I Claim Your Love

Chapter 45: Making A Move

Chapter 45: Making A Move

The jaw muscles of Einar twitched as with every passing moment the grip on Garrick’s neck was

tightening. While on the other hand Rosaline was desperately trying to separate the alpha from the

poor man but her aiding efforts were pointless. Garrick’s face had reddened and his eyes were bulged.

The hold to his jugular was suppressing his supply of air.

The people which gathered outside the room were stunned to witness the horror. It wasn’t as if they

wanted to be mere spectators but getting involved with the head wolf would surely end their life and

they knew that. Besides there was no person in the entire world who could stop the carnage once the

alpha wolf was deranged. Nobody but one.

Callan’s anxiousness grew for he was clueless at the moment. He could not understand what was

causing Einar’s ire to grow. However his cause of concern increased when he saw the red mist slowly

appearing out of thin air and engulfing Einar. This meant that Orcus was making his presence felt.

Callan looked at Aurora in skepticism and a bit hope but the terrified face of the healer said it all. She

had no answer to Einar’s madness.

Soon Garrick’s eyelids gave up and he was drowsing in a deep sleep; his final sleep perhaps. Einar

loosened his grip from the beta as Garrick fell to the ground unconscious and bleeding. Einar turned his

back and focused his attention to a bewildered but scared for her life Luna. He grabbed a handful of

her hair and raised her body above the ground. He growled ferociously before thrashing the lady to the

nearest wall. Rosaline hurt her arm as she fell on the ground with a thud. The gasps and screams

diverted Einar’s focus once again as he looked at the panicked people who bowed their head and

trembled in their feet. All of them kneeled in front of the higher power but the alpha wasn’t having it.

He caught hold of the nearest table and smashed it on the entrance hurting some people in the

process. This was when things went erratic. The wolves stood up from their places and stepped

backwards to create some distance from the demented being. People scattered all around as they ran

for their life. All of them except Callan. He stood his ground and panicked a little when he saw the

bloody red eyes of the alpha and the red mist which was surrounding him.

Orcus had now taken over Einar completely.

The wolf smelled his environment when his eyes roamed all around but stationed at one particular spot;

to his mate. His expressions softened a bit as he gazed at the one person he craved the most.

However his features changed dramatically when he scowled and bared his teeth in aggression. He

ferociously growled and ran on his feet with his might in the opposite direction leaving a baffled Callan


Callan was speechless for a moment. He was sure that his presence would create the much needed

diversion and Orcus would stop in his place. But nothing as such happened! He helplessly looked all

around before stationing his gaze at a fearful Aurora who was standing a bit far from him.

“What has happened to him?”

Aurora’s lips quivered “I-I have no answer to that..”

Callan sighed in frustration and ran his hand through his hair “We have to stop him.”

“How? Orcus seems to have taken control over Einar’s body. I thought when he would look at you his

rage would be doused off.”

Callan became pensive at the words. In general cases a mates presence was enough to calm the

senses of a wolf. In matters where the wolf had become barbaric or out of control the elders would

push forward the wolfs mate. This way the wolf in question would become serene and his wild nature

was back in control.

Today however Callan was worried because this theory was futile and was proven wrong. The glint of

hope when Einar was transfixed for a moment made Callan hopeful but his change of expressions in

the next instant made him clueless and a bit panicked. He intently looked at Aurora “There is

something wrong with the wolf.” He whispered his words “Cant you do something..” He almost pleaded.

The healer took a deep breath “I think I can. I need to go to my cottage.” she took a pregnant pause

“Do you think you can handle him in the meantime?”

That was the thing. He wasn’t sure anymore.

He wasn’t sure if he would be able to make the wolf tranquil. He wasn’t sure if he would be able to stop

his carnage. He wasn’t sure if he did understand the wolf in the first place.

With a dismal attitude he said “I-I will try..”

Aurora nodded in affirmation and marched her way out of the alpha house. Meanwhile Callan followed

the screams which led him to the backyard. On his way though he could see the pack warriors

assembling around their leader. However Callan’s speedy legs were slowed down when he saw the

scene in front of him. A number of people were lying on the ground motionless. Torn clothes and

bruised bodies was a common sight. The most disturbing part though was the severed figures which

were disassembled from the owner. The ground was soaking in the blood which dripped though the

lying bodies. There was chaos everywhere.

Warrior after warrior raced his way to the opening of the thick woods. Callan was out of his trance at

once and he followed their lead to locate Einar. On his way though he was stopped on his tracks when

a hand grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

“Go find a safe place Ashton. I don’t want any more blood spilled today.”

“But I can help..” He hopefully looked at Aldous.

“And how exactly would you do that..?”

Callan was tongue tied on the question. If in the entire world Einar would listen to someone it would be

him and no one lese. He knew the obvious but was in a dilemma to reveal his secret to the head

warrior. The lives of the people were in jeopardy and nothing else mattered right now. Callan knew he

had to act otherwise Einar would wipe out the entire pack from existence.

Callan sternly gazed at head warrior “I would still come with you.”

The adamant nature of the handsome man was making it difficult for Aldous to make him see reason.

He sighed in defeat and spoke lowly “Stay close and don’t create problems for us.”

Callan briefly nodded as they entered the thick woods. The wolves were tracing their alpha while Callan

kept a close watch nearby. His legs were halted suddenly when he heard a loud piercing scream. All of

the men ran towards the source of the sound. Callan was left dumbfounded when he saw the horror

which unfolded before him. Einar had been on a killing spree. He was killing the wolves barbarically.

Men, women he differentiated no one. He even forgot his basic principle as the alpha to save his pack

wolves; his own people!

Aldous and his men wasted no time as they ran towards the demented being and held his hands tightly.

Two men on each sides grabbed Einar’s arms and two men each were holding his legs tightly. While

one warrior was hitting the back of his knee so as to propel him to kneel. All this while Aldous was

ordering his other men to take people to safety as he himself was trying to get hold of Einar. Even after

using all of their strengths the men were finding it difficult to hold their alpha in position. Einar was

overpowering them all. Their groaning and grunting were all put to waste when Einar slanged his arms

and kicked his legs to detach the men at both the sides. He threw an angry punch right at Aldous jaw

and gritted his teeth in anger.

Einar arched his neck as he looked to the sky and howled a mighty scream. Soon bones cracked and a

big black wolf replaced the muscular man. Every warrior on the ground was terrified. Callan’s

anxiousness grew because he knew the after effects wont be favorable. He had to intervene to make

the wolf humble and keep him in his senses. However even before he could move a leg the wolf

jumped over the nearest warrior and pierced his deep canines through his neck. He pressed his jaws

firmly until the trembling body was weakening and finally unmoving.

Fear evident in his eyes, Aldous ordered his men to stand back. He slowly moved ahead and

undressed his shirt. Callan saw what the head warrior was trying to do. He was sacrificing himself to

save his men. But was it worth it? Even after killing the man Einar was surely not going to stop. If

anyone had the power to subdue him it was Callan and no one else. Aldous in the next instant turned

into his own wolf and launched himself over the alpha. The battle that ensued left everyone around

speechless. Aldous was irking the big wolf with his speed and agility as he attacked on every chance

while he dodged Einar’s advances. In the meantime the warriors helped carry the injured people out of

harms way, away from the alpha.

Einar was aggravated by Aldous’ manoeuvres as he roared deafeningly and slashed his stomach with

the powerful claws. Callan gasped in horror. He could see the menacing look of the alpha. Aldous was

badly injured as he slowly but painfully transformed into his human. With haggard breaths he kept one

hand on the side of his stomach while the other hand was trying to lift him up. His eyes were focused

solely on the approaching beast.

Einar wasn’t stopping.

Just as he was about to puncture his canines through the flesh of the man, Callan pulled an injured

Aldous out of harms way. He cautiously stood in front of the man shielding him from the wolfs view. The

sight of Callan in front of him made the wolf some what serene. He vigorously shook his head to gain

control but his efforts were futile. On the other hand Aldous was stunned by the audacity or the

valiance of the human of the pack to put his own life in danger to save him.

“What are you doing?” Aldous asked between his breaths.

Callan looked behind his shoulders “Saving you..”

“You have no idea what you are dealing with. You can get killed..!”

Callan looked ahead as a knowing smile formed on his face “I will be safe and I wont let him kill you


The words confused Aldous as he held Callan’s arm to move him aside. However when he touched the

handsome man he was faced with a roaring growl of annoyance from an irate black wolf. The red eyes

were focused completely on the shoulders of Callan and the hand which laid on it. He furrowed his

brows and snarled baring his long canines. With a clear aim to kill Aldous he marched ahead. Callan

half expected this reaction from Einar and so was ready. He quickly twisted his fingers as the fine

gravels from the land uplifted themselves and engulfed the wolf. They swirled all around taking the wolf

out of focus while some particles even distorted his vision.

“You need to leave.” Callan said at once.

Aldous looked at the struggling beast ahead of him. He was sure that the diminutive storm would not

deter his resolve and soon Einar would be back to his killing form. Moreover the human of the pack

was in no way capable to match the powers of the mighty wolf. He was sure to be killed “Are you out of

your mind! He will kill you!”

“Why do you even care?” Callan huffed. Of all the times Callan wished Aldous to be sensible this

wasn’t the perfect moment.

“My being alive or dead never concerned you.”

Aldous moved his lips but no concrete words came out of his mouth. He only managed to utter “I cant

let you do this. I am not leaving without you.” Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

Their small talk was interrupted by the loud grunting of the wolf. Callan looked at Einar one more time

and deduced that the sand storm would die down soon. With a look of concern he gazed at the head

warrior “There is no much time to argue. Please leave.”

Aldous looked between the determined eyes of the human and the raging features of the animal. He

sighed in defeat and punched the ground in frustration. He understood that there was not much he

could do. He was draining his power and felt useless at the moment. He hesitatingly lifted himself and

made his way out of the premise with a little pang of regret.

The sand storm slowly died as the wolf vigorously snarled and looked all around to locate his prey.

Callan on the side was standing on his feet at a distance from wolf with his palms facing the animal in

an act of defence. The black wolf however had kept his constant face of fury. He was mad for Callan’s

acceptance of some other man over him.


Callan spoke in a cool and composed manner. He slowly lowered his hand and wet his lips in


The wolf halted in his track as his expressions softened and he bowed his head a little. He was content

that finally his human mate had acknowledged him; the true him. He was happy that his long torture

was bearing fruit. He was relieved that he was in some positive trajectory; that his mate did not show

any hate or remorse. He slowly stepped forward to stand in front of the man. His red eyes were affixed

to the beautiful man in front of him. Callan hesitatingly raised his hand and touched the lower part of his

jaw. Callan smiled a little as he fondled the fur on Orcus’ jaw. The sheer pleasure the wolf felt for the

first touch of his mate was unimaginable. He purred and howled in his happiness. Callan could see the

curiosity and the angst within the wolf in his eyes. His face conveyed a lot of emotions.

The distance; the pain; the longing!

It was as if the wolf was finally content. Callan giggled and moved closer to Orcus but he was shocked

to see the gleamy beads on the surface of the land. Callan slowly raised his head when another water

bead landed on the ground. His deep green eyes were met with the pained crimson eyes of the wolf.

His heart constricted on witnessing the helplessness and suffering Orcus was feeling now. The wolfs

eyes could not contain the brim of water which transformed into big tear drops before flowing through

his cheeks and touching the ground.

Callan was heart broken. His heart and soul was aching with all the suffering and he wanted to soothe

the animal. Do anything to stop him from crying. Orcus made a low, guttural sound as if the water

through his eyes was healing him from within. A surge of repressed angst was finally subdued and his

true emotions for his beloved were being released.

Callan caressed his hands to the nuzzle of the wolf and smiled with a teary eye.

However the moment of bliss was short lived as a strong enchanted mist covered the wolf from above.

He lost his balance and also his semblance as he screamed and revolted against the outward force

which pressurised him to change into the human and be away from his mate. He tried hard to resist but

his physical strength was giving up. Soon he failed to withstand the effect of the mist and gave away

his control. The black shiny fur was forcibly replaced by the muscular figure of the alpha.

A number of people had gathered around the wolf. Arthur and a few men approached their leader and

helped him get up. Einar was in a state of drowsiness. He was finding it difficult to keep his eyes open.

Aurora on the other hand stood besides a guilty faced Callan who was standing aloof from the


“Are you alrite?” the healer asked with concern.

“I am.” Callan sniffled and blinked rapidly to clear his eyes of the tears.

“You don’t look good.”

Callan took a deep sigh and sniffled again. His eyes were stationed at the movement of people who

were helping Einar. He kept a closer look on the departing figures as the wolves were distancing

themselves and soon were out of sight. He paused for a long time before saying “It was the first time

that I felt his pain Aurora.”

“The wolf?”

Callan nodded shakily “What has Einar done..!” His voice trembled. He turned to his friend and buried

his face in her shoulders. He clutched the back of her gown as he snivelled and whimpered in grief “He

needs me Aurora! I could see it in his eyes..”

Aurora ran her hand though the back of the handsome man to pacify him and tranquilize his inner

storm “Everything will be good at the end.” She surveyed her eyes around “Lets not talk about it here

Callan.” She pulled her friend back and looked him in his eyes “I think we need to investigate the

sudden outburst of Einar.”


Callan and Aurora were in the latter's cottage and searching through the bundle of primordial

parchments to know something, anything about the big wolf. They wanted to know the reason for

Orcus’ distress. Though Callan knew that he was a part of the problem, it was abnormal to behave in

such an unruly manner for any wolf.

“Here.. Look at this.”

Aurora cleared some parchments from the floor to make way to Callan. She laid down the big sheet on

the floor and spread it to the maximum. Callan could see some writings and symbols and below all of

them was drawn a big wolf.

“What is this?”

“This is the answer to our questions.”

Callan was puzzled “What do you mean?”

Aurora pointed to some of the symbols on the sheet “In the times of Orcus’ reign or even before that,

the rules to claim a mate were different. It says that in the ancient times a mate was chosen by the

dominant wolf and not pre determined as is now..”

“You mean a chosen.”


Callan nodded briefly. It was strange for him to know that the moon goddess had no role to play in the

mating of pairs back then.

“It says that a dominant wolf had to earn the right to mate a particular wolf of his choosing. He had to

display his abilities and his strength constantly to the entire world. It was done to prove that the

dominant was able to guard and take care of his chosen.”

Callan blew out some air as he entangled his hand and ticked his forefingers to his lips. The life in the

primeval times was barbaric. It was those times when the humans were pre dominantly governed by

their animal instincts and civilization was premature and non-existent to say the least. Orcus was an

ancient wolf and so his barbaric nature was justified. However his cause of concern was mostly on why

Einar’s wolf behaved the way he did.

“It doesn’t explain the mayhem Orcus did today.”

Aurora sighed as she sat on her knees and pursed her lips “The other reason the dominant had to be

vigilant was because the mates were used to be stolen..”

Callan’s eyes widened at the statement “This is horrible..!”

“It was a normal thing to do back then.” she shrugged “The mate of a dominant had no choice but to

adhere to the wishes of his new master. Therefore the mates back then were guarded and kept a

closer look on. However the more powerful wolves used other means to safeguard their mates..”

Callan leaned forward with curiosity to hear what the healer had to say next. Aurora on the other hand

was finding it difficult to put forward her words “They used to eliminate the competition..”

Callan scowled “By eliminating you mean..”

“Kill them so that it sends a message to the world. A warning.”

Callan gasped “I cant believe this..!”

“I think the probable reason Orcus was out of control today, was to kill all of the pack for he thinks that

they are the reason to keep you away from him.”

Callan was shocked to the core. To know that he was the reason the big wolf was out of control was

half expected by the handsome man. However he could never comprehend the level to which the wolf

would go to reach out to him.

Orcus was the head. The prime wolf of the pack. This meant that his duty was to keep his pack close

knit and safeguard their interest. Keep them secured and alive. Many a times the head wolf had to

sacrifice his own happiness to keep his pack intact. In this instance though Orcus did not show any of

the qualities of being the alpha. He was deranged and out for kill only to annihilate the people of the

pack. His own people who he vowed to keep safe forever!

Callan’s thoughts were interrupted when Aurora spoke again “The other explanation I can come up with

is that since the ceremonial proceedings as the alpha, Orcus was constantly denied a cohabitation with

you. Therefore it was the pent up aggression which he could no longer control and which come out in

the open today.”

Callan raised his brows as he realised something “Einar has been suppressing his shift..”

Aurora nodded. She searched her pockets and held a transparent bottle of green liquid in her hands

“This was the bottle that I recovered from Einar’s room some time ago.”

“What is it?” Callan held the bottle in his hand and looked at it with curiosity.

“It is made from strong ancient herbs and weeds. There is also a mixture of a powerful but rare poison

in it which makes it dangerous.”

Words failed to come out of his mouth. He kept staring at the healer in complete shock “Why would he

even drink that!”

“To keep the wolf in control. This medication is helping him to suppress his forceful transformation.”

It meant that Einar was drinking this powerful medication only to conquer his wolf and force him into

hiding. But why? Wasn’t he aware about the dangers of consuming the liquid? What could have been

the reason to drink the thing in the first place? Callan could think of only one answer “He must be

consuming it before the full moon.”

The full moon was the time when the wolves were at their prime. This meant that there was a possibility

that Orcus would overpower the restrain of the locket and transform in his true nature. Einar knew it

and so was scared of the outcome.

“My guess exactly. This is the reason he is unable to wake up after Daragor makes his presence.”

How powerful could the dose of the medication be to subdue the mighty wolf in Einar! If it was potent to

keep Orcus unconscious for days it had to be dangerous and even life threatening shall any other wolf

consume it by mistake. Wasn’t Einar aware of this? Was he a fool to put his own life in danger? Go to

such an extent so as to harm the animal within him?

“Einar has to stop this. He is killing himself slowly and for what? Just because he has to keep hidden a

damn secret! He is really insane!”

“He is under tremendous pressure Callan. You have to understand that as an alpha he has to think

about his people first. It his legacy.” she whispered the last part “He has to be on the forefront for his

pack; for his people.”

“I understand all of it Aurora but he has a responsibility towards his inner beast and most importantly

towards me. He cant ignore us, not any more..”

Callan was thoughtful yet again. He never imagined the level to which Einar could stoop. The way in

which he was harming his wolf was outright cruelty. Callan could give Einar a benefit of doubt for being

conflicted towards his feelings for him and his responsibilities as an alpha but what he was doing to

himself and his wolf was not justified at all. Orcus deserved every right over his mate. So what if Einar

doesn’t care about him. It doesn’t mean that his beasts should be deprived of their love; of their

beloved; of their rightful mate. Einar could be insensitive towards the feelings of his beasts but Callan

cannot overlook them anymore.

The quiet nature of the handsome man unnerved Aurora as she asked with curiosity “What are you


Callan had a smug look on his face as he smirked “Einar wont let me meet Orcus. He thinks he can

outsmart me.” He huffed as he slowly stood up on his feet. He looked at Aurora with determination in

his eyes “From now on I will make efforts to reach out to Orcus. I will be the one to make a move.”


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