breathe. He is still alive. Katherine took him in her arms and sobbed.

Thank God!

In a matter of a second, I saw Raffa running outside like a maniac, screaming out which is filled with

painful outrage that can't be explained in words.

"Raffa, wait", I was about to follow him but stopped myself from it to save Franco, whatever he may

have done, but he is a small child.

"Ma'am, let's take him to the hospital", I told as she nodded.

Getting inside the car, I drove off. On our way to the hospital, I saw Raffa running still like crazy as if

there is no tomorrow.

Something is wrong with him...

"John, fucking hit that disgusting thing", she let out which infuriated me.

"What the fuck! He is a small child, it's all your fault. You fucking hurt him emotionally and physically", I

yelled at her, not able to control myself anymore.

I don't give a damn about this shitty job...

I was about to halt the car, to take him along with me, but without a warning, she clamped the steering

wheel, rolling towards him.

"NO", I shouted, the moment between balance lost and impact is I hit him with the car, as he was

thrown away inside the woods, in front of my eyes.

"RAFFA", I stopped the car, in a jerk as she laughed in happiness. She is fucking sick.

"Finally, I wiped out that thin-", before she could say that word again, I slapped her hard enough to

leave imprints on my hand, before getting out of the car.

I embarked into the woods, calling out his name. I couldn't see anything clearly since it is midnight,

completely dark and the oaths are slippery since it is drizzling gently.

"RAFAAA...", I screamed with all my strength, at the end I slumped on my knees. This is all my fault.


I averted my gaze from him, covering my face with my hair, tears came as if, at long last, like an

accumulated ocean of brine was trickling through.

"After that-", he paused and rubbed his face and eyes with his hands, heaving out an exasperated sigh.

"Can I say the remaining, later?", he mumbled, with a weak voice. I gave a nod, swallowed a lump in

my throat before rushing back to my seat.

My eyes with tears still formed on them, not able to suppress them. I kinda wish I shouldn't have asked

him about Ferr's past. I can't believe despite all these things, he is still acting as if nothing happened.

But what made him kill Richard? He was just 10 years old, at that time. There might've something bad

that happened to Ferr to make him take this drastic action.

"His past has no power over him, anymore", I snapped my eyes, startled by the sudden voice. It was

from John, as he added further.

"Only you have the power over him, now. No matter how much worse he becomes, only you hold the

key to Control him", he stated, his face expressed more satisfaction. A slow smile spread over his

mouth and spilled into his eyes.

I nodded gently, using my smile as a response.

I closed my eyes, leaning back, as my heart started to whisper the same thing over and over again.


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