Lycan Prince Matteo

Chapter 59


This is bad. Camilla has been kidnapped, and Alec is furious. Freya was quiet, but I had a feeling that she was blaming herself. This is because she wanted to go with us, but my mate said no and wanted her and her mate to spend time together. They were both close to her, and Freya only wanted them to be more intimate while we were away since they wouldn’t be able to do that once we returned. They were both assigned to assist and protect their princess, so they will have to be

on their guard all the time. This was supposed to be their mating time, and we are excited to return, thinking they will have their pup after.

“Freya, dear. Please don’t be anxious; it’s not your fault,” Dad said. He was there when Camilla insisted on coming with us.

“Yes, Your Highness. It’s not your fault.” Rapha continues.

“But if only I brought her with us, she would be here now.” My mate replied in a low voice. I hugged her and rubbed her back. I didn’t want to see her like this. “Where is Alec?”

“He is with Clay. They were friends, and he tried to calm him. He was so worried that for a moment I thought he wanted to just wander and look for Camilla alone.” Rapha replied.

“Dad, is there any news about it?” I asked.

“The culprit left a note saying it had already started.” “What started?”

“Maybe his return.” He wanted to take back what he thought was rightfully his. ” Now, that’s a big problem. I don’t know if many knew about their dispute or were aware of what transpired decades ago. But this thing will never stop unless we do something about it.

“Technically speaking, he has a point,” I told him.

“Yes, but I fought for the throne. I didn’t take it from him like a piece of cake,” he replied. I grew up in the palace, taught to become a responsible, fair, and just king. I admire my dad for being such an excellent king and father. I look up to him and promise to be like him when I reign. Now, with my uncle in the scene that tries to destroy what my dad worked hard for, how will I help him settle our family issues?

“Let’s not think about that. What we need to talk about is how we can get Camilla back.” Freya said it impatiently.

“Yes, Dad, what’s the plan?” I asked.

“It is possible they took her because of a traitor in the palace. There’s no way that they will be able to get into the palace without us knowing,” he said.

“Where was she last seen? And who last saw her?” It was Freya.

“Alec said that they got separated when she went to your room to get all your laundry. But after she left, he didn’t see her anymore.” Rapha replied.

“Then she was kidnapped inside the palace?” I asked furiously. Who wouldn’t, when it was clear that our enemy had infiltrated us and we had no idea until they took one of ours? “This is not acceptable, Dad. We have to find out who he or she is. No one will be safe inside the palace if we never get him or her.” I added.

“I know, and I have thought about it already. That’s why I asked Rapha to come here, and we haven’t left my office since this morning,” he replied.

“Let’s start by going to our room,” Freya said, I looked at both Dad and Rapha, and they shook their heads. I got up, and so did my mate hoping we would be able to find some clues in there.

“Will you be able to find anything in there?” Rapha asked.

“We won’t know unless we try. Camilla and Freya are good friends too, and I’m pretty sure she will try to let her know what has happened to her.” I replied. I can’t believe that they started to think of a solution when they never tried to find out where the incident happened.

Freya and I returned to our bedroom and looked for anything that Camilla may have left for us. “If she goes and gets our laundry, she will only go straight to the bin,” my mate said, and I nodded as we walked together.

We looked around after we got into the room and inhaled, trying to get her scent. “She’s been here.” It was faint and could only be noticed if someone concentrated. We followed the scent and found the bin where the laundry was still sitting. How come she’s been here when our clothes were right there as if they were not touched at all?

“No other scent,” Freya said.

“Yes.” If there was someone here other than her, then we could tell that her or his scent was masked. Our attention was drawn to the windows, especially as we looked around. I opened them one by one and looked down to see if there was a possibility that they went through there, but nothing. It will be difficult for anyone to get out of the window since we are on the highest floor of the palace.

“I don’t think they passed through here. There was no landing down there, and it would be too risky since they had Camilla with them.”

“I agree. The only way they could enter was through the door,” I replied. She walked to the walk- in closet, and after turning on the lights, I saw her roam her eyes around.

“There was nothing unusual here either. All the closet doors were closed, and everything was in order.” She said this and walked around as she ran her hands through every closet. Then she stopped and looked at me.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, and she opened the closet door and sniffed. I came closer to her and did the same. We looked at each other because we had found another scent.

“Eunice?” she asked, and I nodded. “Why would her scent linger here?” These are all my clothes,” she added, and I wondered too. I would understand it if the clothes were mine because she was obsessed with me. But why would she get through Freya’s clothes?

Before I could do anything, she started to take everything out and check her clothes. She was trying to figure out which clothes Eunice’s scent stayed in, so I helped her. I mind-linked James to come because I wanted to ask him about the incident.” Where is Eunice again?” she asked.

“The last time I knew she was back in the dungeon, the King tried to talk to her and Ronaldo about our issues,” I replied.

“That’s what I know too, so why would her scent linger here?”

“That’s what we will find out when James comes up here.” And we didn’t wait long because he already told me that he was already here, so I told him to get in through our link.

“Your Highness,” he said.

“Where is Eunice?” I asked, which confused him. “Isn’t she in the dungeon?”

“She never left?”

Who would let her? He replied, asking.

“Check on her and do it discreetly. I didn’t want to alarm anyone,” I told him.

“May I know the reason why?” He asked, so I gave her Freya’s dress with Eunice’s scent.

“It’s her,” he said after. “I didn’t want to jump to any conclusion, but her scent being here means she got the chance to get out of the dungeon or someone intentionally put her scent in there,” he added.

“If she came in here herself, why does her scent only stay on my clothes and not in another part of the room? If someone intentionally left her scent in here, why would they do that?” Freya asked.

“What if someone tried to use Eunice? I mean, we are looking for the traitor, and our enemy may have found out about it. So to hide his identity, he decided to use her instead. James asked, and whether I admit it or not, he had a point. “But let’s not lower our guard against her. There’s also a possibility that she did it willingly,” he added.NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

“Where is Alec now?” Freya asked.

“Still with Clay. I saw them earlier fighting and trying to intervene, but Clay told me not to. He said Alec wanted to go and search for his mate,” he replied.

“And once they know that we are back, I am sure that they will look for me and ask me to give them permission to seek out and find Camilla,” Freya said. That’s possible too. They knew how much my mate cared for them and would surely use that to get permission. “Of course, I am not an idiot to tell them that. We have to think of another way to find her, and we have to do it fast. She’s an omega, and even if she undergoes regular training, her strength is nothing compared to those who have their beast,” she added.

“Nothing will happen to her.” We have to see Alec. They already marked each other, so I’m sure he already felt it if she was harmed.” I said, and we walked out of our bedroom. I wanted to go to my dad’s office to talk to him more, but I had to talk to Alec first. Camilla is a close friend of mine as well, and I know how much Rapha is worried now.


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