Lycan Prince Matteo

Chapter 60

Alec’s anguish echoed through the room like a thunderclap. His desperate cry filled the air as he paced back and forth, unable to contain his worry and fear.Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“No! I have to do something and find her. I can’t sit still without seeing her safe and sound,” Alec shouted, his voice raw with emotion. His fists clenched and unclenched as if trying to release the pent-up frustration that threatened to consume him. His eyes, usually filled with confidence and determination, are now brimming with anxiety and helplessness.

I watched my friend’s distress, my heart aching for him. I knew precisely how he felt, and it was as if a heavy cloud of despair had settled over our pack. Being separated from your mate felt like a death sentence-a cruel twist of fate that left you incomplete, unable to manage or function properly. Our inner beasts, the wolves within us, would undoubtedly go feral if we didn’t take swift and deliberate action.

Alec’s mate, Camilla, had been taken from us, and the void left in his heart was tearing him apart. He pleaded with desperation in his eyes, begging us to allow him to go after her.

“Frey, Clay, please let me go after her,” he implored, turning to his closest friends for support. Freya and Clay exchanged glances, their expressions mirroring the concern etched across Alec’s face.

“We will find her, Alec. Just give us some time. We can’t rush out there recklessly,” Freya said, her voice gentle yet firm as if trying to anchor him in the storm of his emotions.

Alec’s breathing grew ragged as he grappled with the overwhelming uncertainty and fear that enveloped him.

“You don’t understand. What if something happened to her? What if she’s already in so much pain, and I’m here waiting for that to happen?” He replied, his voice trembling with anguish. “No, I can’t just sit here and wait. I have to do something to find her.”

Clay stepped forward, his steadfast demeanor a source of reassurance in this tumultuous moment.

“Alec, listen to me. We’re going to get Camilla back. I promise you that,” Clay declared, his words carrying a sense of determination and resolve. “But Freya is right; we have to plan this carefully. We can’t just rush in blindly. We need to know who took her, what they wanted, and how she was captured. Trust me and Freya; we’re your friends, and you know we’d do anything for our friend’s happiness, right?” He added that his voice was soothing and supportive.

Alec nodded, his shoulders sagging as the weight of the situation pressed upon him. He was torn between his desire to rescue Camilla and the wisdom of his friend’s counsel.

“Camilla is my friend too. I’ll make sure to get her back at all costs once we find out where she is. An investigation is already in motion with Rapha. He’s the royal attack and defense advisor, so he’s skilled,” Alec explained, his determination unwavering even as he grappled with his inner turmoil.

Clay placed a reassuring hand on Alec’s shoulder, a silent gesture of solidarity and support.

“What do you want me to do now?” Alec asked in resignation, recognizing that he couldn’t persuade his friends to rush headlong into a potentially dangerous situation.

Freya stepped closer to her friend, her voice firm and resolute as she sought to bolster his spirits.

“Stay calm and be ready for action. We will find her, I promise,” Freya said with unwavering determination, her eyes reflecting the depth of her commitment. It was the first time I had seen her this seriously. Perhaps it was because these were her friends, and I understood how deeply she cared for them. Or maybe it was because she had assumed the role of Luna and her instincts had ignited, compelling her to protect her pack at any cost. Regardless, her words carried conviction, and Alec agreed without hesitation.

James and Rapha, members of our pack, had already begun their investigation to locate Camilla. Freya and I had provided them with leads based on the clues we had gathered in our bedroom and potential locations where Camilla might be.

“James and Rapha are already working on the investigation. Freya and I gave them some leads based on the clues we found in our bedroom and other possible locations. For now, we need to be patient,” I reassured Alec, seeking to ease the heaviness that weighed on his shoulders.

Alec kept his head bowed, his beloved mate’s absence dominating his thoughts. I couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of empathy for him. The pain of losing one’s mate was a unique and excruciating agony, one that no one should have to endure.

I looked at Freya, my mate, who stood by the window. Her expression, though masked by determination, still bore traces of worry. For now, all we could do was wait, trusting in the skills of our fellow pack members. But once everything was in readiness, we would embark on a mission to rescue Camilla. I knew Freya well enough to understand that she would never willingly stay behind, even if the threat was directed at me. She was the bait I would inevitably take with me, no matter how perilous the situation might become.

The following day arrived, but Alec’s distress showed no signs of abating. Rapha and his team had yet to return, leaving us in agonizing suspense. We couldn’t rest and couldn’t find solace until Camilla was safely back in our midst. Our anxiety simmered beneath the surface, a constant undercurrent in our lives.

We convened in my father’s office, where he was engaged in an important meeting with other royal advisors. Our minds were elsewhere, preoccupied with the fate of our missing pack member.

“We’re back,” James reported, his voice carrying a hint of exhaustion and urgency. I had instructed him to contact me immediately upon their return, especially if they had crucial news about Camilla. I glanced at Freya, who had been standing by the window throughout the meeting.

“Let’s go to our usual spot,” I suggested, prompting Freya to join me. Our “usual spot” was a well- hidden location that Calvin, James, and I had used since childhood. Rapha had trained us there, and we had maintained it as a secret refuge for moments like these.

“Why are we here?” Freya asked as we arrived at the outskirts of the palace, our clandestine sanctuary. I offered her a reassuring smile before proceeding.

“Matteo,” James said with a nod.

“Why are you here?” Freya inquired, her concern for Camilla ever-present in her gaze.

“I asked them to meet me here after James informed me of their return. I needed to hear the details before involving Dad,” I explained, taking a seat on a nearby couch, with Freya following suit.

“We found Camilla. We don’t know if she’s safe yet,” Rapha began, a cautious optimism in his tone.

Freya leaned forward, her eyes locked onto Rapha’s every word. The tension in the air was palpable as we awaited further information.

“I believe she’s fine since Alec hasn’t experienced any pain. Whenever he feels pain, it’s a sure sign that something has happened to her,” Freya chimed in, her insight drawing a collective sigh of relief from the group.

Rapha acknowledged her observation with a grateful nod.

“I know how worried you are, and I appreciate your composure throughout this ordeal,” Rapha said to Freya, his tone reflecting his deep gratitude.

“You know I love her. I’ve treated her as my daughter, and I don’t think I could bear it if something happened to her,” Freya replied, her voice filled with sincerity and love.

My own heart ached for Freya, who had taken Camilla under her wing and formed a profound bond with her.

“Then tell me where she is,” I interjected, eager to hear more about their discovery. Freya’s eyes sparkled with hope, and the weight of anticipation hung in the air.

Rapha began to recount their investigation. “After a thorough search, we located Camilla on the outskirts of the palace. There’s an abandoned cabin that I had noticed before. Last night, when we passed by, I observed that the grass had been disturbed as if someone had recently walked through.”

“We decided to explore the area further, even though we hadn’t initially detected Camilla’s scent,” James added. “As we ventured deeper into the woods, her scent became faint but discernible. It seemed likely that she had been there for about a day.”

Freya leaned forward, her impatience evident in her voice. “And? What did you find?”

Rapha’s expression grew serious. “We confirmed her presence overnight before returning here. She is undoubtedly in that cabin. Our warriors are stationed at the entrance to prevent anyone from entering, and we’ve already captured three rogue wolves.”

“They’re currently in the dungeon. No one spotted us except for the guards, but we’ve warned them not to divulge any information,” James added, providing additional reassurance.

With Camilla’s location confirmed, we were now faced with the daunting task of planning her rescue. Freya, ever vigilant and thoughtful, spoke up.

“Have you interrogated the rogue wolves yet? We need to gather as much information about the cabin as possible. It could be a trap,” she cautioned, her voice laced with concern.

James replied promptly, “We haven’t questioned them yet. We wanted to report to you first.” I nodded, appreciating their diligence and discretion.

“Interrogate them and gather every piece of information you can. Freya and I will speak with Alec and Dad. I believe their meeting with the royal advisors should be ending soon,” I said, outlining our next steps. We all rose from our seats, ready to fulfill our respective roles in bringing Camilla back to safety.

As we parted ways to execute our tasks, the tension of the past few days began to dissipate. We had a concrete lead, a location, and a plan. The rescue mission was underway, and we were determined to reunite Alec and Camilla, no matter the challenges that lay ahead.

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