Love Magic: Two Different Hearts

Chapter 5: Introduction Part One

Chapter 5: Introduction Part One

Glen's POV

"Then, let us proceed now with the introductions" Sir Trevor said and I groan.

"Agh... I hate introductions" Kaylee complained and I frown at that. (And to tell the truth... both of us

hated introductions... okay....)

"Okay let's start at the..."

"Please start in front.... front.... front" we both chanted like a mantra at the same time while we both

face each other.

I can see that she is nervous and I can't also deny the fact that I'm nervous too.

(Oh come on.... why am I even sweating it's just an introduction...? right)

I tried keeping myself calm and relax so that it will stop. But still nothing happened I'm still nervous so I

went for plan B.

I will just construct my words in my head trying to find the right words. So that at least I have something

to tell later if our wish is not granted.

(Okay.... huh.... let's start making those words into sentences....)

"This is pure torture..." Kaylee sigh in frustration making me pause from my thoughts and look at her.

"Enough already and get over it. Whatever happens fix your sentences since you'll always get your turn

no matter what. Besides you're not the only one nervous here you know" I said making her look at me

and the to the room.

"-oh I nearly forgot. Let's put a twist into it...." both I and Kaylee look at Sir Trevor like... (What the

heck... what twist is he talking about this time....)

"I guess you don't know but Sir Trevor likes to spice things up" the boy at our back said again so we

turn around and nod at him trying to acknowledge his presence.

(Well... we don't want to be rude and create enemies here...)

We both give him a forced smile not wanting to talk to him since we don't usually expect other people to

be talking to us.

(Once they will know what school where did we come from, they will stay away from us. Although we

are not worried with it. But hey... this school is full of high standard spoiled brats who think that they

own the fucking world.... oh sorry for the word....)

"- the twist will be..." I immediately stop imagining and look at Sir waiting for the twist. (I hope that it is

not that hard. I don't want to get embarrassed in the first day.... arhg..)

"'ll be in partners" he simply said and that made I and Kaylee look at each other and grin.

(Okay that made me sigh in relief....) It feels like a thorn was removed from my chest and my

nervousness was lessened.

"I guess it's our lucky day..." I said and we both chuckle. But then Sir Trevor was very kind he continued

the twist that we are going to play.

"-but you’re not going to choose your partners..."

(What....arhg.) My joy was shattered and I mentally slap my face and groan. I look at Kaylee and she

was groaning too then....

"But Sir..." someone whines and we look at that person. It's the girl who is clinging to the boy in front

which is next to her.

(Yes, try and make him change his mind)

But it looks like Sir Trevor is not backing down. "I'm sorry but no buts this time Ms. Emily... okay then

shall we start." he said and the girl didn't talk and she just groans.

(I guess they already knew each other) I can't tell what are they saying since we're at the back. And we

can't see their face since they are facing in front.

"Now your" Kaylee cheekily said and I glared at her.

"Say's the one who keeps on fidgeting on her sit" I bicker and chuckle when she glared at me.

(She usually does this to get rid of her nervousness) I glance at the other students and I was shocked.

(I guess they already know each other since they look so calm)

I nudge Kaylee and she looked at me. "Hey... look at the others..." I whisper and she scan the area and

looked at me before cursing in a whisper.

"Why aren't they even nervous? Don't tell me..." she looks at me and I just nod.

"Maybe we are the only one who is new here" I said and we both sigh.

"Then that means..."

"Yup..." I answered her and she looked in front.

(Getting friends now would be harder... but hey... we don't need them. We have each other and that's

enough. Although we thought we could have friends here but I guess that's a scratch....)

I look around and counted all of us and were so few not like when back then. We were average in total

but the only thing I'm sure is that most students are all boys than girls.

"The only thing you're going to do is just pick a piece of paper from this bowl" Sir Trevor said and a

bowl suddenly appear and flew to each student.

"Caster" Kayleen mutter making me look at her. She felt that I was looking at her so he explained it.

"I mean he is just like me" she said and I look at Sir Trevor. He was holding a wand in his hands.

(I didn't saw that a while ago. I didn't also expect him to be teaching this class. He doesn't look to born

with that kind of power, I thought he was a manipulator)


The bowl stop in front of us making us look at it and we both look at each other and nod.

First one to fish in the bowl was Kaylee then me. I put my hand in the bowl and pick a piece of paper

just like everybody did.

After I took out a paper the bow flew at our back for the last students. Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

"There’s nothing in the paper" she said in confusion while looking at the paper she is holding.

I immediately opened mine and nothing too. (It's true it's just plain white paper and nothing is on it... is

this a trick or what?)

"Mine too" I just said when she was looking at me probably waiting for my response.

"Let's wait maybe there's a trick to it" I replied her.

"I guess so..." she said defeatedly.

"...but maybe we are..." she suddenly gets excited making me grin too until Sir Trevor spoke again

making us stop and look at him while still smiling like idiots.

"Okay... does everyone have a piece of paper?" he asked and we all nod in agreement.

"Okay then look at the paper your holding..." we all followed him. "-then a number will appear and that

is your partner's number. So find them..." he finished then I heard a snapping sound.

(What the... amazing) a number suddenly appears in the piece of paper that I was holding that was

blank a while ago.

"What's your number" I immediately asked Kaylee and she showed me the paper she's holding.

"16 Woh... Is that- I think that was your previous bf's monthsary" I said while chuckling and she just

sigh in annoyance.

"Huh, that was years ago. I'm already done with that jerk who... damn enough already reminding me

that bastard makes me crazy... I want to ki... so what's yours by the way" she suddenly changed

emotion and asked me. I did what did she do a while ago, I show her the paper.

" 7... " she utters and I nod at her.

"Yup, there you got it" I joked.

"Maybe you might get lucky today since it’s-- you know lucky seven" she said making me scoff.

"Lucky my ass.... knowing that I am not paired to you is unlucky enough for these seven to be" I said

and she just shrug and nod.


"Now that you already have your numbers find the same number as yours and start to get to know

them. Because you’re the one who's going to introduce her/him to the class--" he looks at his watch.

"--in about 10 minutes and by the way no changing numbers or else" Sir Trevor ended and everyone

scramble and I did the same.

What surprised me was as soon as he said that. The paper I was holding glowed and then I look

around and saw a boy with a number floating just above his head.

I immediately look above my head too and I also have one. My number is also floating above my head

making me to gawk at it.

(WOW.... uhm... eh... forgive me... we don't have like this back then at our previous school)

Then I glance at that boy again and... (What the... why is it-- wait I think I've kind of been telling this

word today)

I look at his number again to tell if it is true and it's the same number as what is written in the piece of

paper that I was holding.

(Why does it have to be mine... can I change numbers with Kaylee. There is still time to exchange) I

look at her and she was already talking to someone. I sigh defeatedly and groan in frustration.

(Lucky seven my ass... really)

I look around hoping to see if there is another number but to my dismay there is none (So I guess it's

really him) I sighed before composing myself.

I look at the boy and the rest who was sitting at the front again. (Why won't they stand up and find their

partners? Oh... I forgot they are the-- what term is that... uhm.. oh POPULARS)

"Nice one" I joked and chuckle at that then went to approach the boy who had a number same as mine.

I look around also and everyone was talking to their partners while I also noticed some students who

are just standing while looking in front. (Guess I was not the only one felling this way... but enough

already and let's finish this so that we could get out of it already)

When I got near him, I suddenly felt like all eyes are on me. The students near him also looked at me

like what-am-I-doing-here look. I just ignored all of them and look at this boy which also have the other


His eyes were close probably sleeping. (Tsk... How can he sleep during the class? And why is the

teacher not scolding him? Oh... yeah... I forgot they're the POPULARS)

I kind of look at the others and still they are looking at me.

(But he has a really handsome face. I bet Kaylee would love to stare at this guy’s face-- what the...)

I kind of got conscious again that everyone is looking at me so I composed myself immediately stand

straight and waited for the people next to him to stand. (Won't he wake up already...)

"Go to your partners already" Sir Trevor suddenly said making me turn around and saw him staring at

the sitting ROYALTIES in their chairs.

I looked at the other two boys and they are just looking at Sir Trevor then to me before they all stand


One by one they stand up and went away. But the girl clinging to this boy glared at me then smile

cheekily before walking away.

(What's that supposed to mean? It's creeping me out)

"And you... are you still going to sleep forever" Sir Trevor said coldly making me jump in surprise and to

tell you it was not a question but a statement rather.

(Fuck that nearly gave me a heart attack) I cursed mentally. I looked at Sir Trevor and he was staring at

him. Suddenly he moved making Sir Trevor nod his head and look at the others.

I looked at the others and they all looked away avoiding my gaze making me confused so I sigh and

deal with my problem for now.

He then groans so I look at him and then he opened his eyes and I suddenly got stuck staring at it. It

was a mix of purple and red. It was so cool (How did he got an eye like that usually only pure colors are

there... damn that eyes)

"Dance like a monkey" he suddenly stated and that made me make a confused face.

(Oh, behind that cool eyes is another person... Though I was really amazed by his eyes but I forgot that

he is a plain jock based from his attitude)

My amazement was gone already and I look at my side and saw Sir was already gone and sitting on a

chair in front glancing at his watch.

"So, you were dreaming about dancing monkeys" I stated when I turn around and look at him. Then

suddenly I hear some of my classmates’ gasp so I look at them and my face heat up in


I was the only one standing. I saw Kaylee with a face that looks like she's about to laugh, next to her

was a girl who looks confused with the same expression as the rest.

"Oh sorry..." I sit down immediately and give myself a facepalm. (Nice going Glen, very awesome...


I look at the person next to me and he's still looking at me with a surprised look but then it disappeared

and he give me a cold, serious face.

"Uhm... my names Glen... yours..." I started making a conversation but he just looks away and keep

being silent.

(What the-- here I go again... maybe his not that sociable or maybe he can't even-- no he spoke a while


I stopped debating in my mind and did what I always do if I want to know something about someone. I

stand up and went to the teacher who wore a confused and curios look as I approach him.

"What can I do? Is there a problem?" he asked when I was near him.

(Tsk... you saw what happened a while ago don't pretend that you didn't saw it... I think I got the wrong

impression about this guy. Then I'll just go with the flow)

"Sir... I can't read people's minds. So, if you could mind Sir if I may just only know his name" I said. It's

true I can't read people's minds. He sighs and looks at the back of my back.

"Sir I just want to know his name if that's okay. I really don't know how to read minds" I said and I heard

a faint chuckle from him while looking at me so I give him a bright and kind of a bit forced smile.

"Okay... He’s not quite sociable is he..." he said.

"I can tell..." I replied and then he laughed then he told me his name and I thanked him and went back

to sit with him.

He didn't talk so I did the same until the time pass by... though still I could hear the others


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