Love Magic: Two Different Hearts

Chapter 6: Introductions Part Two

Chapter 6: Introductions Part Two

Kaylee's POV

At last I found my partner and she was a girl. (I kind of prayed it to be a handsome boy but life is a bit

tricky and gave me a girl instead...) We both decided to sit down at the back row so that we won’t be

the one to be called up in front.

"So, my name is Kaylee Strout, 16 years old and a caster by the way..." I started while smiling all


I gave her a hand and she took it before telling me her name too.

"My name is Ema Coufer. Same 16 years old and same a caster" she said and I was surprised.

"We're the same" we both cheered and giggled at the same time earning some confused looks from the


"I know right" she said and we both chuckle. (Thank goodness... I thought it was a bad idea but hey... it

turns out great. How about that idiot...)

"Let's lower our voice down were kind of catching attention here" she said and I look around

immediately and saw she was right.

"Oppss.... yeah you're right" I whisper to her. (Oh, by the way.... how's Glen doing.... I bet his-)

I look around and saw him standing looking at the boy in front. (Damn it.... why did he have to get the

handsome one. I should have exchanged my number to him) I whine while looking at them.

"Sorry for him" I hear Ema whispered making me confused at the same time interested. Immediately I

turn around and look at her confused.

"What do you mean sorry for him?" I asked sounding confused and then she looked at me then in front

with a worried look.

"You are new here, aren't you?" She asked me while looking in front.

"Y-- yes" I stutter and she look at me with an expression oh-I-see.

"That boy there--" she points at Glen "--he's totally screwed" she trailed making me more confused and


"What... is he going to kill him? Then--"

(If he's going to do something bad to Glen then I need to stop that boy now...)

"Wait... No... no... no... That's not what I meant" she immediately said while stopping me when I was

about to stand up on my feet.

"Just tell me already because I know that boy" I turn around and said to her annoyed. She was taken

aback by my reaction but I didn't care at all.

(I don't mean to sound rude and bad but-- if it is about Glen... it's a different story)

I just stare at her, waiting for her to speak and she just looked at me with a surprised expression.

"Oh... uhm... you know that boy?" She asked in an awkward manner and I just nod at her. She slowly

pulled me down to sit again before she spoke.

"Oh, sorry about that. Well... it's like these that boy there..." she points at the boy who Glen is looking. I

turn around and look at Glen and he was standing there looking at the boy.

(Why the heck is he standing there for... can't he sit down. He's already gathering attention from the

other students and does he have any self-awareness at all? Arg....)

"Uhm.... Kaylee.... Kaylee" someone said snapping me from my thoughts.

(Oh.... I forgot about her)

I slowly and glance at her while trying to keep a smile. But I only saw her pouting.

"Oh... sorry about that. What were you talking again?" I said nervously.

"You were not listening, aren't you?" She said and I just chuckle nervously.

She sighs deeply before looking around like a spy before looking back at me and I only eyed her, still


"I was trying to say that, that boy near your friend he... he... he--"

"Can't you just tell me already" I said in annoyance.

(I can't take ta suspense anymore... curiosity is going to drive me nuts if this will keep on going) I

silently screamed inside of my head.

"He can hypnotize you with only the use of his eyes and make you do things, if you know what I mean"

she finished and I was stunned.

It took me a few seconds to process what she said.

"Are you sure? Did I hear you properly?" I asked in disbelief while looking at her.

"Of course. I'm telling you the truth. If you don't believe me then don't" she said sternly while crossing

her arms.

And when I get it that she wasn't kidding at all-- (What... then that means.... Glen is in trouble since you

never know what that guy would make him do) And before I could have the opportunity to protest and

react, I heard someone spoke.

"Dance like a monkey" I immediately turn around and look at them.

Glen was staring the boy with a confused expression and the other students were just looking at them

while some are whispering to each other.

"Sorry for him..."

"I bet he's going to make him do something..."

"Poor kid..."

Somewhere also like me who doesn't here any idea what is happening here.

"What's everybody talking..."

"What are they doing..."

"Are they having a battle"

(If he can manipulate others... then he'll make fun off Glen. I need to help him-)

Glen was still looking at the boy but what he did made all students gasp and confused. Me on the other

hand, my worry immediately vanished and suddenly I was resisting to laugh.

"So, you like monkeys" I hear Glen stated and I can't help it so I just chuckle at that but still resisting to

laugh out loud.

(He still likes to make jokes.... that idiot is really something... but what about the hypnosis that Ema is

talking about? Well I'm just happy his okay... maybe his hypnosis didn't work...)

Ema also gasp so I look at her and he was staring at them. I turn to look at them and at the same time

Glen look at me.

I just give him a sneaky smile and a thumbs up then he suddenly looks around and became aware that

he's the only one standing up.

(Geez... so much for gathering attention...)

He apologized before he immediately sits down and I chuckle at his funny reaction.

(I bet he's talking to himself, how he fucked up... and realize that, that was embarrassing...)

I snapped out of my thoughts when Ema spoke again. (Oh, I keep on forgetting about her...) I look at

her and she was wearing a confused look.

"How did he do that" Ema said like something supposedly not to happen, happened.

"What do you mean" I asked confused again. (I think I'm always confused-- Geez... I really need to

learn more...)

"He just brushes off a hypnosis from Him like it was nothing. No one has ever done that before... who is

he?" he whispered the last word like it was something to be kept. I just shrug and look at her.

(Heck.... I don't even understand why am I confused more over to understand what is she talking


"What is the ability of that boy?" She said suddenly getting excited to know something about that boy

which is Glen.

I think for a moment before telling it to her. (I can't let her know.... what to do?... what will I say? Heck This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

how did it turn out this way) I thought while panicking on what to say...

"Maybe it didn't work. Maybe he didn't use his power properly that's why it didn't work on Glen" I said

nervously trying my best to convince her.

"Oh, come on just tell me already" she said in a desperate voice making me chuckle at her nervously

and she stare at me while pulling something in her pocket.

I raise my hand immediately to stop her from getting whatever it is that she's going to get.

"Hep.... Fine.... I will tell you-- but wait... you do realize that he's going to tell it later when he will

introduce himself, do you?" I asked and she facepalmed herself making me chuckle at her.

"Oh yeah... your right how stupid am I" she said making me sigh in relief when she was not looking at


"Oh.... enough already and let's wait." I said feeling relaxed.

(Thank goodness she bought that. I thought I was damn cornered and have no chance to escape


I sigh and took a glance at Glen to see if he's doing great. (I hope Glen's partner is not going to hurt

him or else I'll turn him into a frog.... uhm, that’s a joke I can't turn him into a frog)

Then I saw Glen stand up again and approached Sir Trevor. (I guess I spoke too soon. I bet his partner

doesn't want to cooperate with him. I feel sorry for him)

I saw him a while ago trying to make a conversation with the boy but maybe he failed because I always

saw him sighing from time to time.

"Can you hear what are they talking about?" Ema asked in a whisper making me shake my head.


"What do you think are they talking about?" She again asked in a whisper making me look at her and

she was not looking at Glen.

I followed where she's looking and saw that she was practically staring at a boy at the back who is

talking to another boy.

A silly grin crept to my face. (Oh... I smell something fishy...) I fix myself and made a clear view to see

her expression.

"Oh... please... Ema.... stop staring and drooling over that boy or else he'll melt and roll away" I stated

making her to turn around immediately while covering her face.

I chuckle and kind of saw her blushing like a deer caught in the headlights.

"I-- I w-was not looking at Ryan" she said and another grin appeared at my face.

(So that is his name, Ryan) and then she immediately looks at me, suddenly realizing what she said.

"Uhm... erm-- that was not... I--" she took a deep breath while I was still watching her with a grin in my


"Please tell me you didn't hear that?" She asked with a hopeful look at her face that I didn't hear the

last past.

"Sorry girl.... I heard it as clear as the sunny sky today" I said and her hopes was shattered. She paled

and froze then fell silent which made my grinning face to be changed by a worried look.

(Did I say or do something wrong?... of course, you found out her secret you idiot... hey... why am I

talking to myself?... because you're crazy...Hep... enough-- oh maybe that...) I shake my thoughts again

and look at her.

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone about it" I honestly said and she looked at me. She was still looking

dejected making me confused.

"Hey did a say something wrong?" I immediately asked when I saw her look away.

"No there is none. Sorry about that..." she said while trying to smile and cheer up.

"It's okay if you won't tell me but remember I'm here to listen to it" I said while giving her a big smile

which surprised her.

"Thank you" she said making me tap her shoulder.

"That's more like it" I said and she was taken a back. Then I glace at Glen again and he's still talking to


I can't hear what they are talking about but at the end I saw Glen smiling and laughing so I guess it's


He went back to sit and I saw that he didn't talk to the person but just stare in front.

"Your friend is really something..." Ema said and I just smiled at her. (Yup... he's the best)


"Okay then time is up" Sir Trevor said making me nervous while everyone is prepared and ready to go.

"Let's start at the back" he finished and then introduction started.

"What-- grrrr" I groan at that.

(Will Glen be fine?) I though while looking at him and he was just sitting there.


Blah blah blah and blah blah blah.

"Antonette Frowyer, a potion maker" said the boy pointing at the girl who stole our table in the cafeteria.

(I won't forget about that)

"Sky Colttron, a weapon wielder" said the girl blushing. (His handsome but I hate him since they stole

our table)

"Andre Lockwood, an earth manipulator" the boy said introducing him. (His handsome but still I won't

forget what they did. Stealing our table...tsk)

Then our turn came so we went in front. I flashed Glen a smile which he returned when we passed

them and I just scoof at his partner.

"Ema Coufer, a caster" I said and pointed at her.

"Kaylee Strout, a caster" she said pointing at me and I hear some students chuckling.

"Nice one" I hear Glen commented.

"Looks like you found each other" Sir Trevor joked and the class laughed.

"Yup we're twins" I joked and then some students busted laughing again.

"Alright that's enough. You two can sit down now. Next" he said and we went back to sit again.

I saw Glen's partner stand up. (So, I guess it's their turn) Sir Trevor showed a worried face as the two

went to the front.

"Uhm... ehh... Tobios Archibard, a..." he looks at him and sigh. "He likes dancing monkeys" he blurted

out and someone laughed so I join them.

Sir Trevor was also laughing at the same time amused while looking at Glen who is also chuckling


I looked around and saw that the people who were laughing was those who stole our table and I also

saw that everyone is resisting to laugh. (Why can't they just let it go.... and laugh. It's all plastered in

their face that they want to laugh)

Then suddenly the room got warm and I stop laughing and look in front. There Glen is being held by

the collar.

"That's the price of making fun of him" a girl said and I look at her. It was Antonette.

Worry flashed in my face so I stand up but Ema held me down with a serious expression.

"If I were you, I wouldn't go there. Let Sir Trevor handle it" she said but I sway her hand making her

give me a surprised look.

"Sorry but I can't do that" I said and was about to stand up when I heard someone fall on the ground.

Panic came over and I immediately look in front and saw Glen on the floor while Sir Trevor is trying to

hold the criminal.

The magic in the air slowly disappeared and I immediately run to look at Glen's condition.

"Are you hurt?" I worriedly ask but he just chuckle. (What is funny he nearly got hurt or worse killed)

"What's funny you dumbass you nearly--"

"I'm fine but that was something" he trailed like it was nothing.

(Oh, I nearly forgot who is this person. He practically likes dangerous things but this is absurd)

"Let me guess you did that on purpose, right?" I saw him smile so I scowled at him.

Then I look at the person who did it and he was glaring at Glen while Sir Trevor wore a confused look.

Suddenly Glen stands up, dusting his clothes and look at the class. Still a smile is plastered on his

fucking face which annoyed me. I also stand up and dusted my clothes and Sir Trevor let Tobios go.

(This idiot is really something and I want to hit him so bad that my hand is itching)

"He doesn't want to tell me so might as we'll just make him show it to you. But a lesson to be learned

never anger a..." he looks at Tobios that's now calm and showing an annoyed expression.

"-never anger an elemental" he finished and everyone stare at him with shock written on their face.

"Once again Tobios Archibard, an elemental... specifically the fire one" he finished and smile at the

class like nothing had just happened.

Tobios shrug and he went near Glen. He looks at Glen with an annoyed expression.

"So, you did that on purpose" he said coldly and I just went near Glen just to be safe.

(I don't know but maybe he'll lose it again and attack Glen. Who knows what will happen in the next few


"Just introduce yourself" he said and went to take a sit.

"Fine... Glen, Glen Walters..." he said and then just like a rescue the classroom bell rings.

"Goodbye Sir" I hurriedly said and grab Glen and walk out of the classroom immediately.

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