I Claim Your Love

Chapter 46: The Mysterious Girl

Chapter 46: The Mysterious Girl

Einar’s eyes were robbed of their usual warmth. He wanted to rekindle the heat within him but his

insides were too damp with all the unshed tears. He looked at the rising sun from the window and

wished that the morning never came. His eyes were a bit puffed and the area beneath had darkened

due to the lack of sleep.

How could he sleep?

The split images he saw a week ago when he toured the pack, harrowed him to the core. He couldn’t

believe that the carnage which occurred was all because of him; that he was responsible for the chaos

and the killings of his own people. Deep within he felt remorse and was a bit ashamed but it was too

late. The damage had already been done. The news about his out of control behaviour had reached

the nearby packs and possibly to the kings court.

How did this all happen? He was sure that he was in control for a long time. The full moon had

rendered him weak and inactive but it was the price he had to pay to keep his lovesick wolf under

check. Most importantly he could not remember anything from when the wolf in him took charge.

The screeching of the door grabbed Einar’s attention as he looked at the figure carrying a tray and the

hot beverage on it. He took a deep sigh as the drink was all he needed to rejuvenate his mind. He

straightened his back and leaned backwards to the wall. However his movement was abruptly halted

when he saw the person bringing in the refreshments.

It was his mate.

Over the past one week the only companion though unwanted, was the beautiful man. Even after

Einar’s complaints and his distancing behaviour the handsome man had been adamant to keep him

company. He would ask about him, enquire his condition while he would forcibly tend to Einar’s

wounds. There were days when both of them spoke nothing at all but kept gawking at each other for

their own reasons.

In a way Callan’s presence was making the beasts in him happy while Einar felt disgusted with himself.

After what went through with the pack he should feel dreadful and have courage to go outside to

assure his people. As a leader he was supposed to helm the pack to its glory and integrate everyone

under his protection.

Instead, he stayed in his room like a coward and shamefully enjoyed the company of his mate. Callan's

presence was making the days pass by easily. However Einar was slightly angry at his mate for

indirectly he was the reason for the chaos that happened.

Callan smiled as he walked in and slowly kept the tray on the table besides the bed. He gently handed

over the glass with hot beverage to the alpha.

“Where are the servants?” Einar asked dryly as he took the first sip.

“They are outside.”

Einar looked at the window and then at the door “Where are the other people?”

“They are where they should be.” Callan said in a low, meek voice.

In the hindsight Einar knew why the people he was used to working with did not show up. They were

scared. And why wouldn’t they be? Einar’s presence was no more secure. The temperamental

behaviour of the alpha could put any life in jeopardy just like that. It was understandable for why the

pack wanted to distance themselves with him. Apart from one exception; the beautiful man standing in

front of him.

“Why have you come here Ashton?” Einar asked in his defeat.

“To take care of you.”

“I don’t want you near me.” The alpha coldly said.

Callan smiled and almost whispered “You don’t want me.. but you need me.”

The cryptic words took Einar by surprise as he looked at Callan in confusion and scowled. “I will be fine

by my own.”

“I cant leave you untreated.”

“Where is the healer?” Einar asked angrily as he gritted his teeth “Its her job not yours.”

“She is busy with others.” Callan took a pregnant pause “Rosaline, Garrick and Aldous wont be here for

quite a while and Arthur is handling the pack business in your absence.”

The mere utterance of the names made Einar’s heart heavy. He hurt the people he loved. One of the

reasons the pack wolves were afraid of him was the fact that he hurt the luna of the pack. He hurt his

own mate!

Who does that!

When he proposed a fake alliance to Rosaline he had sworn in to protect her and give her a life she

deserves but on the contrary he failed in his promises. It was already tough on the poor lady to deceive

an entire pack for her good soul repulsed her actions. Einar brought her to the mess and made her

suffer for something completely irrelevant to her.

Einar had buried the deep secret sorrows within him which could not be known to the world. The

burden was eating him from the insides. His thoughts upset him and he lowered his head to speak

meekly “I want to be alone Ashton. Leave the room at once.”

Callan wasn’t untouched by the mental state of the pack alpha. He discerned the mood of Einar way

before any of the pack members. He knew Einar was remorseful and pained at the events which

unfolded these past days. However he was also relieved that he got to spend more time with his mate.

He wanted to soothe Einar somehow but was finding it difficult to do his task without revealing much.

“I wont do anything that displeases you. I will just do my work and leave when I am finished. Until then

you can pretend as if I am not here.”

Einar sighed in defeat “There is a reason I hate the fact that you don’t have a wolf. Your reluctance to

adhere to my commands gets on my nerves sometimes.”

The handsome man smirked “If my nature bothers you so much why didn’t you punish me?”

Because the beasts wouldn’t allow me. Because hurting you would hurt me.

Einar cleared his throat “Stop with the nonsense Ashton and do what you came to do.”

Callan shrugged and sat on the empty space besides Einar’s torso. The close bodies brought shivers

to the alpha, however Einar’s eyes expanded when Callan leaned forward to touch him. The sudden

action startled Einar as he choked on the beverage. A mischievous smile made its way to Callan’s face

as the alpha coughed rapidly to clear his throat.

“What are you doing?” He asked in a surprised voice.

“Undressing you..”

The air in his throat got stuck as Einar’s lips moved but could not utter a word. He was completely

stupefied by the sudden bold behaviour of his mate.


“You heard me. I want to undress you of your clothes.”

Einar stared at the beautiful man in horror. At this moment Callan was powerful beyond measure

because he didn’t know what catastrophe shall transpire if he ignited the flames of desire in Einar. He

wouldn’t be able to control himself. His best hidden secret will be out in the open.

Einar was unable to find a way through his fear; through this predicament.

“You look afraid.” Callan smirked a little.

“I..” Einar gulped “Am not.”

“Relax.” Callan held a bottle from the tray and lifted in the air in front of the alpha “It is the lotion that I

brought with me. I have to rub it on your chest and your back. It will cool your senses and help get you

rid of the excess heat. Aurora says that it helps in calming your nerves.”

Einar’s thoughts were numb. This wasn’t the way to deal with the things he was going through. The

simple touch from his mate would do everything other than making him calm.

“Shall I?”

Einar was dumbstruck again. He couldn’t formulate a thought or a believable reason to deny his mate.

Einar had received massages in the past but they had all been through his servants. As also nudity

was never a problem with him. But here the man in front was his own mate and showing him his bare

body was proving to be unnecessarily uncomfortable. Einar was shy and flustered at the thought of

Callan touching him.

With nowhere left to go Einar reluctantly nodded.

Callan nodded in response and leaned forward to touch the first buttons of Einar’s shirt. All this while

Einar had curled his fingers tightly while his lips were closed firmly. He looked everywhere except in the

front and tried to recollect unpleasant thoughts to divert his attention from his handsome man.

When Callan was done undressing Einar, he held a handful of the thick liquid on his palms and circled

it twice with his two fingers before rubbing it on Einar’s chest.

As soon as the cold fingers touched Einar’s body he opened his mouth and sucked in a lot of breath in

a jiffy. Pleasant shivers trembled his body. His pulsating veins were increasing its flow to his member.

All the irrational thoughts in his head evaporated while he fixated his gaze at the mystique of a beauty

in front of him.

An unexpected silence followed as both of them locked their gazes in a staring contest. Callan couldn’t

control himself as he chuckled looking at the state of Einar’s face. “Your cheeks are red”

Einar couldn’t hold his gaze and he cleared his throat in a mock anger “They are always this way. It is

your hands that are cold as ice.”

Callan looked at his hands in amusement and shrugged before breathing out the warm air to even the

temperature of his hands. The simple gesture brought a smile on Einar’s face. However his lips

returned to a hard line as in the next moment Callan resumed to do what he came for.

Callan moved his finger in a circular motion around both the sides of his chest. He mentally smirked

when he noticed the hardened nipples of Einar along with the small bumps which were appearing on

his skin. His chest hair were slowly aiming for the sky.

The tender contact dried out all the air in Einar. The touch felt intimate, it felt sensual. His curved

fingers spiraled even more as he fisted his hands to remain in control. He opened his mouth a little to

take deep voiceless sighs for his heart drummed at a faster rate.

Though Einar took precautions and was using every of his tactics, his body was not listening to him.

The more Einar felt Callan’s hand the more he craved him. The tension had reached such a point that

heaving deep sighs was not enough. It was turning embarrassing for Einar for the arousal in his pants

was becoming more and more evident.

To save himself of the awkwardness he all of a sudden turned and lied on his flat torso. He looked on

the other side of the man and said “Can you do my back first.”

Callan was mute as he laughed. He found the situation comical. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t noticed the

throbbing member wishing to liberate itself from Einar’s pants. It was the sheer childlike behaviour

which Einar displayed that made him laugh in amusement.

Callan controlled his laughter and said “As you wish.”

The handsome man massaged the alpha gently by circling his bare back. But as it had to happen, the

motion caused Einar to regret his decision. He could not believe how something could feel better than

the first time. With every upward and downward stroke, the breathing movements of Einar were

becoming abrupt. His now hardened member was grinding with the mattress below him. It was pure

torture. The beads on his forehead and his little shivers showed how agonizing it was for the alpha. His

tensions increased when the initial shade of the thick white liquid leaked through his member. If

Callan’s hand did not come to a halt, Einar was sure that he would take his mate then and there.

Einar inhaled a large breath “Stop.. ”

Callan retrieved his hand “What happened?”

His manhood was making it uncomfortable to maintain a stable position. Einar squeezed his hands

before uttering “I need to sleep. I am feeling drowsy.”

Callan noticed the unbearable quandary of his mate and held back his laughter. He inhaled sharply to

control himself and tease the alpha a bit more “It would be more comfortable for you if you sleep on

your back.”

“COULD YOU PLEASE LEAVE THE ROOM AT ONCE ASHTON.” Einar exhaled air through his mouth

to slow his heart beat “For once in your life do as you are told.”

Callan stood up abruptly and held the back of his forefinger between his teeth as he laughed

uncontrollably, without making a sound. His chest was vibrating while his face muscles grew tight. He

bit his lip quite too often and expelled air in between as his laughter was refusing to die down. On the

other side Einar was waiting impatiently for a response most probably for his mate to exit as soon as

possible so that he could save himself of this embarrassing situation.

Finally Einar was relieved when Callan cleared his throat “If you need anything let me know.”

Callan left the room in a jiffy as he was sure to burst out laughing while all Einar thought was that he

had hurt his mate once again and forced him to leave insultingly.


The group of five were drinking in the radiant heat of the afternoon. All of them sat around a mini pond

whose water was flowing magically onto the feet of the people to subdue the warmth. The boulders on

which they sat moved to its right to complete the circle and station itself back to its place. Callan saw

the look of amazement on the faces of his friends and he pulled his hands back. They talked about the

events from the past days when suddenly Fayette spoke

“You did what!?” Fayette asked in surprise.

“I rubbed his back and his chest.”

“And he let you do that?”

Callan nodded “It was hilarious!” he giggled “He was hesitant at first but I bet he was enjoying himself..” NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

“He is one stubborn male.” Callan’s attention diverted to a stoic Aurora “Even after your touch he didn’t


“What do you expect? That he jumps over Cally and starts smooching him all over.” All of a sudden

Archer’s facial expression changed and a look of distaste replaced his features “Oh god! I just

imagined that in my head and it is grossing me out.”

“The thing that grosses me out is the fact that the moron is your mate.” Fayette sighed “How twisted

that can be!”

Callan smiled and resumed his talks with Archer and Aurora. Fayette deflected her attention to the

beautiful girl sitting besides her. The girl’s face glowed like the spring flower when it opens. Her gaze

was affixed at the tree which stood at a long distance. She carefully watched the winged animals flying

above, aiming for the sky and returning to the tree. The canvas of nature and the chirping of the birds

made her heart content and she smiled constantly.

The extension of her lips caused Fayette to mimic her actions “You seem happy.”

“I feel liberated. It is a good feeling.” The straight hairs on her forehead dangled with the motion of the


“It is good to have you as a company.”

The mystery girl nodded with a smile. Fayette reciprocated with a smile of her own, however her lips

returned to its normal form as she arched her eyebrows a little “Has anyone been suspicious?”

The girl looked at Fayette in confusion and in the next instant she wandered her gaze around the other

three people sitting in the circle “Not that I know of.”

“You have to be careful.”

The girl nodded.

After chatting for some more time the group left the place to leave for their respective homes. Callan

and Aurora would be the first to say their goodbyes as the blue moon pack was the closest to the


Their joyous prattle came to an end when Aurora asked a question which made Callan uncomfortable

“What are your plans on the wolf situation?”

Callan and Archer did not have to be genius to discern which wolf the healer was talking about. Callan

looked sternly ahead and sighed “I am waiting for the full moon day.”

A playful smile was plastered on Archer’s face “I wonder what’s going on in that devious mind of yours.”

“Its not what you are thinking.” Callan huffed

“And what am I thinking?” Archer raised a brow and chuckled.

“Stop teasing me.”

Callan’s flushed cheeks complimented his eyes. His innocent smile added to the shyness of his blush.

When Archer noticed the rosy face of his friend he was delighted “It has been a long time since I have

seen you this happy. Though I don’t like the man in the slightest but I think Einar is the answer to your

hearts content.”

“I don’t have any feelings for him Archer.”

The werebear pursed his lips and nodded in mock acknowledgment “Keep telling yourself the things

which make you happy.” he ruffled Callan’s hair playfully “You cant fool me my friend.”

The joy in Aurora was priceless “Is what Archer implying true?”

“Don’t get your hopes up.” Callan rolled his eyes “It is just that I don’t hate Einar anymore.” he paused

for a moment “But I still don’t love him.”

“It wont take much time.”

“What?” Callan asked in surprise.

“To reach the blue moon pack I meant.” Archer pursed his lips and shrugged.

Callan was aware of the meaning of the cryptic words the were bear was trying to imply. It had been

quite a few days since the handsome man was greeted with raillery from his friends. At first the teasing

bothered him. It made him angry a little. However, the scenario had changed today drastically. He no

longer felt chagrined. He felt embarrassed and shy in a good way.

As soon as the five people reached the pack borders, their footsteps came to a halt when they

witnessed a long procession. Callan could see a chariot being pulled by four horses while a number of

guards followed and preceded the chariot. The golden palm tree embedded on each of their jackets

was a symbol that the procession belonged to the royal court.

“Who are they?” asked a bewildered Fayette.

“They are the people from the royal court.”

“What business do they have here?”

“I think it is something to do with the chaos which occurred that day.” Aurora answered

The neighing of the horses diverted the attention of all the five people. They looked ahead and saw that

the trajectory of the procession had been changed and now the horses were heading their way.

“Why are they approaching us?” The mystery girl asked

Callan shrugged and shook his head “I am as clueless as you are.”

The horses neighed once more as they stopped at a distance from Callan and his friends. Callan’s

stoic face dramatically changed when he saw the person that landed his feet on the ground. The

unwanted approaching steps increased Callan’s heartbeat while bile formed in his throat as a vexatious

memory resurfaced in his mind.

Callan was left speechless as he scowled with distaste when the person stood in front of him and

smirked “Hello my dear.”


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